A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 360 353. Is this a friendly force?

Chapter 360 353. Is this a friendly force?


Accompanied by Uesugi Yue's angry shout.

The two old men exchanged positions. Ange instantly rushed from behind Uesugoshi to the front, while Uesugoshi turned around to face the group of dead soldiers coming from behind.

In an instant, Angre's figure flashed like a ghost, rushing out of the encirclement and rushing towards the Black King not far away.

Uesugoshi stood still, his two Japanese swords glowing silver, almost sealing off the entire space in front of him. No Deadpool could cross his blockade to chase Ange.

Uesugi roared louder and louder, and the muscles in his body seemed to explode with inexhaustible power. This is the power brought by the true royal blood. If Ange faced such a huge number of deadpool attacks head-on alone, he would not have the endurance to persist, and he can.

Uesugoshi swung the sword with both hands, taking a step forward with each strike, and the violent blade tore the Deadpool alive.

Two days of first class and two days of sunshine!

If there is anyone in the world who is most suitable for the second level, then it must be the old emperor of Japan. Not only does he have superb swordsmanship, but he also possesses the strength of a tyrannosaurus. Using such swordsmanship, he is even more terrifying than Angers on the battlefield. Angers doesn't have enough strength to keep swinging his sword among the crowd of Deadpools, but he can swing the sword without any hindrance by relying on violence.

This kind of swordsmanship itself is battlefield swordsmanship. Standing in the battlefield, you have to face the surging crowd. You must keep swinging the sword all the time, using your incomparable talent to combine the two weapons into one, and fight in the bloody storm. Don’t step forward!

Unlike Angers who used little time and tricks to divide the battlefield into countless one-on-one duels, Uesugi Yue faced thousands of troops at the same time. He stood here to sweep thousands of troops!

It was pure violence, the Tyrant's slashes that would not stop until his strength was exhausted.

The moment the old emperor blocked the group of dead servants, Angers had already arrived in front of the Black King.

He knew that Uesugoshi wouldn't be able to last long even if he faced such a large number of Deadpools. His time was very tight, so the old man almost used his fastest speed.

The figure crossed the scorched earth like a broken frame and came to the king.

But the Supreme Being was still sleeping, seemingly not feeling that the old man had come to his side.

Ange's eyes were full of anger, and he wielded the knife with both hands and tried his best to cut it down.


The two alchemy knives shattered the moment they came into contact with the Black King's pitch-black scales.

Ange's eyes showed surprise. He finally understood why this king was so confident. It was not that he was too proud, but mortal weapons could not hurt this king at all.

But it’s not over yet! Angers pulled out a new knife from his back almost as soon as the alchemy knife broke.

One handle, two handles, three handles...

Almost at the same second, Angers broke all the alchemy knives in his hand, but even this only left a moderate mark on the Black King's scales.


Ange roared angrily. At this moment, he finally realized the gap between humans and gods. He found that they had underestimated the Supreme after all.

Black King Nidhogg, this is the legendary god-like existence. How on earth did humans defeat such a guy in the first place?

"Is this really something we can defeat?"

Everyone's eyes were focused in the direction of Angers, and of course they also saw Angers' failure. Therefore, doubts arise about whether such a being can be defeated.

"Even if Heaven's Punishment hits this guy head-on...can it kill him?"


No one can answer this question.

Black King Nidhogg is much more powerful than everyone imagined. Compared with ordinary dragon kings, he is completely different! To be precise, this is an existence that even the Dragon King is afraid of. Even the four great monarchs can only kneel down and worship in front of this emperor!

But Angers still didn't give up, because he still had a knife in his hand.

He reached out and took off the pocket knife that had been tucked into his waist.

"If it's this knife...it will definitely work!"

This folding knife made from fragments of the Atkan sword was the folding knife that once killed the Dragon King, his sharpest blade!

Hilbert Jean Angers, the oldest dragon slayer, came to the last emperor with a hundred years of hatred and a folding knife that had been soaked in dragon blood for hundreds of years. He killed the Black King in just one step. Far away, but this step away is like a chasm.

The folding knife pierced the Black King's scales, and the sound was crisp, but it had no effect... because the crisp sound showed that the folding knife was useless.

Even if the scales were completely submerged, it would still be nothing more than a superficial wound to the Black King.

"Is that the end?"

Angers raised his head blankly.

He saw the Supreme One opening his lava-like eyes.

"Dong dong dong——"

The beating heart of the Black King seemed to crush his entire body, and the endless majesty overwhelmed the sky, making him want to kneel down.


In a daze, Angers seemed to hear someone calling him from behind.

He turned his head blankly and saw a dark figure flying past the group of dead waiters. The figure with wings on its back held a sword in its hand, and its eyes were shining with gilded light.

"Lu Mingfei?"

Angers saw a long knife flying towards him. It was one of the seven deadly sins, 'wrath'. In an instant, he understood what Lu Mingfei meant and reached out to hold the long knife.

What surprised Angers was that the Black King didn't seem to care what he was doing, and didn't even look at him. Only then did he realize that the reason why the Black King opened his eyes was not because his folding knife pierced the scales, but because he felt Lu Mingfei's arrival!

The Supreme looked at Lu Mingfei with a completely different look than he looked at them. If he ignored them, he was greedy for Lu Mingfei. Yes, his eyes were fixed on Lu Mingfei, who was speeding towards him, as if they were locked. prey. The ground began to tremble, and the Black King moved for the first time since his recovery. He stretched out his hand as if to grab Lu Mingfei.

Endless anger instantly filled Ange's mind, and the heart that had been beating with hatred for more than a hundred years became even more violent.

He has hated the Dragon Clan for more than a hundred years! For more than a hundred years, they have always regarded the Dragon Clan as their biggest enemies and rivals, but in the eyes of these guys, they actually don't see themselves at all.

What contempt! ?

"Dragon? Black King? God?"

Angers raised his head and angrily questioned the Black King in front of him.

But the Black King in front of him still turned a blind eye to him.

In an instant, the anger on Ange's face disappeared, because he held the knife named 'Rage' and concentrated all the anger on the blade.

He slowly turned sideways, vibrating with rage and letting out a long roar. The invisible realm was expanding. That was not Angers' realm, but that of this saber. It was a product of alchemy technology, forged by the Lord of Bronze and Fire himself. A living dragon-slaying weapon sealed inside, it itself is a living thing!

As if feeling the anger coming from Ange, the furious appearance became more fierce than ever. The blade lengthened as if melted by the anger, from the original length of more than one meter to an astonishing length of nearly seven meters, with lava flowing on the surface. Like blazing fire, the originally smooth blade turned into sharp jagged teeth, as if countless dragon teeth grew out of the blade.

It woke up, or this is its original appearance. Only extreme anger can trigger its power. It responded to Ange's anger and showed its true appearance. Only such a long knife can threaten the person in front of it. king!

Under the huge shadow of the Black King, Ange looked directly into the Black King's eyes with a gloomy look. The Black King who stood up and was more than ten meters tall could not see such a small existence at his feet.

Angers could feel that the Black King's eyes were not on him, and he was not even qualified to be looked down upon.

He angrily held the sword with one hand, the length of which was completely disproportionate to his body, and the muscles in his right hand bulged like exploding.

Fourth degree of bloodshed!

Angers directly raised his power to the extreme. Blue-gray scales covered his whole body, bone spurs broke through the skin, and his face seemed to be wearing a bronze mask. At this moment, he looked no different from a dragon.

He slowly sheathed the giant blade. The scabbard did not really exist, but was imagined by him. It was located on the left side of his waist. He retracted his gaze from the Black King and looked down at his own blade. The whole world seemed to have stopped with him.

It shouldn't be that Angers is already standing outside of time!

Time zero also has a name, eternity.

He unleashed his spirit spirit with all his strength, and in this second it was almost time for him to escape.

The old man jumped up high with this giant blade that seemed heavier than himself.

He lowered his head and looked down at the king in front of him.

"Baby, look me straight in the eyes!"

Ange let out an angry roar and slashed several times with incredible speed. The knife disappeared in the middle of the slash, leaving only a bright golden flame, roaring like a wild dragon, charging towards the target.

The Black King in front of him seemed to be frozen and unable to move. In the gap of time, the sword light enveloped the Black King's outstretched hand.

"Mortal, you've crossed a line."

The majestic voice entered Ange's mind, and for a moment he felt that his head was going to explode. The voice was calm, but it struck straight into his soul.

Then, he saw the movement of Black King's gaze.

The eyes of the black emperor and Ange collided.

This should have been impossible to happen in the realm of Time Zero, because Ange knew that his voice was useless to the Black King, so his Time Zero at the moment was not targeting the Black King, but himself! He firmly believed that no one could feel him moving at this second, even if the other party was the Dragon King.

Although it is only one second, it is enough, because this second is 'absolute'.

But now something unexpected happened.

In the second that Ange thought was 'absolute', the Black King's extended hand moved.

The supreme dragon's power enveloped everyone present in an instant. It was the aura of the emperor. This supreme man showed his majesty in front of mankind for the first time.

He slowly moved the dragon hand covered with black scales, and the entire field collapsed in an instant, and all the sword light in the sky collapsed.

The Black King just raised his hand slightly and received Anger's full blow.

'Rage' struggled hard in his hands, but without the support of his strength, no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

The Black King held Angers entire body in the air with the furious blade in his hand.

The disparity in body size meant that Ange had no point of focus in mid-air. The rage in his hand was easily caught, and the rest was left to be slaughtered.

A whistling sound sounded in Angers ears.

He watched as the scene in front of him kept regressing. It was the Black King who held the blade and pushed him with the furious handle and slammed it to the ground.

The powerful force left him unable to react in time or react. Under the violence of the Supreme, his resistance was meaningless. He still underestimated the power of the Black King!


A loud noise was heard, and Ange's whole body was smashed into the ground with a long knife by the Black King. He was not sure whether he was alive or dead.


Lu Mingfei roared and flew over, swinging the sharp claws in his hand towards the Black King's ferocious dragon head.

Everything happened so fast that he had no time to save Angers.

The Black King's face covered with black scales faced Lu Mingfei. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Mingfei seemed to feel that the ferocious cheeks and the split mouth were smiling.

At this moment, the battlefield behind has fallen into chaos.

At a certain moment just now, everyone's speech spirit was cancelled.

It only took a moment for the word spirit to be used again, but it completely disrupted the entire formation and put them in crisis.

But just when they thought they were finished, a ferocious dragon fell from the sky.

The giant dragon waved its huge wings and descended among the Deadpools. Its huge body crushed a large number of Deadpools. The dragon turned around and swept across, its tail and claws creating a bloody storm.

Everyone stared dumbly at the sudden arrival of the dragon.

"This is... friendly forces!?"

They stared blankly at several figures leaping down from the dragon's head, rushing into the group of Deadpools and starting a massacre.

Two golden flames continued to explode in the group of Deadpools. Some people were swimming in the black tide with knives and guns. Some were killing everyone in the group of Deadpools with swords emitting black flames. Some were dancing among them with double knives. , and there are people holding samurai swords in their hands like Angers, and they are like no one in the crowd of Deadpools.

"What's happening here?"

Vice Principal Flamel, who was responsible for weakening the power of the dragons outside the field, was a little confused. The sudden appearance of people and dragons made it difficult for him to distinguish between friend and foe. His commandments were also interrupted at the moment when Angers came into contact with the Black King. Thinking of restarting, but the current scene is too chaotic. Wherever his word spirit works, it will affect his own people.

"Don't worry, we are here to help." Xia Mi appeared behind Flamel at some point.

"You...you are? Xia Mi?"

Of course Flamel knew this girl, she was the girl next to the Eastern Emperor.

The reason why I have doubts is because this girl looks too scary at the moment. She is covered in scales and has wings on her back. She looks like... like a dragon!

"How come you...are with the dragon?"

He took a closer look and realized that most of the figures rushing among the Deadpools in the distance were people he knew. Chu Zihang, Caesar and Zero were all there! Even his precious apprentice Fingel jumped down from the dragon's head with a knife.

"Because we are dragons ourselves."

Several voices sounded around Flamel at the same time.

Flamel looked around vigilantly, and at some point, he was surrounded by three figures. Three pairs of bright golden eyes stared at him, sending chills down his spine.

These four figures were all half-human and half-dragon, and the pressure on them made him understand that he could not defeat any of them!

"What do you want to do?" Flamel asked these people warily.


"help me?"

Flamel was confused, "Dragon clan wants to help humans?"

"We are helping ourselves."

Xia Mi looked at the old man in front of him coldly, "If we don't kill the Black King here, we will all have to finish the game."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend?" the vice-principal asked with a sneer after understanding what the girl in front of him said.

"That's right." Xia Mi responded calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started."

Norton interrupted the conversation of several people and motioned to Constantine next to him.

The two brothers held swords in their hands and drew mysterious dragon inscriptions on the alchemical matrix carved by Flamel.

"What's this?"

Flamel thought he knew a lot about alchemy, but he still knew nothing about the formations carved by the two dragons in front of him.

"Your alchemy matrix is ​​too crude to restrict the Black King." Xia Mi explained softly, "After they finish carving it, you spread the precepts to the entire battlefield, including the Black King."

"Are you kidding!?" Flamel shook his head repeatedly, "How can the commandments be useful to the Dragon King?"

"Your precepts are indeed useless." Xia Mi glanced contemptuously at the old man in front of him, "But with the alchemy matrix carved by the two of them, and with the help of a few of us, the effect will be different."

"Stop joking... If you want to cancel the dragon king level word spirit, unless... unless..."

Flamel opened his mouth wide as he spoke, his eyes full of shock.

The only one who can limit the Dragon King is the Dragon King, and the one who can limit the Black King... is the only one who can limit the Dragon King! And one Dragon King may not be enough. For an existence as powerful as the Black King, it may only be possible if several Dragon Kings join forces...

Dragon King? Flamel looked at the three people in front of him in disbelief, "You...are you!?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's bleed!"

Xia Mi waved his hand gently, and a wind blade cut across Flamel's veins, "Human, you are not afraid of death, are you?"

"Afraid? What a joke! I'm here all alone, and I've already written a suicide note! Do you think I'll be afraid!?" Flamel retorted, "But even if the Black King's speech spirit is restricted, what can he do? How about it? You guys are also restricted here, who is going to deal with the Black King?"

"Xuanhao." Norton replied calmly, "We don't have a dragon body. If we fight against the Black King, we are seeking death. The only person we can think of who can defeat the Black King with pure physical strength is him. But he cannot compete with the Black King. The power of words and spirits to compete, so what we have to do now is to create a fair environment for him to fight."

"Is that so?..." Flamel was a little surprised. He didn't expect that these guys who were dragon kings would speak so highly of Xuan Hao. But after thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him. After all, they had all seen this man press the resurrected King Bai to the ground and rub him with his own eyes.

"But where is he now?"

"It should be coming... He awakened the Black King, but it seems that the coordinates are deviated, and the distance may be a little too far."

"Understood? Let's get started."

Norton and Constantine stopped what they were doing and motioned towards Xia Mi.

"Then let me take a look... I hope you are right..." Flamel made another cut on the original wound on his hand, bleeding like he was desperate.

The three of them opened their wrists almost at the same time, and the hot dragon's blood merged into the alchemical matrix at their feet. A strange red light began to spread from the matrix, almost covering the entire space.

Power enveloped the entire space, the speaking spirit was cancelled, everyone's speaking spirit lost its effect in an instant, and everyone in Cassel College was at a loss.

Fenrir among the Deadpools roared, the dragon's tail slapped his face hard, and a deep ravine cut off the entire battlefield.

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