A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 37 31. Talk all night long (please recommend)

Chapter 37 31. Talk all night long (please recommend)


Xuan Hao sighed and got up from the ground.

The yard was deserted, Xia Mi was taken away, and the master hadn't come back yet. Now he was the only one left.

"Finally, life has improved a bit. How can you take it away just by saying it?" He gritted his teeth and looked into the distance. That was the direction Xia Mi left, and it was also the most towering building in the city - royal palace.

He didn't know whether it was the emperor who sent people to take Xia Mi away as the man said.

And if Xia Mi really wants to leave, those people will definitely not be able to stop him.

But he knew that this matter must have something to do with the imperial court.

The person who can let Xia Mi, no, let Jormungandr meet, there is a high probability that he is also a dragon king.

So what should we do now? Do you still need to ask? Of course it's to break into the palace.

With his physical strength fully restored, he picked up his spear and prepared to meet the so-called emperor.

But breaking in forcefully is definitely not an option, but this can't stop him. With his skills, ordinary soldiers will definitely not be able to find him sneaking in.

The only thing he was worried about was the number of dragons in the palace. After all, whether it is at Kassel Manor or the people sent to take away Xia Mi last night, these people are closely related to the palace. The worst case scenario is that the entire imperial city has fallen into the hands of dragons. The so-called The emperor is nothing more than a puppet.

Turns out, he was right.

In the palace.

When Xuan Hao sneaked into the palace, he was surprised to find that he didn't have to be sneaky at all.

Because at this moment, the palace is full of corpses, the corpses of dragon-like dead servants.

It seems that someone has "cleaned" the entire palace, and now the palace is extremely "clean".

"Your Majesty, let's leave first." In the palace, the old eunuch lowered his head and said hesitantly to the man in front of him.

"Sigh... If you don't want to stay with me, you can leave." The man stood in front of the table with pen and ink in front of him and a brush in his hand.

Just last night, after Li Shuwen came, everything here changed. Before Li Shuwen left, he bloodbathed the entire palace and killed all the dragons lurking inside.

He had dismissed all the guards and servants in the palace, and the only one willing to stay was the old eunuch beside him.

"If Your Majesty doesn't leave, this old slave will have nowhere to go..." The old eunuch lowered his head.

"Then stay with me and see what will happen next?" The man took up his pen and wrote four big words on the rice paper - Guotai Minan.


The palace door was pushed open.

Xuan Hao walked in holding a spear, and his eyes fell on the two people in the palace. One was wearing an imperial robe, and the other was hunched over to wait on him.

"This must be the emperor, right?" He frowned and walked around the palace. Except for Deadpool's body, he didn't find anyone. How could there be only the emperor and an old eunuch in such a huge palace?

"Who dares to break into the palace with weapons!" The old eunuch stopped in front of the emperor, looked at the young man who came in with a spear, and asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm here to find someone." Xuan Hao said in embarrassment, shaking his head. After all, he is not from this era. Do you want him to be in awe of the emperor? That's not very practical.

"How could someone come here looking for someone? Could it be that he really thinks that there is no one in my palace?" A strong aura spread from the old eunuch.

The aura that erupted from the old eunuch shocked Xuan Hao. The eunuchs around the emperor were indeed not simple.

"Sorry, just last night, someone broke into my house and took away my girl. They said they were ordered by the emperor, so I came to ask." Xuan Hao said calmly.

"Last night, Master Li and I talked all night long, and we have never given such an order." The man put down the brush in his hand.

"Talk all night long? With my master?" Xuan Hao was confused. This emperor actually liked this? Oh no, my master would actually obey him?

"Master?" The emperor waved his hand to signal the tall old eunuch not to be nervous, "Are you Li Shuwen's disciple?"

"Yes." Xuan Hao answered simply.

"That's right. He didn't kneel down when he saw me, and his tone of voice was exactly the same." The emperor looked Xuan Hao up and down.

Xuanhao's anus tightened and his scalp went numb.

"Alas...go back, there is no one you are looking for here." The emperor sighed and waved his hand.

"I did not find it, but my master did not come back after he left. Where did he go?" Xuan Hao asked.

"You rude person dares to speak to His Majesty like this." the old eunuch scolded.

"I'm talking to your master, what does it have to do with you?" Xuan Hao waved his spear. He was in a particularly unhappy mood right now and couldn't talk to the old man about politeness issues in a gentle manner.

"Go back, I won't tell you where your master went." The emperor said and shook his head. Since you are his apprentice, you can't do that...


"If you are rude to His Majesty again, we will not be polite to you anymore!" The old eunuch's eyes flashed with golden light. Since he is Li Shuwen's apprentice, he doesn't have to hide it.

"Huh? What if I have to ask?" Xuan Hao was a little surprised. This old man was actually a mixed race. He didn't seem to be weak. That's right. The person beside the emperor must not be that simple.

"Oh... that's enough. If you want to make a noise, get out." The emperor sighed helplessly, "I just want to be quiet now."

"Your Majesty, this..."

"That's enough, stand down!" The emperor shouted softly.

"Yes...Old slave, resign..." The old eunuch looked at the emperor in front of him with some sadness. This was the man he had watched grow up, but now he was in such a state.

"You, please leave too...I won't tell you." The emperor seemed to be relieved. His whole temperament had changed, and he even changed his name.

"Are you afraid that I will go find my master?" Xuan Hao asked, "Does it mean that my master is in danger?"

"..." The emperor did not reply, but picked up the brush and continued writing his words.


The spear was placed on the emperor's neck.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you." Xuan Hao threatened expressionlessly.

"Letter." The emperor continued to write with his head down, but still had no intention of saying anything.

"It's quite tough. Although I don't know the specific situation, my master must have removed obstacles for the world, right?" Xuan Hao put away his spear and recalled what his master said when he was drunk that night.

"If that's the case, then you should go back." The emperor's pen wandering on the paper stopped, "He said that someone will come and follow, but I don't think it should be you."


"No elder is willing to send his junior to the battlefield. He must want you to survive..." The emperor raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and murmured.

"Live on..." Xuan Hao was stunned. He had never heard anyone mention such words.

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