A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 259 252. The Promised Place

Chapter 259 252. The Promised Place

He leaned sideways, and the girl leaned on his left shoulder, her right hand holding his left hand tightly. And his right hand was currently resting on the girl's shoulder.

There seemed to be no distance between the two, and each other could feel each other's breathing.

Xuan Hao lowered his head and looked at Xia Mi's suddenly raised head. The girl seemed to have just woken up and was a little confused, so she came closer to him.

But soon, as time passed, her face gradually became flushed. Although it was difficult to detect in the dim environment, Xuanhao's eyesight was very good.

Xia Mi hummed cutely, closed her eyes and rubbed his shoulder again, as if she wanted to continue pretending to be asleep and get away with it.

But is it so easy? The cooked duck just flew away? Xuanhao is so angry...open your eyes! You obviously just opened your eyes! Don’t think you can get away with it by pretending to be asleep!


He arranged the blanket for Xia Mi, turned his head and kissed her forehead gently.

The long hair with a faint fragrance made the tip of his nose itchy.

At this moment, Xuan Hao felt extremely regretful. Why couldn't he have acted more decisively just now? Before she could react after opening her eyes, she should go straight to A.

He sighed softly. It was indeed quite difficult to force a kiss.

In the darkness, the girl's cheeks were slightly red, and she felt the cold touch on her forehead. The eyelashes on her closed eyes were beating lightly, and she seemed a little nervous and a little disappointed. In the end, all her emotions turned into a reassuring smile that appeared involuntarily at the corners of her mouth.

The two clasping hands exerted slight force, and the two hearts next to each other were beating rapidly.

Xuan Hao looked at Xia Mi, who was leaning on him and pretending to sleep, with a bit of endearment in his eyes, as if he didn't intend to expose her poor acting skills.

The girl didn't seem to be afraid of being exposed. She held his little hand and scratched his palm.

The light and shadow on the screen are constantly intertwining, and the sounds that come and go seem to be unable to reach the ears of the two people in the box. Nothing can break this silence, just like you can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.

Today Xuanhao is very satisfied. He enjoys this moment of peace and has a deep understanding of what he wants.

Just being with her is enough.

Staying with her and looking at her smiling face will make you feel happy. Just staying with her will make you feel at ease. He can be cruel to everyone, but he can't be cruel to the girl in front of him, and he is even afraid of making her angry.

This wonderful feeling is his sure love.

He loves the girl in front of him, whether she is Xia Mi or Jormungandr.


Outside the cinema, Xia Mi stretched and said, "It's so comfortable."

"You feel better, I can't feel my shoulder anymore." Xuan Hao rubbed his shoulders and made an exaggerated expression.

"Hehe, then as compensation, you can take me anywhere in the next time!"

Xia Mi stood in front of him with his hands behind his back and said something outrageous.



Xia Mi took a step forward, held his arm, and closed her eyes beside him, "I'll leave the rest to you."

Looking at the girl who closed her eyes and smiled, Xuan Hao was slightly stunned because he was fascinated by the expression on the girl's face.

Different from the previous smile, this was a peaceful and reassuring smile. He had never seen such a smile on this girl's face.

She closed her eyes tightly at this moment, as if he could take her wherever he wanted.

She will not be afraid of the world, the darkness, or everything in front of her, because there are people around her who can guide her. She believes that the hand she holds will lead her to the right place, and she believes that the people around her will not let her down.


Xuan Hao held her hand and walked into the bustling crowd.

The sea of ​​people gradually engulfed the two of them.

Where should I go? Xuan Hao walked with the girl in the crowd. Facing the girl who suddenly trusted him so much, he hesitated for a moment.

He looked down at the girl next to him. She still had her eyes closed and a faint smile on her face.

It was just like what she said, he could take her anywhere in the next time.

It was precisely because of this that Xuan Hao didn't want to see her disappointed look when she opened her eyes.

He looked at the time. It was now five o'clock in the afternoon. There was still plenty of time for them to go anywhere.

Anywhere...the options without a clear goal are often the hardest.

"Then let's go!"


Listening to the girl's gentle response, Xuan Hao held her hand more firmly.

At times like this, it's always right to trust your gut.

He shook the girl's hand and started walking away.

Walking among the crowd, his steps were extremely firm and he was full of confidence. He had never had such a firm direction at this moment.

What guides him is not something illusory like fate, and of course he doesn't think that Xia Mi will be happy wherever he goes.

There was only one place he wanted to take her to.

That is the long-established answer.

Memories of the past flooded his mind bit by bit, and among the countless drops of memory, he found the most important one.

That was an agreement between them. It didn't need any guidance at all, as long as he still remembered it, it was enough!

Ferris wheel, movie theater...and aquarium.

Xia Mi, she is so brave.

Always fighting against fate...

Whether in the past or present, she struggled to control her own destiny, where she wanted to go, what future she wanted, she wanted to decide for herself.

She should have planned it a long time ago, right? The Ferris wheel, the movie theater, all the places she wanted to go, she had already taken her favorite people with her.

And this stupid guy didn't even notice it before.

Despite this, she left the final choice to him.

It would be so disappointing if I made the wrong choice again.

She has given her life to you, why do you have any hesitation? Xuan Hao clenched the small hand in his palm.

The hand is tender to squeeze, but that's okay.

He would hold this hand forward.

The girl opened her eyes.

Her shadow was reflected on the blue glass.

What was displayed in front of her was the blue sea. The beluga slowly swam in front of her eyes. Countless bubbles shone with rainbow-colored light. Countless memories filled the girl's eyes along with the bubbles.

The tears shining in the corners of the girl's eyes were reflected on the glass. She saw herself in the mirror, with stars and the sea in her eyes.

"It's so beautiful."

"Yes." Xuan Hao stood behind the girl and nodded quietly.

He hoped that this girl's future would be as colorful and dazzling as what was reflected in her pupils now, and that she would not be burned away by life, leaving only ashes and white.

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