Chapter 164 157. Hope

"Hey..." Lu Mingfei sighed. Who is this man in front of him? It feels like he knows everything.

Lu Mingfei felt that these people were quite loyal, although he didn't know what they were thinking and what their relationship was with the two trapped commissioners. But they are both willing to work hard for it, so what is it? The sense of responsibility as a dragon-slaying warrior?

With greater ability comes greater responsibility. This is the shackles of a 'hero', and Lu Mingfei is a loser. This theory is of no use to him.

To be honest, Lu Mingfei didn't quite understand. He would definitely not be able to do it anyway. He was so busy working for people he didn't know. What a good person he must be...

In fact, if you think about it this way, if you were an elite like them, would you be as 'great' as this group of people? As a useless person, now he actually holds a miracle that these elites can't reach even with all their efforts. He only needs to press it lightly. Isn't it too easy? Is he worthy?

"Get out!" Lu Mingfei yelled at himself for being stupid for considering such a 'philosophical' issue. It was unlike him! What does it mean to be worthy or not? Why am I not worthy of being born when others can do it?

What I am doing now is just what I can do! It’s as reasonable as helping an old lady cross the road on the side of the road!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Mingfei. His curse was particularly harsh in this space. They didn't understand what was going on with this guy. Was he getting frustrated because he couldn't understand the map above?


Lu Mingfei pressed send with his finger. This was also the first time for him to use this kind of code. He didn't know if this was correct. What if manual input didn't work? So he shouted out!

Shameful? so what? Have I, Lu Mingfei, lost too many people in my life? Who have you been afraid of? If this secret book was just made up by Lu Mingze to fool him and want him to make a fool of himself, then he would admit it!

Wall of Black Sheep!

The black sheep is also known as the 'black sheep'. There is actually a little extra black in the vast white field, which is so conspicuous that it is like telling the wolves to come and eat me.

It is the most restless and evil one among the sheep. Lu Mingfei doesn’t know if he is the ‘black sheep’. What he wants to do now is to ‘create miracles’!

Whether the secret book is true or false is just a matter of probability. It doesn't matter to him. If it is false, the worst thing is that it will make a fool of itself and be regarded as a lunatic. What if it is true? That’s two lives!

This string of secrets in StarCraft represents - ‘map unfold’!

The moment he pressed send, the 'fog' dissipated, and the map in the map frame of his game interface became clear as if the clouds were clearing, and then countless data streams poured onto the top wall along the computer. big screen.

Everyone looked at the changes on the screen in shock. The two pictures on the huge screen that were originally divided into two began to overlap.

The ‘Bronze City’ and the ‘Giant Tree’ began to disintegrate and reorganize.

Three red light spots suddenly appeared above.

Two of the light spots are in the city at the bottom of the map, and the other light spot is outside the city at the top of the map!

That is where Ye Sheng, Jiude Aki and Anger are at this time.

Two golden rays of light began to spread from the light spot, one from bottom to top and one from top to bottom.

They broke through the obstacles of the maze and began to climb along the veins of the giant tree. They were crooked, but they could always find a way out!

The reorganization of the map continues, and this maze of obstacles seems to be making way for them. The old road is blocked, and the new road is extending infinitely between the two beams.

The road gradually became clearer, and two rays of light intersected in the center of the map. At this moment, the real route had been opened!

Except for Xuan Hao, everyone looked at the map in shock, and the corner of the map was clearly marked, "Lu Mingfei's interpretation results."

They finally understood that the reason why Lu Mingfei was scolding him was probably because he said, "I don't know who asked such a simple question, it was a waste of time." ’

A map that originally took ten years to solve now takes less than five minutes. Is this an 'S' level?

‘Click. ’

Xuan Hao took out his mobile phone and took photos with a faint smile on his face.

There are probably only two or three people in the entire hall who can still be so calm now.

The parties involved, Lu Mingfei, Soy Sauce Party Xuanhao, and Lu Mingfei met the blond girl they had seen during the previous exam.

Lu Mingfei didn't notice, but Xuan Hao did. The girl's eyes were fixed on Lu Mingfei from beginning to end, and the girl's computer screen had the same code. It seemed that Lu Mingze also Made additional preparations.

"Well done, brother." Lu Mingze's voice echoed in the quiet place, "Then what will happen next? I'm really looking forward to it."

"Quick, quick, quick! Pass the map to Ange and Ye Sheng!"

On the Monyach, Professor Mance roared when he saw the route map sent by the headquarters.

Mance looked at the map on the screen and felt his scalp numb. The path on the map seemed to be alive and changing every moment! The light connecting the characters on the map has never been broken. It keeps twisting with the changes in the terrain, connecting life and death like a lifeline that is so fragile that it can be broken at any time.

No one knows when this thread will be broken. We must seize the time, every second is critical.

In the river.

Angers had a headache looking at the map displayed on the mask.

This is not what he is good at... He just wants the terrain of this city not to be as complicated as 'Chongqing'.

Angers has been to Chongqing, China, where he would have gotten lost even if he had a map or even a navigation guide. The first floor here may not be the first floor, and the road in front of you may not be in front of you. Use the map with caution, because the map is flat, while Chongqing is three-dimensional. The two neighbors on the map may be ten floors up and down. On the map, a place that costs dozens of yuan to take a taxi can be reached by taking an elevator for only two yuan...

In short, Angers was really troubled by this three-dimensional terrain.

Fortunately, Ye Sheng received the map and seemed to be moving towards it, which relieved his burden a little.

But what he didn't know was that Ye Sheng was also in despair at the moment. A huge flow of information poured into his mind through the 'snake', and he felt like his head was about to burst.

At this time, his brain is like an overheated computer, rendering the appearance of the entire city in his mind. He is now using a nuclear display to render a 3D modeling graphic, which may burn out his brain at any time. At this moment, he only regretted why he couldn't install a 3080ti graphics card for himself. This might make him feel more relaxed.

This is the structural diagram of the entire city. This is the ancient 'Baidi City' sleeping here. At this moment, all the roads are displayed in Ye Sheng's mind.

While he was shocked by the exquisite design here, he was also impressed by the power of the Dragon King. What kind of power can make this ancient city that has been sleeping for two thousand years move?

As the bronze mechanism in front of him keeps changing, the road keeps changing, and the map in his mind updates new routes almost simultaneously, which makes Ye Sheng feel like he is playing a game now.

It would be nice if I could add automatic pathfinding. Ye Sheng sighed, but he also had a way, it was just more troublesome.

His 'snake' can lead the way.

At this time, he could hardly move, and Yan Ling's burden on him was too heavy.

Shutoku Aki dragged Ye Sheng around with his arms, and the bronze wall behind him kept approaching the two of them, as if to crush them. Ye Sheng pointed the direction for her, and followed the 'snake' With the guidance, the two of them can always escape the fatal danger, but no one knows how long this state can last.

What makes Ye Sheng feel extremely strange is why on this map it seems that they should go up to meet another light point, but at this moment the route guided by the 'snake' is all the way down!

This made him feel a chill down his spine. If they only relied on vision to find their way, they would most likely be trapped and die here!

He had immense trust in his 'snakes', because they had saved him and Aki countless times, and this time it was thanks to them.

"Principal, which direction are you heading now?"

Ye Sheng's voice came to Angers headphones.

"I don't know..." Ange's tone was hesitant.

He is following the map exactly, but sometimes if he goes the wrong way, the route on the map will change. He can only keep trying until the distance between them becomes shorter before he knows whether he has gone wrong. "However, I think It should be facing up!”

Angers found himself moving downwards would put distance between them.

"That's right..."

Ye Sheng's voice disappeared.

Angers could tell that his condition was not very good at this time, "It seems like we need to speed up."

Ye Sheng controlled the power of his speech spirit to a minimum and withdrew almost all the 'snakes' around him, leaving only one to lead the way.

There was no way, he really couldn't use the word spirit like before. He had to make sure that there would be a 'snake' who could guide them out in the end.


Angers' voice rang out from the loudspeaker on board the Monyach.

"What's wrong? Angers, what happened?" Professor Mance responded quickly.

"Use the 'key'!" Angers said in a deep voice, "My progress is still too slow, I need him to show me the way."

"Oh! Yes!" Mance seemed to react, "'Key' is best at this kind of thing, how could I forget it!"

The sleeping baby was quickly sent to the control room. The moment Mance placed him in front of the deciphered map, he miraculously opened his eyes, with a faint golden light flowing in his eyes.

"Baby, please!" Mance stared at the map nervously.

At this moment, the map that had been deciphered changed again, just like inserting a key into an unlocked door, and the key can not only open the door, but also lock the door!

‘Click! ’

As if an important switch had been touched, the originally changing route was fixed. No matter how the surrounding structures changed, the road continued straight forward!

‘Key’ stretched out his chubby hand and gestured on the screen.

"Ange! Up! Straight up!" Mance shouted.

"Aki, down! All the way down!"

Ye Sheng was surprised to find that the route in his mind was almost a straight line, "I kept going down without warning!"


Jiudoku Aki had 100% trust in Ye Sheng and did not hesitate for a moment, and there was no time for her to hesitate at this moment.

She pulled Ye Sheng to dive downwards, and Shude Aki could feel the cold river water flowing slightly towards them, which proved that there was indeed a gap below, otherwise no water would flow in.

The two of them seemed to see hope, this was the right path! Their oxygen can last for more than ten minutes, which is enough! As long as they go all the way down, they can leave this bronze city.

But they didn't notice that the huge bronze wall they passed before was like a sky. Tens of thousands of bronze gears began to rotate slowly, and the entire wall began to vibrate, as if the sky was shattering and something was about to open. A dark shadow waited for the gap to open.

In the dim river water, the bronze wall slowly opened, and in the gap was a golden vertical pupil!

Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki have already seen the exit!

A ray of light shone through the gap in the dark water, and the gap was slowly closing. The entire Bronze City is still spinning. This way of survival will soon turn into a dead end with no exit. They must hurry up and get through there!

But the gap was huge, and there was enough time for them to pass through.

The faces of the two people unconsciously revealed smiles of salvation.

Ye Sheng completely released the spirit of speech, and his physical strength gradually began to recover, "Let's go, Yaji."

He held Aki's hand and started swimming as hard as he could. At this time, Shude Aki was still holding something they found in the Bronze City, a brass tank that was almost as tall as her. She was already very tired, dragging not only people but also goods.

"But we don't have enough oxygen!" Shutoku Aki answered anxiously, "There are three minutes left! Do you want to keep it?"

"Enough!" Ye Sheng said, "Principal Ange has spare oxygen! We just need to join him before he suffocates!"

Everyone on the boat had already started cheering and celebrating. Even Mance, who had been frowning for a long time, smiled unconsciously. Everything went smoothly. This battle seemed to have been successful!

"Wow! Wow -"

But for some reason, 'Key' suddenly started crying. Mance hurriedly took care of him, but his crying still didn't stop.

"What's going on? Baby, what's wrong with you? Don't cry!" An unknown premonition came to Mance's heart.


Ye Sheng happily held Shutoku Aki's hand. They had arrived at the huge gap. When they got closer, they realized that the gap was so big! Is there no need to worry about not being able to get out?

It was like the whole world was helping them. The map that originally took ten years to decipher only took five minutes. The originally complicated route was fixed. When they felt that they had no way out, it seemed that there was an invisible hand opening the way for them. Now, the entire Bronze City is sending them off respectfully.

Can see the light! After swimming through this gate, they will be not far from the outside. As long as they meet Angers, the mission will be successful!

However, just when they were filled with joy.

Ye Sheng felt a stream of water rushing onto his back, and the river began to flow backwards!

Book Friends 20190531144948241, All are rewards from Little Forever, Madao\\K, Book Friends 20210301174453917, Fenghua Blood Moon,

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