A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 235 228. The cat cafe on the street corner

Chapter 235 228. The cat cafe on the street corner

If Xuan Hao knew what the boss was thinking, he would definitely be greatly encouraged, and maybe even open a chain store for him.

After putting the banknotes back at the cashier, looking at the guests leaving, and glancing at the time showing 16:00 on the computer, Xuan Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s time to get off work in an hour. A nine-to-five job is comfortable, and workers will never work overtime! But having said that, he still has to stand up for the last shift. It would be bad if his wages were deducted for being passive and slow in working. He didn't have much money in the first place, and if he deducted a little more, it would be gone. Well~ although he doesn’t care about money, you can’t help but give it.

After getting off work, Xuanhao politely greeted his boss and said goodbye, changed out of his convenience store work clothes, and left the store.

I looked at the time, it was just after five o'clock, still very early.

He walked to an alley and suddenly turned.

Soon he stopped in front of a cafe hidden deep in an alley.

"Hey, the boss is here?"

A lazy female voice came from behind the counter of the cafe.

A figure was leaning on the beanbag, completely hidden behind the counter. Customers passing by could easily think that there was no one here.

Under the soft light, you can clearly see the tears in the corners of her eyes, probably because she just woke up...

She was wearing loose casual clothes, and on the table next to her were magazines, game consoles, potato chips and Coke, as if she had regarded this place as a homestead.

"I said..." Xuan Hao was a little helpless, "Can't you look at the store? This is the store you said you wanted to open!"

As he spoke, he picked up a fat cat on the ground, which was probably as lazy as its owner.

This is a cat cafe, which Su Enxi proposed to open. She said that her dream is to open a small shop, any shop, no matter whether it makes money or not.

"You don't care about anything like this. What if these cats get lost?"

Xuanhao looked at the cats scattered around. The cats here seemed to be completely free-range. It was more like a cat nest than a cat cafe. Because there were almost no customers, the entire store had completely become the territory of lazy cats.

"As long as they remember this is their home, they will always come back." Su Enxi didn't care.

She stretched, stood up reluctantly, made a cup of coffee and placed it in front of Xuan Hao, who was already sitting at the table with the cat in his arms.

"Is your service attitude really that of a shop owner?" Xuan Hao took a sip of coffee, which was so bitter.

"What do you know? Some people like this kind of attitude." Su Enxi yawned and retreated into her own nest.

"Alas..." Xuan Hao sighed helplessly.

He didn't understand how this guy could become like this? Like a salted fish who has lost his dream, he remembered that this guy was very diligent when he was working under Lu Mingze, performing tasks all over the world. Although most of them were contributed by Mai Shutoku, it was not like this!

Or the boss she works with is too good, neither exploiting the labor force nor anyone dares to mess with her. Now she is so powerful that she can go anywhere. Without pressure, she naturally has no motivation.

Xuanhao was thinking about whether to find something to do for this guy.

Suddenly, he saw a cat in the corner.

It was a cat in a cage. It seemed that it noticed his gaze, and the cage became commotion. The cat whimpered and meowed softly, and its claws rubbed against the iron cage. The sounds form a strange symphony.

"Who is this cat?"

He came to the cage and reached out to open it.

"don't want!"

Su Enxi suddenly screamed strangely.

"What's wrong?" Xuan Hao was a little confused.

"This cat was picked up," Su Enxi said. "It is injured and is not very obedient. Don't let it out yet. If it runs away, it will die."

Xuanhao was stunned and took a closer look.

Sure enough, this was a thin cat that looked obviously malnourished. It was exhausted just because of the struggle just now and was lying in the cage.

"Why did you pick up some wild cats?"

"What's wrong with wild cats?" Su Enxi asked, "Didn't you pick me up as well? Most of the cats here were picked up from outside. They consider this place their home and will never leave again."


Xuanhao said nothing more.

He just suddenly felt that what he had done seemed to have meaning, at least he had given these homeless little guys a home.

He knelt down and unlocked the cage.

The cat slowly got up and looked at the humans outside the cage warily, not daring to go outside.

Xuan Hao reached into the cage and touched the cat, feeling its tight body.

He took out a rice ball from his trouser pocket, which he had brought out from the convenience store. Of course, the one who paid for it was originally going to give it to himself as dinner.

The cat smelled the food and stared at the rice ball in Xuanhao's hand.

He broke off a small piece of the rice ball and put it near the cat's mouth.

The cat carefully ate the food in front of him, feeling the human touch on his body, and finally relaxed a little.

It licked the rice ball clean, stretched out its tongue and licked Xuanhao's fingers, then returned to the cage and huddled up.

"What, I feed it something and it refuses to eat at all!" Su Enxi looked at this scene and said with some resentment, "Thankfully I was kind enough to pick it up and bring it back."

"This is probably the so-called personality charm." Xuan Hao wiped the oil stains on his hands and stood up.

"Okay, I'm going back, you can continue to stay here."

In the end, Su Enxi escaped the fate of being squeezed because of a cat.

Xuanhao walked out of the cat cafe and closed the door.

He probably understood that this was not a cafe to receive people at all, it was just a cat's nest.

Su Enxi has not become worse because of her childhood experiences. Even though she remembers those things better than anyone else, she may hate those hypocritical people, but she still feels pity for these innocent lives, just like Xuan Hao himself, even if she hates them The injustice of the world did not choose to destroy the world.

"everything will get better."

Suddenly I feel that this world is actually quite good, but not very gentle. But there are always some people who are gentle, and there are still many kind-hearted people in this world. Even if he is wandering around the world like a ghost, he will be warmed by these guys from time to time. This may be why he didn't turn into a zombie.

After delivering food to Chu Zihang, he walked out of the hospital.

Lu Mingfei walked aimlessly on the street, not wanting to go home.

Stopping in front of an Internet cafe, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't played games for a long time.

He turned on a machine in the corner and logged into the online game.

He hasn't logged in for a long time. This game is not like those shoddy games. There is no return gift package, and only a sign-in reward pops up. But it is a pity that he has not logged in for a long time and cannot receive the accumulated rewards. There are only rewards for the day, which is better than nothing, but he also Just don't care about these things.

But what surprised him was that as soon as he went online, someone was actually looking for him in the game's friend list.

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