Chapter 211 204. Reward

Late at night, on the top floor of the principal's office.

There was a lamp on the desk, the tea in the two bone china cups was still warm, and two figures were sitting opposite each other at the desk.

Chu Zihang did not touch the tea on the table. He was not very interested in these things. The principal asked him to come to the office late at night, just when he had just returned to the college after completing his mission. There must be something important to be so anxious about.

Ange calmly took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Chu Zihang, "Let's take a look at this first."

Chu Zihang opened the document with some confusion.

The contents inside made his eyes freeze.

‘The latest reward on the hunter market is that a dragon named Fenrir has awakened in China and is recruiting hunters to kill him. The reward is US$100 million. ’

"Principal, what do you mean..."

Chu Zihang could probably understand the purpose of the principal showing this to him. The college probably had no interest in the bounty, but when dragons were involved, things were different.

The hunter website is a public website. There are not only hybrids on it, but also ordinary bounty hunters. Whether the dragon mentioned in the bounty is just a name, or whether there is a real dragon awakening, it cannot be left to the bounty hunters. This matter must be resolved before they do.

"Yes, I plan to send you to China." Anger nodded, "It should be said that I can only send you to China. The control over your side is very strict recently, and the other commissioners have no way to get close. Only you have reason to come back China, you are a student and it’s summer vacation now. Although your work has been delayed a bit, it’s still time to go back.”

"I understand." Chu Zihang nodded and put away the documents. He accepted the task and had no reason to refuse. "Am I the only one to carry out this task?"

"No, you can call any commissioner in China." Angers said, "But this mission may involve the awakened Dragon King. Such a reward will not appear on the hunter website for no reason. Someone must have placed it deliberately. Although it is not You know the purpose of the other party, but this kind of joke is not funny at all. What you are going to face may really be the awakened Dragon King! So I personally suggest that you call the commissioners with high bloodlines. Currently, Lu Mingfei and Chen Motong are in China. The bloodline rating is the highest, one 'S' grade and one 'A' grade, you can decide for yourself."

"Lu Mingfei." Chu Zihang pondered for a moment, "If the Dragon King really wakes up, the other commissioners will die if they go there. Based on the combat power he showed during the last dragon invasion, only he can help me. "

"I'm sorry, the task this time is very difficult, but the help the college can give you is very limited." Ange's tone was a little apologetic, "When the matter involves China, it will become very troublesome, and the school board of directors is not willing to Intervene, we can't provide you with support, but I hope you bring this."

Ange took out the folding knife from his sleeve and pushed it in front of Chu Zihang.

"Is this?" Chu Zihang was a little confused. He didn't understand why the principal gave him a folding knife. He obviously already had Murasame.

"Your sword is great, but it's not enough to deal with the Dragon King." Ange's eyes stared at Chu Zihang, "I think you should have the power now?"

"Yes." Chu Zihang did not feel nervous because of Anger's gaze. The technique of violent blood originated from the Lion Heart Club. As a hard-core member of the Lion Heart Club, it was not surprising that the principal knew this.

Anger nodded, "Most people in this academy think that you are of super 'A' level blood. You are higher than Caesar's blood. If there were not the first two 'S' levels, you would be the highest in the academy." Strong, no, even now, regardless of Xuan Hao, you should still be stronger than Lu Mingfei, but you know it well. When you first came to the academy, your blood purity was not even 'A' class.

Study your parents carefully and you will understand. Your father may be a rare hybrid, but your mother is just a pure human. The blood of their descendants will be diluted, making it difficult for better hybrids to emerge. Lu Mingfei's advantage is that his parents are both excellent mixed-races.

You have those golden eyes that never burn out. They look very powerful, but they are actually a side effect of violent blood. You have forced your bloodline up. This is irreversible. Now you are on the verge of losing control of your bloodline. You cannot control it. His golden eyes are the best proof. "

"Yes." Chu Zihang did not refute.

"Did Xuan Hao give this technology to you?" Ange narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes." Chu Zihang nodded.

"But he didn't tell you there would be such side effects."

"I don't blame him." Chu Zihang shook his head, "I knew from the beginning that if you want to gain power, there must be a price, and I don't care."

"That's right," Angers sighed, "But in fact, you also know that your lifespan will not be too long, right? Do you have any regrets?"

"No." Chu Zihang shook his head and stared at Ange with burning eyes. He knew that this technology was very dangerous, but he was not the only one who mastered the technology. Xuan Hao and Ange were in front of him. If he hadn't mastered it, I don't believe it.

Xuan Hao is an exception. He knows this very well after having seen such an extremely powerful force. Even Ange can't do anything to him. So how does the man in front of him, who is more than a hundred years old, live to this day?

"Principal, you should be able to do something, right?"

"Haha." Ange looked at Chu Zihang with a smile, "You are very smart, you discovered the problem at a glance."

Ange threw a piece of information in front of Chu Zihang, "We already know about the accident that happened to your father on July 3, 2007. So far it has been a mystery, not only to you, but to us as well. . Because the place where his accident occurred was unlucky and outside our management. If you want to know, you have to check it out yourself, but first, you have to live!"

"Yes." Chu Zihang nodded, still staring straight at Ange, "So what should we do?"

"Do you know about the Nibelung Plan?" Angers said with a chuckle.

Chu Zihang shook his head.

"About 'violent blood', you don't get all the information." Angers said, "There is indeed a method that can improve the purity of the dragon blood of hybrids. This is a special alchemy technology. In this technology Under the protection, the hybrid can avoid being rewritten by an excessive proportion of dragon blood, allowing him to complete true 'evolution'. However, this technology is very expensive and can only be used on one person! We call it - Ni The Borungen Plan.”

Chu Zihang was stunned and suddenly raised his head. A figure appeared in his mind, "Principal, Xuan Hao..."

He subconsciously felt that he might have found the reason why this person was so strong.

"No." Ange's eyes became sharp and he nodded firmly, "He is not. You should have seen his power. He is an exception, a real monster! If he hadn't shown that he is still on the side of mankind, I would Neither the school board nor the school board can do anything about him. You'd better stay vigilant against him, maybe we will be enemies in the future."

"..." Chu Zihang was silent. He probably understood why the executor of this mission was not Xuan Hao but him, because the college had no way to mobilize Xuan Hao. Whether he went or not depended on his mood...

His relationship with Xuan Hao can't be said to be good or bad. In short, he has a little friendship. After all, he is his savior. Although he has an indifferent personality, he always keeps it in his heart. If he wants to be hostile...

No, that's not right. Chu Zihang shook his head. His goal had never been these, not even to slay the dragon. He just wanted the truth.

"Then principal, do I still have a chance with this technology?" Chu Zihang's eyes were firm and he abandoned all distracting thoughts.

His current goal is to become stronger and survive until he finds the truth.

"Yes, this is exactly what I want to tell you." Ange said with a smile, "The opportunity I have won for you, this task is very difficult, and there should be corresponding rewards. If you can complete it successfully, I will I guarantee in the name of the principal that you will be the only candidate for the Nibelungen Plan that I recommend, and of course, this is the only thing I can do to help you."

"Understood!" Chu Zihang was overjoyed. He knew the status of the principal in the college. Even the school board had to give him some face. With his commitment, his chances would be much greater, "Thank you, principal!"

"No, what you lack now is a sharp weapon for slaying dragons. I can't do much, so I'll lend it to you." Angers pointed to the folding knife on the table again, "It has the ability to kill the first generation species. , the Atkan sword passed down from my friend Menek’s family. He once used that sword to kill a dragon king. Of course, the price was his life. After the long sword was broken, I used part of the fragments to build it. This folding knife.”

"I understand." Chu Zihang put away his folding knife.

"Come back alive and give it back to me."

"Yes!" Chu Zihang responded.

"Finally, I'd like to give you a piece of advice. If it comes to the last minute, don't worry about the secret party's corruption rules. It doesn't matter if you make things bigger."

Just as Chu Zihang was about to go out, Ange's voice came from behind. He was stunned for a moment and didn't quite understand the meaning, but he nodded anyway.

The door is closed. After Chu Zihang left, someone came out of the side door.

Schneider ignored Ange's gaze and sat opposite him, where Chu Zihang had been sitting just now.

"You really do whatever it takes to achieve your goal..." His tone was filled with a hint of ridicule, "Is it really okay to use a fictitious quota to encourage a child who goes to the battlefield?"

"What does it mean to be nothing?" Angers asked calmly while drinking hot tea, "The Nibelung Plan really does exist, and I, if he can successfully complete the task, will indeed recommend him to the school board. "

"Hmph." Schneider snorted, "Let's not mention the difficulty of the task. Whether he can really come back alive when facing the dragon is still a matter of doubt. And even if you recommend him, so what? He is not the only one on the list of candidates! "

He was very unhappy with what Angers was doing. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that in terms of competitiveness, Chu Zihang had no chance of winning compared with Caesar. Behind Caesar was the Gattuso family.

"It's better than having no hope at all, right?" Angers looked into Schneider's eyes, "He is your student, and you don't want him to end up becoming a Deadpool because of his bloodline being out of control, right? He is the one who has the honor of killing the Dragon King. The only opportunity to prove his worth, when the time comes and with my recommendation, the school board will have no reason to refuse to let him participate in the Nibelungen Plan, not even the Gattuso family can stop him."

"But..." Schneider hesitated, "Can he really do it?"

What Chu Zihang has to face now is the Dragon King.

"Nothing is impossible." Ange said, "The war between man and dragon is like this. Even if the power is very different, we will not let go of the possibility. Besides, Chu Zihang's partner this time is Lu Mingfei. You saw it too, his performance that night."

"Aren't you afraid that he will lose control and even fight Chu Zihang?" Schneider sighed. Of course he knew that Lu Mingfei's performance that night was simply inhuman. Fighting in the flames of Dragon King Constantine, ordinary people There should be no ashes left of the person now, only a tombstone can be erected.

If Angers hadn't personally confirmed that Lu Mingfei was conscious and would help shoot Constantine, they would have no reason to hide such a dangerous guy from the school board. But facts proved that Lu Mingfei was also 'controllable'.

"I gave him very pertinent advice." Angers said lightly.

"You mean to make things bigger?" Schneider reacted.

Maybe slaying a dragon wasn't as difficult as he thought, because that was China. As far as he knew, the last Dragon King Norton who dared to be naughty in China's Three Gorges Reservoir was now missing and had probably been disposed of. Angers kept silent about the news about Norton, and the report written by Lu Mingfei was also very vague, so he had no way of knowing the real situation.

He understood what Ange meant. He wanted Chu Zihang to make the matter bigger if he couldn't win, so that China would have to 'deal with the problem'. If the Dragon King goes crazy in the city, they have to deal with it even if they don't want to. This is called killing with a borrowed knife!

Moreover, once things get serious, China will inevitably block the news. The college has no way of knowing whose hands the Dragon King died. It is not impossible to put the credit on Chu Zihang. After all, whether it is indirect or direct, He also killed a dragon king. But will it really go so smoothly? Schneider was skeptical.

After learning that Chu Zihang was going back to China, Su Qian, as his secretary, quickly prepared a first-class ticket for him.

In Su Qian's eyes, Chu Zihang is a dead kid who never knows how to manage his own life. Just like if she arranged first class for him, he would take first class. If he was not in a hurry, he would not even give him a ticket. mind.

In the cabin of the plane, Chu Zihang sorted out the information in his hands. This was Lu Mingfei's membership file that he asked Su Qian to give him. This time, his partner on the mission to China was Lu Mingfei, and he had to find out about it first.

Although they were indeed high school alumni, his understanding of Lu Mingfei was still very limited. It was his usual style to do homework before doing anything.

He was looking at the information intently, but he didn't notice that there was a figure who had been following him on the plane and sitting in the cabin next to him. However, the privacy confidentiality work in the first class cabin was good, and the other person was not hostile, so he didn't feel it. .

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