A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 166 159. Where do you think this is?

Chapter 166 159. Where do you think this is?

If anyone is watching the battle, they will notice that every scar on this dragon's body is the result of peeling off the scales!

Although it looks messy, all the scars ultimately point directly to the heart.

The folding knife in Ange's hand was like an extremely precise scalpel, accurately peeling off the protection around the dragon's heart layer by layer. In order to prevent the other party from discovering his purpose, he also left it in many other places. More serious scars.

It may be difficult for others to identify the key points of dragons, but for this old man who has devoted his life to slaying dragons, it is as simple as eating and sleeping!

For hundreds of years, he has been thinking about slaying dragons, so of course he must know enough about these guys!

The giant dragon roared and stirred up a burst of water that swept towards Ange. Its huge body also rushed towards him, and its bloody mouth opened again. It wanted to use the water to disrupt the human's position, as if it wanted to kill this annoying human directly. Swallow it in one gulp.

The blazing golden eyes burned in the blood-stained river water, and the light was even brighter than the giant dragon in front of him.

This is the flame of hatred. The avenger finally reveals his fangs, flips the folding knife in his hand, and the world stops at this moment!

Even the turbulent water stopped flowing. Angers bypassed all the ripples and quickly approached the motionless dragon.

The hideous wound was exposed in front of the old man's eyes.

Angers' lips showed a smile that no one had ever seen before. It was the smile of an avenger, bloodthirsty and crazy!

The folding knife in his hand was sharp, and in the next moment, he could take out the dragon's heart!

Close, getting closer.

The folding knife has already pierced the scaleless flesh and blood of the dragon, and will soon reach the heart!

It must die!

"Dragon! Go to hell and repent!" Angers' right hand suddenly exerted force.

This giant dragon still doesn't know what happened. Even if it knew, it couldn't move at the moment. It seemed that all that was waiting for it was death, and it didn't even know how it died.


A strange friction sound sounded.

Ange watched in astonishment as his folding knife changed direction inexplicably.

The folding knife that originally penetrated straight through seemed to be pushed to the side by something.


The folding knife left a deep crack on the dragon's body, which extended to the dragon's back before the folding knife came out of the dragon's body.

Although this scar is long and deep, it is not fatal to dragons.

This is not the effect Angers wanted.

Time Zero is lifted.


A painful roar came from the dragon's mouth. It struggled hard, and the turbulent water rushed Angers far away.

"How can it be!"

Angers asked in disbelief. There was no way his killing blow would be like that!

"That's it."

The cold and hoarse voice reached Angers ears through the water.

Ange looked around in surprise, and he saw a dark figure floating between him and the dragon clan.

The figure was wearing a dark diving suit, and the oxygen mask on his head was also pitch black, as if it was blocked by something, there was nothing.

Angers' nerves were tense because he saw the figure holding a dark stick in his hand. He couldn't see the specific shape clearly in the dim water, but he could also tell that it was a spear.

In China, people who use long guns...

"Sure enough, you still came to intervene?" Ange asked, "Xuanhao!"

But the man didn't respond to his question.

She even turned her back to him.

The figure looked at the struggling dragon in the distance without saying a word.

This made Angers a little confused. Does this mean that this guy is also here to slay the dragon? Want to compete with him for prey?

If that's the case, it doesn't matter. To Angers, as long as he can kill the dragon clan, it's the same no matter who does it.

The giant dragon roared and looked at the two people in front of it warily. It was hesitating whether to retreat at this moment. The blow just now almost killed it. To be honest, it didn't know why it was still alive. Was it this man who saved it?

"I thought you would give up."

The cold and hoarse voice sounded again, and this sentence was said to the dragon.

"You're so injured and you still refuse to retreat. Do you want me to help you?"

The man waved his spear, and the water wave spread towards the giant dragon. Although there was no harm, the dragon could understand that this was a warning to it.

It is not one of those deadpools with no IQ, but a Samson who serves the king. If it doesn't even have this bit of wisdom, then it can just get out.

But it couldn't understand what this human wanted to do. He was obviously a human, but he saved it.

The power of the two humans in front of it has exceeded its expectations. If it does not retreat, it will be dead.

It seems like this person is willing to let it go? Why is this?

The giant dragon turned its head and swam towards the depths of the Bronze City, dragging its seriously injured body.

Angers wanted to catch up, but was stopped by a spear.

Only then did he take a closer look. This spear was not Xuan Hao's spear, but a dull spear like dead wood, as if all life and light had been swallowed up by it, lifeless.

"You want to let him go?"

Ange's tone was cold, if the dragons were to be let go, then they would be his enemies.

But he understood that now was not the time for him to take action. This man was in front of him and he could not kill the dragon. If the two of them fought, the dragon would take advantage.

"The 'Emperor' has decreed that aquatic products in the Yangtze River Basin are not allowed to be hunted." The man turned back and faced Angers, with a trace of helplessness in his tone.

"Aquatic products?" Ange was angry, "You call this aquatic products?"

"I don't know." The man answered truthfully, "But since the 'Emperor' said so, that is."

"You're not Xuanhao! Who are you?" Anger asked.

Since it's not Xuan Hao, he doesn't think this guy can stop him. He just took advantage of the loophole. As long as he activates 'Time Zero' again, he can deal with him first and then kill the dragon.

"This is China, I am the 'Scavenger', and the 'Emperor' ordered me to clean up the river garbage." The man said.

"Then why did you stop me from killing it!"

"I have said that it is forbidden to hunt aquatic products in the Yangtze River Basin. The 'Emperor' only allows you to come here for exploration, which does not mean that you can do whatever you want." The man's voice was still cold, "The tugboats above are now fully armed, even heavy-duty Helicopters are here, and your weapons will pollute the environment, and if the movement is too big, it will also affect the Three Gorges Reservoir. I did not expel you by force and directly drove you out, which is already a big deal."

"Then if you let me kill it here, I won't use heavy weapons!" Ange gritted his teeth. He probably heard that the so-called 'river garbage' in this man's mouth did not refer to dragons, but to them!

"No, you can't use it." The man shook his head, "From the beginning, your entire plan has been under our supervision. The reason why it was not stopped is because it is still within the allowed range. If it exceeds the limit, I cannot guarantee that you will safety."

"Are you threatening me?"

Angers turned the folding knife in his hand and put it against the man's neck, his golden eyes filled with anger.

This guy actually threatened him with people on a boat.

"No," the man said calmly, "It's just stating a fact. You'd better not forget where this is."


Angers sorted out his thoughts and finally understood.

What Xuan Hao said about letting them investigate at will was really just a casual investigation. As long as others did anything out of the ordinary, they would suffer a devastating blow. Is this playing a word game with him?

"Then he allowed us to take away that thing?" Angers asked.

"I'm not asking you to take it away," the man said, "I'm just asking you to present it to him in person. He said he will wait for your return in the United States."

"Expulsion order?"

"Yes, it's time for you to leave." The man put his spear in front of Ange, forcing him to step back.

"What if I have to kill that dragon today?" Angers said in a cold tone.

"You can give it a try." The man took back his spear and said, "I'll give you a chance. This attack is not considered an overstep."

"It sounds like a reward." Ange sneered, "Are all you Chinese so confident?"

"It is indeed a reward," the man stated the facts calmly. "The 'Emperor' knew that you would be unconvinced, so he specifically ordered me to give you a chance."

"Very good, very arrogant." Ange smiled angrily, "I should have known his usual style."

Then let me teach you a lesson! Angers held the folding knife tightly in his right hand.

Yan Ling·Time Zero, activate!

Angers and this man were only one gun apart, and with zero time, the man in front of him was absolutely unable to dodge.

But killing this man directly would be tantamount to falling out with Xuan Hao, so now is not the time.

At this moment, Ange was extremely calm. He slashed the man's gun-holding arm with the folding knife in his hand, destroying one of his hands as a lesson, so that he would no longer be able to stop me!

Angers' folding knife approached the man's arm like lightning. Human bodies were not as tough as dragons. Angers was confident that he could cut off the arm in an instant.

In the realm of time zero, unless this man has a speed that exceeds his, it is impossible to escape.

The folding knife was getting closer and closer, but the man still didn't move at all, and it seemed that he didn't react at all.

But just when the folding knife was about to strike, the man suddenly moved!

His movements actually caught up with Angers' speed, and he seemed not to be affected by 'Time Zero' at all!


The spear deflected the jackknife.

There is no sloppiness at all.

Angers even once doubted whether his speech spirit had failed, but he carefully sensed the flow of the river and found that it was indeed within his domain! Why?

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something terrible.

Just before when he rescued Ye Sheng, it was clear that his domain could not cover Ye Sheng and the dragon, but they did stop.

It's this man! His speech spirit is also time zero! And the speed is probably not inferior to him!

"Have you figured it out?" the man asked calmly, "Do you want to continue?"

"Who are you?" Angers frowned.

When did China have such a strong man? There are only a handful of owners of Time Zero, and he thinks he has never met anyone stronger than himself, but now such a person is right in front of him! It seems that he is still Xuan Hao's subordinate? He felt that he was wrong.

I really underestimated that guy. What else is he hiding in China?

"As I said, I am the 'Scavenger', responsible for handling some boring little troubles for the 'Emperor'."


Angers knew that this man probably didn't want to answer his question.

"leave here……"

The cold sound echoed in the river, and the bronze wall had closed.

Angers looked at the wall expressionlessly. He could open it again. With the purity of his blood, he could also open the 'door' that the 'key' could open.

But now, it seems that the only option is to retreat. It wasn't that he didn't have the confidence to defeat this man, but that this man threatened him with the lives of a boatload of people, and he wasn't sure whether he would have the strength to deal with the dragon after defeating this guy. The spear gave him a terrifying feeling. It's hard to win.

The storm still continued, and it was a stormy night.

On the deck of the Monyach, everyone braved the wind and rain and looked nervously at the river.


Thelma shouted excitedly when she saw a figure suddenly appearing on the river.

There was dead silence in the main control room of the Kassel Academy Library.

The communication of the 'Monyach' still did not bring good news, and the screen was still dark. Almost half an hour has passed.

Everyone was extremely nervous. A centenarian man fought with a giant dragon for half an hour... What is this concept? Everyone is worried about whether Ange's body can hold on?

Professor Schneider rubbed his hands nervously, and his face didn't look very good. Fortunately, Angers could kill the dragon, and everything was fine. But if Angers can't be killed... then there will be a big problem!

What kind of guy can make Angers fall into a hard battle or even lose? He couldn't think of any other answer except Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire. If this is really the case, then the people they sent out will probably be wiped out like they were ten years ago.

The most important thing is that the Yangtze River Basin is not like a deserted sea of ​​ice. The Chinese side is densely populated. If the Dragon King revives, the consequences will be disastrous.

Angers cannot be stopped, but can China? Do we have to rely on the ‘Emperor’?

Thinking of this, his eyes unconsciously turned to Xuan Hao sitting in the middle.

Then he wondered if his worries were too much. This guy didn't look nervous at all.

In the entire control room, Xuan Hao and Lu Mingfei were probably the only ones who were not nervous at all.

They even had time to sit and play games together!

"Ding dong."

The mobile phone buzzer sounded, which was particularly harsh in this silent environment.

"Ah, I'm sorry I forgot to turn on mute." Xuan Hao said nonchalantly, and then unlocked his phone.

It was a message from Su Enxi.

Probably just to tell him that the mission was accomplished, the dragon was not dead, and there were no casualties at the academy.

"Has Ange caught up?" Xuan Hao asked.

"No," Su Enxi replied, "Ange almost caught up, but in the end our people intervened."

"I didn't say let him interfere, right?" Xuan Hao smiled and typed a reply, "I just said let him watch and don't let them cause damage, and don't kill the fish I raised."

"I don't know about that," Su Enxi said with a helpless expression, "Anyway, I can't understand any of your operations. When the time comes, you can ask him why he wants to save people."

"Well~ let's talk about it then. The result is quite satisfactory."

Xuan Hao said and glanced at Lu Mingfei. The child was playing games, but his eyes were always glancing at the big screen from time to time, and he seemed to be quite concerned about the final outcome.

Thanks to: Titan W for the reward

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