A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 376 369. Make peace with what you have come

Chapter 376 Chapter 369. Let’s make peace with what we have come

"How are the people doing this year?"

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind Xuan Hao.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Xuan Hao turned his head with some confusion and saw Purgatory Shinichiro coming behind him carrying a wine gourd. It's not that he didn't notice this man coming, but he didn't know why this man came?

"Huh? Hahaha..." Purgatory Shinichiro laughed, "I just came over to take a look, just passing by."

"I believe you as a ghost..."

Xuan Hao turned his head and ignored him. If nothing else happened, this man probably couldn't bear to watch so many young lives die in the mouths of ghosts.

But this time his worries were unnecessary.

"Not bad? We are much more united than before."

Purgatory Shinichiro stepped forward and looked at the situation in the valley with a smile.

In fact, the final selection is not a dangerous assessment, because the ghosts imprisoned in this valley are relatively weak ghosts, and they have eaten one or two people at most.

As long as the people participating in the selection can unite, it is actually easy to pass. However, these people usually come from different places, rarely know each other, and no one is willing to let strangers protect their backs.

It's honestly very rare for a situation like this to happen this year.

"It's not unity, it's just leadership..."

Xuan Hao slowly shook his head. If these people were so united, he wouldn't have to worry about anything happening to the girl.

These people are just temporarily united with the strong. Real unity is mutual support, which will not bring such a heavy burden to the leader.

Kagami Kawa Maya panted through the woods, like a sharp blade cutting through thorns, cutting off the heads of ghosts. The heads of ghosts fell wherever they passed, and their necks were as fragile as paper.

The swordsmen who were rescued breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, feeling relieved.

Most of the ghosts in this forest were killed by Kagami Kawa Maya alone, and her pace still did not stop. The knife in her hand was still waving tirelessly. The girl was as sharp as the light of the knife, moving forward indomitably.

There seems to be something chasing this girl from behind, making her keep swinging the knife and getting stronger!

If you don't wield a knife, you can't live. If you don't wield a knife, you can't protect others. If you don't wield a knife, many people will die! Maya Kagami gasped slightly, but the blade in her hand did not stop for a moment. It seemed that wielding the knife to protect others was the meaning of her life, and stopping meant death.

"Quick! Follow her!" Someone seemed to want to help the girl kill the ghost. "Hey, hey, hey! Follow her! How can you let a little girl rush to the front?"

"But they are much better than us, okay..."

"Then... at least catch up with her and be prepared to support her, right?"

The swordsmen also seemed to think that something might happen to the girl if she remained in this state. Ghosts are difficult opponents. They will neither feel tired nor be killed easily. In addition to cutting off the neck with the Nichirin Sword, Injury doesn't matter to them at all, but humans are different. Humans have limits, so accidents may happen at any time during the battle with ghosts.

Even a momentary confusion in breathing can lead to catastrophe!

But Kagamigawa Maya's speed was getting faster and faster, seemingly tireless, and no one could keep up with her pace, and her petite figure quickly shuttled through the woods.


Heavy breaths continued to come out of her mouth. She kept maintaining her breathing method, and seemed to have touched the threshold of 'full concentration and constant concentration'. Constantly use your breathing to adjust your physical condition and control your body to minimize physical exertion.

"I'm still too anxious, young man..." Xuan Hao sighed helplessly. Even a reckless person like him has learned to slow down. Some things are really useful without rushing.

How long can you maintain this state? He watched the scurrying girl with suspicion. This girl's idea is quite good, maybe she wants a quick victory, but it is easy for accidents to happen if she keeps in such a limit state. After all, not everyone is as unafraid of accidents as he is.

"It's indeed a bit too hasty, but there doesn't seem to be any problem." Purgatory Shinichiro also commented.

However, he believes that this girl's strength is enough to defeat all the ghosts here. Forcing someone who can't do something to do something is called being eager for success.

"She didn't show signs of breathing disorder, and she seemed to have mastered the 'Total Concentration·Concentration'!" Shinichiro Purgatory exclaimed.

It seems that another genius has appeared in the Demon Slayer Corps. Shinichiro Purgatory is extremely pleased with this. He is already over middle age and is considered an old man in the Demon Slayer Corps. It will be a matter of time for him to retire after his peak period. Originally, He was still a little worried about the problem of the Demon Slayer Squad's successors being unable to fight against the demons, but now he felt much more at ease.

Because not only will the Xuanhao in front of him be promoted to the pillar immediately, but even the new members have such talents, it seems that they won't have to worry about the Demon Slayer Corps' lack of combat power in the next few decades.

"How can it be so simple?" Xuan Hao curled his lips and stood up slowly.

"What do you want to do?" Purgatory Shinichiro was a little confused.

In his opinion, that girl is fully capable of dealing with these ghosts. If nothing happens, she might be able to defeat all the ghosts in the valley before dawn. By then, this session's 'final selection' will probably be over as quickly as possible. .

"It seems like a little mouse slipped in. I'll go take care of it."

Xuan Hao picked up the spear beside him and said with a grin, "Finally I met a Twelve Ghost Moon. Don't try to snatch it from me this time."


Purgatory Shinichiro was shocked and gradually frowned.

Something slipped in? But why didn't he feel it at all?

"Human! Die!"

A ghost with a height of more than three meters and bulging muscles roared towards Maya Kagami.

It clasped its hands in front of its neck to protect its vitals, and the tight muscles on its arms seemed harder than steel!

Taking advantage of its size, it opened its huge mouth and bit at the girl in front of it. Its barbed tongue shot out from its ferocious mouth, as if it wanted to bite the girl into pieces and swallow it.

"This should be the last one, right?"

Counting the numbers silently in her mind, Maya Kagami looked at the behemoth in front of her that seemed to be much stronger than the ghost she had killed before.

Perhaps this ghost is the strongest ghost in the entire Tengxi Mountain. If others meet him... he will probably die in one encounter.

It's not that she looks down on people, but the neck protected by the bulging arms is really difficult to handle. If you don't pay attention, even the knife may break.



Kagami Kawa Maya's eyes narrowed slightly. She stepped abruptly and stopped. The knife in her hand was retracted into its sheath. Her whole body fell into stillness almost instantly.


She breathed slowly, and the whole world's time seemed to slow down in her eyes. The ghost that was rushing towards her moved extremely slowly in her eyes, as if she could accurately cut off its neck as long as she stretched out her hand.

It's just that the protected neck obviously cannot be cut off effortlessly.

Her hand seemed to be slowly placed on the hilt of the pure white sun blade, and her whole body turned into a tight hard bow, quietly looking up at the approaching ghost.

She was waiting, waiting for an opportunity.


The sound of swords fighting sounded, and the ghost's body seemed to tremble suddenly, and murderous intent enveloped it in an instant.

"The breath of the sun, the shape of nine, the setting sun turns around!"

Maya Kagami seemed to see the old figure passing by in front of her. The red blade drew a perfect arc and gently cut the neck of the ghost in front of her.

Then her body also moved, like dancing.

Draw the knife, step forward, draw the knife, turn around and dodge.

Maya Kagami almost missed the ghost in front of her, and she seemed to be able to vaguely feel the wind coming from behind.

When she stopped moving, she had already circled behind the ghost.

Bloody light exploded.

The ghost's arms and neck were neatly cut open, and its entire body collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, the crows circling in the sky began to cry.

"The selection ends early! The selection ends early!"

"All the ghosts have been defeated!"

"The selection ends early!"

Maya Kagami looked at the fallen ghost in front of her with dull eyes. She could not hear the sound of the crow, and seemed completely unaware that she had entered some special state at this moment.

Purgatory Shinichiro on the top of the mountain frowned and watched this scene. Xuanhao had already rushed down the mountain in a hurry, but he didn't see anything unusual.

He just saw that the girl successfully defeated the last ghost they placed in the Vine Raid Mountain, and he was still admiring in his heart. The 'Final Selection', which was originally expected to have heavy casualties, has not killed anyone so far due to the appearance of this girl. This girl looks like she is only a teenager and will definitely become the hope of the Demon Slayer Corps in the future.

"Dad...I did it, became a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps..."

Maya Kagami just thought like this, seemingly not noticing that veins began to appear on her cheeks, forgetting to blink, and even forgetting to breathe.

A dark shadow slowly emerged from behind her.

The figure's movement was silent, and no one seemed to be able to notice it.

But the girl with her back to him turned around strangely.

The Sun Blade met the claws at the critical moment and blocked the sudden sneak attack of this figure.

"Huh?" The emerging shadow seemed a little surprised by the reaction of the girl in front of him.

Because he was already very patient. In order to ensure success, he waited until this moment. The girl's physical strength reached its limit and she was exhausted before attacking again.

Unexpectedly, this girl actually ducked away as if she had eyes on her back!


Suddenly, Kagamigawa Maya gasped violently as she dodged the attack.

She clutched her throat and breathed painfully. The lack of oxygen in her head caused her vision to go dark, and she could only hear her own heartbeat echoing in her ears.

She was working so hard that she didn't even realize that her energy had been exhausted, and her breathing couldn't keep up with the consumption. She had always maintained a state of exceeding her limits. If this state had not been interrupted by the sudden appearance of an enemy, she might have forgotten to breathe until she died.

The scene she saw when she killed the last ghost just now will become her revolving door!

After getting rid of that extreme state, Maya Kagami no longer even had the strength to support her body, and she fell to her knees on the ground and panted violently.

"Hahahaha..." an eerie voice sounded in front of her, "It scared me to death. I thought you still had the strength to fight~"

The ghost slapped his chest as if he was scared.

"It really scared me to death!"

It roared suddenly, as if it was angry because it had been blocked by the strange blocking movement of the girl in front of it.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!..."

It kept mumbling in its mouth.

"Why, why, why would I come to such a dangerous place? It's all you, it's all you, it's all because of you!!"

"Damn 'Sun Breath'! Damn woman!"

"If it wasn't for you! How could I have been sent to such a dangerous place by that adult!"

"Fuck, die, die, die, die!"

The ghost was chanting crazily, and it pulled its head hard with both hands. Its sharp nails scratched from the forehead to the cheek, and even the eyeballs were scratched by it.

But in an instant, the two ferocious eyeballs returned to rolling in their sockets, and the word "Xialu" engraved in the pupils could be vaguely seen.

That's right, it is the last land, shadow, in the 'Twelve Ghost Moons'.

Originally, it was just the shadow of Muzan Kibutsuji, doing simple tasks such as transmitting information or investigating.

Because its ghost science is very special, it has no offensive power and is just weird.

It can blend into the shadow of anything, whether it's a person or an object.

But it is because of this convenient ghost blood technique that it was sent to carry out this assassination mission, because other ghosts cannot sneak into Tengxi Mountain to find this woman, only it can follow other people's shadows in!

But how could it defeat the user of the 'Breath of the Sun'?

"I'm a fucking civil servant!" Ying scratched his head in frustration.

There is no way, it has such a boss, it can only follow the orders of Muzui Kibutsuji, otherwise it will be killed immediately!

After all, for Onimusuji Mumei, all the ghosts under his hands are nothing more than tools that can be made and discarded at will.

"Go to hell! Stupid woman!"

Ying once again confirmed that the woman in front of him had no strength to resist, and finally stretched out his paws to get closer.

Yes, it is afraid that this woman still has the strength to fight back, but it has been hiding in the shadow of the woods tremblingly, waiting for this moment of opportunity!

Do you know how scared it is in the dark? This is the prison where the Demon Slayers imprison ghosts! If discovered it is immediately at risk of death.

"Go, die, die, die, die..."

Ying kept mumbling in his mouth, and he approached very cautiously.

Even facing this woman who was kneeling on the ground, it still looked trembling.

Because it's really scared. After all, it doesn't have much fighting power at all. It can become the 'Twelve Ghost Moon' simply because of 'convenience'! Tsuji Muzan saw the convenience of its abilities, so he gave it a symbolic position at the end. Its true strength is only slightly stronger than ordinary ghosts, and is completely incomparable to the other 'Twelve Ghost Moons'.

It’s over…

This is the only thought in Maya Kagamikawa's mind at the moment.

Her body was shaking, not because of fear, but because she was shaking uncontrollably after reaching her limit. She wanted to use force to move her body, but her whole body no longer had any strength to mobilize, and she couldn't even hold the handle of the knife firmly.

She tried her best to raise her head and looked at the ghost that was constantly cursing her crazily.

This ghost has words carved into its eyeballs!

She once heard the demon slayer swordsmen who came to the village say that this was a ghost called the 'Twelve Demons Moon'. Faced with such a ghost, ordinary swordsmen have only one choice - escape!

Yes, apart from swordsmen with "pillar" level strength, this is the only option to face the Twelve Ghost Moons. From this alone, you can guess how strong they are.

At least it was definitely not something she could handle as a fledgling, not to mention that she couldn't even hold a knife steady now.

what to do? Waiting for rescue? No, it's too late! The other swordsmen were too far away from her, and... among the swordsmen who participated in the selection, there was not even one who was stronger than her, but they would only die!

Kagami Kawa Mayo's eyes showed reluctance. She had just... obtained the power to protect others. She hadn't had time to become a person like Mr. Yuanyi. Could she have died here like this?

The unwillingness shown in her eyes seemed to be seen by the shadow of the Twelve Ghost Moon in front of her.

The coward finally smiled and said, "Go to hell!"

This should be no problem! What it is best at is observing words and expressions. After all, this skill is indispensable for accompanying that adult every day!

Seeing the girl in front of him fall into despair, he knew that there was really nothing he could do, which meant that he was safe!

As long as you kill the girl and hide in the shadows, no one can do anything to it!


Maya Kagami was coughing violently, and her breathing still hadn't been adjusted. She probably wouldn't be able to use the breathing method in a short time, so she could only use the scabbard to barely support her body and stand up.

"why why why!?"

Ying, who had just taken a step closer, went crazy again, "Why are you standing up again!?"

Does this woman still have the strength to fight?

No! Her breathing was still messed up! The swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps has no breathing skills and can't even stand firmly! What else is there to be afraid of! ?

"Go to hell!"

Shadow finally stopped hesitating, claws popped out from his fingers, and it waved its arms towards the girl's heart.

It can still move! lift it up! Maya Kagami roared in her heart. She tried her best to lift the blade in her hand. She didn't want to die yet, so she had to make her body move no matter what.


Maya Kagami shouted loudly, trying to squeeze out the remaining strength in her body, fear? No, she only has one thought in her mind right now. If she doesn't move, she will really die. She doesn't even have time to be afraid!

She knew that what was in front of her was the 'Twelve Ghost Moons', and she knew that maybe this was not an enemy she could defeat, but she still wanted to swing the sword. If she didn't even have the courage to swing the sword, how could she protect others?

What she didn't know was that it was this cry that saved her life.

The coward in front of him was calmed down by this cry. He thought that the woman in front of him was going to fight to the death, and even hesitated for a moment in his attack movements.

By the time it realized that this woman was just incompetent and furious, it was already too late.

Because it senses danger approaching!




Continuous sounds were approaching this way.

Danger! Danger! Danger! Shadow looked in panic towards the direction where the sound was approaching.

It seemed like something was coming. The thing heard the woman's cry and was heading here quickly.

It even saw trees falling crazily along the way.

To escape, you should kill this woman first and then escape! ?


The shadow immediately made a judgment, and its survival instinct told it that even a moment's hesitation would lead to death!

Don't want to die! Don't want to die! Don't want to die!

Its entire body begins to merge into the shadow quickly. As long as it completely dives into the shadow, no one can pull it out!




Continuous roaring sounds continued to sound in the woods.

Shinichiro Purgatory on the top of the mountain stared at this scene in stunned silence.

He watched helplessly as Xuan Hao beside him rushed down the mountain.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Yes, he could only use the word monster to describe Xuan Hao.

Because he watched this guy rush towards the valley like a cannonball, his whole body like a spear piercing through the entire forest. The trees he passed bent over and knelt down. To be precise, they were chopped off by the lazy waist!

The man rushed straight towards his destination, sweeping the spear in his hand in front of him. The sharp edge from the tip of the spear cut off everything in the way without any resistance. For a moment, the entire forest was filled with smoke and dust, as if it had been run over by something.

The straight line between two points is the shortest!

What a simple truth!

I understand the logic, but...is this guy a human? Shinichiro Purgatory has some doubts about life. He knew that this man could fight ghosts hand-to-hand, but he didn't expect him to be so perverted!

If he just cut down a few trees, he felt that he could do it, but running so arrogantly...

“Are all young people today monsters?”

The shouts reached Xuan Hao's ears. He fine-tuned the direction of his sprint and moved accurately towards the target location at high speed.

The swordsmen participating in the selection in the woods heard a violent roar and were at a loss when they saw the fallen trees. Their sight was obscured by the smoke and dust, and they couldn't help coughing. They had no idea what was happening.

Maya Kagami looked at the ghost who suddenly stopped attacking and melted into the shadow with some confusion.

She also heard the roar behind her, but didn't know what happened.

What could make the ghost of the "Twelve Ghost Moons" abandon the prey in his mouth and run for his life like crazy?

He obviously had no strength to resist at all, and he didn't even have the strength to lift the blade.

The next moment she understood why.

The sound behind him continued, but his vision was obscured by smoke and dust.

The sound didn't seem to be able to keep up with the speed of the person coming, and even the smoke didn't begin until the person stopped.

She saw a bandaged hand tightly holding the ghost's Tianling Cap.

This is the shadow of the Land of the Lower String, one of the twelve ghost moons, but at this moment, the only eyes on the half of this ghost's head exposed outside the shadow are filled with fear.

"Now that you're here, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

The kind voice rang in its ears, but in its ears it sounded like a call from hell.

Ying looked at the man squatting in front of him in horror. This man inserted the spear into the ground and held its Tianling Cap firmly with one hand!

It suddenly reacted and began to struggle wildly, but to no avail.

The man's hand gripped its head like a pair of pliers, making it feel like its entire head was about to be crushed.

No, in fact, it would be okay if it was really just crushed. It can still recover if half of its head is crushed, so that it can escape successfully.

But this man's strength was just right, and he seemed to be experienced enough to make it impossible for him to escape!

Yes, Xuan Hao did this on purpose.

After many years of experiments, he found that only Oni Tsuji Musai was special. As the King of Ghosts, Oni Wu Tsuji Muzai had overcome all the weaknesses except the sun.

As for the rest of the ghosts, they can grow back wherever they are cut off, except their heads. Because they still only have one brain for thinking, if the head is broken, they can only choose to put it back. Of course, the premise is that the head is not cut off by the Nichirin Sword before it can be put back.

Maya Kagami looked at the familiar figure who appeared in front of her in a daze.

What just happened?

She watched in shock as the man lifted the ghost's head and pulled its entire body out of the shadow. The ghost's funny struggling movements were like a moving carrot.

This is the ‘Twelve Ghost Moon’!

She even wondered if she was deceived.

But if you take a closer look, you can see that the ghost's pupils do have the word "Xialu" engraved in them.


The reaction of Yan Ya also confirmed that she was not wrong.

"The ghost of the lower string appears!"

"The ghost of the lower string appears!"

"The final selection has ended! Please see the selected swordsmen quickly evacuate to a safe area!"

The crows in the sky were constantly circling overhead, but Kagami Kawa Maya couldn't feel anything real, because the way this ghost begged for mercy simply... couldn't make her associate it with the 'Twelve Ghost Moon'.

"You...you...let me go!"

The shadow looked at the man in front of it in a panic. It reached out and grabbed the man's hand that was holding his head and clawed wildly.

It tried its best to tear the man in front of it into pieces!

The sharp nails cut open the bandage tied on Xuan Hao's arm, revealing some terrifying fine cracks underneath.

It's obviously an arm that looks scarred, why is it so powerful! ? The most terrifying thing is that he was surprised to find that his nails could not even penetrate the scarred skin!

What a monster this is! ?

Ying's heart was full of horror, and he simply couldn't understand why a human had such a strong body! Although it is not too strong among ghosts, it should not be so weak that it cannot even pierce a human's skin. It can be seen that this person's body is even tougher than some powerful ghosts, which is incredible!

"Let go? I'm afraid not."

Xuan Hao shook his head in confusion. He could tell that this ghost's ability seemed to be to blend into the shadows. This was really a good skill for escaping. There were dark shadows everywhere at night. If it hadn't been for him just now, The speed is fast enough, maybe this guy can actually run away!

"Please... please let me go!"

This ghost didn't seem to care at all about Xuan Hao's taunts, and was very skillful in begging for mercy.


Xuan Hao frowned and smacked his lips.

Isn’t this ghost the ‘Twelve Ghost Moon’? He thought that the ghost who could swagger into Tengxi Mountain in front of him would be a powerful person, but he didn't expect it to be so useless.

Yes, he discovered that there was a ghost sneaking in here from the beginning.

Because this ghost entered here with the swordsmen who came to participate in the selection, but he never found out where the ghost was hiding. He could only vaguely feel a disgusting aura passing in front of him and in front of him. The face entered the valley.

How arrogant was it then? This is the result! ?

"I didn't expect him to be a loser who only knows how to hide..."

"Yes, yes, I am a waste! Please let me go! I promise not to eat people again!"

"Are you ghosts so cowardly?"

Xuan Hao was speechless as he carried this ghost who could only beg for mercy. The twelve ghost moons... He was more cowardly than all the ghosts he had ever seen. He really couldn't figure out that he couldn't be promoted to the pillar level because he had never killed anyone. Such stuff! ? So angry! Although I don't care much about the position of 'Zhu', I just feel extremely unbalanced.

"I just want to live!" the ghost explained crazily, "I only became a ghost because I didn't want to die! I haven't eaten many people since I became a ghost! Believe me! Even here this time. It’s just an order from that lord! I don’t want to risk fighting the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps! Who would have come to this damn place if it wasn’t an order!”


Xuan Hao thought, who would believe lies? But this ghost is almost done with his life because he is afraid of death. Maybe he can...

"I can let you go!"

Xuan Hao grinned.

"Really!?" Ying's eyes seemed to reveal hope.

"Really, as long as you tell me, where is Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan?" Xuan Hao asked kindly.

If this ghost really knows things like this, it's not impossible to let it go. Anyway, all the ghosts waiting for him to kill Muzan Demonbutsuji will be dead.


Upon hearing that name, Ying's expression suddenly turned frightened.

That lord...how could it dare to mention that lord's name! ? He will die!

"No, no, no! I can't say it! I can't say it! I will die if I say it!"

"Alas..." Xuan Hao sighed, "Then there's nothing I can do. I have to ask you to bask in the sun with me."

"No...I don't want it, don't...don't want it!"

Ying grabbed Xuan Hao's arms and hung his feet in the air, with a ferocious expression on his face.

Its heart was filled with despair at this moment. It seemed that no matter what, it would lead to a dead end. If it spoke that adult's name, it would die, and if it didn't, it would die!

"No, I don't want to die!" Ying's expression became extremely tangled, "That adult... that adult is..."

It seemed that it wanted to tell some information while avoiding Kibutsuji Muzan's name.

"Oh?" Xuan Hao looked at the ghost in his hand in surprise. This ghost's desire to survive was so strong that it could actually speak! ? You must know that the ghosts he met before, except for the coward Kibutsuji Mukai, all the others remained silent during torture, and their eyes were full of resentment, as if they would not let him feel better even if they died.

"he is……"


A ferocious giant hand suddenly stretched out from Ying's mouth as he spoke, splitting its entire mouth and striking towards Xuan Hao's face.


I thought I could ask something, but still found nothing.

Xuan Hao blocked the incoming ghost's hand and threw away the ghost's body.

Yes, this is already a corpse.

Onibutsuji Mumei seemed to realize that his information was about to be revealed, and controlled the blood river cells buried in the ghost's body to kill it.

This is just the measurement commonly used by that coward. Xuan Hao has already seen it more than once.

Because the way he kills ghosts is very special.

Unlike other ghost hunters who slash their necks with a knife, they are used to catching ghosts and waiting for dawn. It was very boring while waiting, so he often chatted with ghosts about life and ideals.

I wanted to influence these guys through 'talking therapy', but every time the name 'Kibutsuji Muzai' was mentioned, those ghosts would explode and die as long as they accidentally said this name.

And this ghost seemed even more outrageous. He didn't even mention his name, but was killed by Mutsuji Onimusuke.

Perhaps because this ghost is the Twelve Ghosts Moon and has some information, Onibatsuji Muzan monitors the actions of this ghost more strictly. Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill this guy so accurately when he wants to reveal the information. Die it.

"It's boring."

Xuan Hao straightened the bandage on his arm and sighed.

Low-level ghosts would not know the whereabouts of Onibatsuji Muzan. They thought that this ghost was also the "Twelve Ghost Moons" and could get some information out of it, but in the end, their work was in vain.

From the conclusion, it seems that Onibatsuji Mumei is more cautious and cruel than he imagined. He plants a 'curse' on all ghosts that will be triggered by saying their names and supervises those ghosts who have the opportunity to leak important information. Being strict, even the 'Twelve Ghost Moons' can kill without mercy.

"What a disgusting guy."

"That...Mr. Xuanhao?"

Maya Kagami called out hesitantly to the frowning and cursing man in front of her.

She was indeed shocked by what happened in front of her, whether it was the sudden appearance of the 'Twelve Ghost Moons', the powerful strength of this man, or the inexplicable way of death of the last ghost.

This man clearly has no use for weapons.

"Huh? Oh."

Xuan Hao heard some weak shouts and then realized that there was a weak girl kneeling on the ground behind him.

"By the way, what's your name?"

He turned around and asked the girl kneeling on the ground in front of him. He only remembered what the child's name seemed to be, Maya? After all, he only heard a rough talk about the girl's past from the village chief of the Swordsmith Village. Of course, what he was most concerned about was that Enichi Tsukuni appeared in the village and saved the girl. As for the girl's last name...

I can only say I'm sorry. Japanese surnames are just like place names. He is a road idiot and is good at walking in a straight line, so he subconsciously ignored it.

"My name is... Kagami Kawa Maya."

Kagami Kawa Maya was stunned and replied, so it turned out that this man really just taught her the quick sword skills and breathing techniques? She originally thought this man would pay attention to her...

I didn’t expect that I didn’t even check the name!

She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt a little lost.

"You did great, Maya."

The man leaned slightly and stretched out his hand towards her.


She stretched out her hand in a daze, and was pulled up by the man. Suddenly she didn't feel so lost again.

"Thanks to your efforts, there were no casualties in this selection and you all passed."

Xuan Hao saw that the girl seemed to be still too weak to walk, so he simply picked her up by the waist. She was just a teenage child. He was already over a hundred years old and nearly two hundred years old. He hugged her. No one has any opinions about the child, right?


The girl panted quietly, as if she was too tired, and fell asleep as soon as she relaxed.

"Twelve Ghost Moons, the Land of the Last Moon! Has been successfully conquered!"

"Has been successfully defeated!"

The sound of crows in the sky echoed through the woods.

"Xuan Hao, a member of the Demon Slayer Team's 'A' class, successfully defeated the demons of Xixian and was officially promoted to 'Pillar'!"

I know, I know... stop scolding, stop scolding! Xuan Hao looked up at the sky speechlessly. Wasn't he promoted to the pillar level? Is there anything so rare that it warrants such a public execution? Md seems to want the whole world to know.


Xuanhao, who was holding the girl in his arms, heard loud laughter from above before he reached the top of the mountain. He didn't need to guess to know that it was Shinichiro Purgatory laughing again.

Next to this man stood a row of hidden members dressed in black. They were busy running around, bandaging the wounds of the injured new members.

"Congratulations!" Shinichiro Purgatory greeted him with a smile, "You have finally been promoted to Hashira! It seems that the strongest Hashira of the Demon Slayer Team needs to be replaced now!"

"The strongest pillar?" Xuan Hao gently placed the girl on the stretcher carried by the arriving Yinbu members.

"Yes, I think it should be you!" Purgatory Shinichiro smiled heartily.

"Who was the strongest before?" Xuan Hao asked. Although he didn't care about such a title, he was still a little curious. Doesn't this guy need to ask other people's opinions? Does this put a hat on his head?

"Hehe...it's me!" Purgatory Shinichiro smiled and pointed at himself.

After the observation just now, he was now absolutely sure that the young man in front of him was stronger than him. As for how much stronger, he didn't know! But it’s not a big problem! In short, as long as you can kill ghosts and protect humans!


Looking at the sleeping girl lying on the stretcher, Purgatory Shinichiro was full of confidence in the future of the Demon Slayer Corps, so that he could retire with peace of mind.

"That's right! Are you willing to inherit my position as Flame Pillar?" Purgatory Shinichiro seemed to have remembered something and suddenly suggested to Xuan Hao.

"Uh... why?" Xuan Hao looked at the man speechlessly.

This guy doesn’t think that he will become a Flame Pillar just because he has learned a few tricks of ‘Fire Breathing’, right? But speaking of it, he didn't know what Zhu should be called, after all, he basically didn't use breathing techniques to hunt ghosts.

"Because I plan to take a back seat after a while." Purgatory Shinichiro said seriously, "I am considered older among the Demon Slayer Corps."

"Aren't you in your prime?" Xuan Hao was a little confused. A man in his forties just wanted to retire? Although it is true that the Demon Slayer Corps has great benefits, is it too early?

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