A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 19 14. Don’t make things difficult for other girls

Chapter 19 14. Don’t make it difficult for other girls

The bullet hit the target and there was a crisp feedback, but this was definitely not what Lu Shanyan wanted to hear. What he wanted to hear was the sound of the bullet entering the body!

"Dong, dong, dong..." The sound was like hitting an iron plate, reminding him that "we failed to penetrate the enemy's armor."

Both hands take turns to reload, shoot, reload, and shoot.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Lu Shanyan roared and poured out all the bullets. Even if he knew that doing so was in vain, he couldn't stop, because all he could do now was to stop the Dragon King's progress and delay as much time as possible. , looking for an opportunity.

The boy approached Lu Shanyan step by step in the hail of bullets. To him, these bullets seemed to be no different from the raindrops falling from the sky. He strolled through the barrage unhurriedly, as if taking a leisurely stroll, with contempt in his golden pupils.

Suddenly, the gunfire stopped. Lu Shanyan's bullets had been exhausted. He had now lost the only weapon that could stop the Dragon King. His body's strength was also exhausted due to the side effects of "violent blood" and mercury poisoning. At this moment, he even He couldn't even hold the gun steady. He was able to stand here entirely because of his firm will.

"What? Is it over?" A contemptuous voice sounded in Lu Shanyan's ears.

Lu Shanyan knew that the Dragon King was beside him, and he could even feel the Dragon King's breathing, but at the moment he could do nothing, breathing heavily, like an exhausted prey running in front of a lion.

"Open your eyes, take a good look at your ancestors, and see clearly what real power is." The Dragon King whispered in Lu Shanyan's ear.

The deep voice seemed to have irresistible magic power. Lu Shanyan couldn't control himself and opened his eyes.

They were a pair of frightening vertical pupils, like two golden lanterns. Although they were just staring at him quietly, the god-like majesty made him breathless. Lu Shanyan seemed to feel the energy deep in his soul. There were bursts of sounds, wanting him to kneel down and worship.

Lu Shanyan knew that this was suppression from his bloodline, and that looking directly at the Dragon Eyes would risk being controlled. This was why he never used his eyes and only relied on the spirit of speech to fight.

He bit his tongue, using the pain to remind himself not to be controlled, and tried his best to close his eyes again. But even with his eyes closed, he could vaguely feel the blazing golden color.

"Weak people are just weak after all. Don't they even have the courage to face the power?" The Dragon King smiled contemptuously, "Even if the blood of my family flows, it can't change your cowardice as a mortal."

"Courage?" Lu Shanyan said hoarsely, "You may have some misunderstanding about the definition of courage!"


Lu Shanyan suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist, and a flash of scarlet flashed before his eyes. He cut his eyes straight, and blood flowed down like tears, but he was smiling.


"It feels much better to not have to see those disgusting eyes again." Lu Shanyan endured the severe pain, "The courage of human beings is to fight one after another and not be afraid of sacrifice. We stick to the beliefs in our hearts and believe that there is a bright future. Faced with Everything can be neither humble nor arrogant, you can never enslave us!"

"Come! Kill me." Lu Shanyan dropped the dagger, opened his hands, opened his windbreaker and faced the Dragon King with his chest, "You can kill me, but you can't kill us! Finally one day, someone will hold a butcher knife and chop Break your necks!"

"A weak person will refuse to admit his weakness even before he dies? A coward will always be a coward."

Lu Shanyan's chest was pierced, and the bone spurs gave Lu Shanyan a chill.

"Ghost!" Lu Shanyan roared with all his strength, regardless of the blood spurting out of his mouth.

Finally, he caught him. His hands clasped the Dragon King's wings tightly. He burned his life and burst out his last strength. His fingertips were embedded in the Dragon King's flesh and bones. At this moment, even if God came, he couldn't let him go. With both hands, one second is enough. The "Ghost" bullet will pierce him and the Dragon King together. The bullets from the Philosopher's Stone are fatal to both him and the Dragon King. One shot is enough to knock them out of their wits!

The "ghost" has been lying motionless in the grass nearby for several hours. The raindrops are hitting her body, making her already cold body temperature even colder, like a piece of ice that has never melted for thousands of years. The temperature will not change.

Yan Ling·Dong.

This is the ability given to her by her blood. A very weak speech spirit can only make her slow down her breathing and blood flow like a cold-blooded animal. It is only necessary to maintain life, but it is just right and very suitable for people like her. A person hiding in the dark is insignificant and difficult to detect, like a dead person.

Although she knew that such a disguise would probably not escape the Dragon King's perception, it was enough, because she understood this man's determination. The man in front of her whom she loved deeply would create opportunities for her, even at the cost of his life.

She also knew that she only had one chance, because there was only one "Philosopher's Stone", so she kept waiting, waiting for the man to give the final order.

But when she actually heard the man calling her, she realized that she couldn't shoot.

Of course she knew exactly what Lu Shanyan meant. If she shot through Lu Shanyan's body, she would be able to kill the damn Dragon King. The opportunity Lu Shanyan had been waiting for was just this second to control the Dragon King with his body and block the Dragon King's sight. , this is the only chance.

She had been confident that she could do it. She could even let the bullet pass through the gap between Lu Shanyan's heart and lungs, kill the Dragon King and then rescue her. But she suddenly realized that the "Philosopher's Stone" was also fatal to Lu Shanyan, whose body transformed into a dragon after a violent bloodshed.

Her finger paused on the trigger.

A bone spur pierced her throat, and the "ghost"'s hand weakly let go of the sniper rifle. The tears streaming down the corners of her eyes were either due to wasting the one second of opportunity that Lu Shanyan had bought with his life or not killing his lover. of relief.

"Ghost!" Lu Shanyan roared desperately.

She is a girl who felt very lonely from birth to the age of 14. Then there was a person who brought her warmth and she could not kill him.

Ghost, death, twenty-one years old.


A white hand grasped the "ghost"'s released trigger.

The gunfire rang out, and a scarlet bullet came out of the chest, piercing Lu Shanyan's body and hitting the Dragon King's chest.

"Go to sleep." The boy's voice rang in "Ghost"'s ears, although she could no longer hear it.

"How can such a cruel decision be used to embarrass a girl? Lu Shanyan, your scream is so fucking unpleasant." Xuan Hao, who had been squatting for a long time and finally found a chance, walked out leisurely with a gun in his hand, and said: Cursing and cursing.

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