A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 318 311. Why are you so skilled?

Chapter 318 311. Why are you so skilled?

The humpback whale had just sent away several teenagers and before he had time to breathe, the door to his room was pushed open again.

There was only one person in the entire nightclub who would just walk in without knocking.

The humpback whale immediately stood up and straightened his back, "Old... boss! Are you back?"

Xuan Hao waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to be so nervous, and then sat on the sofa.

In fact, he had returned to the store a long time ago, but he had been hiding in the dark and did not come out, otherwise how could he watch the show.

"Tell me, what do you think of them?" Xuan Hao picked up the wine that the humpback whale poured for him and asked with interest.

Gao Tianyuan is Japan's highest-standard Cowherd shop, and Humpback Whale, as the store manager, has a very sharp vision. He can tell whether a man is suitable to be a Cowherd at a glance. He can be said to be the elite among the elites in the industry. This is why Xuan The reason why Hao chose to keep him as the store manager was that he could not find a more suitable candidate.

"It's great, it's perfect! Especially Caesar and Chu Zihang, they will definitely be very popular here!" The humpback whale answered truthfully. He didn't dare to tell a lie to the boss in front of him. .

"Are you just nakedly attracted to their beauty? What about Lu Mingfei?"

"Lu Mingfei... To be honest, when I greeted them downstairs, the first impression he gave me was not amazing, even a little unremarkable. I almost ignored him. After all, his appearance was different from the other two. Bi is indeed a bit ordinary. He probably won't be too popular with the guests if he stays here... But since he is a friend of the boss, it's okay to let him hang out here." The humpback whale hesitated for a few seconds and shook again. Shaking his head, "But I don't know if it's my imagination. When I saw him for the second time, I always felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in my heart. Regardless of his appearance, this boy gave me a somewhat dangerous feeling."

Of course, compared to you, the boss, you are still nothing... The humpback whale wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He did not dare to say this directly.

"Oh? Interesting, be more specific." Xuan Hao nodded slowly. He didn't expect that humpback whales, as ordinary people, could sense potential dangers. He was curious about what happened to these guys he hadn't seen for a few days. What.

"Murderous aura..." The humpback whale looked solemn, "This boy has a murderous aura that is inconsistent with his age, and it is not well controlled. Boss, you said that they seem to be in trouble. I guess..."

Humpback Whale didn't dare to continue talking. To get around in this world, he would definitely need to get in touch with the Japanese underworld and understand this aspect. The average underworld boss can easily hide his emotions. Only those who have just debuted like this It's hard for the boy to hide his murderous aura. Maybe the boss said what they were causing was murder.

But this doesn't seem to be a big deal. Young people who have just debuted are inevitably a little bit passionate. It's normal for them to do the wrong thing if they disagree. The humpback whale thinks that these teenagers are lucky because they have a boss who can protect them, but this is not his responsibility.

Humpback whales know very well, don’t ask questions you shouldn’t!

Although he did not dare to speculate too much, he understood that his boss was not a serious businessman. How could a man who could make a black swan in the financial world a maid, and even the eight Japanese Sheqi families dared not touch him, could be just an ordinary man? A well-to-do rich person?

At first, he might have been misled because his boss was too young, but as time went by, he discovered that for some reason he couldn't help but be afraid of the man in front of him.

There are many ways to make someone feel scared, but the boss is the first person who can make him feel fear from the bottom of his heart without doing anything.

This is an innate temperament, as if this man is the 'emperor' standing there.

At this moment, the humpback whale still recalled the scene when he first met his boss from time to time.

That was in Takamagahara, which was surrounded by the Japanese yakuza.

This man reigned like an emperor, standing on a high place and looking down at everyone in the so-called Sheqi Eight Families and even Inuyama Ga, one of the heads of the eight families.

Humpback Whale didn't realize there was anything strange about this at the time. He even thought it was because the Inuyama family owner had some strange hobbies and he happened to be attracted by the boss's 'beauty'. But now that I think about it carefully...why did so many people and no one take action? How could the dignified head of the Inuyama family of the Sheqi Hachi family be subdued just because a man is good-looking...

The only answer is that they dare not! They are afraid!

"Guess they killed someone?" Xuan Hao looked at the humpback whale with a chuckle.

"Ah this..." The humpback whale was stunned, thinking to himself, boss, why did you say it so directly? Is this something I should know? You tell me how to pretend! Will he kill people and silence him next?

The humpback whale broke out in cold sweat on its forehead.

"There's nothing to be shy about. They are all good students." That’s fine, do you understand?”

"Yes! I understand! They are all good young men, and they are all cowherds that Gao Tianyuan regards as treasures. They have definitely not done anything wrong, no matter who asks, it is the same!" The humpback whale bowed respectfully. Facing my man leaving the room, I didn't dare to raise my head.

The boss said that they were good people, so they should be good people, and that everyone killed by them should deserve to die... It had nothing to do with him anyway. In short, he just pretended that he didn't know what to do. What could he, the manager of a Cowherd shop, do? Woolen cloth? You can only bow to the forces of 'good guys'. In order to continue the man's ikebana, this is a last resort.

As the door to the room was closed, the humpback whale lay down on the sofa a little weakly, wiped the sweat on his bald head with a tissue, took out a cigar and lit it several times with trembling hands before lighting it.

After blowing out a puff of smoke, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The world has changed! It’s really getting harder and harder to do business these days…

He recalled that two years ago he was the owner of this nightclub, the most powerful figure in the Tokyo Cowherd world, but now he has become a humble employee who sees the boss like a mouse meets a cat, and is even responsible for taking care of the children...

"Harm..." The humpback whale scratched its barren head and stood up.

He was going to go down below and tell the cowherds to take good care of these three new comrades, and be sure not to cause any trouble!

For the next two days, the humpback felt like he was constantly worried.

Because he was afraid that these three ancestors would cause trouble in the store. Although the store had been bought by the boss, everything was his hard work over the years. How could he not be concerned about it?

The boss said that no one dared to cause trouble, but was he afraid that others would come to cause trouble? He was afraid that these ancestors would find trouble with others!

If Xuan Hao knew that Humpback Whale had such a sincere work attitude, he would definitely give him a salary increase. After all, what boss wouldn't like an employee who thinks about the company like this?

Humpback Whale was originally worried about whether the three young masters would get used to Gaotian Yuan, but before the internship ended in two days, he felt that his worries seemed to be unnecessary.

His vision of people was indeed right. 'Ukyo' and 'Basara King' were enjoying a prosperous life in the nightclub. Only Sakura was not quite as good as she was, but she was quite calm and there were no unexpected incidents.

The night was already very late, and the carnival in Takamagahara was still going on.

Lu Mingfei sat alone on the sofa in the corner, looking through the window glass at the Genji Heavy Industries Building two blocks away.

"Alas..." He sighed helplessly, feeling a little doubtful about life.

Was there something wrong with him or someone else?

He seems to be the most unreliable person left who still remembers his own job.

As for the other two…

Lu Mingfei turned his head and focused his attention on the two senior brothers in the crowd. Have some people forgotten their identities?

He very much doubted whether these two people had forgotten that one was the president of the student council and the other was the president of the Lionheart Club.

Why are you so skilled! It seems that being a cowherd is your job, right?

Lu Mingfei really couldn't adapt to the lewd atmosphere on the dance floor. Maybe it was because he had some social phobia?

Watching the drunken women hugging the drunken men and pouring champagne into the men's collars. Those men still had bright smiles on their faces and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Lu Mingfei couldn't understand it at all.

The man leading the dance tore his shirt to expose his well-muscled chest while cheering, and just barely shouted the phrase, "Put your hair off."

"Basara King!" A young woman in a little black dress on the booth next to the dance floor jumped up to Caesar with frivolous steps, blushed slightly and kissed his cheek. Of course, it was not because she was shy, but because she had drunk too much.

Caesar politely took the champagne she handed and drank it in one gulp, then waved away the drunkard, but more women came around.

He was hugging him like a real Italian emperor. Lu Mingfei thought that if he took a picture of this scene and sent it to Senior Sister Nono, Caesar wouldn't be castrated, right?

But it was just a thought. If Lu Mingfei really dared to do this, he would probably not be able to see the sun tomorrow. They were on the same front now. Although the other two seemed to enjoy it...

Oh no, Chu Zihang looks pretty normal?

Lu Mingfei looked at Chu Zihang who had a paralyzed face not far away. It was obvious that "I am very cold" was written on his face, but he soon realized that he was wrong. He was very wrong. .

Those women seem to like to put their hot faces on other people's cold butts.

Chu Zihang walked towards the center of the stage with an expressionless face, and his performance was next.

But there was always a drunk woman blocking the way, and he was a guest, so he couldn't be too rude.

The woman insisted on toasting him and refused to let him leave, so he had no choice but to stretch out his hand and touch the guest's head. If it weren't for his still cold face, it would look like he was coaxing a child.

"I'm going to start preparing for the performance now. You staying here are an eyesore and annoying. Go aside quickly."

Look, is this human language? Lu Mingfei's eyes almost fell out, he was afraid that Chu Zihang would fight with the guests, but the ending was always beyond his expectation.

"Yes... yes, I understand~ I will come to accompany you later!"

The woman rubbed circles on Chu Zihang's chest with a shy look on her face, seeming to enjoy being treated like this.

Senior brother, is this also what you expected? Lu Mingfei covered his face, well, he was already convinced that there must be something wrong with everyone here.

"Did you see it? That's called prescribing the right medicine. According to Chu Zihang, he has memorized the faces of every frequent customer and even knows their preferences clearly."

"Study hard. These are all experiences that you will use in the future." Caesar squeezed out from the crowd of women and sat down next to Lu Mingfei and took a breath.

It seems that even though this Italian nobleman is in great shape, he is still very tired from dealing with so many women at the same time.

"No, I don't think I can use this kind of experience..." Lu Mingfei complained helplessly. He never dreamed that Chu Zihang's amazing learning ability could be used in this way. It simply opened the door to a new world. , so it seems that excellent people can be excellent at anything, even picking up girls.

In his eyes, these two senior brothers have evolved directly from the growth stage to the ultimate form. One is WarGreymon with passion and the other is Steel Garuru with Absolute Zero. None of the women here can beat them. They will either be burned to death or killed. freeze to death.

The aloof ancient music was playing, and listening to this music was like returning to ancient Japan from a metropolitan nightclub, standing beside a wild bridge in the bleak autumn wind.

The curtain opened, the stage slowly rose, and a lonely figure stood on it. All the lights went out, leaving only a lone lamp falling from the sky and covering the warrior-like man. He was wearing warrior armor and standing on the stage like a boss, as if waiting for someone to challenge him.

The blower blew up the cherry blossom petals scattered on the ground. Among the fallen cherry blossoms, a figure fell down. It was Chu Zihang who jumped up from the stage.

Wearing white clothes and blue hakama, he jumped high, his long hair messy in the wind covering half of his face, and his big sleeves flew up, revealing his well-defined forearms.

Chu Zihang took off his white clothes and tied his sleeves around his waist. His bare chest rose and fell with his breathing, which attracted a burst of cheers from the audience.

He reached out and drew his sword, as if preparing to challenge the samurai on the stage.

As the saying goes, 'A layman can watch the excitement, but an expert can know the rules'. People in the audience may only think that this is a wonderful sword fighting performance, but Lu Mingfei and Caesar clearly know that this stage play is actually called 'Father is kind and son is filial' .

The 'warrior' on the stage was Chu Zihang's biological father, which they had only known for a while. There seemed to be something unspeakable between the two people, but it should have been explained clearly, at least that's what they thought.

But Chu Zihang seemed to still resent his own father for leaving him alone, and he didn't hold back at all when they started fighting.

The audience thundered with applause and said it was wonderful, but Lu Mingfei didn’t mean to talk nonsense! Of course it's exciting, this is real fighting and not acting...

"Chu Zihang's father is also a very strong hybrid..." Caesar admired as he looked at the swords and swords on the stage.

"Of course, he is S-class, but he has been on the gray list of the college and has not been released." Xuan Hao appeared next to the two of them at some point, holding champagne and watching the fight on the stage with a smile.

"I'll wipe it! Boss, you're finally out!" Lu Mingfei looked at Xuan Hao excitedly, "Can I take off these clothes and go upstairs to rest?"

"No." Xuan Hao smiled and shook his head, "Don't you look good in your dress? It's pink and tender, little Sakura."


"You said Chu Zihang's father is also from Kassel?" Caesar's focus was completely different from Lu Mingfei's. He seemed to have accepted the reality of being a cowherd and didn't care about it. "Is it the support sent by the academy? ?”

"No, he is mine now," Xuan Hao shook his head slightly, "I saved his life a few years ago, so he has been doing things for me.

"Why didn't he come to see Senior Brother Chu earlier?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused, "Senior Brother Chu seems to have been looking for him for a long time."

"Hate, don't tell me that this man is really sensible. He has been working very hard and he didn't even have time to see his son. I didn't stop him." Xuan Hao spread his hands innocently, "I specially arranged this meeting. Yes, they still have to thank me."

Xuan Hao didn't lie. He said that he had let Chu Tianjiao meet his son twice before, but there seemed to be some misunderstanding.

oh! correct! It seems that he forgot to ask Chu Tianjiao to take off his mask... The mask came off. It seems like it was a long time ago?

Chu Tianjiao: mmp.

"Uh..." The corners of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched. He always felt that things were not that simple.

Caesar silently mourned for Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang for a second. In his opinion, this was just a prank by Xuan Hao.

But what does this person want to do and who can stop him?

"Alas..." Caesar sighed and looked away helplessly from Xuan Hao.

The 'Emperor' from the East is a secret that only the higher-ups of the academy know. As the heir of the Gattuso family, he naturally knows it very well. This is why he has always been so 'well-behaved'. As an Italian nobleman, he seemed aggrieved in front of such a monster, but he knew well not to offend this guy, and after being in contact with Caesar for so long, he also knew this man's character. As long as he didn't offend him, he was actually quite easy to talk to.

"You just showed up now, is there something wrong?" Caesar knew that they had been in the store for a few days, and this guy must be planning something when he never showed up.

"Smart, I'm almost ready here. I need your help with something. I'll have a meeting upstairs after business ends today." Xuan Hao smiled, drank the wine in his glass, got up and walked towards the elevator.

What made Lu Mingfei and Caesar curious was that although there were crowds of people along the way, this man had an unimpeded path. The women who stood in front of him seemed to be afraid of this man and always gave way.

"The boss is also the type who is not popular with women?" Lu Mingfei asked doubtfully.

"..." Caesar rolled his eyes, thinking that he is really a monster. This man always exudes a terrifying aura that is as if nothing exists. Lu Mingfei can't feel it? It seems like there's a reason why these two guys don't have any friends no matter where they are.

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