A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 365 358. Blessings for a wonderful world

Chapter 365 358. Blessings for a wonderful world

This punch cannot be avoided.

Xuan Hao deeply realized that maybe the world would really be destroyed with this punch, so he must take it!

Only the sound of the earth cracking echoed between heaven and earth.

Xuan Hao held up this violent blow with both hands, and an unexpected weight pressed on his body. He gritted his teeth and couldn't even make a sound. Blood spurted out from his body, and his bones shattered inch by inch in an instant.

He knelt on one knee, bearing the pressure, and the golden scales all over his body were broken and stained with blood.

Xuan Hao suddenly realized that Nidhogg's power was incredibly powerful, as indestructible as the world's barriers, but he did not have enough power to break the world's barriers.

No, it should be said that he is proud enough to be able to reach this level with his human body and brute strength, but it is a pity that it is not enough to break this barrier. At this moment, Lu Mingze is in the Black King's body. Although the Black King has not completely digested him, he is equivalent to possessing almost half of the power of the World Tree. How can he be the enemy of the world with just brute force?

This world is almost dominated by Nidhogg, and Nidhogg is only half a step away from the throne of that world!

Nidhogg ruthlessly crushed the humans in front of him. What he had to do now was very simple. As long as the humans in front of him lost their ability to fight, and then swallowed all the power and power of the World Tree, he would truly be the leader of the world. Dominate, destroy the world, and reshape the world, all in one thought!

"Why?" Xuan Hao was a little confused.

Did he choose the wrong path? Nidhogg's burst of power and the heavy reality made him feel his weakness again. It seems that the whole world is against him, and an invisible force is suppressing him. This is oppression from the world. What is ridiculous is that he is clearly trying to save the world, but the world is against him!

"You brat, didn't I tell you before that you can't fight with brute force alone?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Xuan Hao was suddenly stunned.

The whole world seemed to have stopped, and the overwhelming power seemed to have suddenly stopped.

He turned around excitedly and saw a familiar figure walking towards him.

He was an old man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties. His hair was tied into a whip and hung down on his chest. He was old but still strong. His whole body gave people a very sharp feeling. There was also a ferocious scar on his forehead. Although he looked It was a bit scary to go up, but at this moment, the old man had a nostalgic smile on his face, as warm as the sun.


Xuan Hao looked at the oncoming old man with some disbelief. He knew that this old man was no longer there, but at this moment, this figure looked so real, so real that he couldn't help but want to cry.

"I can't worry about you, so I came back to take a look."

The old man's expression suddenly became serious.

"Sure enough, I knew you would be stupid, right?"

"I..." Xuan Hao smiled bitterly and didn't know what to say.

"Old man, the first lesson I taught you is not to rely solely on brute strength when fighting, but to use your brain, have you forgotten?" Li Shuwen slapped Xuan Hao on the back of the head, with a look of hatred on his face.

"But... didn't I learn all this from you?"

Xuan Hao whispered, "I remember it very clearly. Master always said one thing and did another. He kept teaching me not to rely on brute force in fighting, but you yourself were a reckless man. In the end, you went to find the Dragon King behind your back. Singled out."

"At my age, I can't get rid of my bad habits. What can I do?" Li Shuwen touched his head awkwardly, "That's why I teach you from the beginning... Sigh..."

"So you want to learn from me and come to fight alone? You don't want to learn! That's all you learn!?"

Li Shuwen said that he was going to slap Xuan Hao on the head again, but he stopped when he saw that Xuan Hao didn't dodge.

"Oh... forget it, I'm not qualified to criticize you."

"Hehe." Xuanhao suddenly giggled, feeling more relaxed than ever before. He was wondering if he had seen the so-called revolving lantern. He heard that only people would see such a scene when they were about to die. So, he was going to die? That's not right, the last person he showed him the revolving door didn't even have ashes left.

"Don't think about things that are there or not," Li Shuwen tapped his head lightly, seeming to see through his thoughts, "The battle is not over yet."

"But..." Xuan Hao wanted to say that he seemed unable to defeat him.

"Do you still remember how I won in the end?" Li Shuwen raised his head and looked at the majestic dark figure.

"Remember... wasn't it just a punch?" Xuan Hao thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that it was indeed the case. The old man hit him with one move and established the entire victory. It was a punch with all his strength, fighting for his life. .

But the current situation cannot be solved by desperate efforts. He tried it, but it didn't work.

"No, I can win because you are here..."

Li Shuwen suddenly turned around and looked at him with a gentle look.

Xuanhao was stunned.

"Remember when we finally worked together to kill the Dragon King?"

Li Shuwen said with a chuckle and raised his hand to meet Nidhogg's dark claws.

"Child, don't always think about fighting alone. Sometimes you have to learn to rely on your companions. Isn't this what you taught me at the end?"

Li Shuwen's voice echoed in Xuan Hao's ears, and he saw a hand stretching out from his side, resisting Nidhogg's oppression with him.

He turned his head slightly stunned and looked at the familiar figure in a daze.

"Boss, I'm here to help you, hehe..."

Lu Mingfei giggled, but his dragon-like state and the scales on his face made his smile look a little ferocious.

"You kid..." Xuan Hao reacted quickly and smiled softly.

"What's the use of you coming here?"

"That's wrong!" Lu Mingfei was still smiling, "Didn't you bring me here? Boss!"

As Lu Mingfei spoke, he began to exert force in his hands. The dark scales shattered on his body, blood dyed the ground red, and a cry echoed across the sky from his mouth.

"You..." Xuan Hao looked at Lu Mingfei with some confusion. In his opinion, it was useless no matter how hard Lu Mingfei tried. The gap in strength was really too big.

"I can hold on for one second!" Lu Mingfei shouted desperately towards Xuan Hao.

Yes, Lu Mingfei could not hold on for a second. He thought that maybe this second was the meaning of the boss digging him out of the trash heap, right? The battle has reached a stalemate and needs someone to break it, and that person can only be him. No, it’s not just him, he now has thousands of troops!

Xuan Hao instantly understood what Lu Mingfei meant, and his body instantly retreated from the position in Nidhogg's palm.

He recalled Li Shuwen's words and the last battlefield between the two, and a ray of understanding suddenly flashed in his golden eyes.

"Between heaven and earth, there are eight extremes of Kyushu."

The pinnacle of this world's boxing skills, he shakes his arms and knocks the sky down, and stomps his feet to shake Kyushu.

His figure became silent, as if the whole world had frozen, waiting for this punch to be thrown.

In an instant, the ground cracked, and the boiling dragon's blood made him feel like his whole body was burned to ashes. He stepped forward, as if even if the whole world was in front of him, he would smash it into pieces with one punch. This was the last punch.

Gouken - no two punches!

The tiny figure, with its fist in hand, seemed to have crossed space and arrived in front of Nidhogg's ferocious dragon head. Nidhogg's eyes were still focused on his dragon's claws, as if he had not realized what was happening.

Xuanhao saw the figure standing on the dragon's head. It was Lu Mingze.

"Yes, this is it."

Lu Mingze looked at him with a smile.

It turned out that not only Lu Mingfei, but also Lu Mingze was here. He affected Nidhogg's spirit and made him unaware of the fatal punch.


The sound of shattering sounded, and Nidhogg's dragon head became twisted in an instant. His indestructible bones were shattered as if they were shattered. The dragon's head was destroyed. Even Nidhogg lost his combat effectiveness for a while. His huge body Gradually fell down.

"it's over……"

Xuan Hao looked at Nidhogg's shattered pupils that had lost his divine light, and then looked at his own similarly shattered body.

"Brother, give the gun to him!" Lu Mingze's shadow appeared next to Lu Mingfei, and he gently picked up the magic gun, and light flashed on it.

He handed the spear to Lu Mingfei, "Take it, this is the last power."

Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth and moved desperately. In order to resist Nidhogg for a second, he had used all his strength, and his whole body almost collapsed, but the strength from nowhere made him move again.

It was like countless people were pushing his body behind him!

"No! It's not over yet! Boss, continue!"

Xuan Hao turned around subconsciously and saw Lu Mingfei kneeling on the ground, covered in blood and unable to move.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand and shouted at him.

What came out of his hand was the magic gun 'Kungunil' that he had given to Lu Mingfei before.

"Go ahead, boss, this is something only you can do!" Lu Mingfei smiled naively, "Also, don't think about fighting alone! The world is on your side!"

Xuan Hao's recovered arm held the spear and was stunned. Yes, Nidhogg is not completely dead yet. It is meaningless for such an existence to just kill the body. Only the destruction of the soul is the real victory.

Only he...can do it? Xuanhao wondered to himself. It seems so. There is no one else here except him. Lu Mingfei is completely unable to move now. Only he can really kill the Black King? No, it's not him, it's them!

He felt the thoughts coming from the spear and understood that the master he just saw was not an illusion. The master really came to help him, not just his master... Lu Mingfei came with thousands of troops this time to help him!

At this moment, he saw what Lu Mingfei saw. There were figures he was familiar with and strange figures he had never met but fought side by side.

Soldiers, policemen, doctors, nurses, firefighters...and those kind-hearted people who shine with light, those are all the people who are fighting for this beautiful world. They have not given up yet. They love this world and they want to Save the world!

He heard those words full of blessings.

This world is beautiful, they are lucky to come to this world and feel happy for it.

They can face all difficulties with a smile because they know that they cannot forget the smile on their face. If they forget, someone will cry for them, right?

They can die for love and hope, ideals and justice, because someone will remember that they once existed, and they are all together, fighting side by side like brothers and sisters.

They know that the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, but they all hold their chests high. No one is alone. Meeting these lovely people is the greatest luck in the world.

Their presence will not only bring salvation and dispel loneliness, but also give people infinite power.

They are small, they are weak, but they choose to stand up.

Don't escape, don't give up, life or death, victory or defeat, it doesn't matter.

The light gathered little by little and turned into a torrent nourishing the branches of the World Tree.

Hands of different sizes but with the same radiance hold the spear, and the resolute figures overlap each other. This is a blessing for a beautiful world.

"I won't get lost again." Xuan Hao murmured to himself.

Just like what Master and Lu Mingfei said, he is not alone. He has always understood the truth in his heart, but when did he forget it?

At this moment, the direction pointed by the tip of the spear is the enemy of the world!

The branches of the World Tree are shining with light, and buds are sprouting on them, as if something is reviving.

The spear was released.

The spear with light pierced the sky, fell like a wish-fulfilling meteor, and penetrated Nidhogg's falling body.


The huge body fell to the ground, and the black emperor was terminated here. The radiant spear was inserted into his chest, nailing him to the ground and never waking up again.

The light became more and more powerful. Nidhogg's broken body gradually collapsed and turned into dust and nutrients. The branches of the World Tree absorbed his power. The buds on it became more and more vigorous, and the branches rooted in the earth became more and more powerful. The thicker it becomes, the denser and denser the buds sprouting on it, and a towering tree with light reappears in the world.

Its outstretched branches caught the figure falling helplessly in the sky.

"This...is this?"

Everyone looked at this giant tree that exuded the light of life, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

"world Tree……"

Xia Mi looked up at the figure who fell next to the World Tree. The figure raised his hand and gestured towards her.

The branches of the World Tree continued to extend, and a slender branch stretched out in front of her, and she saw the twinkling lights hanging on it.

That's a beautiful ring.

"A brave new world and a ring, this is his gift to you."

The voice of the World Tree sounded in the girl's mind.

Xia Mi held the ring with the light of the World Tree and tears filled her eyes.

"it's over……"

The World Tree became taller and taller, and the light on it became more and more powerful. In the end, its canopy enveloped the entire world, and its light drowned everyone. The battle that determined the survival of the world finally came to an end. .

Although humans have underestimated Nidhogg's power, he is almost a god-like existence, and mortals are not even qualified to challenge him.

But even so, there are always humans who dare to face the power of gods.

Whether they are insignificant or not.

I don’t know how long it has been, but everything seems to have changed, and yet it seems like it has never changed.

Bathed in the warm sunshine, accompanied by the quiet reincarnation of the four seasons.

No one has ever doubted anything. Life seems to have always been ordinary, and every day has been spent in an ordinary way.

Almost no one can feel the change in all of this and everything in the past, because time is the most leisurely thing. When you find out that it has already left, it has taken away a lot of things.

In winter.

The afternoon sun shone through the window on the century-old sunken wood desk. The melodious bells outside the window rang throughout the college, and a white dove flew into the room.

The white dove flapped its wings and stopped on the large desk. It tilted its head and looked at the silver-haired old man lying on the lounge chair in front of the desk.

The swaying recliner swayed gently, and a rare soft smile appeared on the old man's face. This was the first relieved smile he had seen in more than a hundred years.

The old man closed his eyes and fell asleep, as if he had had a very long dream. This dream spanned more than a century and ended at this moment, and everything dissipated like a bubble. There is no dragon clan in this world, and naturally there is no history of dragon slaying. His glorious dragon slaying achievements will come to an end along with this heart of revenge.

Hilbert Jean Angers' heart, which had been beating with hatred for more than a hundred years, finally stopped beating in this peaceful new world.

The bald professor who looked a little old knocked on the old wooden door of the bell tower attic.

The melodious bell gradually stopped, and the old man wearing a cowboy hat stood up and opened the door with the rope connected to the bell in his hand.

"Dad, after being at home for so long, it's time to go out for a walk."

The old professor, who looked more like his father, smiled and looked at the old cowboy who opened the door.

Under the shade of the trees, old cowboys and old professors walked leisurely, looking at the young students holding hands on campus, remembering their lost youth.

The old cowboy raised his head and looked at the man and woman walking towards him, with a happy smile on his face.

"Are you going to a wedding?"

"Yes, teacher." The two said in unison.

Fingel held the girl with one hand and carried the luggage with the other. The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Don't just attend other people's weddings, hurry up! Remember to send me an invitation when you get married." The old cowboy laughed.

The girl next to Fingel had slightly red cheeks.

Caesar Gattuso, this Italian nobleman kept his promise and took his beloved wife to a wedding around the world. They crossed mountains and seas, and finally stopped in front of a tombstone in an Italian manor.

It was a simple tombstone. In fact, Caesar originally wanted to transform this place into a luxurious cemetery, but after thinking about it, his mother probably wouldn't like it.

The two placed the bouquets in front of the simple tombstone, looked at each other and smiled. This is what the mother wants to see most, right?

"Let's go back to China with me. You don't want to inherit the family business anyway."

Chen Motong took out an invitation with the word "happy" written on it and said with a smile.


The dark blue Panamera is parked in the villa's garage.

The black-haired young man closed the car door and walked towards home.

Before he could reach out to knock on the door, a plain white hand opened the door for him.

"Welcome back."

Su Qian smiled and took the briefcase from Chu Zihang's hand.

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