Chapter 255 248. Curry

Lu Mingfei is now extremely suspicious. Are the poor old people on the school board under threat? Hope everyone is okay.

The class bell rang, and something happened next that made Lu Mingfei even more desperate.

Most students have a wait-and-see attitude towards such a new home economics class. For them, this thing is quite new, so they are not very opposed to it.

When the teacher said that this course requires students to work in pairs, they even shouted nice. What kind of home economics class is here? It is obviously an activity specially set up by the college to increase the 'friendship' between classmates!

The boys all had smiles on their faces and secretly gave the teacher a thumbs up behind their backs.

For most people, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see girls looking cute in aprons, interact together and build relationships. Of course, these are not the main purpose. How could Xuanhao add new courses specifically because of such vulgar ideas?

The purpose of home economics class is definitely not just to let students learn life skills, but also to teach students how to live a good life. This is a lofty and great goal.

But even with such a beautiful course, some people are still happy and some are sad.

For Lu Mingfei, such a course was simply terrible.

This meant that countless amounts of dog food were stuffed into his mouth one by one.

For example, Caesar and Nono were next to him, Chu Zihang and Su Qian were next to him, and Xuan Hao was teaching Xia Mi how to cook.

Lu Mingfei suddenly missed the days when Fingel was still around. If his senior brother was still here, he would definitely put on an apron for him, right? Although it's a little disgusting, it's better than now that he can't find anyone to form a team by himself...

It's a pity that Fingel has already gone out for internship this year. After checking in, he packed his things and was kicked out by the college.

So, where are my teammates? Lu Mingfei scratched his head. He counted the number of people in the classroom. Excluding the teacher, there was an even number of people. Logically speaking, there should be one unlucky guy left who had to form a team with him.

Thinking so self-deprecatingly, Lu Mingfei walked to the only empty cooking table.

The content of this lesson is to form a team freely and use the provided ingredients to make a simple bowl of curry rice.

Curry rice...this one is quite simple. Lu Mingfei thought for a while. In theory, this was not difficult for him. It should be said that he was much better than those young masters and ladies who had never entered the kitchen.

He seems to be able to handle it himself, damn his teammates.

Picking up the kitchen knife on the table, Lu Mingfei prepared to sharpen the knife and go towards the potato.

However, he saw a girl with light blond hair standing alone in the crowd not far away, like a child abandoned by the world.

Zero stood quietly in the crowd.

The content of this lesson, curry rice, will not.

What to do, stay quietly.

Is anyone looking for her to form a team? Maybe not.

She just stood quietly in the classroom.

It seemed that boys and girls had subconsciously ruled out the idea of ​​teaming up with her, because this girl looked so cold, like a piece of ice that had never melted, and no one wanted to get close to her.

There was a lone girl who seemed to have noticed that Zero had no teammates, and was about to go over to ask, maybe because she wanted to try to form a team with her.

But he was held back by his friends.

"Hey, hey, hey! That's the princess...a real princess from Russia! What if you don't do well and are blamed? And she looks so fierce..." the girl said quietly.

"Hmm... It seems like this... Then let's form a team?" The girl seemed to have reacted.

Zero watched all this quietly, she could hear what they said, but she said nothing.

She seems to have no expectations of anyone and everything and will not be disappointed, like a moving, emotionless doll.


A familiar voice sounded behind Zero. The voice sounded hesitant, but he still spoke to her.

She turned around quietly and looked at the boy in front of her, with no trace of emotion in her eyes.

Because of her turning around, her long golden hair crossed Lu Mingfei's eyes, causing him to involuntarily close his eyes and dodge.

He opened his eyes awkwardly, looked into the girl's eyes as clear as spring water, and scratched his head.

"How about... let's form a team? You don't seem to have any teammates, and neither do I... So..." Lu Mingfei's eyes were a little wandering, maybe because he was shy, or maybe he was afraid of being rejected.


The voice was cold, but it was confirmed before Lu Mingfei finished speaking. It seemed to be a matter of course, and there would be no other answer.

"Then please." Lu Mingfei pointed to the cooking table.

Zero followed him quietly to the front of the stage.

The ingredients were placed on the table, and then... nothing more.

The two people just stood in front of the table blankly, not moving for a while.

After a moment of silence, Lu Mingfei glanced at Ling cautiously. He was thinking about this outstanding A-level specialist who was extremely good at everything and knew how to do everything. Why didn't he take action? Do you want him, a loser, to show his poor skills?

He found Ling looking at him with a puzzled face, which seemed to mean 'What are you waiting for? Would you rather start doing it quickly? ’

Ah, this... okay, that's sloppy, Lu Mingfei covered his face, he thought Ling was an impeccable girl.

After all, the first time he saw Zero after coming to the academy, he felt that it was perfect.

This girl is supposed to be omnipotent and nothing can trouble her. Whether it is a task or this skill, you should be proficient in everything.

But now he found that he seemed to be wrong.

He saw that there seemed to be an imperceptible blush on Ling's cold and pretty face that had not changed for thousands of years.

She stood quietly in front of the cooking table, seeming a little more cramped than usual and a little at a loss? This look shocked Lu Mingfei.

Although it is very cute, but... can't you tell! Lu Mingfei had a bold idea in his mind.

Could it be that this elegant, beautiful and seemingly impeccable Russian Royal Highness...can't cook? this?

So that’s it, that’s it! You told me earlier! Lu Mingfei couldn't help but smile softly.

Okay, let me do it! Thinking of this, he picked up the kitchen knife.

Potatoes, onions, cut into pieces first... Lu Mingfei started to move his hands while thinking. But since he doesn't cook very much, it's still a bit difficult for him. Although theoretically he should be able to do it...but in practice, there is still a slight gap.

The potatoes were originally intended to be cut into cubes, but ended up in chunks, but that’s okay, it’s not a big problem.

He is not afraid of embarrassment at all and has long been used to it, but he still feels a little embarrassed in front of girls.

Fortunately, Zero beside him was still as well-behaved as ever. He didn't say anything, let alone make fun of him.

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