A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 347 340.The king descends from the sky

Chapter 347 Chapter 340. The king descends from the sky

LS, the grassland on a winter night.

The night sky was illuminated by flames, and people sang and danced around the bonfire, seeming to be celebrating something, a joyful scene.

It almost makes people forget that the grassland at night was originally a hunting ground, and people originally lit bonfires to drive away ferocious beasts.

The herdsmen are immersed in the New Year's celebrations, but this year's harvest is not very good. Some wild beasts always steal the cattle and sheep they graze. Some people say that this is because they have offended the gods of the grassland and received retribution for overgrazing. But people can’t be sad during the New Year, so tonight they lit a bonfire and roasted cattle and sheep to worship the gods, hoping that next year will be better.

In the dark grassland, young people wearing black combat uniforms are still busy.

Perhaps because they couldn't bear to disturb this joy, they did not disturb the herdsmen here, but just searched for something in the surroundings.

"Observation Post No. 1, no target found."

"This is No. 2. The target is also not found."

They were fully armed in pairs, each carrying a gun. The magazines were filled with Frigga bullets with powerful anesthesia effects. The spare magazines they carried were also equipped with alchemical crackers that could penetrate dragon scales. Armor bombs.

"By the way, why do we have to come all the way here to work as coolies?" Gonzalez chewed gum and thought to himself. He looked at a dark grassland through the night vision goggles, and then looked at the bonfire in the distance. , feeling extremely unbalanced in my heart, why should these people be bodyguards when they are celebrating the festival, "Didn't it mean that the academy generally does not interfere in matters within China? And the emperor never treats people from the academy."

"Have you forgotten who is leading the team today?"

Victoria lay on the ground carelessly, her raised butt still conspicuous in the dark night, which made Gonzalez swallow his saliva.

Gonzalez, a Spanish student, a first-year student at Kassel College, blood class C.

Victoria, a British student, is also a first-year student at Kassel College, with a blood level of B+.

A B+ level bloodline is not considered high in Cassel Academy, but it is not low either. In addition, Victoria became famous on the first day of school because of her appearance and background. She is a descendant of the British royal family, descended from her ancestors, and should be regarded as a countess.

Gonzalez and Victoria were in a group for this operation. He was quite excited. He forgot which pick-up manual said that in dangerous situations, women will naturally become dependent on the men around them. The current conditions can be said that everything is ready and all we need is the east wind.

The grassland at night is cold and silent, a perfect atmosphere, but it lacks danger.

But Victoria's words reminded him...

The person leading the team this time is the president of the Lion Heart Club.

Gonzalez was yearning for and jealous in his heart, because it was said that he was the strongest Lionheart president in history besides the principal. He was the elite among the elites in the academy. There were many legends about him. He was an elite bloodline, a natural leader, and personable. He is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting... The most important thing is that it is said that before they even came to the academy, there was a legend about this monster-like president circulating in the academy. According to the legend, he was best friends with the 'Emperor' and once had a relationship with the 'Emperor'. The emperor' joined forces to conquer the White King.

White King, that is a god-like existence. Facing it is equivalent to facing a god directly. So, this president may be equal to half a god?

Although he has never seen it with his own eyes and the authenticity is open to question, Gonzalez is very envious because he knows that Victoria has been obsessed with the president as soon as she came to the academy. If he is so obsessed with it, there is no need to watch and pick up girls. Manual!

Thinking like this, Gonzalez felt that his chances tonight were quite slim. If there was any danger, it would be when the president grows up and shows off his skills. Victoria and other girls would never pay attention to him like this. A poor boy with a C-level pedigree.

"I heard that the president wanted to go home for the New Year, so I specially asked the 'Emperor' to take over this task." Victoria said, "This is an opportunity! Maybe I have a chance to know where the president lives!"

Yes, most of the commissioners here for this operation are girls, and of course some of them are the lickers of these girls.

Then the purpose of these girls following the president and coming all the way here is very clear.

The fact that they were on a mission was fake, but it was probably true that they wanted to come to visit them for New Year greetings. Although Westerners were not very interested in the New Year here, they were willing to learn about Eastern culture for the sake of the president.


A cough came from the headphones.

"Gonzalez, Victoria, be sure to turn off your microphones when chatting," the president said awkwardly, "Also, my home is not convenient for entertaining guests..."

Victoria's cheeks turned red and she quickly covered her mouth. Oh no, the plan was ruined!

But...it's not convenient to entertain guests at home? Victoria seems to have gotten another useful information. Legend has it that the president's family is not in a very good situation and he is currently staying at a relative's house. This is probably true! that's great! Wouldn't this give me an opportunity? Victoria said that she really didn't mind supporting the president.

"Pay attention, the task is not child's play."


"Anomaly found, abnormal found! This is area A38!"

A specialist called on the channel, and all the specialists stood up and started moving.

"Area A38...I remember it's close to a hill, right?"

"Isn't that right? Hills are the best place to hide."

In the dark sky, a helicopter flew over the heads of the commissioners and flew at the front. Lu Mingfei took the walkie-talkie and commanded, "Report the detected situation to the headquarters and let Norma analyze it."

At the same time, he carried the sword box of the Seven Deadly Sins on his back and was ready to go out at any time.

That's right, now he can easily carry this heavy set of swords. The Nibelungen Plan was finally used on him, because he is now one of the sharpest swords in the academy.

In the academy where Xuan Hao, Chu Zihang and Caesar are not here, he is the leader.

This mission is not as simple as these commissioners thought, otherwise he would not need to bring this set of equipment.

According to the information given to him by the 'Emperor', there is probably a dragon of the third generation or more hidden here.

As for why they don't handle it themselves... Chinese people always have to get together during the Chinese New Year~ It's understandable, and it's in line with the boss's style. Lu Mingfei had no objection to this. On the contrary, he could take this opportunity to go home and have a look, getting the best of both worlds.

Lu Mingfei listened to the sound of the propeller, looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and sat down to adjust his condition.

The goal of the academy this time is to defeat the dragon that appears here. It is said to be a third-generation dragon. Before, Lu Mingfei would not have dared to just run away.

But at this moment, he is no longer what he used to be. He is now a genuine S-level. Although he cannot challenge the Dragon King like the boss, he should still be able to make mistakes against a third-generation species, and... he can also slay dragons. The seven deadly sins can be used.

It's not that he's bloated, it's that he's consumed so many resources and spent a lot of time developing, and he's even wearing a divine outfit. If he can't even deal with the first three generations, the academy will throw him away and rebuild him.

Therefore, except for Lu Mingfei, almost all the commissioners dispatched this time are freshmen who have just arrived at the academy for less than a year. For no other reason than to show these future hopes what the real war between man and dragon is. !

Lu Mingfei was feeling complacent in his heart. He didn't expect that he was the one who brought the soy sauce in the past, but today he could actually fight the dragon with a soy sauce bottle! It’s so exciting!

Kassel Academy Library, in the underground control room.

Norma's analysis was as fast as ever, and Schneider looked at the results of Norma's analysis with no expression on his face.

That's the heartbeat of a dragon. Judging from the close wavelength and frequency, it doesn't look like it's the same person...

There is not just one dragon hidden in the snow, but a group of them! And there's a big guy among them.

From the images detected by the specialists' sonic detectors, it can be seen that a group of dragon-like stars are surrounding the big guy like a moon.

"Lu Mingfei..." Schneider's hoarse voice sounded in Lu Mingfei's ears.

"What's wrong, Professor?" Lu Mingfei was confused.

"Perhaps you can't solve it alone. The target this time is not one." Schneider said, "Norma analyzed that there is a huge embryo that is suspected of being a dragon egg hidden in the snowy mountains, and it is surrounded by deadpools. They move very regularly. , have never attacked humans and have only captured cattle and sheep to bring back as nutrients, indicating that their 'king' has probably woken up and is just waiting to break out of his shell."

"Can you do that?" Schneider asked after describing the situation.

"Three generations of planting, no problem," Lu Mingfei said, "I'm in a hurry to go home for the New Year."

"Okay then, I'll leave it to you to direct the scene. Is that okay?"


Lu Mingfei hung up the communication.

"This is the A38 area! The frequency and peak value of the sound waves are rising rapidly! Repeat! There are signs of the target waking up!" The commissioner who was exploring the A38 area began to call anxiously again.

"Retreat immediately!" Lu Mingfei roared into the microphone, "All commissioners, stop advancing! This is not your job!"

The helicopter moved rapidly towards the A38 area, and the commissioners on the ground stopped one after another. They all understood Lu Mingfei's instructions, 'Get out of the way and let me come! ’, the girls screamed imagining the president’s domineering appearance.

The commissioners who were exploring the A38 area were preparing to retreat after receiving the order, but the next moment, their expressions changed drastically.

The ground suddenly shook, and the snowy mountains behind seemed to be roaring, as if an avalanche was about to happen!

The waveform graph on the instrument has exceeded the critical point at this moment, and it wakes up!

As if sensing the imminent threat, the three generations of dormant premise revived.

"It's over, it's over!" The commissioner ran wildly with his back to the snow-capped mountains. The avalanche was no joke! He felt like he would be buried here before he even saw the third generation.

Not only was it an avalanche, there was also a terrifying roar coming from behind. It was a ferocious beast roaring into the world!


Damn it! The commissioner's teeth trembled slightly, as if a huge shadow shrouded him, and even his running speed slowed down. When his breathing became rapid due to the invisible pressure, he turned his head blankly and saw the ferocious shadow.

How to describe such a creature?

He had seen it in the books in the library. It came under the moonlight. Wherever it ran, there was wind and snow. It once chased the sun and tried to devour it, bringing endless black shadows to the world. and cold.

It is shaped like a totem wolf of the prairie, and its body is extremely huge. It is the eldest son of Fenrir, the legendary world-destroying demon wolf. The blood of gods and ancient giants flows in its body, and its power makes people despair.

Sunchaser Wolf - Skoll.

"You call this thing a third-generation species?" The commissioner suspected that the 'Emperor' deliberately tricked them. How could this thing look like a third-generation species? And this place is not a snow mountain at all! This is a hill piled up on dragon eggs. The avalanche is caused by its awakening. It is a legendary beast!

The surrounding air froze instantly, and an extremely cold storm instantly enveloped all the commissioners exploring near the hills.

The giant wolf stepped on the thick ground and did not look down at the group of ants that disturbed its sleep. It raised its head high and looked at the night sky not far away. The huge pupils were filled with gold, which was the intention of fighting.

Because that's where the enemy is waiting.

The huge body was shrouded in the dark night and wind and snow, and it was unclear how big it was. However, the huge wolf head protruding from the wind and snow gave people an indescribable sense of oppression. The extremely ferocious fangs seemed to be able to tear apart. The sun shatters the sky.

"It's cold..." The commissioners touched the non-existent sweat on their foreheads. Sweat could not be retained at such an extreme low temperature. They felt that the temperature on their bodies was gradually losing.

"President, can he really... do it?" Victoria looked at the ferocious figure in the distance with fear. If it weren't for the dark night, it would probably scare many people to death.

The herdsmen heard the howling of wolves coming from a distant direction, but they didn’t pay much attention to it, because the night on the grassland was the hunting ground of wolves. They would not think of anything else, and with their eyesight, they could not see clearly what was happening in the distance. .

"Everyone retreat to a complete distance. If an accident occurs, evacuate the people. Don't think about fighting this guy!" Lu Mingfei shouted at the walkie-talkie, and then contacted the headquarters, "Isn't this a third-generation species?"

"Yes!" Schneider frowned, "But it should be close to the second-generation species. It has recovered early now. If we wait for it to fully recover, it should be at the level of the second-generation species. Are you sure you can do it?"

"It can be done!" Lu Mingfei affirmed.

It's not that he is confident, it's that he really feels that he can do it. No, it is a must! If something unexpected happens here, the boss will inevitably get beaten when the time comes to investigate. Compared with being beaten by the boss and fighting against the second generation, it is simply not that easy.

The commissioners who were evacuating from the giant wolf felt desperate, because they found that the enemy in front of them seemed to be more than just this giant wolf!

They stared blankly at the wind and snow around them. Their golden pupils were invisible in the wind and snow. Heart-stopping wolf howls came from all directions. Countless wolf howls overlapped and made people shudder.

They are surrounded!

This giant wolf, as huge as an ancient god, actually brought a pack of wolf cubs with him!

They stood back to back with vigilant faces, as if they were ready to fight to the death. There was a sky full of wind and snow above their heads. They were like travelers lost in the wind and snow, hugging each other for warmth, but they encountered a pack of hunting wolves.

The current situation is probably a dead end.

Lu Mingfei's face was full of excitement at this moment. He never knew that he still had such a fighting spirit in his body. Standing at the hatch, he could already see the blazing golden eyes below, staring at him, waiting for him, provocative. Looking at him.

What he was facing now was a ferocious beast that had been sleeping for thousands of years, and its power was almost back to its peak!

Lu Mingfei felt that something was about to be released in his heart. It was the madness coming from the depths of his blood. It seemed that the grassland was about to become a battlefield, but it was not to welcome the return of this ferocious beast, but to welcome him. .

The proud wolf howl seemed to be calling him.

‘Come back, come back, come back! ’

The wind, snow and stars are a tribute to his return. He comes wearing the stars and the moon and sets foot on the battlefield!

Lu Mingfei looked down at the commissioners, his golden eyes as bright as the stars in the night sky.


Like an amnesty order, the wind and snow suddenly dispersed in an instant. Just like the effect of this secret book, the whole world became clearly visible, and there was no longer any snow and wind blocking their sight.

The map of the entire ice sheet was opened.

They saw the creature in front of them clearly. It was a giant wolf covered with silver scales, and the scales were blue frost.

Like a myth coming, under the projection of the moonlight, the dark shadow covering the sky and the sun covered the wolves beside it. Its proud head looked down at all living beings, and its golden eyes as big as a person looked particularly penetrating and exuding in the dim night. Shining like a lighthouse, there was no wind and snow at this moment, and the most ferocious face appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The commissioners visually estimated that this giant wolf was about fifty meters long. It seemed that the legend of swallowing the sun might be false, but it was more than enough to swallow them.

But the giant wolf disdained to stare at them. It raised its head and stared proudly above their heads.

They followed the giant wave's gaze and saw a scene they would never forget, like a god coming!

"Kneel down."

This is the roar that roars across the world.


A deafening roar sounded, the entire grassland was shaking, and strong wind pressure fell from the sky, making people want to kneel down and worship. The wolves surrounding them trembled and finally prostrated on the ground. Each of them was about two meters tall, but now they were kneeling on the ground like a group of huskies who had done something wrong.


The giant wolf howled in pain.

The figure falling from the sky hit its head with burning flames.

The commissioners looked at the figure in horror.

"It looks like an angel or a devil, with wings on its back, covered in flames, holding crime and punishment in its hands, judging sins in the flames!" - "The Legend of Dragon Slaying in Japan"

All the commissioners were shocked. It turned out that the novel written by eighth-term senior brother Fingel was adapted from real events! President Lu can really transform!

"You guys stand back." A cold voice sounded from Lu Mingfei's mouth, confirming once again that these commissioners were not enemies.

They followed Lu Mingfei's orders and ran away. This was not the place they should stay. This place was about to become a battlefield for monsters and ferocious beasts.

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