Chapter 190 183. Can you do it?

"Taking chestnuts from the fire?" Lu Mingze sneered, "There are no chestnuts in this. You will be burned to death with them."

"But... I don't seem to be in much pain now." Lu Mingfei was a little confused. Although he had never been burned by fire, he knew that fire should be very painful.

"Because you are about to die, and dead people cannot feel pain." Lu Mingze said lightly.

"Fart, can I still talk to you if I'm dead?" Lu Mingfei said, "Don't tell me I'm dreaming. You said before that it was both a dream and reality. I've already fainted!"

"You put your hand into the dragon flames that are close to the surface temperature of the sun. Do you think you can still survive?" Lu Mingze shrugged, "The reason why you can still speak now is because time here is much slower than outside, so you You should die slowly, you can still talk until you are completely dead."

"You make it sound like I have a strong vitality..." Lu Mingfei withdrew his hand, "Is it too late for me to withdraw now?"

"Of's too late." Lu Mingze, "You are all going to die, die alone, and be dyed into ashes. Do you regret it?"

"We're not alone anymore. Let's have a blast, right? And we're going on the road together as a group." Lu Mingfei suddenly sat down. He didn't seem too nervous.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Lu Mingze asked.

"Afraid, of course I'm afraid, I'm scared to death!" Lu Mingfei said, "But is it useful? Doesn't it mean I don't have to die if I'm afraid?"

He turned to look at the flames on the side. Old Tang's fearful face was still burning in the flames. Just like Lu Mingze said, time passes very slowly here. They don't seem to be dead yet, but they will eventually die. Transparent, right?

But he is not stupid. Since Lu Mingze will appear, there may be a chance to save him, so he is not so panicked.

"Brother, you seem to have become smarter, but if you waste any more time, you will really die." Lu Mingze seemed to understand his thoughts and shook his head helplessly.

"Tell me what you can do." Lu Mingfei stood up with a serious look on his face, "Or tell me what to do and what the price will be."

He is not a fool. If he wants to rely on his own strength to save people, at least he thinks he can't do it. Moreover, these guys talk about deals, prices, and choices in front of him all day long. Any normal person can understand it. Yes, if you want to achieve your goal, there is always a price.

But Lu Mingfei didn't know yet what he could exchange with them.

"I said, you are not dead yet." Lu Mingze joked, "Then it will be very simple to solve the problem. If you are not dead, just save them before you die. The premise is that you have the ability to save them from the fire. Fish it out of the sea.”

"If I could do it, why would I ask you?" Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes.

"Brother, are you sure you want to ask me for help?" Lu Mingze asked, "It's easy to save them, and I can indeed help you, but it's not without cost."

"What price?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Sign a contract with me!" Lu Mingze said with a smile, "A contract of equal exchange. I will realize your wish, and you will pay the price required for your wish!"

"This sounds like the devil's deceptive speech..." Lu Mingfei shuddered, "Then what is the price? Equivalent exchange? Could it be that you want my life? But I only have one! I want to save it. But three people! And this is not true at all, right? The people I want to save include myself."

"You are sober, brother, you can still consider these things." Lu Mingze nodded, "But what I want is indeed your life, but the discount I have here is very strong. Your life is very valuable, three for one can go a long way. Not nearly enough!”

"Then how much do you want?" Lu Mingfei was a little surprised. He didn't even know he was so valuable.

Lu Mingze was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about the details of the contract.

"Well, I'll give you four wishes, and each wish will cost you a quarter of your life."

"This sounds like a good deal." Lu Mingfei touched his chin, "What the hell, to be honest, it's not going to cost me my life. What will happen if I lose a quarter of my life?"

"It won't have any impact on you."

"Wow, that sounds like a really good deal."

"Yes, brother, as long as you don't make one last wish, you won't die." Lu Mingze's voice was like a devil's whisper, "It's equivalent to three free wishes."

"Are there really any good things in the world?" Lu Mingfei looked in disbelief.

"Isn't this right in front of you?"

"You...can you really save us all?" Lu Mingfei asked. No matter what, a quarter of his life would be lost. If he didn't use it, he would die, die directly, or die first. Of course he knows which one is more cost-effective.

But he wasn't quite sure whether the ability of the guy in front of him could really save them all. After all, he could see with his own eyes that Nono was penetrated by such high-temperature claws. This was almost a certain death.

"Of course, have you forgotten? The secret book I gave you before is very useful, right?" Lu Mingze was a little proud, "I can fulfill all your wishes, no, almost everything."

"Why don't you feel confident as you talk?" Lu Mingfei complained, "That's all, it's almost."

"I mean, if I can't do it, I can give you a full refund, okay?"

"Then I can have sex for nothing just by making a wish that you can't fulfill?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Brother, you are going too far..." Lu Mingze sighed helplessly, "I am helping you."

"I only know that you want my life." Lu Mingfei looked at him sideways.

"Brother, I've let you have sex for free twice. You should know that I didn't harm you." Lu Mingze said lightly.

"Yes." Lu Mingfei nodded lightly, which was indeed true.

"Then, let's confirm our contract?" Lu Mingze said, "I will fulfill 4 wishes for you. When all wishes come true, our contract will end. At the same time, I will take your life!"

"Let's discuss, how about five?" Lu Mingfei bargained.

"No, brother, don't be too greedy. I clearly marked the price and exchanged it for equal value. This has already given you a lot of discount."

"Okay," Lu Mingfei thought for a while. Now that he could exchange a quarter of his life for three lives, it really seemed like he had earned it. "Then let's do it."

"Brother is finally willing to exchange with me. I'm so happy." Lu Mingze smiled, "I've asked you many times, but you have never agreed to my request."

"Nonsense, you didn't say anything in exchange! You should have said this kind of good thing earlier! Would I not agree?" Lu Mingfei said confidently, "Do you really think I am a fool? As long as I use up three wishes, the last wish will be If I ask you to give me three more wishes, then I won’t be in an infinite loop? Brother, is the deal done? Hurry up?"

"Hey, hey, brother, let's agree first that we can only have four wishes at most."

"That's right." Lu Mingfei smacked his lips, "Okay. Just four. At worst, I'll kill you without the last one."

"Then the contract is established!" Lu Mingze laughed silently, "Brother, when you realize the beauty of power, there will be no chance of looking back... People are greedy."

"Stop blabbering. How to solve this situation?" Lu Mingfei was unmoved.

"How else can we explain it? Keep shouting, just like you did just now, tell them 'Don't die!'" Lu Mingze shrugged, "Of course you have to change your tone and don't beg."

Lu Mingze's voice became cold, "Order them not to die. This is your voice, your power! Power is not for begging, understand?"

"Emm...Is it that simple?" Lu Mingfei was full of doubts.

"What else? You are cheating. Does cheating need to be fancy?" Lu Mingze said disdainfully, "Okay, brother, do you have any other questions? If not, the deal is established and I should run away."

"How could there be no problem?" Lu Mingfei quickly called him.

"Oh, as expected, business is not that easy..." Lu Mingze whispered.

"You haven't told me what to do next!" Lu Mingfei pointed at the monster in the flames, "What's the use of just dying to save them? If we don't solve the monster, won't we have to die again?"

"This is easy to handle. Can't we just save him again?" Lu Mingze laughed playfully.

"Go away! Why are you leaving the nesting doll with me?" Lu Mingfei said angrily, "Also, did you just say that my life is valuable?"

"Yeah." Lu Mingze shrugged indifferently, "Is there something wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong, that's right." Lu Mingfei showed a mean expression, "You said, my life is so valuable, and a netizen, a girl who has nothing to do with me, wants to exchange a quarter of my life. If I lose my life, wouldn’t I lose a lot?”


"So, we have to kill this dragon as well, right?" Lu Mingfei looked at the monster in the fire, "One dragon, plus two lives, in exchange for a quarter of my life, deal?"

"Brother, you are getting more and more greedy... There is nothing wrong with that." Lu Mingze shook his head helplessly, "But you seem to have made a mistake. I am the one leading this transaction, right?"

"I know, but what you want is my life, so you have to pay more!" Lu Mingfei said confidently.

"Alas..." Lu Mingze sighed, "Brother, it's not that I won't help you. As I said, I can fulfill almost all your wishes, but your current wish is very difficult."

"Just tell me if you can do it!" Lu Mingfei became impatient.

"Okay, but not entirely okay."

"What do you mean?" Lu Mingfei didn't quite understand.

"If you want to slay a dragon, you have found the right person. I am indeed very good at it." Lu Mingze said, "But the key now is you... I can give you power, but you can't kill it."

"Why?" Lu Mingfei frowned.

"How can you slay a dragon with bare hands?" Lu Mingze said a simple and easy-to-understand truth, "You haven't even left the novice village, the only weapon you have is a pistol, and you are facing a bronze that can control metal and flames. With the Fire Lord, what are you going to use to kill it?”

"Then there's nothing we can do?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Lu Mingze turned around and looked at Constantine in the flames, "Actually, I also want to kill him. Unfortunately, I don't have enough strength now. Otherwise, I will help you without you saying it. Let's each take a step back. Brother, I Give you enough power to fight him. Although not enough to kill him, it should be enough for you to ensure the safety of your friends. How about it?"

"Deal!" Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand.

"Very good," Lu Mingze smiled and stretched out his hand to high-five Lu Mingfei, "Something for nothing, 20% fusion, remember, brother, your time is limited, don't fight, your task is just to hold him back."


As the clapping sound disappeared, Lu Mingze was no longer in front of him.


Lu Mingfei let out a miserable cry.

His arm was burning in flames, and the pain stimulated his nerves, forcing him to scream.

But he didn't pull his hand out of the flames, because at this time he felt that his body was full of power and could do anything!

He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from continuing to scream, spitting hot steam from between his teeth, because the surrounding temperature was too high, and his entire lungs were filled with hot air, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Don't die! Don't die! Don't die!"

He suppressed the pain and roared in anger. This was an order, ordering himself not to die, and at the same time ordering the other two people in the fire.

He continued to move forward, the fire wrapped around his body, and Constantine was right in front of him.

The burning claws had penetrated Nono's back, burning the two of them. Old Tang's face was ferocious and he had lost consciousness.

In the raging fire, a pair of blazing golden eyes lit up, with fine dragon inscriptions flowing in their eyes, and the light overwhelmed the flames.

Lu Mingfei's whole body was on fire, but it was quickly repaired by a domineering force. The power flowed through his body, seeming to squeeze out all his potential. The pain spread throughout his body, but he still reached forward.

His outstretched hands took hold.

"Give me, get out of here!"

He grabbed Constantine's arm, pulled it out fiercely, and threw it towards the mountain wall.

"Don't die, don't die!"

Lu Mingfei helped the two people who were about to fall, muttering softly, his eyes full of indifference.

Just like an order was given, the whole world seemed to have changed. The rules were broken at this moment. Lu Mingfei clearly felt that he was surrounded by invisible power. This power wrapped around the two people around him, forming a 'Domain', in this 'domain', his language is absolute!

The injuries on the two men began to recover at an alarming speed, as if they were going back in time. The wound on Nono's back healed quickly, and Lu Mingfei could feel the hot life flowing from their bodies. They would not die, they could not die.

Seeing that these two people were safe and sound, Lu Mingfei turned his head and looked at the burning dragon shadow with cold eyes.

"Roar!" An angry roar washed over his face with heat waves.

Two pairs of burning golden eyes looked at each other at this moment, with the same anger.

Before Constantine could get up, Lu Mingfei took the initiative and rushed into the burning flames again.

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