A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 326 319. Huiliyi drinks the medicine obediently

Chapter 326 319. Hui Liyi drinks the medicine obediently

None of this can be faked. It looks like this place was originally an inhumane slaughterhouse. Those Deadpools were all born here. Needless to say, the raw materials are there.

The original glass wall has collapsed, and tens of thousands of tons of water have poured out from the water storage tank at the back. There is still half a foot of water on the ground. The creatures that look like baby snakes in the water are unable to move. This water is culture fluid. , while keeping them safe from the threat of explosions, the developing embryos apparently cannot survive exposure to air.

They have just grown white scales but already have sharp claws and ferocious muscles. These young deadpools were 'stillborn' before they had time to grow up, but this seems to be a good thing.

But these Deadpools were all living humans...

Yuan Zhisheng looked at these weird creatures, and he judged a terrible truth at first glance. The guy who was conducting experiments here used humans to conduct experiments, and used dragon blood to turn them into this look, just like What Lu Mingfei said was against human ethics.

He didn't know who these people were in life. Maybe they were missing people from the family, maybe they were caught 'ghosts', or maybe they were some innocent people. Yuan Zhisheng pulled out the spider cut with an expressionless face, and looked at each A Deadpool fetus had a stab wound in its heart.

This was a heavy sin, and Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused. Was it really that person who did all this? No, the clues weren't enough to convict, he needed to continue investigating.

If Tachibana Masamune really did all this, Minamoto Chisheng will... kill him without hesitation, just like he killed his younger brother.

But Yuan Zhisheng hoped that it was not Tachibana Masamune who did it, because he could not think of a reason for Tachibana Masamune to do this, but he was very scared in his heart.

Just like the young girl back then, she also turned into a very evil ghost without any warning or reason at all. This seemed to be a trick of fate. The bloodline of the eight Sheqi families was a cursed bloodline. Yuan Zhisheng had some He wonders if he is really cursed. Will everyone around him become like this one by one?

"Did you fail? It doesn't matter. We didn't expect you to succeed anyway." Caesar stuffed a new piece of firewood under each of the three barrels, then jumped into his own barrel, smoking a cigar with a contented look on his face.

After working up a sweat, I took a relaxing Japanese bath. Three wooden barrels were lined up. In the hot mist, there were three naked men. Caesar was smoking a cigar, Chu Zihang was reading the newspaper, and Lu Ming Unless you lament the unkindness of these two guys, what do you mean by not expecting him to succeed? Sure enough, he had known for a long time that these two guys just wanted to go to Genji Heavy Industries to cause damage and vent their anger.

"Tell me, what happened when you sneaked in?" Caesar asked Lu Mingfei with interest.

"It went smoothly at first. I thought I succeeded!" Lu Mingfei sighed helplessly, "I had installed the bomb and almost ran away. Unfortunately, I met Yuan Zhisheng at the end."

"Is he strong?" Chu Zihang seemed to be a little interested in Yuan Zhisheng, so he put down the newspaper and asked.

"It's really strong, right?" Lu Mingfei answered with some uncertainty, "Anyway, I don't know what method he used. I felt very heavy for a moment, and then I sat down completely. When I reacted, it detonated. The weapon has been taken away by him. If I feel it... maybe none of the three of us can beat him in a duel."

"Word Spirit King Quan, serial number 91 high-risk word spirit." Chu Zihang said the corresponding word spirit based on Lu Mingfei's description, "And according to what you said, he is extremely fast and relatively expressive. He has extremely strong physical fitness, and coupled with such a spirit of speech, it is indeed difficult for us to challenge him in a one-on-one match, but it is not without a chance of winning."

As Chu Zihang said this, he took out Murasame from the tub.

"Hey, hey, hey! Senior brother, why are you taking a knife with you in the shower?" Lu Mingfei was shocked. He knew that Chu Zihang would not admit defeat, but he didn't want to pick up the knife and go to Yuan Zhisheng to spar now, right?

"I just think I should be able to fight if I try my best." Chu Zihang said calmly.

His bloodline had surpassed the limit of ordinary mixed-race species in the previous subway station, and his strength had been greatly enhanced. Although it was partly suppressed by the serum Xuanhao injected into him, it was not without any growth. What is certain is that he is much stronger now than before.

"That's right, won't it only take a minute for you to become a physical abuser?" Caesar asked Lu Mingfei.

He felt that Lu Mingfei thought too highly of Yuan Zhisheng. Wang Quan's kind of word spirit was not suitable for long-range combat, let alone continuous combat. It was impossible for Yuan Zhisheng to fight them with the word spirit all the time. As long as the conditions were favorable, he was confident that he could do it. Let's make it a 50-50 split, right? If that doesn't work, let's go together.

"That's another story..." Lu Mingfei scratched his head, "It's not like I can transform just because I want to. I'll kill someone..."

"Oh~" Caesar didn't ask much.

"But it's not without gain this time." Lu Mingfei said, "Senior Brother Chu blew up the laboratory hidden underground in Genji Heavy Industry. I met Yuan Zhisheng and gave him some tips. I hope his brain can be used better. a little."

"Hahahaha..." Caesar suddenly laughed.

"Senior brother, what are you laughing at?" Lu Mingfei looked confused.

"No..." Caesar covered his mouth, "I just sympathize a little with Yuan Zhisheng, for you to worry about your brain."


Lu Mingfei poured out a ladle of hot water and extinguished Caesar's cigar.

Eriki was looking at the rooftop, looking at the city in the storm.

To be precise, she was looking at Genji Heavy Industries, which was two blocks away. There had been a violent explosion there not long ago, and she was a little worried about her brother.

Soon the lights of the power-out building turned on again, indicating that nothing happened. However, the police car with flashing lights was still running on the elevated road, seemingly to investigate the previous explosion.

"Don't worry, your brother is fine."

The gentle voice coming from behind made her worry a little lighter. She didn't know why, but she always felt that no matter how many times she heard this voice, she would feel at ease. This was why she did not resist staying here.

Xuanhao looked at Eriyi's side face. The city lights outside the window were brightly lit. Even if it was covered with rain, the gauze was still magnificent. But the girl in front of him was even more breathtakingly beautiful. Her long eyelashes were covered with water drops and she was very pretty. There are water drops hanging on her nose, and the night view of the entire city is reflected in her clear pupils. This girl is as ethereal and clear as a piece of white paper. All colors can become extremely gorgeous in her eyes.

He pulled Eri away from the window and gently wiped her long red hair with a towel that was wet by the rain coming in from the window.

Eriyi grabbed Xuanhao's hand and wanted to write on his hand, but before she started writing, Xuanhao asked what she wanted to say.

"Are you homesick?"

"..." Eriyi nodded slightly.

It's been a long time since she came out. Brother will be worried, right?

"Don't worry, you will be able to go home soon." Xuan Hao said, "There is almost no problem with your bloodline. Your brother will be very happy to see you when you go home, right?"

"Yes." Eriki responded softly, nodded, and smiled happily.

The person in front of her was very kind to her like a brother. He would stay with her every day during her stay here. Although she was a little resistant to forcing her to drink an unknown drink, this person said he could help her stabilize. Bloodline, she tried it. She didn't believe it at first, but now she can speak normally.

I just got used to writing and couldn’t change it for a while...

When the time comes, my brother will be very happy to know that there is no problem with her health, right?

"Come on, drink." Xuan Hao handed a cup to Eri Yi, "This is the last cup. After drinking it, you can go home another day."

"Yeah." Eriyi took the cup obediently, holding it in both hands and sipping it in small sips, because this thing actually didn't taste good.

"Be good, it's time for the last drink. Come on." Xuan Hao patiently encouraged the girl in front of him.

For some reason, Eri seems to be afraid of syringes, so she can only use this medicine orally.

After drinking the medicine, Eriyi felt that her eyelids became a little heavy, so she obediently ran to the bed aside, covered herself with a quilt and huddled up.

"Go to sleep, and let Xia Mi take you out for a tour tomorrow, to where you want to go." Xuan Hao touched Eri Yi's head, "Then I can send you home."

"Hmm..." Eriyi nodded slightly, her breathing gradually becoming even.

Looking at Eriyi sleeping soundly, Xuanhao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She shouldn't be able to wake up from this sleep for a while, but when Eriki wakes up again, the bloodline in her body will become as stable as an ordinary mixed-race species. With a stable bloodline, she will not be affected by herself. It caused a burden. This time, the deep sleep should be able to repair the damage to her body by virtue of her bloodline and her own repair ability.

All of this is Herzog’s fault...

Xuanhao looked at the rain outside the window expressionlessly, and his heart gradually became cold.

The 'Imperial Blood' is originally a stable bloodline. Eri, Minamoto Chi-chan and Minamoto Chi-sei, who inherited Uesugoshi's bloodline, were supposed to be the same. Minamoto Chi-chan became a ghost because she was controlled by a pontine separation surgery. In fact, there is nothing wrong with his bloodline at all. Even evolution potions cannot affect the stability of the royal blood.

As for Eri, she has been used as an experiment since she was a child, and was cultivated by Herzog as the most perfect holy body. The instability of her bloodline is also caused by the experiment.

A single dose of 'divine blood' serum can restore a runaway ordinary mixed-race species to its original state, but Xuanhao used up almost all the serum to reverse the condition of Eriyi, which shows how bad Eriyi's bloodline condition was before.

"Is she asleep?" Xia Mi opened the door and asked quietly, revealing a small head.

"Yes." Xuanhao was still standing by the window staring at the night view of the city, "When Eriyi wakes up, we will start executing the plan. Are you ready?"

"Ready." Xia Mi came to Xuan Hao and leaned against him gently, "What are you looking at?"

"..." Xuan Hao was silent for a moment and then pointed at the golden 'Tokyo Sky Tree' in the distance. He was originally looking at Genji Heavy Industries and was in a bad mood, but he didn't want to pass on his bad mood to the people around him.

"That's the Tokyo Sky Tree, the tallest radio tower in the world. You can go up there. It's said that the most beautiful view of Tokyo is from the observatory above." Xuan Hao said.

Xia Mi looked at the iron tower for a moment, then understood what Xuan Hao meant, "Don't worry, I will take that child to see the world."

"Thank you." Xuan Hao thanked him softly.

"There's nothing to thank you for. Your sister is my sister." Xia Mi pinched his nose to prevent him from venting his anger.

"I'm sorry, I might put you at risk." Xuan Hao took Xia Mi's hand that was on his nose and held it in his palm, apologetically.

"What's the risk?" Xia Mi smiled softly, "I don't think that guy named Herzog is my opponent."

"You still have to be careful, understand?" Xuan Hao gently held her hand, "If anything unexpected happens, contact me as soon as possible. I will come to you even if Mount Fuji is leveled."

The next day, Gao Tianyuan opened business as usual, but welcomed a special guest.

"Excuse me, is this Takamagahara? Are the three seniors Basara King, Ukyo Tachibana and Sakura Sakura here? Kazama Ruri has taken the liberty to come to visit." The gentle voice made the humpback whale stunned.

He looked at the handsome boy in front of him in surprise. The boy stood in the thin sunshine, wearing a white shirt and a black suit, with refreshing straight hair, holding a bouquet of budding tulips in his hand.

Seemingly seeing no reaction from the humpback whale for a long time, the boy bowed deeply and handed over his business card with both hands.

His flower name was written on the business card, Kazama Ruri.

"Master Kazama Ruri? Are you here again?" The humpback whale looked at the boy in front of him in disbelief. What made him even more unbelievable was that this boy actually came to see those newcomers?

Every cowherd in Japan has heard the name Kazama Ruri, because he is the number one, the throne, and the supreme.

There is a ranking list in the Cowherd Practitioners Association, and Kazama Ruri has been number one on this ranking list for six consecutive years.

This ranking list is neither based on looks nor sales, but based on the principle of art first, it selects the masters of men's ikebana. To put it simply, the boy in front of him who calls himself Kazama Ruri is the ideal target in the heart of the humpback whale who believes in 'man's flower arrangement'.

Looking at the faint fragrance of chrysanthemums exuding in the hand, on the front is an ink sketch of a chrysanthemum swaying in the wind, and on the back are four characters written in regular script - 'Fengjian Liuli'. Although Humpback Whale had no idea why such a top-notch man would come to see those newcomers. He remembered that this man came here last time to find his boss, but no matter what, he felt that Gao Tianyuan might be about to get rich.

Because this man is a promotional poster in the world of cowherds. He can bring a significant increase in sales to any store he goes to. Now that such a man knows the boss of Takamagahara and the top names in it, this is good publicity. What a gimmick, and if he works harder, maybe he can keep this master?

"Welcome, welcome!" The humpback whale straightened his tie and bowed deeply in return, "Master is here. Today is truly a day for Takamagahara to shine."

"Senior Whale, you're welcome," Kazama Liuli smiled softly, "Can you let me see them?"

"Of course, of course! Please come with me."

The humpback whale happily took Kazama Ruri to an independent single room and asked someone to call the three teenagers in.

"You guys talk, you guys talk! I'm going out first." The humpback whale winked crazily, telling the three of them to 'serve' them well.

This frightened Lu Mingfei. He originally thought that such a day would never happen, but he didn't expect that a man would actually visit Gao Tianyuan! He didn't want to drink with a man...and this man looked very effeminate, and he felt that his virginity was in danger.

Kazama Liuli stood up and walked to the three of them.

Bowing deeply to Caesar: "Is he Basara King? He is indeed a man as free and easy as a rock."

He bowed to Chu Zihang again: "If I guess correctly, this is Ukyo-senpai, right? He looks like a swordsman, but he looks like a gentle person."

The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched, thinking that it was indeed very free and easy to just forget about Caesar, but how did you see that Senior Brother Chu was gentle? Believe it or not, the knife on his waist can be placed on your neck if you disagree with him!

The man came to Lu Mingfei again and bowed deeply, "This must be Senior Sakura, right? Sure enough... he is a man with lions in his eyes."

You hesitated, you hesitated just now, right? Lu Mingfei showed a forced smile and made a mental note for this guy. He must have been unable to find words to describe him, so he hesitated. Finally, he made up an adjective that was problematic at first sight, but he was really good at flattering him. , children can be taught.

Lu Mingfei heard this man call him senior, but he didn't expect that he would have a junior at the end of his career as a cowherd... An indescribable feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

However, he thought that he might be mistaken. The humpback whale wanted them to come here and not serve this guy. He should be a newcomer to the store.

Because Senior Brother Xuanhao has agreed, in two days they will be completely liberated and will not have to do the job of Cowherd. It seems that he is here to take over, so why did they come here to train this guy? ? This... seems possible!

But after the man introduced himself, Lu Mingfei instantly felt extremely disappointed.

"Hello, my name is Fengjian Liuli." Fengjian Liuli looked at the three of them with a smile.


Lu Mingfei sat down on the sofa and lost interest.

Caesar didn't care after hearing his name and sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and lit a cigar.

Chu Zihang sat quietly with no expression on his face.

"Um..." Kazama Liuli felt confused by the sudden change in the atmosphere. Did he say something wrong?

"Tell me, what is your purpose?"

Finally, Caesar broke the awkward atmosphere, shook out the ashes, looked at Kazama Ruri expressionlessly and asked.

"After hearing about the three seniors Basara King, Ukyo Tachibana and Sakura, I really wanted to get to know you all, so I came." Ruri Kazama held the bouquet of tulips in front of Caesar.

"First of all, we don't like flowers very much." Caesar said. "Secondly, we don't like dishonest people. If you think your acting skills are good, you can ask our little Sakura if you believe it?"

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