A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 208 201.This is the first time

Chapter 208 201. This is the first time

Norton on the opposite side was unmoved, and that's right. Xuan Hao's words sounded like a joke or even a mockery to anyone.

But Xuanhao shouted that he was wronged, but he really didn't. Honest people never lie, every word is true.

He had no intention of killing the two brothers. The purpose of coming here was to take Norton back to save Constantine, but the iron-headed boy refused to listen to him and insisted on taking action first. You said you were fooling around outside, why didn't you give in?


Xuan Hao looked at Norton, who was getting ready to go. It seemed that Norton couldn't listen to what he said.

A pair of blazing dragon wings spread out behind the bronze armor. They were wings made of flames, which instantly illuminated the entire night. What burned in the flames was the enlightenment of the ancient dragon clan.

In the blazing flames, Xuan Hao seemed to see the roars of countless giant dragons, as if he was not facing the Dragon King Norton alone, but the entire dragon clan of bronze and fire.

They beat the war drums behind the king, shouted war cries, and sent him off to the final battlefield.

"I see, is this your choice?" Xuan Hao looked at the burning flame of pride and grinned, "Then let me see how strong your consciousness is."

He can easily decide the fate of these dragons, life or death, all in his mind.

But the other party doesn't seem to need it.

It's not that Norton didn't hear what he said, nor that he didn't understand, but his pride made him unable to bear such mercy.

He is the king, and he bears the will of the entire dragon clan. He can fail, but he cannot admit defeat.


Xuanhao looked at Norton in front of him and his eyes became serious. Now that the other party has made his choice, he has nothing to hesitate.

Let this punch end everything... It is impossible to hold back this punch. Faced with this realization, he has truly regarded the opponent as his opponent. Putting aside humans and dragons, strong and weak, they were standing on the same platform at this moment. It seemed that life and death no longer mattered. Life and death were inevitable on the battlefield. At worst, he accidentally overplayed his game and went back to admit his mistake. He was still a good man.

Two pairs of dazzling golden eyes looked at each other, illuminating the darkness.

The dragon blood in Xuan Hao's body began to boil, his muscles bulged, and a bloody mist rose.

As if they had made an appointment, the two disappeared instantly.

In an instant, the ground cracked open, as if the entire space had collapsed. It was Xuan Hao. He stepped forward and punched.

A harsh explosion sounded, and a figure broke through the flames, causing bursts of explosions. It was Norton, and the sword in his hand drew a red line of fire in the night sky.

Lu Mingfei watched as the two figures accelerated in an instant, and the two shadows collided together like a broken frame.

Norton waved his sword, and the blazing sword in his hands drew a perfect cross in the air, pulling out a brilliant flame and slashing at the human who was facing him.

Xuan Hao, on the other hand, lowered his body, lowered his breath, and punched. The ground he stepped on was cracked, and the force went straight up from his legs, to his waist, and then to his fists.

Facing the blade coming towards him, a smile appeared on his lips. He had no intention of dodging the blade.

The master once said that guns and fists are the same. Sometimes you should have the momentum to move forward. If the momentum is broken, you will definitely lose. No matter what is in front of you, find the target and hit it, one strike is enough!

Just like that old figure, facing the Dragon King's fatal blow, he could still smile and punch boldly.

He once tried to imitate this punch, but he could only get its shape but not its meaning. He had only seen this punch once. At this moment, he felt as if he had seized some kind of opportunity, and the muscles in his arms that condensed the strength of his whole body suddenly relaxed.

It was as if countless figures were overlapping at this moment, and all the skills, strength, and intention were condensed into one punch. The punch seemed slow, but it only lasted for a moment and seemed like eternity. No one could see where the punch hit. .

It was a fist honed in the ancient courtyard. Day after day, year after year, joy, laughter, bitterness, and warmth, everything was condensed into this fist.

This is what he is pursuing, that is the shadow he is constantly chasing, the pinnacle of martial arts skills and strength, not pure brute force.


Two figures passed each other, followed by the sound of something breaking.

"Master once said that fighting cannot rely solely on brute force."

Two staggered bloody traces remained on Xuan Hao's chest. The two wounds seemed extremely deep but not fatal. He won this duel.

The wound slowly healed, and he turned around indifferently.

Looking at the figure behind him who was still swinging the sword.

The swords in Norton's hands were broken inch by inch, and the armor on his body had fine cracks starting from his chest, and finally turned into pieces all over the sky, but his body was actually unscathed.

With a "plop", Norton's figure could no longer support his movements and he fell down.

"he died?"

Lu Mingfei, who had been paddling next to him for a long time, saw the battle was over and hurried over to check the situation. He seemed to be unable to do anything except paddling.

But this was too much to look at, and it immediately shattered his outlook on life.

He watched helplessly as the wound on Xuan Hao's chest was healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. This made him think that his speech spirit was out of control. Didn't he use his speech spirit on Xuan Hao? But Xuan Hao's injuries were indeed healing rapidly, even more outrageous than his speaking spirit.

Good guy, no wonder you asked me to give Norton milk. Lu Mingfei said that someone was cheating here. It would be unfair if he didn’t give Norton milk, right?

"Not dead." Xuan Hao replied calmly, "I just fainted."

"How is that possible?" Lu Mingfei exclaimed. He saw with his own eyes that Xuan Hao directly smashed Norton's sword and armor into pieces with one punch. With such impact, the person in the armor should have been killed no matter how hard the armor was, right? Or just fainted? This unscientific!

Xuan Hao didn't explain but just shook his head.

He really showed no mercy, and this punch should have knocked Norton to a pulp.

But his sudden realization made him stronger.

He finally understood what his master meant when he scolded him for being reckless. The true intention of a fist should be one that can be freely retracted and released. It can penetrate everything without hurting anyone at all.

Just now, he did use all his strength, but he dispersed all the power to every corner of the sword and armor, so that the punch that could crack the mountain and crack the earth hit Norton and only made him faint.

However, he still didn't control it very well. He was supposed to smash the opponent's clothes with one punch, but the opponent hadn't reacted yet. It was harmless but extremely insulting. It is simply a must-have skill for an expert to show off.

A scarlet bullet slid into the barrel of the gun, the firing pin fired, and a slender tongue of flame flashed out from the muzzle.


Xuan Hao frowned, and the next moment his figure disappeared from the spot.

Lu Mingfei was so shaken by the movement caused by his step that he almost fell down. He didn't understand what happened to make this man so anxious that he didn't even have time to remind him.

But the next moment he heard a piercing roar, but by the time he heard the sound, it was over.

If he was not mistaken, it should be the sound of a bullet, and that bullet was now in Xuan Hao's hand.

Scarlet blood spilled from Xuan Hao's hand. He opened his hand and saw a scarlet bullet.

Lu Mingfei has seen such bullets. They are bullets ground from the Philosopher's Stone, specially used to deal with the Dragon King... Someone wants to kill Norton?

Then he was stunned, because he saw Xuan Hao suddenly turned his head and stared at him, murderous intent flashed in the golden pupils of his eyes, and even he could see the unconcealed anger.

"This is the first time."

This voice was majestic and angry. Although it was just spoken softly, it felt like it hit the soul, deafening, and penetrated the sky.

The entire Three Gorges Reservoir is trembling and scared.

The surrounding soldiers on guard looked at the place where the sound came from with horror. Even the fierce sound of the previous battle could not make them as nervous as at this moment.

Because the 'Emperor' said hello before, it will be very noisy inside, so don't let people in, and don't ask too many questions.

But it's different now. This is the anger of the 'Emperor'. For many years, the emperor sitting high in the clouds has never been so angry. They know the consequences of this anger. When the emperor is angry, blood will spread thousands of miles. This angry emperor a hundred years ago, In a rage, he crushed all the invaders on the border, and the blood of the aliens spread all over the continent. This was enough to calm them down, and no one dared to commit any crimes from then on.

And who dares to make him angry now?

"Boss, you almost killed me..."

In the distance, Mai Shutoku put away the infrared telescope and trembled while hugging Barrett. In her heart, she thought about the whole family of that damn boss for actually giving her such a dangerous job.

The roar just now almost scared her soul out. It was a sound she had never heard before. The sound was like the words of a god and a call from hell. No one dared to disobey it.

She could tell it was a warning. Sounds like she has a second chance? But she made up her mind never to mess with this god of plague again, it was too scary.

She didn't dare to look in that direction now, fearing that those dazzling golden eyes would look at her like a dead person. She had no doubt about that man's fighting ability. Not to mention that he now had a record of completely defeating the Dragon King. Just because he caught the bullets from the Philosopher's Stone with his bare hands was not someone she could mess with.

And judging from the voice, the other party knew that he was hiding nearby. The voice was filled with anger, but it was not a roar, but a fear that struck deep into the soul.

"Mission failed, retreat."

The boss's calm voice sounded in the earphones, and he seemed not surprised by the result.

"Boss, what do you want to do? Aren't we allies? Why are we causing trouble for each other?" Mai Shutoku whispered.

"Our goal is to slay the dragon, and his goal is not clear yet. There are some differences. The reason for cooperation is just that we each have needs. And we are not looking for trouble, we are just testing each other's bottom line." The boss said in a tone dull.

"Huh? With your gun drawn, doesn't that mean you're looking for trouble?"

"Of course not. As far as the results are concerned, it's not bad. At least we know there's more than one chance." The boss joked.

"What if this is the last time?" Mai Shutoku complained.

"Chinese people pay attention to three things when doing things." The boss smiled and said, "Don't worry, the problem is not big. Since he acquiesces to your entry, it means that you will be fine. You don't think that you are really capable of breaking through with your strength. Have the layers of guards arrived here?”

"???" Mai Shutoku had questions all over her head. Good guy, how come they knew she was here from the very beginning?

"Brother...brother, don't look at me like this, I'm scared!" Lu Mingfei was numb with Xuan Hao's eyes.

"Don't worry."

Xuan Hao said, squeezing his hands and rubbing them, and the bullet of the Philosopher's Stone turned into powder in his hands.

"I'm not telling you this."

Lu Mingfei was panicking. He watched Xuan Hao grind the bullets into powder and thought to himself, how could he not care? Maybe he would be the next one to turn into powder.

But he probably understood that since Xuan Hao didn't say this to him, he must have said it to Lu Mingze. I just don't know if Lu Mingze is here. If he is, he must educate his bratty brother so that he won't think too hard.

This god is really not someone we should mess with. Lu Mingfei feels that if he offends this man, even if he has the spirit of "don't die", he will just be tortured. It is better to just die. So why offend? Isn’t it nice to hug your thighs?


Xuan Hao didn't wait for Lu Mingfei's reaction, then directly lifted Norton, who was lying on the ground, with one hand and Lu Mingfei with the other.

Amidst Lu Mingfei's screams, he stepped straight into the sky, making him feel like flying. At this moment, he wanted to ask, why did he need to row the boat when it was so convenient? It’s definitely intentional!

After returning to the camp, a group of soldiers were already ready to go and saluted the two of them. Lu Mingfei looked at them as if they were all in a state of battle preparation, as if they could capture any city with just one order from Xuan Hao. What happened?

"grown ups."

A middle-aged man in military uniform came up with a serious look on his face.

"It's okay." Xuan Hao shook his head and waved his hand to signal them to relax their vigilance, "Get ready to evacuate."


Following this order, all the soldiers retreated in unison and prepared to evacuate.

"Is this the end?"

Lu Mingfei asked confused.

"Otherwise, what else do you want?" Xuan Hao asked.

"Because I heard that dragon slaying seems quite tragic?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

"It's tragic because they are incompetent." Xuan Hao said lightly, "The land you were standing on was even more tragic. Now, who dares to make trouble?"


Lu Mingfei was silent. He felt that what Xuan Hao said was very reasonable. So the question is, how can I be as good as you? Even if he is an outsider, he can now fully see that the man in front of him has completely 'out of specification' combat power, which is not comparable to that of mortals like them.

"Um...Old Tang, how are you going to deal with it?"

In the end, Lu Mingfei decided to focus on things close to him first.

"You don't have to worry about it now." Xuan Hao waved his hand, and a soldier next to him came over respectfully, "You go home and stay there for now. You don't have to go back to the academy for the time being. It's summer vacation soon anyway, so there's no need to go back to the academy. There will be something to say.”

"Oh." Lu Mingfei replied obediently. He left the unconscious figure in Xuan Hao's hand, feeling a little sad, but there seemed to be nothing he could do.

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