A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 33 27. I’m really practicing boxing (please vote)

Chapter 33 27. I’m really practicing boxing (please vote)

Spring is coming gradually.

Xuan Hao sat cross-legged on the bed, placing the spear above his legs, and he was meditating.

This is the meditation method Li Shuwen taught him, saying it can make him feel himself clearly.

Martial arts is not just about physical skills, the process of strengthening the body and mind is equally important. Sometimes the winner of a closely matched battle is often the one with a stronger will.

After learning to meditate, he really felt himself.

But he found that his situation was very special. Others meditated to cultivate their spirit, but he felt that his body and spirit seemed to be separated by an inexplicable force but not connected.

This feeling is as if he is just a bystander, but he can control everything in this body and can empathize with everything he feels. But physical death cannot really affect his spirit. It is like an invisible barrier covering his soul, selectively filtering some information.

Thinking about it makes people feel despicable, like playing a holographic game with 100% pain in this world. Others will die when they die, but he can be resurrected in place.


With a long breath, Xuanhao ended his meditation. He felt that meditation was the only thing besides sleeping that could make him feel slightly relaxed.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a sudden knock on the door.


A little head poked his head in and saw that Xuan Hao was wearing clothes. He opened the door and walked in with a stick in his hand.

"Hey~" Xia Mi waved the stick in his hand: "Stop being lazy and come out and get beaten~"

"Meow meow meow?" Xuan Hao was confused, "I'm not lazy, I just finished meditating."

"Meditation? Isn't that just laziness?" Xia Mi said, "Grandpa Li is not here today. Before he left, he said, let me train you well, don't be lazy~"

Since that night of drinking, Li Shuwen often said that he had something to deal with and went out. After that, he was nowhere to be seen for the whole day, saying that he would be back before tomorrow.

Xuan Hao wondered if he really secretly went to slay the dragon, but it shouldn't be? We all agreed to come back tomorrow.

"Bah bang bang."

There was a banging sound in the yard.

"Um, hum, Xia Mi, please be gentle!"

"Hmph~ Hehe, stop being so verbose, don't move, I'm already very gentle." Xia Mi smiled while holding the stick, showing his little fangs, and greeted Xuan Hao from time to time with the stick in his hand.

Xuan Hao is now in a twisted posture, with his upper body twisted and his arms raised high.

This is boxing practice. Ever since Li Shuwen started teaching him boxing, he has been beaten every day, so now he hates boxing. He was quite yearning for it before, and it makes him cry every time he talks about it.

Before you hit someone, you must first learn to be beaten. This is Li Shuwen's original words.

Therefore, Xia Mi is helping to train his ability to resist blows.

There is a saying that Xuan Hao feels that his physical fitness is already very strong, and ordinary people should not be able to hurt him even if they hold a stick. But how is this girl in front of me an ordinary person? This made it clear that it was a public revenge, even though he didn't know where he offended Xia Mi.

"Did I strike too hard?" Xia Mi thought in her mind. She was in a good mood today. This guy usually teased her. Today he finally found an opportunity to take revenge. But he didn't know if he was using too much force. This guy didn't seem to be. A mixed race.

"Well, leave him alone. Seeing the look of enjoyment on his face, he should be able to work harder, Xia Mi, you just got it!" Xia Mi shook his head and cheered up.

"Bah bang bang."

"Raise your hands a little higher, it will look better~"

"I... this is boxing practice, not for looking good!" Xuan Hao trembled all over, and the smile on his face froze. It would be better to just stab him with both knives.

"Xiao Xia Mi, please let me go today. You see, the master is not here, how about letting me go?"

Xia Mi pouted and rolled his eyes with some regret: "Then that's it for today~"

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Hao lay down on the ground with relief, let out a long sigh of relief, and lay down under the old tree.

"Hey, it's so uncomfortable." Xuan Hao was exhausted and wanted to relax, but found that he couldn't fall asleep. He could feel pain all over his body, but he was very energetic.

Xia Mi looked at Xuan Hao lying on the ground and stamped his foot: "You can't do it, can't you stand it?"

"I don't want to move, I don't want to move." Xuan Hao lay lazily on the ground, saying that he didn't want to move at all.

The spring day is getting warmer, and the sunshine is soft, shining through the buds that have just been pulled out of the old trees, and falling on Xuan Hao who is lying under the tree. The warmth makes people relax a little.

Xuan Hao was wearing thin training clothes, and you could see patches of green and purple on the exposed areas. You can imagine how ruthless this girl was.

Strangely enough, his body would recover quickly from any wound, but these bruises seemed to have been ignored, showing no signs of rapid recovery. He thought that his body should only repair broken wounds, and the repaired areas would become stronger and stronger. Well... He looked down slightly, and he had a bold idea.

Think about it or forget it, it would be bad if something happens.


Feeling the strength on his shoulders, Xuan Hao was a little curious.

Xia Mi didn't know when he sat next to Xuan Hao, curled his lips helplessly, and gently squeezed Xuan Hao's shoulders. It seemed that his conscience had discovered it.

"Well, you still have a little bit of conscience."

"Hmph. I'll keep spanking you~"

A gentle voice sounded in Xuan Hao's ears, and his breath was like blue, making his ears itchy, but these words made him shiver.

Li Shuwen's original words were that he just asked Xia Mi to help him exercise.

Xia Mi didn't know what she was thinking at that time, and she also added a few words, not to resist, to listen to her during training, and not to bully her in turn. Li Shuwen thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he nodded in agreement.

This approval made Xuan Hao's life extremely miserable. He didn't dare to fight back when he was beaten or scolded, otherwise the situation would be doubly heavy when the master came back.

I live this life with no hope, I just feel that I am bullying others too much (painful and happy at the same time).

"Deng Deng Deng."

There was a sound of footsteps, and the soldier bent down and walked into the palace, respectfully speaking a few words into the old eunuch's ear.

The old eunuch waved his hand and asked the soldiers to exit.

Turning around, he bowed towards the curtain and said, "Your Majesty, Li Shuwen would like to see you."

"Huh?" The man inside the curtain was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly: "Let him come in."

The gate opened, Li Shuwen was handed over his spear, stepped through the gate, and walked into the palace.

This is a side hall, a place where the empress usually relaxes. When Li Shuwen came in, he saw the crystal-like curtain in front of him at first sight. Behind the curtain, a man sat there, wearing a luxurious robe and trimmed with gold thread, looking very luxurious.

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