A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 187 180. Who tells you the rules in a fight?

Chapter 187 180. Who tells you the rules in a fight?

Caesar opened his eyes, and his golden pupils were exposed in the darkness. He was telling the enemy his position, 'I'm waiting for you here, come and kill me if you have the ability. ’

"Do all Italian men like to show off so much?" Mai Shutoku's voice came from the darkness.

"Wait until you hit me first." Caesar was unmoved.

"It's coming."

The voice sounded again in the darkness, but still no attack was launched.

Caesar knew that this was confusing him, but he didn't care at all. His domain had been opened. No matter what the other party said, all he was waiting for was the moment when the blade approached. No matter how fast the knife was, it would not be silent unless the other party's The knife went faster than the speed of sound.

Obviously this is impossible. He has determined that this woman's speech spirit cannot be instant or time zero. Otherwise, it would not be possible to consume him here. He would have launched an attack to kill him long ago.


The blade that broke into the realm caused a buzzing sound, which was infinitely amplified by Kamaitachi and reached Caesar's ears.


Caesar suddenly raised his hand and struck the top of his head with 'Dictado'.

In just a few tenths of a second, the opponent's attack was caught by Kamaitachi, and he counterattacked in an instant.


The two knives collided together. Seeing that the blow failed, Mai Shutoku used Caesar's power to slide backwards silently. Her body was as light as a ghost, and she escaped into the darkness again.

a knife? Caesar frowned. He didn't understand why the opponent gave up the two-day first-class attack and suddenly changed to the one-sword attack. If the two swords attacked at the same time, it would be a lot more trouble for him to block it.

"This is the first time I've seen someone use the 'Kamaitachi' so well." Mai Shutoku's laughter came again, her voice erratic.

But she probably didn't know that Caesar didn't surround the surroundings with his voice spirit. She didn't actually need to move at such a high speed to change the position of her voice.

"It's an honor to be praised by the lady," Caesar chuckled, "but if you want to distract me, maybe you have done it in the wrong way."

"Hmph!" Jiude Mai snorted coldly.

Caesar's expression changed, and he came again, faster than before!

This time it’s the front! puncture! The opponent seemed to be trying to break through his defense from the front.

Caesar turned sideways, with the 'Dictado' erected in front of him, forming a defense. The blade that was thrust straight through rubbed against the 'Dictado', causing sparks to flash away.

Caesar saw the dark red eye shadow of Mai Shude, which was mysterious and indifferent. The firelight disappeared, and Mai Shude disappeared into the darkness again.

"Well done, brother," Mai Shutoku's voice became cold, "but sister will be serious next time. Can you take this last stab?"

Caesar did not answer. He took a deep breath and was extremely focused. He knew that the other party was not joking. This was real combat and there was no need to hold back.

The 'Kamaitachi' were wandering around him, neighing excitedly. At this moment, his mental and physical conditions were adjusted to the extreme. He had never encountered such an opponent. The real fight made his body sweat with excitement, and his body was full of sweat. His shirt was a little soaked, so he unbuttoned it and prepared to face the enemy.

He had absolute confidence that the other party would not be able to bypass the wind demon army surrounding him and come to him.

But the enemy was stronger than he expected. It could be seen from the head-on confrontation just now that he had no advantage.

So, his left hand quietly touched the 'Desert Eagle' behind him. Yes, that's right, he still has one. The gun he threw away just now was just to cover up others' eyes. He originally had two pistols, and the one he threw away just now was just one of them.

What he is good at is not only double-gun shooting or hunting knife skills, but also gun fighting skills for close combat. He holds a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, integrating offense and defense.

If you fight, you can win and you won't be miserable.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Tap tap tap..."

The heartbeat and footsteps sounded at the same time. Mai Shutoku no longer hid her position, as if she had given up the advantage of her speech spirit. Maybe it was because 'Mingzhao' was restrained by 'Kamaitachi', and she felt it was meaningless to waste it. Instead of using the spirit of words with physical strength, it is better to go all out and make the final blow.

He's obviously a ninja, but now he's acting like a samurai? Caesar laughed silently. His speech spirit also collapsed in this smile, the realm disappeared instantly, and the 'Kamaitachi' returned to darkness.

Because the other party also showed his golden eyes, the two people looked at each other in the darkness less than five meters away, with smiles in their eyes.

They each exposed themselves to each other's vision, and although they only had one pair of eyes, it was enough to determine location and distance.

The two of them tacitly regarded this confrontation as the final confrontation. This last sword was dignified, just like the duel between ancient Japanese samurai.

Caesar respects the opponent's choice. He can feel that the murderous intent in the opponent's eyes has solidified at this moment, and his posture is lowered. If his guess is correct, it should be a sword-drawing position. This last sword will determine the outcome in an instant.


The sound of the sharp blade rubbing against the scabbard resounded in the darkness, cutting off the calm. For a moment, murderous intent overflowed.

The extremely fast sword light rushed toward Caesar.

Caesar stood firm, held the sword in one hand, and went all out. Don't ask him why he held the sword in one hand. He was not a samurai. Since it was a fair duel, and the opponent used his full strength, of course he also used his full strength.

Swing the knife!

Caesar felt his arm was a little numb, but fortunately, he did not let go of the knife. Feeling the power coming towards his face, he tried his best to put all his strength on the knife.

The same goes for the other party, as if he was clashing with the knife with his whole body. The blades of the swords met and sparks burst out. Their bodies almost touched each other, and they could even hear each other's heartbeat clearly.

"You have a good figure~" Mai Shutoku joked, "I thought all young masters were weak."

"Don't think of me as one of those romantic playboys," Caesar replied with a smile, "I'm very dedicated."

As he spoke, he smiled and put the 'Desert Eagle' in his left hand against the opponent's head. Old woman, times have changed!

"Huh?" Mai Shutoku was stunned, "It seems you are not stupid, right?"

Caesar was also stunned. He felt his forehead was pressed by a cold object, and then he realized that the other party also had a gun...

It turns out that all the time you pretended to be a samurai and wanted to fight with him was a lie, hehe, woman.

This woman is still a ninja after all.

"What should I say now?" Mai Shutoku asked, "I have never tried whether Frigga's bullet would kill someone if he hit it on the forehead. Maybe you should hope that your skull is stronger?"

"A draw?" Caesar said, "I don't know if I will die, but if I shoot, you will be dead. I am a person who never follows school rules, so this is a live ammunition."

At this moment, the two of them were holding a knife against each other with one hand, and pointing a gun at each other's head with the other hand. They were also talking unforgivingly.

"You have two guns, one with live ammunition and one with Frigga bullets?" Mai Shutoku had a headache, "Aren't you afraid of getting them mixed up?"

"No." Caesar's tone was full of confidence, "But I have always cared for you. If you are willing to admit defeat, I promise not to embarrass you."

"Okay, you're cruel!" Mai Jiude curled her lips.

"elder brother……"

Suddenly, a childish voice sounded behind the two of them, like a call coming from the depths of hell, and sweat instantly ran down their backs.

In addition to being frightened, there is also heat.

The hot wind blowing against their faces was like a bomb exploding behind the two of them, and the bright and dazzling firelight illuminated the dim environment of the Hall of Valor.

Their eyes were blinded by the sudden fire, and their noses were filled with a strong burning smell.

They didn't know what was happening, but instinctively threw themselves down.

The next moment, endless coercion came over them, and something made their hearts almost stop beating. This was the pressure from self-esteem, making people unable to breathe.

The feeling of oppression was fleeting, but at this moment it was as if they had walked through hell, and the burning feeling of being in endless purgatory was still burning behind them.

"What was that just now?" The two looked at each other, and they could see the horror in each other's eyes.

At this moment, the Hall of Heroes has changed its appearance. It was originally pitch black, but now it has turned into ruins. There are still faint fires burning everywhere, like a fire scene after being burned by a fierce fire, full of thick smoke.

On the road outside the Hall of Heroes, the surrounding vegetation was burnt to create a charred road. I don't know what passed by here. The place I passed was like purgatory, lifeless.

"Ask your college secretary, what's going on now?" Mai Shutoku said.

"You even know Norma?" Caesar asked.

"Stop talking nonsense and ask!" Shutoku Mai ordered.

"Norma! Norma!" Caesar called.

"Damn it, Norma didn't respond. This is unscientific." Caesar remained calm. "Even if the Hall of Valor is destroyed, Norma will not stop operating unless something happens down there."

"Nonsense! That thing came up from below!" Mai Shutoku pointed at the burnt metal door.

This door is the entrance to the underground. It is 20 centimeters thick. Even if it is melted through with a welding gun, it will take several hours. Now it is melted in an instant. Judging from the traces of the metal door being melted, it seems that... it is a human figure. ?

"I have to call the boss to ask what's going on now. This is not part of our plan." Mai Shutoku frowned and took out the phone.

"Emergency, emergency!" Schneider's voice roared on the campus radio.

The distant roar drowned out Schneider's roar and was deafening.

The burning figure in the distance walked step by step towards the two people in front of him, and everywhere he passed was scorched earth.

Countless gun muzzles sprayed towards the figure, spitting tongues of fire, and the sound of gunfire continued. At this moment, the place instantly turned into a battlefield. The students who had experienced war practice classes each looked for bunkers and continued to attack the figure in the middle of the road.

But none of these bullets could successfully reach the figure.

Countless bullets instantly turned into molten iron when they were less than two meters away from the figure, and there seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of him. They are afraid and dare not desecrate an inch of land beside the king!

The hot molten iron flowed slowly on the barrier, gathering more and more, like a flowing Milky Way, guarding his side. These bullets will only become his strength!

Bang bang bang...

The sound of gunfire continued, Xuan Hao took out his ears that were numb from the shock just now, and walked towards the heights of the college. The direction he walked was opposite to the battlefield.

He jumped to the high building, where he could overlook the entire battlefield. But someone has already arrived here first.

The old man stood quietly on a high place, looking down at everything that happened in front of him. He put his hands in his pockets, his neat silver hair was neatly combed, and he was wearing a dark suit. The corners of the coat were permed straight, and the chest was There is a white flower in the pocket, as if it is for funeral or mourning.

"Don't you plan to go over and help?" Xuan Hao asked with a chuckle, "Your students are fighting the Dragon King, it's still too late before anyone is killed."

Angers shook his head, "It's not the time yet."

His eyes were so deep that no one could read his thoughts.

"That's right. You worked so hard to let him out, but you always have to catch a fish before you reel in the line."

Xuan Hao smiled and said, "You are right, the Dragon Kings are indeed twins. There is no problem if you want to use your younger brother to catch your older brother. This is not my territory and I don't care about it. But, are you sure of it?"

"This is an opportunity." Angers said, "Not only can we train students, but we can also kill the Dragon King. What's wrong with that?"

"It seems that you have found a way to kill them in the past hundred years."

"It's very simple to kill them, but also very complicated. The Dragon King is almost immortal. As long as the 'cocoon' is left behind, they can be resurrected no matter where they are. So we have to force them to voluntarily give up their cocoons and fight us decisively." !" Angers' eyes burned with the flames of revenge, "I don't have much time, and I don't have time to spend it with them."

"Then you found a way to kill me?" Xuan Hao looked at the fire in the distance.

"..." Angers fell silent.

"Let me remind you, the way you resuscitated Constantine was too rough. At this time, his abilities are not stable and his body is still incomplete. Although it looks scary, it is actually just the end of his strength. When he can't control himself, The strength will begin to collapse. As for the King of Bronze and Fire, you should know the result of his physical collapse."

"Yanling Zhulong." Ange whispered, and he slipped a folding knife from his sleeve, "He won't stand a chance."

Xuan Hao turned and left, "It's right to think about it. If you don't have the guts to let him fully awaken, you can only bully the defective."

Ange's expression showed no fluctuation, and he didn't care about Xuan Hao's departure. He just looked at the fire in the distance calmly and waited quietly.

After more than a hundred years, he finally had the opportunity to kill the Dragon King, so how could he care about the method.

The smoke was spreading, and the dull blast of grenades sounded. Lancelot, the vice president of the Lionheart Club and a third-year student from France, directed the attack. The students' shots were ineffective. When he found that the bullets were useless against this guy, he immediately After reacting, people stopped using bullets and replaced them with more powerful howitzers.

But the previous mistakes were equivalent to increasing the power of the figure. The scorching Milky Way flowed on the invisible barrier in front of him, forming a stronger barrier. Even if a grenade hit it, it would not make any waves.

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