A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 269 262. Explosion measurement unit: Japan

Chapter 269 262. Blast measurement unit: Japan

"Sigh... Let's try another plan..." Angers touched his still swollen face. The lesson he learned this time was still fresh in his mind. It was better not to have a bad relationship with that lunatic for the time being. "It's too close to China. , if there is any influence, something big will happen..."

"Huh? What a pity. I still think this is a good plan?" Researcher Ma Tur was a little disappointed, "But according to the problems you are worried about, it seems that my plan is not feasible..."

"Stop talking, I understand..." Ange covered his face. He thought that this guy must only have bombs in his mind, and the plan he came up with was probably to explode.

It seems that Deputy Director Carl was so proud when introducing this blasting expert. At least for now, it seems that with this expert here, the college has initially acquired the ability to destroy the world. If anyone dares to seriously challenge Cassel The best thing is that even if you can't play, you can still die together.

So is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Angers took a deep breath and said, "Gentlemen, calm down. We just want to get rid of a chicken that has not broken out of its shell. There is no need to spend so much time... Think carefully and see if we have any other less violent ones." What’s the plan? For example, we can try sending an underwater robot to detect embryos?”

The lunatics in the equipment department looked at me and I looked at you, and they all shrugged with bored faces, as if they had no motivation unless they blew up something.

In the end, Director Akadulla knocked on the table and told these people to pay attention to the impact. It doesn't matter if he is crazy here. Angers is still here. If he scares them away, he will get the funds next time if they are not approved. What research is needed for a new bomb?

Director Akadura nodded pretendingly, "The principal is right, we should be gentler, but we don't seem to have a robot that can detect such deep sea areas for the time being."

Have you spent all your funds on explosives? Angers was going crazy. He finally realized where he had lost. Sometimes it really wasn't his problem. He was surrounded by pig teammates. How could anyone's engineers be even remotely reliable? Maybe one day when he was out facing the enemy, these guys might blow up his hometown.

"But it is easy for us to build a qualified diving robot," Director Akadulla said with pride on his face, "but we may need a little time, a year, do you think, principal?"

"Are you sure that one year from now, that dragon won't be jumping up and down on the ground?" Angers was a little speechless. He didn't believe that these guys could immediately build a bomb that would blow through the seabed of Japan, but it would take a year to build a submersible robot. "Half a year, I'll give you half a year at most. If you can't make it, don't think about my future funding!"

Angers finally took out his trump card as Party A.

But this group of people still looked at each other, as if the power of this trump card was not enough, at least it did not make them look embarrassed.

In other words, he bargained less? Angers felt a little regretful, maybe he should only give it three months?

"Dear Mr. Principal, it's not a matter of time," Director Akadulla tapped his head with his finger, as if he was doubting Angers' IQ.

"The problem of submersible robots is easy to solve. We can make a bunch of them for you right away. But the problem is not here. As you know, the dragon embryos will generate a layer of territory to protect themselves. The current artificial intelligence cannot get close to it. Yes, once it enters its domain, the remote control will be out of control. What we have to solve is not a robot problem, but a problem of the century!" His words were full of pride.

But this is indeed something they should be proud of. Being able to overcome the interference from the dragon domain in one year does sound like a big project, so what the hell were you doing before! Ange's hand holding the folding knife trembled slightly. He wanted to use the folding knife in his hand to sort out the image of these stubble-faced psychopaths.

"So...if we want to confirm the location of the embryo up close, we still have to send a specialist to dive down, right?"

"Yes, and it must be a commissioner with a sufficiently good pedigree. This time the target is located below 8,000 meters deep in the sea. Let's not talk about how much strength ordinary commissioners can exert in such an environment. If the target is really as we imagined ...It is the embryo of the Dragon King, so once a commissioner whose bloodline is not good enough enters its domain, he may not be as good as an ordinary robot, and may even lose control of his bloodline and become a deadpool?" said Director Akadulla.

"If we want to send specialists into the water, it will be easy! We can accurately blast the embryos. I have a perfect plan for this to ensure that it will not cause too much impact on the surrounding environment." Researcher Mathur heard their words Talking feels like it’s okay again.

"You said it won't have too big an impact...are you sure it won't sink Japan?" Angers asked. If Japan can't be blown up, it certainly won't affect China next to it. In this case, it won't be a big deal. question.

Poor Japan doesn't know when it has become a unit of measurement for explosions. Perhaps for this group of lunatics, the blasting plan is really based on Japan. If a few more Japans come, there won't be this problem. What they want to discuss at that time should be how many Japans they need to blow up. Has little effect.

"Don't worry, this plan is absolutely foolproof." Researcher Mathur assured, patting his chest, "I'm going to use the newly developed refined sulfur bomb! That's why we conducted blasting experiments all night long to test the power of the sulfur bomb. This This kind of bomb is extremely weak, and there will be no problem even if it is blasted inside Watt Alheim, so there is no need to worry about blowing up Japan."

"I feel very lucky that the college is still here." A drop of cold sweat broke out on Ange's forehead. Who knows how many blasting experiments these lunatics conducted underground while he was sleeping. People in the academy should really sacrifice these guys if they wake up alive.

"Although this kind of bomb is not very powerful, it has three effects: penetration, corruption and erosion when used against dragons. Even the Dragon King cannot withstand its power!"

"Have you tried it with the Dragon King?" Angers was curious.

"To be honest, school director Xuan Hao promised to let us conduct experiments using the remains in the ice cellar. If you see him, remember to thank him for us."


Angers is considering whether to propose to the school board to disband the Equipment Department. It's too outrageous. He now even wonders if these guys have some connection with a dangerous person! Is this bomb really a research project of the academy?

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