A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 248 241. Stop it, Xia Mi (5th update, please subscribe)

Chapter 248 241. Stop it, Xia Mi (5th update, please subscribe)

"Have you seen these cute freshmen?"

"I saw it." Lu Mingfei glanced at this year's freshmen, and paused when the camera panned to Xia Mi next to Xuan Hao, "Good guy, no wonder senior brother is so active in work today!" Sure enough, there is a situation!

"Remember what I did last year, right? The arduous task of protecting the new students this year will be left to you. If you do well, you will be rewarded."

"Uh... um! Let me give it a try." Lu Mingfei paused and finally decided to accept the task.

He swore that he was definitely not doing it for the reward given by the boss, but just wanted to hone his marksmanship.

"Okay," Xuan Hao hung up the phone and turned to the freshmen behind him, "I hired a bodyguard for you. Don't worry, go to the Hall of Valor over there. No one will stop you."

As he spoke, he pointed towards the building in the distance.

"Should..." Cold sweat formed on the foreheads of the freshmen, but they did not dare to speak.

They looked at Xuan Hao who led Xia Mi into the battlefield, messy in the wind.

"You don't care about us anymore?" They looked at each other, "Where are the bodyguards we agreed on?"

A new student tentatively walked a certain distance towards the Hall of Valor, knowing that this was just a game and no one would die, but after a few steps he realized that no one really seemed to be shooting at him?

No, to be precise, the person who was going to shoot them fell first.



Continuous gunfire rang out.

In Lu Mingfei's field of vision, the Hall of Heroes where he was and the school gate formed a straight line, and the freshmen were walking towards him along this straight line.

His job is to clear out people near this road.

One, two, three...

He silently counted the remaining bullets in the magazine, and the camera moved with each count.

The pitch-black muzzle was commanding, overlooking the movements of everyone between the Hall of Valor and the school gate.

Lu Mingfei only hit people from the student union, because the people from the Lion Heart Club saw that Xuan Hao would not lead the team towards the school gate. With every gunshot, someone fell, and Lu Mingfei felt like he was leaning against the gun. Tuo's shoulders were a little numb, but he was more excited now.

Finally, he felt as if he was finally useful.

"Did you do a good job?"

Xuan Hao looked around in surprise. Almost everyone near the school gate had been cleared away by snipers. Although this is not the main battlefield and the number of people is not very large, it is still not easy to achieve perfect results.

"It seems quite fun!" Xia Mi's face was full of excitement. He ran to the fallen body and picked up a gun. He raised the muzzle of the gun at Xuan Hao and muttered loudly. With.

"I rarely use guns, so I must have fun today!"

"Yes, yes, you can play whatever you want." Xuan Hao shrugged helplessly, expressing his condolences to the students who participated in this free one-day event.


Lu Mingfei suddenly turned over, and red mist exploded where he had just stayed.

Sure enough, he was discovered. After firing so many shots, his position was finally exposed. There were snipers from the student union sniping at him.

He put away the sniper rifle and quickly moved his position. Based on the trajectory of the bullet just now, he had already determined the opponent's position. When he came to another window, he set up the gun and looked through the scope in that direction.

Chu Zihang is in charge of the Hall of Heroes himself, and no one below poses any threat to him. The only ones who can affect him are the snipers on the opposite side.

His camera focused on the church in the distance, and he saw a strand of red hair in the window. There is no doubt that there is only one person with such red hair in this academy.

"He's his mother!" Lu Mingfei cursed secretly, thinking to himself, senior sister, why don't you go and cover your boyfriend against Chu Zihang and come here to hinder me? My reward!

He didn't seem to notice at all that he had just wiped out a lot of the student union's combat power, and even Fingel, who was leading the charge, fell under his gun. It should be said that it had disrupted the morale of the student union and affected Caesar's offensive strategy.

You must know that Fingel suddenly joined the battlefield just now, which was quite fierce. Two AKs swept down a large number of people.

Caesar has a headache at this moment, because their student union is at a disadvantage.

What can be done about this? I don’t know when it started, but the strength of the Student Union and the Lion Heart Club gradually widened.

Now, besides Xuan Hao, there are also Chu Zihang, Su Qian, Lancelot, Ling and Lu Mingfei in the Lion Heart Club. These people are enough to give him a headache.

As for the student union, except for him and Nono, there seemed to be no one who could help. Oh no, there was Fingel, but he had just died gloriously.

Faced with this situation, Caesar could only calm the situation by going to the battlefield himself.

The only way to win now is to go directly to the opposite president for a duel. Defeating Chu Zihang is equivalent to defeating the Lion Heart Club.

With a hunting knife hanging from his waist and a desert eagle in both hands, he wandered around the Odin Square.

The two guns rotated with the body, and with every gunshot, a member of the Lionheart Society must fall.

But just when he was about to reach Chu Zihang, he suddenly stopped and a large-caliber Frigga bullet exploded less than half a meter in front of him.

He looked up and saw that not far away from Chu Zihang, Su Qian was guarding him with a gun.

"..." Caesar looked at the pair in front of him speechlessly.

What about my wife?

Shouldn't Susie deal with Nono? The two of them have always been rivals on the Free Day.

The intercom didn't respond.

Because Nono probably didn't have time to care about him now, she was already obsessed with Lu Mingfei.

The two greeted each other with sniper rifles from a distance of a hundred meters.

Lu Mingfei relied on his stronger physique than Nono to move every time he fired a shot. While Nono was overwhelmed, he also added a few heads downwards.

"I don't know how to care for women at all." Nuonuo hid behind the wall and took out the bullet shells and complained. This kid is making great progress! It should be said that he is worthy of being an ‘S’ class. He was able to hold her down and beat her all by himself.

"Senior sister, don't show off, I'm busy!" Lu Mingfei wiped the sweat from his head and complained. He is now busy completing the tasks given by his boss. How can he have time to play with Nono? Giving her even two bullets is already a huge honor.

"Stop it, Xia Mi. You don't really want to win, do you?" Xuan Hao pulled Xia Mi, who was eager to try, with a headache. The girl became more and more excited as she fought, and she had already beaten down a large number of people, including the Lion Heart Student Union, There is absolutely no distinction between friend and foe.

"Of course!" Xia Mi put his hands on his hips, "I have investigated the rules of a free day. There is only one winner, and the rewards are also very tempting~"

"You mean..."

"I am so beautiful, what if someone confesses to me?" She rolled her eyes.

"What you said seems to make sense, but I don't think they have the courage."

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