Chapter 152 145. Devil’s Deal

It seemed like he and Treya were the only two people waiting on this track, but Treya didn't seem to want to say more words to him.

Lu Mingfei looked around boredly, staring at the track extending infinitely into the distance in a daze. The distant sunshine dyed the whole of Chicago red, and the tall buildings were like giants holding their heads against the sky.

The red sunshine was like the setting sun, as if burning the distant sky, but Lu Mingfei clearly remembered that the sunset was still far away now. A strange feeling came to his heart. This was not the first time. Recently, he always felt that something was wrong with him. He kept dreaming of some strange scenes. So was he dreaming now?

Lu Mingfei shook his head and tried his best to stay awake. This was indeed the Chicago train station, and he had indeed left China and arrived here.

He subconsciously turned around to look for someone to confirm, but found that Thereya, who was supposed to be beside him, was missing!

"elder brother."

Hearing this voice, Lu Mingfei was startled, his neck stiffened, and he slowly lowered his head and turned upright.

On the bench just across the track, a boy put his hands on his knees and looked at him with a smile.

They were separated by railroad tracks, but it seemed like they were separated by the entire world.

Lu Mingfei had cold sweat on his forehead. The platform here only had one side. He remembered clearly that the opposite side should be a wall! Unless his memory is confused, this will not happen.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, he is dreaming again now. The rhythm is exactly the same as when he chatted with his uncle in his room last time. When he wakes up, he should be in bed. Or maybe he was in bed at home right now, and the whole series of events like coming to America and meeting Treya were all in a dream.

"Who are you anyway?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the boy in front of him and asked. This was all so strange. He felt like he was dreaming, but everything was so real. He clearly remembered that it was the boy who called him brother who put the note on the toilet to remind him. he.

If this was all a dream, then had he never experienced any of this? Nothing has changed at all. He is still lying in bed and sleeping. When he wakes up, he will continue to be his bad boy. When he fails to get into a good university after graduation, he might really be humiliated at the graduation party. once.

He doesn't want this.

Lu Mingfei stared at the boy opposite, trying to get an answer from him.

He saw the boy's lips move, but he couldn't hear the sound.

The boy's voice was muffled by the distant sound of bells and train whistles.

A dark train slowly entered the station, like a dark python, standing between him and the boy. The half-decayed World Tree emblem was printed on this dark train. Lu Mingfei remembered this badge, which was exactly the same as the one on the admission notice sent to him.

A hand slapped him hard on the shoulder.

Lu Mingfei felt a pain in his shoulder, turned his head and saw Treya patting his shoulder and calling him.

"Why are you dazed? Get in the car quickly!"

Lu Mingfei reacted, looked at Treya's face, and then looked at the train parked in front of him, all of which reminded him that this was not a dream.

So was everything I just saw an illusion?

"Train CC1000, passengers please prepare to board the train, hurry up!"

A familiar voice reached Lu Mingfei's ears, making him stunned. The voice spoke the conductor's words, but his tone was not very patient.

When he turned his head, he saw that the train door had been opened, and a person wearing a dark green conductor uniform was urging him.

The man's brows were furrowed, as if he had been urged more than once.

Recalling that Treya told him not to be in a daze, Lu Mingfei realized, had he been in a daze for a long time?

"Why are you standing there? There's no time to explain. Get in the car!"

The man was urging him again.

"oh oh!"

Only then did Lu Mingfei react, dragging the suitcase beside him and walking towards the train.

When he got closer, he realized that this conductor wasn't Xuan Hao? No wonder he said the voice was so familiar.

"Hey, no, senior brother, why did you become a train conductor? Is it an internship?"

The first thing Lu Mingfei thought of was internship. Could it be that this college is responsible for allocating work? That's pretty good. I won't have to worry about finding a job in the future.

"It's not an internship, it's a guest appearance." Xuan Hao took the luggage from Lu Mingfei's hand.

The two suitcases that Lu Mingfei could only drag were as light as nothing in his hands.

Lu Mingfei wondered, are all the people in this college monsters? Each one is so strong! Could it be a sports academy? He was wondering just now, because even the pretty girl next to him could easily lift his suitcase, and the key was that there were no protruding muscles on their bodies, it seemed effortless!

He watched as if he were a monster as Xuan Hao stacked the two suitcases together and put them on the shelf in the carriage with one hand raised.

"What's wrong? Come in."

Xuan Hao turned around in confusion. He saw Lu Mingfei standing at the door of the car, hesitating and reluctant to get in. Could it be that he regretted it?

"Huh? Oh!"

Only then did Lu Mingfei recover from the shock. He carefully took out the ticket from his pocket, "Do you want to check the ticket?"

"No need, we are all acquaintances, no need to check any tickets."

Xuan Hao shook his head.

"Come with me."

So it’s really a commemorative ticket? Lu Mingfei looked at the ticket and put it back in his pocket.

Watching the man in front of him walk into the box, he followed him hesitantly. He stepped carefully on the floor above. He couldn't help but be careless. This was the first time in his life that Mingfei had taken such a luxurious train! This was simply a work of art. Just the silver-plated decoration on the outside of the carriage already made him feel outrageous. He didn't expect it to be even more outrageous after entering.

The entire train interior is in an elegant European style, as elegant and refined as the residence of a European noble. The walls are decorated with Victorian patterns, the portholes are wrapped in solid wood, and the dark green leather sofas on both sides are embroidered with gold thread. There is no trace of money.

However, Lu Mingfei seemed to hear some strange noise coming from the front of the car.

"This is?"

Lu Mingfei asked hesitantly, pointing to the front of the train.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry. That's the cockpit. There will always be some noise when the train is running." Xuan Hao waved his hand and replied nonchalantly.

"Let's go to the back compartment to talk."

"Then..." Lu Mingfei turned around and looked around, "Where is that senior sister?"

"Oh, she drove." Xuan Hao said casually, "I can't drive. Otherwise, I would have picked you up myself."

" that true? Senior sister can drive?"

Lu Mingfei was confused. If you can't drive, how did this train come? Autopilot?

"Yes, not only can I drive a car, I can also fly a plane!" Xuan Hao said, "The college has these courses. If you are interested, you can learn them. There are so many skills that you can't be overwhelmed."

"oh oh!"

Lu Mingfei is now convinced that this must be a college that provides job assignments after graduation. It seems that it not only offers orbital majors, but also aviation majors. It's great. After he enrolls, he will study hard, make progress every day, and stand out!


In the train cockpit, Treya let out a helpless sigh.


A whimper came from behind.

"Okay, stop struggling. I'll loosen your bonds when we get back." Treya held her forehead, "Let me tell you first, this is none of my business. I was forced to do it!"

She, Treya Hall, has a reputation all her life, how could she end up with such a disgraceful master who never did anything for human beings and yet he even roped her in as an accomplice! She thought about it, obviously she could go through the formal process, with Xuanhao's S-level permissions, it should be a simple matter, but it might be a little slower. Is it necessary to be so outrageous?

At this time, in the corner of the cockpit, there was a man who was tied up. The key was that he was only wearing this pair of underpants, and someone had taken off his clothes.

He is the conductor and driver of this train, and he originally ran this train.

This train wasn't supposed to come today, but the man put a gun to his head and asked him to bring the train over! After arriving at the station, they took off his clothes and tied him up. What are these things? He has been working in this position since graduation and has never had any mistakes. He never expected to meet such a guy!

report! report! I will definitely give feedback to the school after this matter is over! The conductor felt miserable, but he couldn't express it. He was stuffing his own socks in his mouth and his hands and feet were tied up.

In the train locker room, Lu Mingfei changed into the school uniform given to him by Xuan Hao.

This is the Cassel College uniform tailor-made for him, with white lining, dark green suit with thin silver edges, deep red rose scarf, and the iconic World Tree school emblem hot-rolled on the chest. He heard from Xuan Hao that this suit seemed to be quite valuable. It seemed to be made of special materials developed by the college's "Equipment Department" and was even bulletproof!

Lu Mingfei really couldn't figure out why a school uniform had to be made bulletproof. Is it because the United States is in chaos and the college wants to protect its students? This was outrageous. He was simply flattered by this kind of superior treatment. It’s really very conscientious for me to want to come to this college.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei was full of confidence in his upcoming campus life.

The curtains on the train windows were drawn down, and in the luxury box, the lights from the roof of the train shone on the oak table.

Xuanhao was making coffee at the table.

The light suddenly went out, which made Xuanhao's hand that was brewing coffee slightly stunned.

"When you turn off the lights, can you please check the situation first? What if I get burned?"

Xuan Hao glanced at the door of the box expressionlessly, his bright golden eyes lighting up in the darkness, then he looked away and continued grinding coffee.

The door was pushed open.

Logically speaking, there were only three people on this train besides Xuan Hao, Thereya who was driving, the conductor who was tied up, and Lu Mingfei who was changing clothes.

The person who walked in was not from this car, but there was no expression of surprise on Xuanhao's face.

"Won't you give me a drink?"

The visitor saw a cup placed in front of Xuan Hao, as if he was not prepared to give him a cup.

“What kind of coffee do kids drink?”

Xuan Hao looked at the handsome boy in a suit in front of him with a playful smile on his face.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, but you are still the same."

The boy also looked at the man in front of him with a smile, and his eyes also revealed a golden light, as if he wanted to see through this man.

The man in front of him was still exactly the same as when they first met, and time seemed to stand still on him.

I have never seen such a strange human being. He has neither a dragon heart nor a dragon body, but this man has the power to make the dragon fearful. This made the boy feel curious, but even he couldn't find the answer in this man.

But even so, the boy has no doubt about the power hidden in this 'human' body, which is different from the power of dragons. What makes this man powerful is not his spirit of speech at all, nor does it come from his bloodline, but a mysterious force that makes him stronger. He possesses pure and extreme violence. He felt that in front of this man, whether it was Newton, Einstein or Darwin, they would all be angry, but it was a pity that their coffin boards were nailed tightly.

"Aren't you still the same? After so many years, you still haven't grown up."

"I didn't come here to have a conflict with you."

The boy shook his head helplessly.

"I don't want to conflict with you, I just want to remind you, remember to knock first when you come in next time, and don't turn off other people's lights casually."

Xuan Hao raised his head and stared into the boy's eyes expressionlessly.

In the darkness, the light of two pairs of golden eyes did not give way.

The boy came to the oak table and sat across from Xuan Hao. He always had a childlike 'innocent' smile on his face.

"Shall our transaction officially begin now?"

"Does the 'we' in your mouth include your dear brother?" Xuan Hao asked, with a smile on his lips.

"Of course, he is the basis of our deal."

The boy spread his hands and said, "Everything I do is for him."

"Oh, it's such a touching brotherhood that I can't help but cry."

"But you are obviously smiling so happily." The boy curled his lips.

"Then why don't I just trade with your brother?" Xuan Hao joked, "The effect will be the same, right?"

"No, of course it's different," the boy shook his head, "My brother is very confused... He doesn't know what he wants or what he wants to do, so what are you using to trade with him? And? , I am the one who holds the power!"

"Are you saying that your purpose is very clear?" Xuan Hao said, "Control power? Then why don't you just use your power to solve all problems?"

"It seems like you know me quite well, right?" The boy chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm not that easy to fool. If you can really do everything, you don't need to trade with me." Xuan Hao shook his head, "Just like me, I know very well what I can't do. "

"Okay, I admit, my power does have 'limitations', but that doesn't cover up the fact that I'm almost 'omnipotent'." The boy rested his chin on his hands, "You need my 'power', and I also need you to clear some obstacles for me, shall we cooperate?"

"as you wish."

In the darkness, the two looked at each other with smiles on their faces. This was a deal between the devil.

Thank you: the velvet light of longing, the reward of black and white bear black

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