A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 196 189. Sending Buddha to the West

Chapter 196 189. Sending Buddha to the West

"Does this mean we're not welcome here?" Caesar shrugged.

"Yes, everyone, please come back." The female voice on the radio was a little lazy.

Caesar was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party could actually hear what he said. So he could communicate?

"What if we don't?" He frowned.

"Unfortunately, if you do not cooperate with our work, then we will have to take coercive measures."

"Oh? Really?" Caesar raised his eyebrows.

"Caesar... don't act rashly!" Professor Manstein said nervously, "This is China, and the status of the academy here is not as high as you think..."

As he spoke, he pointed around.

Lu Mingfei looked curiously in the direction he pointed, and then his heart dropped.

A large area of ​​pitch-black muzzles appeared not far away from them at some point, and they were all locked onto them.

If you look carefully, you will find a group of special forces wearing standard equipment. They are hiding behind the bunker, with only the muzzles of their guns exposed for deterrence.

Caesar shook his head and said that he would not mess around. How could the sneaking of these special forces escape his ears? He had already discovered it. When the woman on the radio started speaking, these special forces began to pour in from all directions and surrounded them. They, talk just to distract them and delay them.

But everyone in Cassel College is helpless, because this is other people's territory. This group of people has already laid out a plan waiting for them to get in. At this moment, they are under the gunpoint of others and can only be passive.

As for resistance... it was really impractical. Caesar roughly listened to the heartbeats around him. At least one company of people surrounded them, and everyone had weapons in their hands. Faced with this kind of well-trained special forces, they had prepared a plan in advance. Even if they are not hybrids but ordinary special forces, they cannot be broken through by just a dozen or so commissioners from the academy and a professor without combat effectiveness.

What's more, the other party is all in the dark, and their every move is under the surveillance of others. From the fact that the other party can hear them speaking, it can be known that they are at an absolute disadvantage!

"Who are you?" Caesar asked calmly, even though he was at an absolute disadvantage, his arrogance was not affected at all.

He asked the other party questions in order to delay time and obtain information.

According to the college's plan, Angers will come to take over after the communication with China is complete, but I don't know why he hasn't shown up yet.

"It is said that the commissioners of your school are all elites. How could they ask such stupid questions?" The female voice on the radio was a little contemptuous. "This is China. Who are we? Of course we are Chinese!"

"Uh..." Caesar was a little embarrassed. The other person's answer was pure nonsense, but he couldn't find anything wrong and was speechless.

"I want to ask, who do you belong to, or who are you?" Caesar's eyes narrowed and he looked directly in a certain direction high up. There was a thick glass there, so he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside. But he knew that the person they were talking to was there.

"Did you find my location so quickly? It seems you are not as useless as I thought." Su Enxi in the control room raised an eyebrow, "But what if I find it?"

"We can't do anything." Caesar spread his hands, "In this case, we have to admit defeat, but we have to make sure we lose clearly, right? It's not easy to explain that we came all the way here and just go back like this."

"This is your problem." The female voice became cold again, "There are only two choices before you now. One, leave here, and two, stay here forever."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of neat loading sounded in the airport. No one could tell how many guns there were because their movements were so neat. Even Caesar couldn't judge it in a short time, but Cassel College The only thing people know is that these guys are serious. If they don't leave, they will turn them into a hornet's nest in an instant.

The atmosphere became quiet for a moment, and both sides remained silent.

Everyone in Kassel College was standing back to back, sweating nervously, exchanging glances with each other, as if they were discussing how to deal with this situation, but unfortunately, no one had any idea.

Caesar unconsciously stood at the front, protecting Nono and others behind him. Although this seemed to be of no use, he frowned and asked Professor Manstein, who was leading the team, but the professor had no idea what to do.

Lu Mingfei hid among a group of people and shivered. He actually wanted to say, "Brother, let's retreat first?" A good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences! ’ But looking at the people around him who are so brave, it’s hard for him to say it. After all, he is also an ‘S’ class, and their expectations of him are quite high.

Even the cold Ling showed no sign of retreating at this moment and was still protecting him. No, it should be said that everyone seems to be subconsciously surrounding him. Is this to protect him? Lu Mingfei was confused. Although he was the 'important combat force' of Slaying the Dragon and had not yet entered the battlefield, it would not be good if he was damaged here, but their actions made him blush a little. Um? It seemed that Fingel was huddled in the middle like him. It turned out that he was not the only one who was afraid. That was okay.

A burst of rapid ringtones from the cell phone broke the deadlock.

It's Professor Manstein's cell phone.

He took out his mobile phone a little strangely and looked at the call on it, Angers?

"Hello?" Professor Manstein answered the phone, "Principal?"

"It's me." Ange's slightly gloomy voice came from the other end of the phone, "Have you arrived in China yet?"

"We're here...but we're surrounded now. We don't seem to be welcome here." Professor Manstein felt a little embarrassed.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Professor Manstein at this moment. Since the call was from Principal Angers, there must be something going on, because the principal should have come here in person to answer them.

"I'm sorry, my negotiation has broken down." Angers' tone was a little angry.

"The negotiations broke down?" Professor Manstein was stunned. "What should we do? Didn't we come to China in vain?"

"No way, just go back..." Angers said helplessly, "But it's not completely in vain. Although they don't welcome us to China, they can't stop their own people from going home, right?"

"What do you mean?" Manstein was stunned and turned his attention to Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo.

They are the only two Chinese here.

"Let Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo stay, and the others return to the academy." Angers said.

"But...how can two students deal with the Dragon King? We originally prepared ships and alchemy warheads! How can the two of them do it?" Manstein asked.

"It's not about letting them slay the dragon." Ange said solemnly, "Since we are not allowed to interfere in their domestic affairs, it proves that they can handle it themselves. We only need to confirm whether the Dragon King is dead, that is enough."

"Understood." Manstein sighed, and he could hear the helplessness in Angers words.

But what can be done? No one expected that China’s attitude would be so tough this time and it would not give Kassel College any face. This is the first time this has happened.

Manstein hung up the phone and looked at Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo, with a strange expression on his face.

"Mingfei, Nono... I just received a call from the principal, saying that there is a glorious and arduous task to be entrusted to you." Manstein's tone was extremely unconfident. Perhaps even he himself doubted the principal. Is the method successful? Are you sure that keeping the two of them will not be tricked by this group of people?

"Wha... what?" Lu Mingfei was a little scared, just like when he was in high school and the head teacher smiled and told you that he had something good to give you. It was definitely not good. I believed you!

But Nuonuo just nodded slightly. She seemed to have guessed something and had no objection to it.

"The principal told us to go back to the college first." Manstein said helplessly.

"That's great! Let's retreat quickly?" Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He had been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

"But you two have to stay." Manstein changed the subject, "This is your hometown. Why don't you go home and have a look?"

"No, no, no, I actually don't miss home at all!" Lu Mingfei said and wanted to slip towards the plane, but was held back by others.

"You have been in the college for so long, how can you miss home?" Manstein patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Principal Angers said, they just don't welcome outsiders, you are Chinese, What is there to be afraid of when returning to your own country? China is the safest country in the world, bar none."

Lu Mingfei was speechless for a moment. What this guy said seemed to make sense! But why was he still panicked when he saw the black muzzle?

"Have you considered it carefully?" the voice on the radio rang again, "should you leave or stay?"

Professor Manstein pushed Lu Mingfei in front of him, and then looked at Fingel to signal.

At this time, it's time for the college's social butterfly to appear. Although Fingel's grades are not very good, his ability in this area is still recognized by the college. After all, he is not the head of the Information Department for nothing. If he can't play both sides, with his His deeds had long been plucked out and hung at the school gate.

Fingel understood and blinked mischievously.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" He raised his hands in surrender, his movements skillful and without any sloppiness.

"Brother, please put down your gun and take a rest?"

"What misunderstanding?" The voice on the radio became cold, meaning that if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will beat you into a hornet's nest right away.

"We don't have any bad intentions here!" Fingel patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder, "Actually, we just sent our lovely junior home! Originally we just wanted to send him to the airport, but our junior insisted on inviting us to come to China. It’s hard to refuse such hospitality, so we had no choice but to agree.”

"When did I invite you?" Lu Mingfei wanted to resist, but Fingel covered his mouth.

"I just didn't expect that your country wouldn't welcome us, so why don't we go back?" Fingel said, "But the juniors and juniors have come all the way home, so you won't stop them, right?"


The atmosphere was strangely silent, and the person on the radio didn't speak any more, not thinking at all.

"Well, okay, no problem, of course we welcome international students home." After a long time, the voice came from the radio again, but it sounded a little bit ridiculing.


Fingel gave Manstein a thumbs up, indicating that the task was completed.

"Hey, junior brother, we just sent you here. You can walk the rest of the way home by yourself." He patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder and winked.

"I****" Lu Mingfei looked like he had eaten shit.

These guys change their faces so damn fast, don't they? Didn’t you come to China to slay the dragon? Why is it now that workers are sent home? It was sent from the United States to China, who were you trying to fool? Is this what is called sending Buddha to the West?

Lu Mingfei shouted at the black gun muzzle not far away, feeling that this time he might really be sent to the west.

The most outrageous thing is that the other party actually accepted this reason? What the fuck?

"Is it really okay?" Caesar asked with a frown.

"Yes, there is something wrong at first glance, right?" Lu Mingfei was so moved that he finally met a normal person!

"No problem. Since they have agreed, there is no problem. Just like Principal Angers said, they will not allow the Chinese to go home." Manstein comforted, knowing that Caesar was worried about Nono's personal safety.

"I have no problem." Nono spread his hands indifferently, "Go home, what's the problem?"

"..." Lu Mingfei looked at this group of people speechlessly. It turns out that no one cares if I have any problems?

"Listen, your mission is only to confirm the life and death of the Dragon King." Manstein whispered, "The 'Bronze Project' was forced to be cancelled, but the academy must confirm that the Dragon King is dead, do you understand?"

"Understood." Nono said calmly.

"How to confirm? Didn't we agree to let us go home..." Lu Mingfei asked.

"When you arrive at the original location, someone in China should be arranged to deal with the Dragon King. You just need to observe from a distance. Everything is about your own safety." Manstein said.

"I think it's safest to stay at home..." Lu Mingfei was speechless.

"After confirmation, of course you can go home for the rest of the time." Manstein said with a smile, "Nono, Lu Mingfei has no mission experience, you are responsible for taking him, then the rest will be left to you."

"Yes." Nono nodded nonchalantly, as if she wasn't too interested in the task assigned to her by the academy.

"Alas..." Lu Mingfei sighed. It seemed that his family had settled down, but luckily there was someone to take care of him.

"Safety first." Caesar said to Nono before leaving.

Nuonuo nodded lightly, and together with Lu Mingfei watched everyone in the academy return to the private plane.

As the engine roared, the plane lifted off the ground, and Lu Mingfei and Nono were completely thrown off.

Looking at the private plane flying away, Lu Mingfei felt that this college was really unreliable.

In fact, Kassel Academy has never been reliable. The tasks given to students are all dangerous tasks. Although there are so-called safety guarantees, they are only the equipment provided by the Equipment Department as a guarantee. As for the equipment of the Equipment Department, Maybe it can make people 'walk' faster! It seemed that there was nothing they couldn't do in order to slay the dragon.

Thanks to: Niu Lanshan, Biyakh, Liuli Fengjian, Fufufu, Whales Falling Cats, On Han Xin and Zhao Xin, Midnight, RaiN, Unlimited Guns, Zi Buyu, Book Friends 20200226154219932 for their rewards

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