A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 199 192. The correct use of wet nurse

Chapter 199 192. The correct usage of wet nurse

I believe you, Lu Mingfei is full of disbelief. Your fucking troops have been mobilized to blockade this area. Do you still care about day and night?

Lu Mingfei felt that Xuanhao must be deliberately making things difficult for him.

And he actually wanted to ask from the beginning. The academy had made a lot of preparations for dragon slaying, and even took them to training so far in advance. But looking at the man in front of him, he fell into deep thought.

"Brother...are we really going to slay the dragon?" Lu Mingfei asked cautiously.

Because he saw that Xuan Hao didn't seem to be carrying anything, and this small canoe seemed to be unable to carry anything, let alone heavy weapons such as torpedoes. He didn't even see a gun.

They looked more like tourists fishing on the artificial lake in the scenic spot. How could they look like they were going to slay the dragon?

"Of course." Xuan Hao replied firmly, "Aren't we on our way to the door of the Dragon King's house?"

"Just go like this?" Lu Mingfei was a little embarrassed. Speaking of it, he had never seen Xuan Hao take action. Although he knew that the man in front of him seemed very strong and had killed several dragons, he had never seen a real one. How dragon slayers slay dragons.

Of course, Lu Mingfei now does not doubt the authenticity of the dragon slaying, because Constantine that night gave him the "illusion" that humans can really defeat the Dragon King.

Just imagine, even a loser like him can fight Constantine back and forth. Well, he admitted that he cheated.

But the man in front of me knew Lu Mingze! Lu Mingfei knew that his plug-in was given to him by Lu Mingze, so the question was, couldn't these two guys be plug-in developers?

He felt that there might be something to his guess. Thinking about it this way, if Xuan Hao wanted to kill a dragon king, wouldn't that be simple?

"Then what am I worried about?" Lu Mingfei finished thinking and suddenly felt relieved.

Well, I’m not afraid at all with the boss’s thighs holding me in my arms. As long as I arrive at the door of Dragon King’s house, I knock on the door and shout, ‘The community sends warmth! ’ Then the matter is settled.

Xuan Hao looked at the giggling Lu Mingfei with curiosity. He had no idea what happened to the child. Could it be that he was beaten stupid by Constantine that night? poor child.

In fact, the reason why he brought Lu Mingfei here this time was very simple.

Because this kid is a handy tool man!

The power of "Don't Die" cannot be explained scientifically. It is a bug in this world and completely violates the "rules of the game". It can be said that it is not very similar to his own 'immortality' ability. The only difference is that his ability can only act on himself, and it is uncontrollable and enforceable. As for side effects, so far, there are none. It is really a sin.

As for Lu Mingfei, his "Don't Die" can not only affect himself, but can also be used on others. Xuan Hao had some doubts at first, but Constantine's appearance that night made him dispel his doubts.

Seeing Nuonuo being miraculously saved from death, Xuanhao said he was an expert and was a little envious. This ability is really convenient. The key is that the person who was cured did not seem to feel any pain.

You ask him why he brought Lu Mingfei with him when he couldn't die in the first place?

Um? Who told you that the wet nurse feeds him his own milk?

Xuan Hao said that this wet nurse was for the Dragon King opposite, so as not to accidentally kill him directly...

After all, a certain little dragon girl seemed to be 'very familiar' with these two brothers, so she would help him if she could. He didn't care. The life and death of the other dragon kings had nothing to do with him, but since someone said so, it wasn't impossible to save him.

It's just that the two brothers don't seem to be very smart.

A man who ran rampant in the academy like a fool, was seriously injured, and almost wiped out the Yanling Zhulong. If Xia Mi hadn't neutralized his Yanling and put him into a deep sleep, he would have self-destructed by now. Not even the dregs are left.

And his brother was even more reckless. He was eager to avenge his brother without understanding anything clearly. He didn't speak politely and had to be beaten several times.

Xuan Hao estimated that Norton was a fool. He had been beaten up by him before. He originally planned to tell him the truth, but he refused to listen. Now he must have returned to Bronze City.

There has been no movement from Norton for so long these days, which means that he must be accumulating strength. If he wants to take revenge, he will definitely not be able to take the human form, but to regain the dragon body, he will need to re-form the cocoon, which will take too much time. too long.

Xuan Hao thought that he couldn't wait any longer and would follow his original path. In order to seek stronger power for revenge, he had merged with Samson. Alas...poor Samson died in an unknown way. Thinking of this, he mourned silently. For a second.

However, this also made Xuan Hao have a good impression of these races that people fear. Whether it is Samson's loyalty or the touching brotherhood, they are symbiotic. If one dies, the other will not live alone, and may even Destroy the world for revenge.

Even so, Xuan Hao still feels that it is much more pleasing to the eye than those people who are plotting to destroy everything because of fear and call themselves the 'savior'.

Of course, this does not mean that he will start to "retaliate against society" after seeing these dragons being bullied. He wants to destroy the world. This is his territory. If he dares to cause trouble, he will be beaten. As for whether he will die or not, it depends on them. Good luck.

There was an eerie silence on the canoe, because these two people had nothing to talk about. What were the two grown men talking about, exploring a new path?

Lu Mingfei rowed obediently, and Xuanhao dug out the equipment he wanted to use this time from the partition of the canoe.

In fact, he didn't need any complicated equipment, just a pair of headphones and his folding alchemy gun. Since he wasn't trying to take the life of Dragon King Norton, he didn't need Kungunir.

As for why Constantine used Kungunir last time, it was because Constantine's state was extremely unstable. He was afraid of any accidents in the middle. If he couldn't save him, he wouldn't have the slightest mercy and would kill him with one blow. .

The current situation of Norton is much better than that of Constantine. This is probably the difference between going through the process and being sent directly. Constantine was forcibly awakened from the embryo by Angers. His body is not fully developed and his condition is extremely unstable. Norton had been paddling outside for many years before he was finally awakened by his brother.

Now for Xuan Hao, the only difficulty is how to be careful not to let him die. After all, neither Norton nor Constantine have time to form cocoons again. If they die, they will really die.

He still doesn't know what level of power the Dragon King will have after merging with Samson, but he thinks it should be at least stronger than the next generation. When the fight started, he was afraid that it would be too late to stop, so he took Lu Mingfei with him and gave him milk while beating him. He probably wouldn't beat him to death.

Thinking of this, everything was ready and all he needed was the east wind. Xuan Hao stood up and took off his clothes.


Lu Mingfei looked at Xuan Hao's perfect muscle lines and couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He was so scared that he almost threw away the paddle in his hand. Brother, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly take off your clothes?

This is on the water, and he's not ready yet. Oh no, he doesn't know where to run!

"Why are you looking at me?" Xuan Hao noticed Lu Mingfei's eyes and looked at Lu Mingfei with a perverted expression, "What is in your head?"

Of course he took off his clothes to get into the water. He kept his swimming trunks on. It was not convenient to wear clothes underwater. Moreover, it would not be good if the clothes were damaged in a fight.

"Put on your headphones, stay on the boat and listen to my command." Xuan Hao said and threw a headset to Lu Mingfei.

"Ah? Oh!" Lu Mingfei reacted instantly and gave a false alarm.

"Oh no, wait, brother! Don't you bring an oxygen tank?"

Lu Mingfei watched in stunned silence as Xuan Hao jumped into the water. Well, there was no such thing as an oxygen bottle on this small canoe.

"Is this still human..."

He still remembered that Kassel Academy paid special attention to the 'Bronze Plan' and allowed them to participate in intensive training weeks in advance, including diving training, which almost cost him half his life.

According to Norma's calculations, the diving specialist for this mission needs to carry at least an amount of oxygen that can last for 3 hours, and also wear a fully nano-material diving suit that can withstand 20 atmospheres of pressure.

But now Xuanhao is in the water, wearing only a pair of underpants...

In this river?

Lu Mingfei had to wonder if this guy was non-human. A normal person would suffocate to death when diving without oxygen, right? Or maybe he didn't go down to find the Dragon King, but just swam and caught fish.

If Xuan Hao knew what Lu Mingfei was thinking at the moment, he might praise him for being smart. Because for him, there is probably no essential difference between catching a dragon king and fishing for fish. As for why, he is not sure, it is just because he has never had a fight with a dragon king with a dragon body so far.

However, when Xuan Hao entered the water, he realized that he was really not fully prepared. He would have known better if he had brought Potato Chips here to work. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. She had been squatting at the airport for so long, and then pulled her He came here to squeeze the labor force. He is a conscientious boss. He will definitely not be able to do such things as oppressing his employees.

The visibility underwater at this moment is really terrible, the visibility is less than 5 meters. Not to mention an extra commander, I would have known better to wear goggles...

Xuan Hao looked at the rich dark green in front of him with a look of helplessness. No, the sanitation work is not good enough. He will have to straighten things out after he goes back. He is really a busy man who cares about the world. Alas...

Relying on the astonishing density of his body, he ignored the buoyancy of the river and began to dive quickly. His physical fitness had already reached an inhuman level. Holding his breath for an hour or two was not difficult for him, and even if If it was suffocation, he wouldn't die, he would just feel very uncomfortable.

As for the water pressure tens of meters underwater? Sorry, I really didn't feel it. After all, even Yuan Zhisheng's "royal power" that can make normal people smash to pieces can only give him a feeling of wet clothes.

"It's so lonely..."

Xuan Hao sighed.

At a depth of 100 meters under the water, there was nothing around him but himself. It was as quiet as if he had lost consciousness. Everything in the world was isolated. He regretted not pulling Lu Mingfei down.

What does the Dragon King feel like sleeping here?

He seemed to understand why Xia Mi wanted him to save the two brothers in distress. In the endless years, when one of your friends died, one less one, how lonely would it be if all of your friends died and you were the only one left in the end?

There is a deep gap under the feet, which is difficult to detect and pitch black. The surrounding river water is faster than elsewhere, like a huge mouth that swallows everything open under the water.

Xuanhao had already figured out everything here before he came here. The location information of Bronze City had been figured out when the 'Scavenger' dived before. Now coming here is like going to his own backyard. Likewise, even though it's a 'new home', you won't get lost.

"finally reached."

Xuan Hao looked up, and he saw a wall, a huge wall that extended infinitely to the left, right, upwards and downwards. His golden pupils lit up under the dark water, staring at this ancient turquoise, mottled wall. The patina is like a wall.

"This place is nice."

Xuan Hao stroked the city wall and thought to himself that this place is very hidden and no one would come here. It is very suitable for hiding things, especially huge things.

There is a "human face" on the wall, which is probably the mechanism that opens the "city gate" of the folding fan, which is also the so-called "living spirit".

This is the authority of the King of Bronze and Fire, one of the four monarchs. He can manipulate the element of fire, 'kill' the metal, remove impurities, and then 'resurrect' it. This metal is called 'regenerated metal', and it has The ability to imprison the soul is a living spirit imprisoned in the bronze door. It can only guard this door according to the will of the Dragon King.

There are two ways to activate him. One is to have a very high bloodline and be able to activate the living creatures inside with blood. The other one is relatively simple, just use violence to smash the door. Of course, this is not something normal people can do.

Xuan Hao could, but he suddenly changed his attention.

This bronze city was quite good. He felt that it would be useful if he kept it. If it was damaged, it would be worthless, so he had to use a gentler approach.

He cut his hand and put it on the 'face'.


Xuan Hao frowned, "Damn it, it's ridiculous if it's healed, it's a bit nerve-wracking."

He saw that the bronze human face started to move as if it smelled the smell of blood. The entire human face emerged from the wall, the rust on the surface cracked, and the somewhat terrifying mouth opened, and the canine teeth exposed were extremely sharp, but He couldn't bite his fingers.

This human face wanted to 'suck' his blood, but it was so suffocating that it couldn't break through. And if he cut his finger, it would heal quickly.

"There is really no way..." Xuanhao sighed helplessly. He never dreamed that he would be stumped by such a thing. Is this a worry that normal people should have? Only then did he remember that he seemed to be abnormal. Maybe he would have been troubled earlier. It can no longer be defined as a human being.


He used his right hand to open the blood vessels on his left arm, and slowly moved to open a wound, repeatedly, because it would heal quickly once he stopped.

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