A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 244 237. It’s a dream (5th update, please subscribe)

Chapter 244 237. It’s a dream (5th update, please subscribe)

"Hello, could you please take a look..."

Under the scorching sun, Xuan Hao was standing in a sea of ​​people handing out flyers, with a professional smile on his face even though he was sweating.

well? Strange, why am I distributing flyers here... Xuan Hao didn't quite understand what he was doing, but he still didn't stop moving his hands, and he looked a little embarrassed with a smile on his face.

The job of distributing flyers is not that the brighter your smile, the more people will pick up your flyers. Most passers-by will not even look at you, because most people are busy with their own lives and have no time to stop and pay attention to others. Smiling brighter will only make you more embarrassed. Whether you can hand out flyers is just to see if people passing by are willing to spare a second of kindness.

On the street, people were coming and going. He stood in the crowd, and no one seemed to notice him.

The flyer was handed out and taken back, but few people reached out to catch it.

Of course, there were also a few people passing by in a hurry, catching one and throwing it into the trash can nearby. These people were so lovely in his eyes.

This is a meaningless job. Only students who can't find a job during the summer and want pocket money, or people like him who are in urgent need of money will take it.

So he didn't complain because he was mentally prepared for it.

Standing in the sea of ​​people, repeating monotonous movements, with a fake smile on his face, just for a salary of 100 yuan.

The morning passed, and Xuanhao threw the mineral water he drank into the trash can.

Looking at the half-remained leaflet in his hand, he really wanted to throw it in together, but he couldn't... There was a supervisor watching nearby, and there was no pay for that.

"Maybe I should wear a puppet suit to do my hair. Wouldn't the effect be better?" But I looked at the scorching sun above my head and decided to forget it. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand it at all.

It wasn't until lunch time in the afternoon that I finally finished handing out the flyers in my hands.

Xuan Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead and received today's salary from the supervisor. It was the same one hundred yuan as promised, not a penny more. A person can live for two or three days if he saves money. Unfortunately, he still has no money at home. I have a younger sister to raise...huh? younger sister? Xuan Hao's consciousness was in a trance, and he always felt that there was something inconsistent in this world.

He shook his head and didn't think much about it.

Put away the red bill and get ready to go home.

If his poor electric car hadn't suddenly stopped working, he wouldn't have come here to hand out flyers. When he was tired from delivering food, he could still hang it and rest while the sun was shining all the time.

He had no choice but to make a living. Their family's conditions did not allow him to rest. He could not write novels or draw comics. He had no capital to start his own business and did not have enough education, so he could only work part-time.

Um? Something seems not right... Xuanhao covered his head, is this my life now?

He held the banknote that he had earned through sweat and looked at the carefree smiles of the nearby students who were having fun after school. He always felt that it seemed a little unreal.

After getting on the bus, he returned to the old neighborhood. Looking at everything familiar here, he always felt inexplicably friendly.

But would a person who has been living here feel this way in his heart?

He walked slowly towards home, but his steps became heavier and heavier, as if he was heading toward death.


Walking into the gate of the community, Xuan Hao passed by a girl.

The faint fragrance exuding from the other party made him feel so familiar, but he didn't remember that there was such a girl in the community.

This was a girl with long black hair. She was as beautiful as if she had been carved by an artist, which made him feel a little dazed.

"Huh~huh~" The girl hummed a simple tune softly, and the clear and sweet voice seemed to cure his fatigue from the day.

"So beautiful...is there such a person in our community?"

He shook his head and walked downstairs.

Just as he was about to go upstairs, he suddenly stopped because there was a cardboard box from nowhere placed at the top of the stairs. This was not what he remembered...

Just like the scene that has appeared in many comics, the note on the carton says "Please adopt me", and there may be a poor kitten or girl inside.

He opened the box and inside there was a small blanket, a small bowl filled with water, and a small looking cat.

It seems that it has been trapped in the box for a long time. The cat looks a little listless and lies in the box.

Xuanhao reached out and wanted to pick up the kitten, but stopped midway.

You can't take it home... He looked at the money left in his hand and saw that he couldn't afford it. He and his sister alone were already living in poverty, even if he had love, he couldn't help it.

He sighed helplessly and could only say, good luck to you.

In this world where living is hard enough, most people just choose to turn a blind eye to stray animals. Guys like him who are overflowing with compassion are somewhat rare, but it is a pity that they are unable to do what they want.

Turning a blind eye was the right choice for him now. He made a hole in the cardboard box for ventilation, which could more or less guarantee that he would not be suffocated to death.

He touched the kitten's head.

"Before someone adopts you, I hope you can live strong..."

The cat raised its head and meowed, as if it wanted to tell him something.

But he had already stood up and left.

Go up the stairs and climb up one level at a time towards your home.

The kitten in the box struggled to get out of the hole and climbed up the stairs that were higher than its body.

I don’t know why, maybe it’s too hot? Xuan Hao always felt that his steps were getting heavier and heavier. When he reached the door of his house, he didn't even have the strength to take another step.

"What's going on with me?" Xuan Hao's forehead was dripping with sweat.

Are you tired? He has almost forgotten how long this day of struggling to make money lasted, as if it had been like this from the beginning? It seems like it has just begun?

He leaned against the door and knocked gently with his hand.

But no one came to open the door.

Why is there no one? My sister should be at home at this time, right?

He looked at the sky that was starting to darken. His sister's school should have ended long ago.

No, no, no, no, no, all wrong.

Suddenly there was an anxious voice in his mind reminding him, but if it was wrong, why was he here? Memories like a flood flooded into his mind, and Xuan Hao suddenly recalled that yes, it was wrong. His sister was already gone, and he shouldn't be here, nor should he be in this world.

Is everything in front of me false? Xuanhao held the door handle, his arms trembling.

He wanted to push the door open, but he was very afraid in his heart that there was no one he wanted to see behind the door.

Take out the key. Is the key to my house like this? He looked at the rusty keys in his hand, filled with fear.

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