A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 330 323. Eri Yi and her bodyguards

Chapter 330 Chapter 323. Eri Yi and her bodyguards

But this is also the reason why Yuan Zhisheng has been patient until now. Sometimes he even thinks that since Xuanhao has a way to control Eri Yi's bloodline and not go berserk, he should just let Eri stay with that guy. The current Sheqi family is very sad.

Staying with this powerful man is at least better than going to destruction with the Sheki Hachi family... But he is still a little worried about whether this guy will hurt Eriki, otherwise he will not be worried at all.

"Boss, we have investigated almost all places in Tokyo, and there is only one place left that we cannot investigate." Crow said, "I think there is a high probability that Miss Eri is there..."

"You mean 'Takamagahara', right? It seems like I'm the only one who can go there myself."

Yuan Zhisheng rubbed his temples, feeling exhausted mentally and physically.

The Sheqi Hachi family has a wide network of connections. He just received the news that the Tokyo government has secretly made disaster relief preparations, because abnormal weather conditions have occurred throughout Japan during the recent period, which is often a sign of an approaching disaster. But the Meteorological Bureau was unable to determine the cause of the disaster.

However, Yuan Zhisheng knew very well that this was a good thing done by the fierce ghosts, and it was estimated that the 'god' would revive.

His sister is missing, his father is blaming him, his brothers are turning against each other, Xuan Hao next door is eyeing him, and there is even a 'god' who doesn't know when he will wake up and cause trouble. There are so many things going on that he is a little dizzy and doesn't know what to do first. Which one is better to deal with.

It can be said that the buffs on my body are already full and I don’t know when they will collapse.

As soon as Yuan Zhisheng arrived at the parking lot and wanted to drive to Gao Tianyuan, the phone on his body suddenly vibrated.

"Who would call at a time like this?"

He frowned and picked up the phone, and an extremely anxious voice came from inside.

"Everyone, sir, I have a major discovery to report to you! Where are you?" Miyamoto Shio was anxious, "It's about God!"

"I know. Come right away." Yuan Zhisheng reluctantly hung up the phone and got out of the car.

The Tama River is a large river that originates from a two-thousand-meter-high mountain in Yamanashi Prefecture and flows mightily to Tokyo.

But at this moment, the mountains near the Tama River were burning with raging fire, a fire that could not be extinguished even by heavy rain.

Scarlet blood mixed with silver spots of light kept pouring out from deep underground. They were the dragon's executioner, the Ghost-toothed Dragon Viper. At this moment, they appear here and want to come to the ground and pour into the human world along the Tama River.

This kind of thing must be destroyed, even if one of it flows into the human world, it will lead to terrible consequences.

Huge winds fell from the sky, black helicopters hovered in the sky, and black shadows descended from the sky carrying flamethrowers. When they landed, they sprayed out seven or eight meters of fire. Even heavy rain could not extinguish the fire.

They are members of the Sheqiba family. Their mission here is to drive back the ghost-toothed dragon vipers who want to enter the human world. At this moment, the heavy rain seems to have helped them. At least they don't have to worry about the fire being too big to burn the whole place. The mountain burned them to death.

Oil and fire continued to spray towards the drilled hole, burning all the ghost-toothed dragon vipers that wanted to come out of the hole.

That is the exit of hell. The eight Sheqi families are here to find the incubation place of the ‘god’, and they have probably found it now.

Yuan Zhi angrily pushed open the thick black wooden door and stepped into Xingshen Temple.

The name of Xingshenji Temple is actually a terrace hidden high up in the Genji Heavy Industries Building. There is a stormy sky above the head, a rough bluestone floor under the feet, and surrounded by gurgling water. However, the small sound of water can no longer be heard at this moment. , the thunder in the sky beats everyone's heart all the time, as if it heralds the coming disaster.

"Master!" Miyamoto Shixiong stood up quickly when he saw that Minamoto had finally arrived.

"What's the specific situation?" Yuan Zhisheng asked as soon as he came in.

"I think we have found the location of God." Miyamoto Shixiong looked serious.

He placed a dark box in front of Yuan Zhisheng. There are three items in the box, two quartz bottles and an envelope.

A quartz bottle contained crimson water. Miyamoto shook the bottle. The liquid in the bottle was as viscous as blood. The liquid was very active and even beating with bubbles, as if it had just flowed from some terrifying creature. come out.

In another bottle is a small silver-blue fish. It is in a dehydrated state, but its tenacious vitality keeps it alive. It occasionally struggles violently, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth like ice crystals.

The dragon executioner, the ghost-toothed dragon viper, and the ominous blood-colored river water.

These two things are very familiar to Yuan Zhisheng, after all, he has seen them with his own eyes...

"I guess you don't need to explain what this is?" Miyamoto Shixiong looked serious.

"Yes." Yuan Zhisheng nodded solemnly.

The last time he saw these two things, it was the awakening of the next generation species, and now these things appeared at this critical moment. He could not think of anything else except that the 'god' was about to awaken.

"Last night, the Tama River drilling team was gone. They once again discovered an astonishing number of ghost-toothed vipers in the Akaki River. The scale was even more terrifying than two years ago, but fortunately, the hole opened was not very big. Our people barely managed to block it." Miyamoto Shio said in a low voice, "In addition, the envelope contained a water sample analysis of the river water flowing out there. We found that it contained blood components. Based on the test results, we judged that the Tama River flows below. There is a river of blood, and the chemical composition of this river is similar to fetal blood, the fetal blood of a dragon. And the blood is very active so far, not like a dead embryo."

"Perhaps this time it really is the embryo of a 'god'..." Yuan Zhisheng became nervous, "So...there was a reason why the first generation came to the Red Ghost River two years ago?"

"I suspect that it came to deliver nourishment..." Shio Miyamoto said with some regret on his face, "It's just that we didn't find the location of the god at that time! It should still be deeper in the Akagui River, but the 'god' at that time was not there There is no sign of recovery, we are completely unaware of it."

"Then how did you find out now?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

"Due to fetal blood, the water of the Akari River was red two years ago. However, we detected minerals in it, and there was no dragon blood component. The water of the Akari River was originally red. In that case, we focused all our energy on it. "It's the first time I'm pregnant," Shizuo Miyamoto was very annoyed. "The blood of any living thing in the embryonic state is different from the blood after birth. The embryo needs to consume a huge amount of nutrients to grow quickly. The more active the fetal blood is, the more active the fetal blood is, which means it is awake." It’s getting closer. We can collect fetal blood samples close to the ground, which shows that the amount of fetal blood is so large that it can even be detected when mixed into a river! You can imagine what a huge creature this is. If it really revives It will be an unprecedented disaster."

"Just like in the legend, the resurrection of 'gods' is often accompanied by tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, right?" Yuan Zhisheng asked, "How far is it from Tokyo?"

"Less than forty kilometers." The head of the Feng Mo family said, "If God awakens there, Tokyo will be the first threat. Climate change and changes in the earth's crust mean that God's incubation has come to an end, and we have no time." "

The expressions of the residents were extremely solemn, because they did not know the current state of the god or when it would wake up. However, according to the current situation, it might be possible to wake up in the next second.

"Is there any way to deal with it?" Minamoto asked Shizuo Miyamoto next to him. He is just a ghost slayer. If the god revives, he can risk his life to conquer it, but his experience in dealing with a disaster that destroys the world Not as good as this researcher.

Miyamoto Shio thought deeply for a few minutes. The atmosphere was unusually quiet. They were all helpless in the face of such an imminent disaster.

"Sorry..." Miyamoto Shio sighed, "I can't think of a way to prevent the god from resurrecting, because we can't even confirm its specific location. The embryo is underground, and there are many dragon guardians such as the ghost-toothed viper. , it is impossible for us to fully explore the underground river hundreds of meters deep within the current time."

"Then what should we do?" Genichiro Ryoma slapped the table, "Can't we just blow it up?"

"Even if we find the location of God, we can't blast it. Exploding in that kind of place and killing such a huge creature will definitely cause Mount Fuji to erupt." Miyamoto Shio vetoed his proposal, "The only one at the moment The method is to lure the god out for a decisive battle. We have no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation, but we can set up a battlefield and lure it out. It is impossible to prevent the god from reviving. We can only kill it when it is weakest after it has just revived. Only in this way can the degree of disaster be minimized.”

"Tell me about your plan." Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

Shio Miyamoto opened the notebook he carried with him and turned the screen to Minamoto Kasaki, "The exit of the Akagui River is located in the west of Tokyo, where it seeps out of the ground and mixes with the Tama River. About twenty years ago, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government commissioned Maruyama Construction to build it. The new Tokyo underground drainage facility, the project name is G-Gans, codenamed Iron Dome Shrine. The Iron Dome Shrine system extends all the way to the outlet of the Akagui River. In order to accommodate the excess water flow of the Akaki River and Tama River, we built it near the outlet Well No. 13 is a giant water storage well, and the water quality is often dark red, also known as the red well."

A drawing of the Iron Dome Temple was displayed on the screen. One of the giant drainage pipes with a diameter of 12 meters branched out to the Red Well. The deep well was in the mountains, less than 20 kilometers away from the center of Tokyo.

"I will sink the super excavator into the red well, and then dig a tunnel directly to the Akagui River. The diameter of this tunnel is six meters and the length is about 1.5 kilometers. The super excavator can advance one thousand meters per week. If it is day and night We can build the tunnel to the Akagui River within ten days." Shio Miyamoto continued, "After the tunnel is opened, the water from the Akagui River will be discharged into the red well within a few hours, and the dragon subpopulation will also Being discharged into the red well, the work of killing the gods begins in the tunnel and the red well!"

"Is there really no other way?" Ryoma Genichiro hesitated, "Ordinary weapons can't deal with dragons of that level at all, right? Even if we can draw it out, what can we use to kill it?"

"There is no other way. We can only kill it when it has just recovered and is most vulnerable! We will use mercury and thermite incendiary bombs in short!" Miyamoto Shizuo said lightly, "If it is true in the end If that doesn’t work, I have to ask all the family heads to go up and chop it with their knives. After all, if we can’t kill it, we’re all done.”

"Just follow your plan. If the plan fails, I will be at the front."

While other family heads were still hesitating, Yuan Zhisheng made a decision.

They suddenly stared blankly at Yuan Zhisheng, only to find that Yuan Zhisheng's face was terrifyingly cold. Only then did they realize that the man in front of them had made up his mind.

The spider cut that he laid flat on his legs exuded a faint cold light. In this war against God, he was the only one in the entire Sheqi family who was qualified to face the majesty of God.

The family heads did not raise any further opinions, but bowed deeply and retired.

The meeting ended, leaving Yuan Zhi sitting at the table and sighing. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the raging rain outside the glass, his whole person looking as pale as paper. Countless worries were chasing him. He was a little tired from running, but he had to keep running. Maybe he could only stop on the day of his death.

Ten days later, early morning.

Today, Gao Tianyuan is temporarily closed again. Although the business is closed, people in Gaotianyuan are still busy.

This was the day chosen by Xuan Hao. He asked Su Enxi to keep an eye on the movements of the Sheqi family, and finally planned to send Eri home today.

Because the tunnel of Hongjing has almost been opened, if Herzog wants to take action, it will be in these two days.

It was still morning, and it was time to take a nap during the rest of the day. However, Caesar, Chu Zihang, Chu Tianjiao and Lu Mingfei were happily arranging their equipment because they were finally no longer forced to open business today. Rather than being exhausted here by a group of gorgeous rich women, they would rather go out and be bodyguards for little girls.

"Work harder, your action this time is related to my life and safety, do you understand?" Su Enxi rarely stayed in the room but came to Gao Tianyuan's private room in formal clothes to supervise the work of this group of people.

"I really don't understand... what does Japan's security, Eri's security, and your security have to do with each other?" Lu Mingfei complained while hiding the dagger and pistol under his windbreaker.

"Don't ask me, this is what the boss said! If you have any objections, go to him!" Su Enxi sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, "Japan is going to be destroyed, kids! Don't you understand the current situation clearly? situation?"

She looked at these people who were leisurely and even a little happy, but they didn't look nervous or flustered. Could it be that her explanation wasn't clear enough? Maybe Japan will sink! Maybe they will follow Japan and sink! Why don't you hurry up and complete the task and go back to your respective homes to find your respective mothers?

In this regard, Lu Mingfei and others could only say that this was just a small scene. Ever since they got together with Xuan Hao, they felt that the world was in danger at any time and would be destroyed at every turn. Even the world had to get used to it, let alone them.

"Hurry up. The protagonist is already ready in the lobby. He is just waiting for you bodyguards. Do you have any professionalism? No employer is waiting for bodyguards!"

"Immediately, immediately..."

Lu Mingfei muttered and moved his hands faster. Looking for advice from the boss? Forget it, look at the people here, who dares to have an opinion?

Caesar just silently wiped his sword and gun aside. He really had nothing to do with Xuan Hao, so he had to direct his anger elsewhere. For example, he would treat whoever did bad things later and treat him well. No one could stop him from leaving this damn place. Cowherd shop.

The Chu family father and son worked hard without complaint. After taking good care of the sword, they closed their eyes and rested, ready to go at any time.

The sky outside the window rarely rained today.

Of course, it's not because the weather has improved, but because Su Enxi spent a lot of money to artificially eliminate rain in the sky in this area. Excessive sowing of ice nuclei into the clouds, so that the ice core content reaches 3 to 5 times the precipitation standard. If the number of ice nuclei is too large, each ice core will have less water to wash away, and it will not be able to form large enough raindrops. In layman's terms, Let the rain 'hold back'.

As the saying goes, money can make the world go round, and it is not unreasonable. Although she couldn't completely change the continuous rainy weather, she could still barely do it by asking God to "hold it in for a while."

Fifteen minutes later, Su Enxi left the private room and came to the lobby, "Boss, everything is ready. Let Xia Mi take Eriki and set off."

Xuanhao slowly got up from the sofa and tried his best to pretend that he didn't know anything and came to Eriyi.

"Eriyi, you're going out with your sister today. You want to have a good time and don't worry about anything, you know?" He smiled and stroked Eriyi's head, "I'll convince your brother that he won't I will be angry with you, and I won’t send anyone to bother you.”

"Yes." Eriki nodded obediently, with a happy smile on her face. She has been staying here for a long time. Although it is no different from home, she still wants to go out to play and have a good time. Take a look at the world.

In the past, she was afraid that her brother would be worried, but now that Xuanhao has said that he will convince her brother, she has nothing to worry about, because she knows that the man in front of her is friends with her brother and has never lied to her.

"Okay, hurry up, we've been waiting here for a long time, and Eri Yi can't wait any longer!" Xia Mi took Eri Yi's hand, winked at Xuan Hao, pushed the door and walked out of Gao Tianyuan.

Xuan Hao smiled as he watched the two girls leave Gao Tianyuan, the door slowly closed, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

The door of the private room was pushed open, and the heavily armed Lu Mingfei and others strode out, lined up and stood silently behind Xuan Hao, waiting for instructions.

Xuan Hao turned around, with a faint murderous look on his body and an expressionless face. No one knew what he was thinking, but everyone could feel that he was different today than usual.

He put away his usual kindness and his aura was more oppressive than usual. He was serious.

Xuan Hao coldly ordered to a few people, "You guys start taking action. I'm not a murderous person, so if you meet someone who wants to disturb Eri Yi, please invite me to go to the hospital and sit for a while. If they don't obey, Just bury it on the spot, understand?"

"Understood..." Everyone responded in unison.

Only the corner of Su Enxi's mouth twitched, thinking that a man's mouth is deceiving. This guy had just told Eriki that he would convince her brother not to bother him. Was that how he persuaded her?

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