A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 240 233. Good morning, my angel

Chapter 240 233. Good morning, my angel

Although the summer vacation is coming to an end, Xuanhao’s ‘ordinary’ daily life is still going on.

To be honest, he was a little obsessed with days like this.

Every day after work and get off work, there is a lovely girlfriend waiting for him when he comes back. As soon as he opens the door, he can see that lovely smiling face. The question is whether to take a shower first, eat first or cough...

Although these are just random thoughts.

However, since the help of the lost little girl, he has finally calmed down Xia Mi's mood. The only worry now is probably how to get this girl to follow him to Kassel Academy! After thinking about the youth campus life with a girlfriend, I am really looking forward to it!

What? You said that the main task of students at Kassel College is to slay dragons? Xuanhao said he had no idea what you were talking about. Did he go to Kassel Academy to slay dragons? How can there be any romance in slaying a dragon?

Today is the last day for classmate Xuanhao to work his ‘summer job’.

However, the work content was different from usual, because he was leaving, and the convenience store owner asked him to teach the new person who replaced him how to operate the cashier and the daily work process. This also gave him a good experience of what it was like to be a teacher. It feels surprisingly good to flog others at will. Of course, don't think about it. The new clerk is a boy.

It's almost time to get off work, but the convenience store owner is a little strange today. He came to the store very early, and it's obviously not time to change shifts yet.

Xuan Hao saw him sighing sadly many times at the door.

"What's wrong, boss?" Xuan Hao asked with some confusion. The handover work was almost done. There was no need for the convenience store owner to come to the store to see him off, right? No wonder.

"Alas..." The boss looked at him, then at the new clerk, and shook his head with regret.

"?" Xuan Hao also looked along his line of sight, "Is there anything strange? Or is there any difficulty?"

Xuan Hao felt pretty good about this convenience store owner. After all, this guy was very smart and knew how to 'assist'. If there are any business difficulties, he doesn't mind helping. As long as this guy can manage it, opening a few chain stores is not a big problem.

But the boss didn't say anything, he just nuzzled at the new clerk.

Xuan Hao looked over and saw that the new employee was not very familiar with the business of the store. He looked clumsy and most importantly...not as handsome as him.

"It looks like the business will be bleak again in the future." The boss covered his face and said jokingly, looking at Xuan Hao's eyes reluctantly.

"..." Xuanhao was speechless, your chain store is gone.

I’ve been doing this for a long time just because I couldn’t bear to leave the ‘signature’ in the store.

But all joking aside, Xuan Hao still completed the final work diligently.

As time gradually passed, the hands stopped at five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was finally time to change shifts. This also meant that Xuan Hao's ordinary holiday life had come to an end.

"Peaceful days always pass by quickly..." He took off his work clothes and sighed.

"Xuanhao boy..." When Xuanhao was about to leave, the convenience store owner stopped him with some melancholy. You know, there aren't many people in the world who dare to call him that.

"What's going on..." Xuan Hao scratched his head, feeling helpless.

"I'm a bit reluctant to leave you, boy. It's hard to find such a handsome boy! Seeing you is like seeing my handsome son."

You really know how to put money in your son's face! The corners of Xuanhao's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything. He knew that this was what ordinary people would talk about, especially people of this age who would always feel a little melancholy about separation.

"Here, take it, this is your bonus. Don't refuse, dating also costs money~" The boss thrust a red envelope into Xuan Hao's hand, "Go back to school and study hard! Don't be like that brat of mine... …”

The boss often mentioned his useless son. Because his family owned a supermarket, he thought he had no worries about food and clothing. His academic performance was not good and he refused to work hard. He just wandered around without learning and skills. Speaking of which, Xuanhao had even met his son. He does look handsome when he comes to the convenience store to pick up things, otherwise there would be no money wasted.

"Also, be nice to that girl," the boss put his arm around Xuan Hao's shoulders for the last time and patted her heavily, "I'm not wrong about people! She's a good girl, quite sensible, and even on a hot day... Come and wait for you to get off work."

Then can you tell she is a dragon? Xuanhao nodded helplessly. This 'uncle' was a bit verbose, but he was not bad.

"Alas..." The convenience store owner sighed again and waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go, see you again when we are destined."

"Don't talk like it's life or death." Xuan Hao also patted his shoulder hard, causing him to gasp with a hiss.

"You boy, you are very strong!" The boss rubbed his shoulders, "I knew I would have asked you to do some heavy work... With such a high salary like mine, just being a signboard is really humiliating."

"Ha." Xuan Hao smiled lightly and said nothing more.

He waved the red envelope in his hand goodbye, and he accepted it.

"You brat, come back next time during your vacation and bring your girlfriend with you!"

Listening to the shouts coming from behind, Xuan Hao waved his hand, "I'll definitely do it if I have the chance."

the next day.

Xuanhao got up after a good sleep.

He opened his eyes drowsily and looked around him subconsciously. Well, there was no one at all.

"Alas..." He sighed.

Sure enough, we are still far away from that ideal life. Comrades who have not yet succeeded in the revolution still need to work hard.

He looked at the alarm clock next to him. Today's alarm didn't go off.

Damn it? Is it already this time? Xuan Hao looked at the alarm clock that was about to point to twelve o'clock, and suddenly became energetic.

Go to work, go to work! Shit! He suddenly realized that he had resigned yesterday. After living like that for a while, I always feel a little lost. Perhaps it was because this short time was a little too beautiful and made him feel unreal. After all, he had not lived a good life during his more than 100 years.

"Woke up!"

He stretched, changed his clothes, and rushed into the bathroom to wash up.

But it seemed like someone was sleeping in like him.

He saw Xia Mi, who was wearing bear pajamas, brushing his teeth in front of the mirror in a daze.

That's right, after settling down with Fenrir, Xia Mi has moved to the courtyard, so is she still far away from moving to his bed? Well, it seems there is still some distance.

But this empty courtyard finally had a little more life than it had seen in a long time.


Natsumi made cute noises while brushing her teeth.


Good morning, my angel.

Xuan Hao finished his makeup in two or three times and quickly ran to the kitchen to prepare today's breakfast...

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