Chapter 363 356. Fingel: Me, me! ?

He had no doubt that if he was caught, he would not be able to break free from Nidhogg's control as he had no room to exert force. If Nidhogg knew something like sealing like Lu Mingze, he would be doomed!

"elder brother!"

At this critical moment, a familiar call sounded in Xuan Hao's ears.

Immediately afterwards, an inexplicable will came from a distance, and a decree like a royal order made Nidhogg slightly stunned. Xuanhao suddenly felt that Nidhogg's power had paused for a moment, and he seized this opportunity. Explode towards the rear.


The pitch-black dragon claw lost its support and hit the ground heavily.

After reacting, Nidhogg turned his head and frowned at the red and white figure slowly falling in the distance.

How is this going? Nidhogg clearly felt what the girl just did to him. At that moment, he felt that his spirit was shocked. This was almost impossible. How could an ordinary human being affect him? Spirit? Absolutely ridiculous!

"Huh? So fast!"

Nidhogg was surprised to see the figure that was not far in front of him just now suddenly appeared next to the red and white figure. Even he was a little surprised by the speed at which the figure exploded just now.


Xuanhao gently supported Eriyi's fallen body, and his face became a little ferocious when he looked at the girl in his arms who suddenly lost consciousness and fell.

The Uesugi brothers and Genji brothers on the side also reacted and quickly gathered around the two of them. Everything happened too suddenly, and when they reacted, Eliyi had already fallen into Xuanhao's arms.

"What's going on?" Uesugi was a little anxious. He had no idea what was happening. Eriki didn't do anything just now! Why did he fall down suddenly?

"What's going on? Who told you to bring Eri Yi to such a dangerous place with nothing to do?" Xuan Hao was extremely angry. A bunch of people gathered here, but he didn't realize that Eri Yi was also there for the first time. coming.

"I...this is..." Uesugoshi opened his mouth, wanting to say that it was Eryi who wanted to follow him, but looking at Xuanhao's ferocious face, he swallowed his saliva and swallowed the words again. He didn't know why. , he felt that if he dared to talk back, he would be punched to pieces by this guy. But this is obviously his daughter... Why does it feel like this guy cares more about her than me?

"It should be nothing serious, I just fainted..."

Yuan Zhisheng checked Eri Yi's condition and breathed a sigh of relief.


Xuanhao gently handed Eri Yi to Yuan Zhisheng with a gloomy expression. Of course, his body was fine, but he clearly felt the appearance of his sister just now. Although it was only for a moment, it was this moment that helped him. He didn't need to think about it to know that he must have done something dangerous, something that could make the Black King hesitate for a moment, and even the ghosts wouldn't believe it without the backlash!

"Ni, De, Huo, Ge!"

Anger, murderous intent, and no other emotions.

Nidhogg looked with some surprise at the man in the distance who had instantly changed his aura. If this man had a majestic fighting spirit just now, then what was left now was only overwhelming anger and pure murderous intent.

Nidhogg didn't understand why this man was suddenly so angry. It was simply inexplicable. Everyone present except Xia Mi may not understand, but they all know that this man is angrier than ever before, because the look that wants to kill cannot be hidden.

People only heard the ear-piercing sonic boom, and then saw a huge dark figure in the distance being suddenly knocked away, and then reacted quickly.

The two figures, one large and one small, disappeared in an instant. No one could see their movements clearly anymore. They could only hear the violent collisions again and again. And every collision will splash lava and smoke into the sky, like a world-destroying hammer hitting the earth again and again.

At this moment, the whole world may be able to hear this sound like a war drum, but no one can see the bloody figure in the Red Lotus Hell.

Xuan Hao's cheeks were covered with broken golden scales. The scales had been stained red and lost their luster with blood. Even the golden pupils that were originally shining with brilliant gold were now full of blood, and the bloodshot eyes were like ghosts and gods. There was only endless killing intent and anger in his eyes.

His attacks had no rules, only madness. Every punch spattered blood and flesh. The bright red blood was instantly annihilated in the high temperature and rapidity. The new flesh and blood once again launched a lifeless attack. This was a violent fighting method that traded lives for lives. , violent suppression that exceeded the limit, he was like a machine driven by murderous intent, not knowing any pain, not only tired but madly attacking.

Such a violent attack caught Nidhogg a little off guard, because it was too chaotic and without any rules at all. Sometimes the fists thrown by this man were even incomplete. The speed of this man's attack had already exceeded the speed of recovery. !

But even with its broken limbs, it still attacks him desperately. What kind of monster is this? Even Nidhogg had to admit that he had never encountered such a crazy opponent.

For humans, there are two limits.

One is the limit of physical ability. When reaching this limit, people will usually be in great pain and unable to move. It was obvious that Xuan Hao had already exceeded this limit, because his body could no longer bear the strength and collapsed. Now he was moving his body with the help of his rage.

The second is the limit of life. Just as the literal meaning means, once a person exceeds this limit, he will usher in death. But he... doesn't seem to have this limit either.

Nidhogg was beaten inexplicably. From his point of view, he had no idea what was happening. He could obviously suppress the man just now, but suddenly, the girl did something unknown, and the man became furious. What is this? ?

Nidhogg felt insulted. This man had never fought so seriously before, but now he became stronger for some inexplicable reason. What was this? It's so ridiculous. If anger alone could overcome everything, then there would be no such thing as dragons in this world.

"Human! Don't be so arrogant!"

Nidhogg roared at the man in front of him, but the man still punched wildly, as if he had completely lost his mind, and ignored him directly, so he also became furious. As a Supreme, he would lose to such a person. Something inexplicable?

The roar between heaven and earth became more intense, and two figures shot from the sky to the ground. People could not see their shadows clearly, they could only feel the strong wind tearing apart, and the earth moaning.

It wasn't until a huge dark figure hit the ground that people seemed to see hope!

That's the Black King Nidhogg! The Black King was knocked to the ground, so he was obviously suppressed by Xuan Hao!

Nidhogg roared angrily in the huge pothole. Even if he fell to the ground, he was still waving his dragon claws vigorously. Every movement caused landslides and cracks in the ground.

Only then did people realize that something seemed to be falling on the body of this huge creature. Every time it hit, black scales and blood were splashed. It was an extremely fast and brutal blow. No one could see it clearly, but they knew that who is it!

Xuanhao has completely gained the upper hand and restricted the Black King's movements!

"What a great opportunity!" An old man from the school board looked at this scene with a crazy smile, "Pompeii! What are you waiting for!"

Yes, now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The suppressed Black King cannot have the energy to dodge the 'God's Punishment' blow. No one knows how long Xuan Hao can last in his current state. This may be the reason why they can kill the Black King. The only chance!

"But..." Pompei's hesitant voice came from the earphones, "If we launch it now, it will hit Xuan Hao as well!"

"Everyone here steps onto the battlefield with the determination to die!" The old man's tone was a little anxious, "If we don't hurry up, there will be no chance! As long as the Black King can be killed, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed. This is about The survival of the world!”

"Smelly old man, what are you talking about!?" Caesar picked up the old man's collar and pointed at his nose to curse. He didn't care whether this guy was an old man or a school board member.

"Don't you see that Xuan Hao is gaining the upper hand now? He is fighting desperately to protect you worms, but you want to kill him too?"

"Isn't he immortal?" The old man pulled Caesar's hand away with a gloomy expression. "You also saw that although he can suppress the Black King, he obviously does not have the ability to seriously injure or even kill the Black King. The decision I make now is For the future of mankind! We must kill the Black King here, otherwise the world will be destroyed!"


Caesar pointed at the old man in front of him, endless anger welling up in his heart, but he couldn't find a reason to refute, because the old man was right. They all saw the suppressed Black King, but it was only suppressed. Xuanhao's current Not powerful enough to kill the Black King, that's a fact.

But Caesar knew very well what these old guys were thinking. He knew that the school board and Xuan Hao had never been on the same front. This old man made a statement, but who knew what he was thinking in his heart? Maybe he wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate Xuan Hao and the Black King together! After all, if this man who can suppress the Black King defeats the Black King and survives, will these old guys be even more uneasy?

"It's so sad..."

No one noticed that Lu Mingfei, who was lying on Fenrir's back to recover his strength, was watching everything happening around him.

He looked at the bloody figure fighting alone in the distance, and then looked at the stupid humans who were arguing about whether to kill that figure together, and suddenly felt that the world was really unfair.

"Boss, are these hopeless guys you want to protect?"

He suddenly felt worthless for the figure in the distance who was shouting in pain but still fighting.

"It's sad, but that's the reality."

"Uh..." Lu Mingfei was stunned and raised his head.

He saw the familiar young figure sitting on the dragon's back, holding the Kungunir that Xuan Haosei had given him over there, polishing it.

"Lu Mingze? You're not..."

Lu Mingfei was a little confused. After killing Odin, he could no longer feel the presence of Lu Mingze. This little devil seemed to have left him from that moment on, and took away his plug-in and let him The combat effectiveness also plummeted.

"I did leave," Lu Mingze nodded lightly, "What you see now is just a ray of consciousness that I entrusted Xuanhao to bring to you."

"That's it..." Looking at Kungunir in Lu Mingze's hand, Lu Mingfei understood why Xuan Hao gave him the spear. Lu Mingze should have stored his consciousness on this spear, right?

" probably can't help now."

"That's right, I can't really help. After all, I'm just a ray of consciousness." Lu Mingze nodded, "So the final decision lies in your hands, brother."

"What's the meaning?"

"Destroy or save the world?" Lu Mingze looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes with a chuckle, "The choice is in your hands, my dear brother."

"Why me?" Lu Mingfei was confused.

"Because you are the key, the key to truly killing the Black King. Your decision will affect the survival of the world." Lu Mingze looked disdainfully at the frozen figure not far away. It was the school board that was discussing whether to launch. God damned old men.

"What kind of bullshit 'God's punishment'? Do these stupid guys really think they can save the world?"

"Can't Heaven's Punishment kill the Black King?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Of course it can't be killed. That kind of toy is enough to kill the White King. How can it kill the Black King?" Lu Mingze raised his head and looked at the sky with contempt, "Some people are always so proud and complacent, but they don't know that they can't even kill the Black King." You are not qualified to stand on this final battlefield."

"Can Xuan Hao kill the Black King?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Yes, but not enough. If he keeps fighting like this, he will eventually become strong enough to kill the Black King." Lu Mingze said, shaking his head slightly, "But the only thing he can kill is this dragon body. To really kill him But not only are we going to kill his body, if we don’t destroy his soul as well, this world will only have a short period of peace, and sooner or later the Black King will wake up again.”

"So, can I?" Lu Mingfei seemed to understand, and he pointed at himself in a daze.

"Yes, the reason why I left my consciousness to communicate with you is because I want to know your final choice."

Lu Mingze looked down at Lu Mingfei who was lying on the ground, "But, brother, you seem to be hesitant now? Do you think the world is terrible?"

"Isn't it?" Lu Mingfei covered his face with his hands. No one could see his expression clearly at this moment.

"That's right..." Lu Mingze did not refute, "Of course it would be better for rotten people like these to die."

He pointed at the quarreling old men not far away, with disgust on his face.

"But, brother, it's already the last minute. Is it really okay to lose all your efforts because of such a rotten person?"

Lu Mingze pulled away Lu Mingfei's hand, turned his head, and looked at the bloody figure in the distance.

"The Black King is lying there. He is obviously going to succeed, so it's not good to give up like this, right? And aren't you the best at comforting yourself? Although there are bad people in this world, there are also good people."

"Yes... you are right, there are many good people in this world." Lu Mingfei stood up.

He recalled everything he had experienced, and suddenly remembered that there were good people in this world like Xuan Hao who always protected him, good senior brothers like Chu Zihang who were cold-faced and warm-hearted, and Caesar who was a middle-class but wealthy person. There are outstanding young people with a sense of justice, ordinary girls who are as kind as Miss Zhen, and there are also people like Old Tang... well, Old Tang is not a human being.

Fingel: Brother Shi, what about me? And me! ?

Lu Mingfei: Don't make trouble, I'm thinking about business.

In general, although his life was not very good before the age of eighteen, it was fine after that.

"What about you?" Lu Mingfei suddenly asked, "What do you think?"

"Me?" Lu Mingze pointed at himself in a daze.

"Yes, why do you have to leave something as important as saving the world to me?" Lu Mingfei asked, "Obviously you are the only one with this ability, right?"

Lu Mingfei knew very well that he could not accomplish anything by relying on his own words alone. In fact, Lu Mingze was the one who could decide everything, right?

"No, brother, you are wrong." Lu Mingze shook his head with a chuckle, "I have no interest in saving the world. I have only one purpose from beginning to end."

His eyes looked into the distance and suddenly became extremely cold, "Kill the Black King Nidhogg!"

"This is even more contradictory..." Lu Mingfei asked, "Isn't killing the Black King equivalent to saving the world? But the meaning of your words... seems to be that you can destroy the world?"

"There is no contradiction, because the right to choose is in your hands." Lu Mingze said expressionlessly, "I am just a ray of consciousness now. I can't interfere with whatever choice you make."

"What you said... seems that the survival of the world depends on my thoughts?" Lu Mingfei called the good guy directly. He never knew that he was so obsessed with it.

"Yes, but..."

Lu Mingze suddenly smiled, "I know exactly what choice you will make, brother, because you are my dearest brother..."

He stared at Lu Mingfei, his eyes full of smiles, as if everything was as he expected.

"My silly brother, how can you, a kind-hearted person, bear to watch the world be destroyed? Even if you can bear to see the world destroyed, you wouldn't bear to see the desperate expressions of those who helped you, right?"

He pointed at Xuan Hao, who was covered in blood in the distance, and handed the spear to Lu Mingfei.

"Did you see that lonely figure?"

"Well..." Lu Mingfei gently held the spear. Of course he saw it, it was the man who changed his destiny.

"This is the reality of this world. We are born alone," Lu Mingze's voice echoed in Lu Mingfei's ears, "Just like this man, he fights to protect these stupid guys, but these idiots want to How to kill him! But you know what? In fact, he planned to fight alone from the beginning, because he has long recognized the reality, and he has long expected this kind of thing. "

"That's right..." Lu Mingfei nodded slightly, "It turns out that I was really nosy."

If it weren't for his meddling, these idiots would never have remembered that there was a person like Xuan Hao, and naturally they wouldn't have thought of killing Xuan Hao.

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