A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 170 163. Tonight’s protagonist

Chapter 170 163. Tonight’s protagonist

Doesn't this junior brother usually look like such a crazy person?

Fingel was horrified when he looked at Lu Mingfei. Of course he knew that this guy had this right now. All the girls present were not qualified to refuse Lu Mingfei. He had legitimate reasons to take theirs away from anyone. Dance partner. And not just tonight, but for the next three months.

If he really has someone he likes, and then finds a suitable time to confess, maybe everyone will send their blessings and start making noises, maybe it will happen.

But now is definitely not the time! If the overlord were to attack in public like this, it would be tantamount to a map cannon, which would instantly offend everyone. Lu Mingfei would probably become a public enemy of the college, and then be severely dumped after three months. Of course, not only girls, but also boys will probably look down on his behavior. After all, everyone is a 'noble', so his approach would appear to be extreme and a foolish act of being unable to control his emotions.

Fingel was thinking about whether to stop him, but suddenly he saw Lu Mingfei actually smiling.

"It's over, it's over! Junior brother, could it be that his brain was caught in the door?"

Not far away, Nono watched this scene with interest. She thought she should go over and help Lu Mingfei? After all, she was the one who invited Lu Mingfei to the dance. She could probably guess what was going to happen next.

But in that case, many people will be disappointed with this ‘S’ class, right?

"Need help?" Nono raised his eyebrows at Lu Mingfei.

She was flirting with other boys behind her boyfriend's back like that, but what puzzled her was that this guy actually refused.

Lu Mingfei shook his head slightly towards Nuonuo, indicating that he didn't need help. If he really asked Nono to come over and dance with him, he would really have reached a dead end. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he was not stupid.

He gently put down the plate in his hand and wiped his mouth with a tissue, but did not wipe away the smile on his lips.

Yes, he has been smiling since just now.

Because a voice said to him: "If you think they are funny, then you can laugh at them."

Maybe it's because he is timid and always cares about other people's eyes. The timid the person, the more he cares about other people's opinions. He has been submissive for eighteen years and has seen countless looks, most of which are without expectations, just like the way everyone looks at him now.

I just didn’t expect that I had obviously moved to another place, shouldn’t it be a new beginning? Why is it still the same result? Do you really look that bad? Already decayed to the core?

But this is wrong, director! This is wrong with the script I got... Shouldn't I be the 'S' class that attracts everyone's attention now? The winner of ‘Freedom for a Day’? Shouldn't there be a lot of fans? Why are you still looking at me like that...

Lu Mingfei was a little confused, okay, he admitted that these things came out of nowhere, but do you have them? If not, why do you have the right to laugh at me? Who deserves to be laughed at?

Lu Mingfei adjusted his collar and arranged every detail of his shirt meticulously. He straightened his back, making his figure appear tall and straight.

Fingel on the side looked at Lu Mingfei's sudden confidence with a confused look on his face. Isn't this guy really crazy?

Lu Mingfei walked toward the center of the dance floor with a smile on his face. He had never learned etiquette, so he didn't understand how a 'noble' walked, but it didn't matter. His steps were steady because every step was heavy.

He probably knew the next scene. When he walked to the center of the dance floor, he would be the focus of everyone's attention. When he came to the center of the dance floor but couldn't dance, no one here would be more embarrassed than him.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care, just laugh if you want to.

You laugh at me and I laugh at you, that's fair!

Lu Mingfei stood in the middle of the dance floor, looking around at everyone with a smile. At this moment, he seemed to be the protagonist tonight.

This is the temperament that an 'S' class should have.

"Pa bang bang..."

There was applause from the high platform.

Caesar was smiling, but he had never been sarcastic. He looked at Lu Mingfei with admiration in his eyes. He really saw this guy right. This guy is like a wolf in sheep's clothing, very docile on the surface, but deep down he can't hide his aloofness.

Caesar knew that everyone might be dissatisfied with this so-called 'S' level, and that was just because he had not yet been able to perform. But now, it is enough to make everyone change their view of him. Who can look down on a person who faces you with a confident face and a smile.

You can laugh at the coward, but not the brave.

Lu Mingfei is a brave man now and is not afraid of any ridicule.

You want to ask him what’s the secret to being a brave man? Just be thick-skinned! His face, which is as thick as a city wall, can be called an absolute defense. He is now the legendary 'Brave of Control'. As long as I don't feel embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!

Everyone unconsciously put away the smiles on their faces, and even felt a little embarrassed.

The music gradually became lower, and the male and female dance partners bowed to each other and performed elegant court ceremonies.

"That's it?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused. I'm ready, but you guys continue to laugh? Is that the end? How boring is that?

As if they heard Lu Mingfei's prayer, Caesar's band was very on track. The movement that was about to be interrupted suddenly became energetic, and a new overture was unfolding. Listening to this high-spirited piece, the men and women on the dance floor were a little stunned. , but because of face, we still have to hold hands and dance again.

As long as the dance music is not over, the dance will continue, and the one who dances to the end is the protagonist.

But people who know music probably noticed something unusual about the orchestra.

Caesar frowned and didn't look in the direction of the orchestra.

Originally, the dance music should have ended at this time.

The depression just now has entered the final chapter, but suddenly someone changed the score. Playing high-spirited music alone. If one person is out of tune, the music is being played incorrectly.

In Kassel Academy, which pursues high quality, such low-level mistakes should not occur, so everyone had to cooperate and continue playing.

"We have a traitor in our midst!"

"No, more than one! How can one person lead everyone astray!"

This is a sentiment shared by everyone in the band.

Yes, that’s right, more than one person.

Caesar looked at the orchestra with a helpless expression. How could the band of my student union get mixed up with people from the Lionheart Club?

The first violinist and the first piano player were all mixed in! After they played a long note, the melody of the entire song completely stabilized, and now it was a dance song belonging to the protagonist.

The two girls got up and went downstairs at the same time.

The girl with light golden hair was wearing a silver dress inlaid with crystals. Her skin was as white as transparent jelly, soft and tender, and she was petite. Her face still had the familiar desolate look on her face, as cold as if she were buried in the ice and snow. princess in.

The girl with golden hair was wearing a long white dress. She had a well-proportioned figure and elegant steps. She had an unconcealable pride on her face. The crystal crown on her head was dazzling. She was like a queen coming to the throne, walking proudly to meet the ministers. .

But today they are just foils.

"Tap - step"

Two crisp sounds.

Two pairs of crystal-like high heels stepped on the marble-paved stage.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the two girls in front of him.

Treya Hall, he knew her, and all he wanted to say now was thank you.

It seems that although Xuan Hao did not come to the dance, he still sent someone to watch him.

"It's just that I really make people so worried?" Lu Mingfei smiled bitterly in his heart.

But...what happened to the other girl? He had some doubts in his heart. He had seen this girl who looked like a porcelain doll several times, but had never spoken to her. After all, this aura of keeping strangers away was really not easy to get along with.

Why did you come to help him?

At this moment, the two girls were standing in front of him, extending their hands, as if inviting him to dance.

When had Lu Mingfei seen such a scene when he was so old?

It would be nice to have someone to give him a hand and dance with him. Wonderful, now he can still choose? And these two people should be regarded as the most beautiful women in the academy.

Facing the kind eyes of the male compatriots around him, he felt a little panicked again.

"Would you be honored to dance with you?" There was a kind smile on Treya's lips.

Lu Mingfei couldn't understand that smile, probably because he said, "I was forced to do it too!" If you dare to choose me, I will fight with you! ’, sister, what on earth are you here to do? The corners of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched, which made him dare not move.

Treya's eyes kept drifting to the side, as if she was signaling Lu Mingfei to quickly choose the sister next to her. She is much easier to deal with than me, and she might even be able to win the beauty!

Treya was depressed. If Xuan Hao hadn't forced her to come here to be a nanny for this little kid, she wouldn't have come here to attend any dance. What's the point of the dance? Dancing with boys? Not interesting! I want to dance with the little sister!

But Xuan Hao said that if Lu Mingfei needed help, she would have to go to the rescue. This made her very distressed. She had already risked her life, wasn't it just a dance?

That was the original plan, but when she got up after playing the piano, she realized that someone was actually competing with her for her job? But they had already stood up, and it was not easy for her to sit back down, so she could only follow them to the dance floor.

But now that someone is willing to dance with Lu Mingfei, her role is not that great, so she should escape as soon as possible!

Lu Mingfei looked at Treya and gestured wildly.

Well, he originally had to choose one of the two, but there really wasn't such a good thing in the world. Now he has no choice.

If you don't hold this girl's hand quickly, this girl will probably regret it.

The moment Lu Mingfei's hand touched the girl's palm.

Ice cold.



This was how Lu Mingfei felt. Only now did he realize that the girl's eyes were always fixed on him, with no intention of looking away.

She is here to dance with me.

Lu Mingfei was sure.

This girl is really willing to dance with me. It is not forced by others, but her own choice.

So, how should I respond to her?

"I...actually can't dance." Lu Mingfei whispered.

"Follow me."

A cold voice sounded in Lu Mingfei's ears.

This girl held her head high. Even though she was not as tall as Lu Mingfei in high heels, her aura shocked Lu Mingfei.

Before Lu Mingfei could react, she was already close to Lu Mingfei's body, holding her head high and whispering instructions in his ear.

The dance music gradually reached its climax.

Lu Mingfei corrected his dancing posture under the guidance of the girl.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei realized that this girl seemed to be of mixed race... The girl's hands were much stronger than he thought, and she was not as petite and weak as she looked.

Treya silently stepped aside, as if nothing had happened. Next to her was Fingel, who had been standing aside for a long time.

Fingel knew that this was Xuan Hao's 'little maid'. When he saw an acquaintance, he tried to strike up a conversation, but was given a fierce glare.

No one paid attention to the people leaving the stage, because everyone's eyes were involuntarily focused on the two people in the center of the stage. The truly gorgeous dance was about to officially begin.

Lu Mingfei had never received professional dance training, and he never thought he could dance so well.

In the past, dancing was only a group dance performed at the school party in high school. The dance teacher who was invited shook his head repeatedly. Lu Mingfei had no talent for dancing. His body was as stiff as a piece of iron, and his hands and feet were uncoordinated. Lu Mingfei didn't feel any sense of loss about this.

Nothing mattered to him. Dancing is just for people to make up for the numbers. It is a group dance anyway, there are many people, no one will pay special attention to him. If Chen Wenwen hadn't been his dance partner, he wouldn't have even wanted to participate.

But it's different now.

He felt that his body had never been so light.

Under the guidance of this girl, Lu Mingfei's dance steps were actually so smooth.

The girl's hand was firmly placed on his body. Their eyes met, and there seemed to be some special tacit understanding. In short, Lu Mingfei could understand the meaning in this girl's eyes.

He followed her guidance and miraculously kept up with the rhythm of the dance. All the movements seemed to have been engraved in his mind and were now awakened by this girl.

He didn't need to think at all, he just had to follow Her Royal Highness the Queen's instructions. He didn't need to move at all, and he didn't feel too comfortable at all.

Their dance steps were in perfect harmony with each other, as if they had been dancing partners for many years, without any sense of disharmony. Their silver dance skirts were flying in the center of the dance floor, and their long pale golden hair caressed Lu Mingfei's cheeks.

Lu Mingfei looked into the girl's eyes, the light reflected in these clear eyes, overflowing with light.

"What...is your name?" Lu Mingfei asked, lowering his head.

Because the girl was shorter than him, he had to look her in the eyes.

"Zero." The girl said with a faint Russian accent, without any fluctuation in her tone.

"English? Zero?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"It's also a Russian word, it's 'zero'. I don't have a formal name, they all call me number '0'." The girl said lightly, "You can also call me zero."

Lu Mingfei was silent. Zero has no formal name, just a number.

Thanks to: October Ziqi for the reward

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