A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 388 381. The flame that has already been lit

Chapter 388 381. The flame that has already been lit

After Xuanhao left with Kanroji Mitsuri, Purgatory Xingshoulang looked at the ghost of the lower string slowly rising from the ground with vigilant eyes.

This ghost has become extremely silent since just now.

He was still crazy and crazy before, but now he has become extremely quiet, so quiet that Anjuro feels uneasy.

"why why?"

The questioning voice that I don’t know a long time ago has been echoing in Pei Lang’s ears, and it still envelopes him like a shadow to this day.

"Why do people who don't deserve to die die, while beasts like you can live as if nothing happened?"

The vicious words made Pei Lang extremely angry. To this day, he still remembers the figure of the man who cursed him.

That was the man he hated deeply.

The man wore a flaming haori and had the same face as the young man in front of him at the moment.

Pei Lang realized at this moment that he seemed to have recognized the wrong person. The boy in front of him was obviously younger than the man, and he was not wearing a flaming feather ori.

"Yes...you are not the Purgatory I know..."

"That's right. With human lifespan, how can it be possible for such a long period of time to pass by and still look younger and younger?"

He still remembered the night from many years ago.

At that time, he had just turned into a demon. At that time, he was still very weak and was not yet the Twelve Demons, but he met the Demon Slayer's most powerful 'Pillar'.

That was a cruel man, even more cruel than he was as a ghost.

Because that man obviously had the ability to kill him with one knife, but he tortured him mercilessly.

He slashed his body with knives one after another, and kept asking him incomprehensible questions. "Why? Why can something like you survive in the world?"

"You're running away as a ghost? What a coward. Do you want to run around like a mouse until you die?"

No matter how he begged for mercy, the man was unwilling to let him go.

That flaming hair, that cold and ruthless eyes, how could I forget it! ? Pei Lang's whole body started to tremble again.

He finally remembered the real name of the figure in his memory - Purgatory Makijuro!

There was no mistake, it was this man, this hateful man who chopped his heart and body into pieces.

Although the wound had long since healed, the anger that remained in his heart that day had not diminished at all. He would never forget this hatred in his life.

He couldn't bear to live in this man's shadow.

Pei Lang looked at the Purgatory Anjuro in front of him with a gloomy look.


"I see, you are his son..."

A dangerous smile gradually appeared on Pei Lang's face, "Revenge! Revenge! It doesn't matter even if you are his son! I will kill you, then bring your head to him, let him know... the consequences of annoying me !”

A dark shadow enveloped Pei Lang's body.

The ghost blood technique, the voice of the ghost - the shadow wolf!

Shadow-like wolves sprang out from his body and pounced towards Purgatory Xingjulang not far away.


The sound of a trigger being pulled.

Each shadow wolf had a flintlock barrel protruding from its mouth.

The sudden attack surprised Anjuro, but fortunately he was always on alert and dodged the bullet.

But the shadow wolf that rushed over still didn't stop attacking, and came around to bite.

Just when Xingjulang was facing the siege of the shadow wolf, a heart-stopping mechanical sound sounded.

Pei Lang actually pulled out a rotating machine gun from the shadow!

The wheel began to rotate along with the gears, followed by the sound of gunshots one after another, and the dense barrage enveloped Purgatory Anjuro in the next moment.

Can't escape! Xingshourou's pupils shrank sharply.

The barrages were so dense that no matter how fast he was, he couldn't dodge them all!


The sound of metal collision continued.

Purgatory Anjuro used his fastest speed to block the incoming barrage with his sword, while rushing towards the back.


Blood holes exploded everywhere on Xingjulang's body, and bright red blood dripped toward the ground. He supported the ground with his hands and stood up again despite the pain.

"Can't fall, can't fall! I have to become a pillar..."

Purgatory Anjuro kept chanting in his mouth.

He has a reason why he absolutely cannot lose.

Ever since my mother passed away, my father has been in a state of decline.

The young brother Senjuro is worried that his father will leave like his mother. As the patriarch of the family in purgatory, how can he make his brother feel uneasy all the time?

He must shoulder the responsibility of the Purgatory Family.

"As the eldest son of the Purgatory family, I want to become stronger. I must become stronger!"

Purgatory Anjuro roared.

"Don't cry, smile, Anjuro! Don't be swallowed up by sadness. One day, that sadness will definitely become an important force!"

He kept roaring at himself, and his bruised body finally stood upright again.

He opened his mouth, smiled reluctantly, looked directly at the evil ghost in front of him, and once again grasped the handle of the knife with both hands.

"Why? Why?" Pei Lang looked at Purgatory Xingshourou who was bruised and still able to move with anger on his face, "Why can you still stand up? Why can you still laugh!? No, no, no... I can't accept it! "

What he is holding is a machine gun! It's much more powerful than a weapon that breaks when you break it! How could a human body possibly bear it?

"Because... I promised my mother that I would save the weak."

The gentle voice of his mother seemed to echo in Purgatory Anjuro's ears.

"The Purgatory family has been ghost hunters for generations. The title of Flame Pillar is our pride. You must become as outstanding a pillar as your father..."

"But mother...father seems to have lost his way now..."

Is mother's wish really for me to become like my father? Infernal Anjuro fell into confusion.

But soon, the confusion that just arose was extinguished by the fire that ignited in my heart.

A gentle smile appeared on Purgatory Anjuro's face.

He finally remembered that his mother's last words were not like this! He actually only remembered the first half of such an insignificant sentence. He was so stupid.

The glory of the Flame Pillar is both pride and restraint for the Purgatorians. Under such glory, they will lose their way.

How could a mother who declared her righteousness leave such an instruction?

"Burn up, Xingjuro, kindle a flame in your heart, gently illuminate the world, kindle a sun-like flame in your heart."

"You want to become...such a flame pillar."

The figure of Purgatory Anjuro disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, the blade burning with flames arrived in front of Pei Lang.


Purgatory Anjuro roared and swung his sword, and the Nichirin sword in his hand met the muzzle of Pei Lang's gun.


The fire lit up like fireworks in the sky above the city, and the roar was deafening.

Xuan Hao landed on the roof, closed his eyes and listened to the tiny ticking sounds that existed everywhere in the city.

"The more I listened, the more my scalp became numb. How many bombs did this ghost release?"

What surprised him even more was...some of these ticking sounds were actually moving!

"Forget it about timing, why the hell can you still move?"

Xuan Hao couldn't understand at all what the technology tree of this world was. What was the deal with only breathing and sword skills?

"Look! While Mr. Purgatory is dealing with the ghosts, we have to find all the bombs hidden in the city!"

Kanroji Mitsuri anxiously led the swordsmen through the streets and alleys of the city.

"Ah!? What is this!?"

But the operation didn't seem to be going smoothly.

Shadow wolves emerged from nowhere and chased and bit the swordsmen, interfering with their actions.

"Help! Be careful, everyone! This kind of shadow wolf can swallow the knife in our hands!"

A swordsman saw the sword in his hand being taken away by the shadow wolf, and shouted for help.


A flash of sword light flashed, and Shadow Wolf stopped attacking and dodged the blade.

Mitsuri Kanroji rescued the team member, "Everyone spread out and search! That ghost can't control too many shadow wolves. The first task now is to disarm the bomb! Don't get entangled by these shadow wolves!"

"Gah-gah-come with me! Come with me!"

The crows shouted above Ganlu Temple.

After saving the swordsman, Kanroji quickly followed.

Each swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps has his own raven. When it comes to finding dangerous objects, his senses are more sensitive than those of human animals.

"found it!"

Following the guidance of the turtle, Ganlu Temple finally found a time bomb.

"But...how to stop it from exploding?"

She was a little anxious. The mission of the Demon Slayer swordsmen was to slay demons. How could they defuse bombs? ?

"Dismantle it according to the method I taught you!" the crows screamed.

"Huh? Will Mr. Dian Crow still defuse bombs?"

Kanroji Mitsuri was shocked.

She had not been in the team for long and had no idea what kind of magical creature the Demon Slayer's raven was. She was surprised just by being able to talk. She didn't expect that he could also have these weird skills!

"Stop talking nonsense, stop talking nonsense!" The crow pecked Ganlu Temple Mili's head, "Do it quickly! Do it quickly!"

"It hurts so much..."

Ganlu Temple covered his head with aggrieved face.

"I got it!"

She approached the bomb cautiously.

When she just stretched out her hand to touch it, the bomb hidden in the corner suddenly moved with the shadow!

"Oh! Don't run!"

Kanroji Mitsuri looked at the escaping bomb and hurriedly chased after it.

But as soon as she took a step, something grabbed her clothes.

"Be careful! Be careful!" the crow shouted loudly.


Kanroji Mitsuri lowered her head and realized that she was surrounded by several shadow wolves.

what happened! ? These dogs are so annoying! Kanroji Mitsuri pulled out the Nichirin Sword in a panic.

There are shadows everywhere in the dark night, and it is impossible to prevent the appearance of these shadow wolves.

She swung the Nichirin sword with all her strength and struck the shadow wolf in front of her on the neck.


what happened? Can't cut it!

She was surprised to find that her knife was swallowed by the shadow wolf as if it was stuck in a quagmire.

Don't panic, don't panic! To deal with it according to the state of contact breathing method! Kanroji Mitsuri kept comforting herself in her heart.

But when she saw the shadow wolves approaching one after another, she couldn't help but panic.


"Ah - it hurts!"

Shadow Wolf's sharp teeth bit into Kanroji Mitsuri's thigh without letting go, as if trying to tear off her flesh and blood.

But this woman's body is extremely strong, and it seems that it can't bite. No matter how hard it is, it will only leave blood marks at most.

"It hurts so much! Help, Teacher Purgatory!"

Kanroji Mitsuri closed her eyes in fear. She found that she could no longer use the 'breath of fire' she learned from Purgatory Anjurou. Her rhythm had been completely disrupted. Now she could only use brute force to swing the sword.

"What should I do? What should I do? I'm so stupid!"

Kanroji Mitsuri was extremely anxious, "In the end, I could only swing the sword with brute force..."

She hates her brute strength the most, because every time she fails to do anything because of her brute strength!

"Maybe the Demon Slayer Corps is really not my place..."

Kanroji Mitsuri seemed to be about to give up.


Xuan Hao, who was looking for bombs and passed by, happened to hear the cry for help and looked at the girl who fell on the ground and was bitten by the wolves with some speechlessness.

"I said...didn't you notice? They can't bite you at all..."

He didn't understand what this silly girl was doing at all. She obviously had a superhuman body, but she was bullied by a few 'local dogs'. She didn't resist, so why did she scream for help...


Kanroji Mitsuri opened her eyes in shock, and looked at Yin in front of her with some doubts. Her eyes seemed to say, ‘Are you kidding me?

These shadow wolves did not cause any serious harm to her.

Just bitten the skin.

We all know that skin injuries are the most painful.


"What are you shouting again?" Xuan Hao was speechless. Why does everyone like to shout? Can't we all be quiet? Is it really easy for me to find a bomb? It’s hard to be an enthusiastic citizen for once, you are here to find trouble!

"Huh? It's not me who's calling this time..."

Kanroji Mitsuri turned her head in confusion, and she heard a voice that seemed to come from behind her.

The shadow wolf that escaped with the bomb ran into the citizens who were fleeing in fear.

The cry came from the mouth of a little boy.

Kanroji Mitsuri remembered that this little boy was the little boy who bumped into her and fell down before.

The boy's mother was bitten on the leg by the shadow wolf and fell to the ground, while the little boy was crying and beating the shadow wolf in front of him with eyes he didn't know where to find.

But his beating had no effect on Shadow Wolf.

"Are you sure you want to keep watching?"

Xuanhao looked at Ganluji Mili who was still in a daze in front of him in confusion.

"What are you afraid of? You should be proud of having more power than others."

He couldn't understand why the girl was scared at all.

Judging from the physical fitness displayed by this girl, she is not inferior to ordinary pillar-level swordsmen at all.

"What are you afraid of?"

Kanroji Mitsuri was stunned.

"Help!" The cry for help came from behind again.

Before she had time to think, her body was already moving.

What are you afraid of? Yes...what am I afraid of? The confused Kanroji Mitsuri slashed out with her sword.



"So... so awesome! I actually hit it!" Kanroji Mitsuri looked at the Nichirin Sword in her hand in confusion.

She had no idea how she had struck the shadow wolf just now. It was as if her body had moved on its own and she had slashed out instinctively.

What are you afraid of? yes! What am I afraid of! ? Ganlu Temple was surprised to find that what she was afraid of was never the shadow wolves in front of her, but the ones who were afraid of and resisted herself. What she was really afraid of... was only her own monster-like power!

"Is it my fault to have such a monster-like power? No! No! I'm not wrong!" Mitsuri Kanroji's heart was as firm as ever at this moment, "It's precisely because I have such power that I can be like now, Stand in front of these people!”

She adjusted her breathing, tried her best to put a smile on her face and turned towards the frightened little boy, "Don't worry, sister will help you get rid of all these bad dogs!"

Saying that, Kanroji Mitsuri started running.

The knife in his hand slashed at Shadow Wolf again.

But this time the blade passed through Shadow Wolf's body without any hindrance.

"It didn't hit! How could it be..." She didn't quite understand what went wrong, "What went wrong? It was clearly hit just now..."


Xuan Hao's voice reached her ears.

"Just using brute force is useless. You are completely unable to exert your own strength now. You must learn to control your body in order to fully exert your strength!"

Kanroji Mitsuri was stunned for a moment. Listening to Mr. Yin's teachings, she recalled the time when she had learned breathing techniques from Mr. Purgatory.

Mr. Purgatory seemed to have pointed out the same problem to her at that time.

Thinking of this, her hand holding the knife tightened slightly, then relaxed again.

"No, listen carefully, Ganlu Temple!"

"You are very strong, and you are enough to kill ordinary ghosts in this brutal way. But wielding a sword doesn't just rely on brute force!"

"You must control your body, control every part of your body, and use all your strength to swing the knife, instead of relying on brute force and only using your wrist! Let your spirit go straight to the tip of the knife. Let the knife become a part of yourself!"

"I'm sorry! I know I was wrong!"

Mitsuri Kanroji shouted loudly and admitted her mistake.

She finally realized where she went wrong.

Mr. Purgatory once taught her - saving the weak is the inherent responsibility of the strong!

Not only does she possess powerful strength, her body's flexibility is also far beyond ordinary people. These should be surprising talents, and there is no need to care about other people's opinions.

Don't be afraid, don't hate, just stay true to yourself.

"I remembered."

A cheerful smile appeared on Kanroji Mitsuri's face.

Despite those annoying looks, she has always been very happy. She loves her family and everyone who cares about her deeply.

Xuan Hao looked at the dancing figure of the girl and was suddenly stunned.

Breathing changes.

The girl suddenly changed her breathing rhythm, her body movements became lighter, and she began to cheer like a bird freed from its shackles.

Kanroji Mitsuri breathed freely. She felt that her whole body seemed to be happy, and there was no need for her to think about what to do next.

She began to dance instinctively, and the blade in her hand became lighter than ever before, feeling like a part of her body.

Not because she suddenly became stronger, but because she finally became herself.

Kanroji Mitsuri finally understood what she should do.

Just as she was searching for her ideal husband, she was also searching for a place where she could be herself.

Softer, stronger, more like herself!

The heart that had always been suppressed began to beat happily, and Kanroji Mitsuri could no longer suppress the throbbing in her heart.

She longed to be loved, and she also wanted to love others, so at this moment she poured her burning love into the sword.

The breath of love, the shape of oneness, the trembling of first love.

Her figure rolled and danced on the ground, and the blade in her hand struck quickly like a whip. The shadow wolf was shattered into pieces under the light of her sword.


Kanroji Mitsuri looked happily at the Nichirin Sword in her hand.

This is her own breathing method - the breathing of love.

She successfully created her own breathing method and successfully protected the citizens from these shadow wolves.

"Idiot...have you forgotten what you came to do!?"

The crows quacked anxiously.

It flapped its wings and hovered around the time bomb that fell to the ground.

The clock is ticking as if it will explode next moment.


Kanroji Mitsuri's face instantly turned pale.

Without having time to think, she rushed over and used her body to protect the mother and son who had not had time to leave.

"He is indeed an idiot..."

Xuanhao reluctantly agreed with Yan Ya. At this time, shouldn't he consider how to defuse the bomb?


The rushing sound sounded like an alarm.

The fire exploded, and the roar continued to spread along with the shock wave of the explosion, which would swallow several people near the center of the explosion in the next moment.

Even if Kanroji Mitsuri was eight times stronger than an ordinary person, she would not be able to withstand an explosion at such a close range.

"Well, it looks like it's too late to dismantle it."

Xuanhao stepped forward helplessly and stood in front of the three of them.


He cleared his throat.

The expression on his face did not change at all as he looked at the oncoming shock wave.

"Mmp, are you the only one who knows how to scream?"

Suddenly, Xuan Hao spoke angrily.


The spreading sound waves spurted out of his mouth like a barrier.

The fire and sound of the explosion were covered up by this even more deafening sound, and were annihilated like a torrent.

Hearing the scolding behind her, Kanroji Mitsuri turned around subconsciously, and then she saw this scene that she would never forget.

In the dazzling flames of the explosion, a dark figure stood in front of her and the mother and son who hugged each other tightly and dared not open their eyes. The flames and dust of the explosion dissipated in an instant under the man's roar.

This dark figure seemed extremely tall at this moment, as unshakable as a god.


The fireworks dissipated, and before Ganluji Mili could say anything, the figure in front of him disappeared.

Then, from time to time, there would be violent roaring sounds in the sky, and the night sky was lit up by brilliant fireworks, which looked like someone was setting off fireworks.

Kanroji Mitsuri looked up at the sky blankly.

The mother and son also realized that they seemed not to be dead.

The woman was still in a daze and didn't know what was going on. The innocent boy looked at the girl in front of him and hesitated to speak.


Kanroji Mitsuri, who was staring at the sky in a daze, finally realized after hearing the constant explosions that she seemed to be in charge of bomb disposal! But why do those bombs explode in the air?

"Sister...sister..." came the boy's hesitant voice from behind.

In doubt, Mitsuri Kanroji turned around in panic.

She waved her hands in panic, "Then... um... are you injured?"

"It's... okay, thanks to you..." The woman looked at the flustered girl in front of her with some doubts. Didn't she remember that there was a person wearing black clothes and covering his face here just now?

"Phew—that's great!"

Kanroji Mitsuri breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey...hehe, I didn't have time to say it when we bumped into each other before. I like to eat sakura cakes the most, because eating too much makes my hair turn this weird color...I'm sorry, I scared you..."

She grabbed her braid and explained to the mother and son with an awkward smile on her face.

It seems the boy's mother previously thought she was a bad person because of her hair color.


The boy's mother looked at the girl in front of her with some confusion, as if she didn't understand what she was talking about.

Kanroji Mitsuri was still explaining in a panic, and then hurriedly waved away.

"Little brother, you must listen to your mother. Sister has something to do and needs to go first!"

She waved her hands, put away her embarrassed smile, turned around and ran towards the direction of the explosion.

"Thank you, big sister!"

The boy's innocent and tender voice seemed to hit Kanroji Mitsuri's heart.

As she ran, she turned back blankly and looked at the little boy waving to her with some disbelief.

"Mom, you say it too!" the boy reminded, holding his mother's hand.

"Huh?" Mother seemed to react.

The two of them bowed and thanked the departing figure.

Mitsuri Kanroji turned around with tears in her eyes and continued running.

This was the first time in her life that someone recognized her. She had successfully done something well, and she seemed to have found the meaning of her existence.



Continuous explosions in the distance attracted Pei Lang's attention.

"what happened?"

Pei Lang frowned.

He didn't remember that the bombs he set would explode at this time!

When he turned around, he realized that not only was the time of the explosion wrong, but the location was also wrong!

"Why did my bomb explode in the air!?" Pei Lang's face was full of anger.

He didn't remember that he was kind enough to set off fireworks for these stupid humans! He obviously wants to blow up these damn humans!

"Where...are you looking!?"

came an angry voice.

Only then did Pei Lang realize that he was fighting this difficult human being in front of him.

The flaming blade was almost reaching his neck.

"You guy!"

Pei Lang angrily raised his gun to block.

What happened to this human being? He looked at the Purgatory Anjurou in front of him in disbelief.

This human being has obviously been shot many times and was affected by explosions before. Why doesn't he fall down? Ordinary people should have lost their ability to move long ago even if they didn't die! Is this man really human?


Bang bang bang——

Pei Lang fired again.

He couldn't understand where the human in front of him had the courage to charge at him with only a knife and a gun! ?

"What I have in my hand is a gun! The most advanced weapon of mankind! It is what you humans use to fight! It is specially used to kill people, do you understand!?"

Pei Lang asked frantically.

He knows very well that a knife cannot defeat a gun!

Times have changed a long time ago. A gun is fast from seven steps away, but within seven steps, a gun is fast and accurate! How did this human being have the courage to challenge him with that sun-breaking knife?

But the man in front of him was so unwilling to give up. Even though his body was covered with bruises, he still held the knife in his hand.


A strange sound came from the barrel of the gun.

"Damn! No more bullets!"

Pei Lang cursed, looking for his weapons hidden in the shadows, but found that this seemed to be the last gun, and all the bullets and explosives were exhausted.

"How is it possible...this guy actually consumed all my ammunition by himself? Just with his broken knife?"

"What's wrong?"

Purgatory Anjuro asked, "Is it over yet?"

He slowly stepped forward with the flaming Nichirin Sword in his hand, stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

I had been dodging constantly before, trying to avoid fatal attacks and trying to reduce the extent of my injuries to the limit. Just waiting for the moment when this ghost's bullets run out.

Seeing the ghost in front of him sinking into anxiety, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

"Then it's my turn to attack!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Pei Lang shouted with a ferocious face, as if he was unwilling to accept that all his bullets were used up by a human. He held the gun in his hand and kept pulling the trigger against his temple, but the gunshot did not sound.


He angrily threw the empty gun to the ground, then reached into the shadows wrapped around him and groped around.

"It's not over yet! It's not over yet! I should still have weapons!"

He rummaged through his arsenal of ghost blood magic.

"No matter what it is, give me a weapon! I'm going to kill this human!"


With a clang, a broken samurai sword fell out of the shadow on his body.

"Katana?" Pei Lang seemed to recall something tragic, "Isn't it too miserable... Only the katana is left? Bushido or something... It's too miserable, isn't it?"

Painful memories began to surface in his mind.

When he was still human, he was a warrior.

At that time, he seemed to be a swordsman who adhered to the Bushido.

But those with guns trampled his Bushido under their feet.

"What Bushido? It's so outdated! Do you want to use your Bushido to block bullets? Hahahaha——"

The mocking laughter still seems to be echoing in my ears.

He looked at Infernal Anjuro who was charging towards him with a knife in front of him.

Pei Lang suddenly smiled.

He suddenly raised his head, as if he was about to hand his neck to Anjuro, "Bushido?"

Such a familiar vocabulary, why would he forget it?

Could it be that his memory is confused because he often hits his head with a gun? He actually forgot his enemy, and even why he turned into a ghost.


Pale laughter came.

The shadow swallowed Pei Lang whole in an instant.


The sound of swords clashing sounded.

Purgatory Anjuro looked at the figure blocking him with a knife in surprise.

This is a standing wolf, as ferocious as the legendary werewolf, but it is covered in dark shadows and still holds a broken blade in its hand.

"Using armor made of shadow?"

Ghost Blood Technique, Lu Huoqiang - War Disaster Array Wolf!

Pei Lang's head finally came to his senses, and he remembered the reason why he became a ghost.

It turns out... his real enemies are those stupid people who underestimate bushido and insult their samurai. It turns out that the reason why he became like this is to prove to those stupid guys that bushido can defeat guns!

But why did it end up like this? Why have you turned into a coward who only knows how to hide with a gun? ?

'No problem, our swords will not lose to guns...'

Pei Lang seemed to suddenly wake up, recalling the past when he was a human.

"Your name is... Purgatory Anjuro, right?" He slowly lowered his head and looked directly at the young man in front of him with his ferocious wolf head.

"That's right." Purgatory Xingjulang rearranged his posture, holding the knife in both hands and facing the werewolf in front of him.

"That's it...thank you for waking me up!"

Pei Lang's body suddenly burst out with unprecedented fighting spirit, "Next, I will kill you as a warrior!"

Purgatory Anjuro was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know what happened to the ghost in front of him, he did feel a pure fighting spirit that was completely different from before.

It's no longer just killing, but it's like trying to prove something.

"Okay! I won't lose!" Purgatory Shinichiro looked serious.

No matter what mood the opponent is fighting in, he has a reason why he cannot lose.

Purgatory Anjuro took a deep breath and held the Nichirin Sword, observing the ghost in front of him.

At this moment, Zizuki Oni has been completely shrouded in the wolf-shaped shadow. Compared with those shadow wolves, the werewolf at this moment has a stronger devouring ability. It seems that as long as he touches it a little, the knife in his hand will be sucked into the shadow.

"Then... let's swing a sword that he can't bear!"

Purgatory Anjuro's body also ignited fighting spirit. The pride of the Purgatory family cannot be defeated!

"bring it on!"

Xingjulang's body seemed to be burning with raging fire, and opposite him was a dark shadow.

The brighter the fire, the darker the shadows seem to become.

Be quiet for a moment.

The two figures disappeared from the place at the same time.

The raised blades faced each other.

The powerful steps caused signs of cracking on the stone paved ground.


The sound of sword fighting sounded, and the dark shadow blade connected with the flaming blade.

A strong shock wave spread from the two people.

The strength is evenly matched, and this time the fight seems to have reached a deadlock.

"It's useless! Your knife can't break my ghost blood spell!"

Pei Lang's hand holding the knife increased his strength and pressed it towards the human in front of him. He was now a ghost. Ghosts possess power beyond humans and ghost blood skills that humans cannot understand. Moreover, he has completely recognized himself now. Reached its peak! There is no way he can lose to humans now!

"It's over, go to hell! Humans!"

However, what surprised Pei Lang was that no matter how hard he tried, he could not shake the flaming sun sword at all.

This human being who should have reached his limit long ago is like an unshakable mountain.

No, it’s not a mountain, it’s a volcano! A volcano about to erupt!

Pei Lang's eyes were filled with shock.

Why can a human being who has reached his limit be able to burst out with such gushing power! ?

The shadow covering his body was gradually burned away as if being burned by fire.

"Am I going to lose?" Such a question arose in Pei Lang's mind.

He looked at the boy who seemed to be burning in his eyes.

What a blazing flame, what a fierce emotion, just like myself once as a human being...


The sound of exhaling came from the lips and teeth of Purgatory Anjuro.

At this moment, he was swinging the knife with all his heart, in order to swing a knife that the ghost in front of him could not bear.

The breath of fire is a burning breathing method. What is ignited is not the blade, but the fire in the heart.

Anjuro recalled the process of learning the 'Breath of Fire'.

That was a very difficult process.

Because no one taught him.

As a pillar, his father fell into despair after the death of his mother. He could only rely on the three "Fire Breathing Guides" left by his ancestors to understand it on his own.

The "Breath of Fire" is composed of nine basic kata. Its secret is the "Nine Kata" named after their own surnames. It is a slash that is swung with all the heart and soul, pouring the whole life into it. Its power can kill Everything is destroyed.

Although he can only rely on himself to comprehend, Purgatory Anjuro was not confused at all when he wielded the sword, and such full concentration is the key to the Breath of Flame.

A smile appeared on Xingjuro's face, because the fire in his heart had already been ignited, and his mother's teachings from childhood had already guided him in the right direction.

"Just watch, mother! I will definitely make the agreement!"

"Burn, burn! Burn your heart! Purgatory Anjuro!"

Breath of Fire, Form of Nine, Purgatory!

Along with the roar, the whistling blade burned the darkness like flames.

The shadows disintegrated under the blazing light of the sword.

"It's really... an outstanding sword..."

Pei Lang looked at the oncoming sword light, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes. He still hated those who had insulted him with guns, but...

"How honorable it is to die under such a sword!"


After wielding the sword, Purgatory Anjuro had lost the ability to move. He was breathing heavily and could not hear any sounds around him. The violent roars that kept ringing in the sky could not reach his ears.

But even though he was so exhausted, he still didn't fall.

"It's not over yet...it's not over yet..."

Anjuro kept shouting for his body to move.

"Go forward... go forward... I have to defuse the bomb... I can't let ordinary citizens get hurt..."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa-"

The sound of crying interrupted his thinking. Xingjulang felt as if he was tied up by something, and the powerful force made him lose consciousness instantly.

"Great! Great!" Kanroji Mitsuri shouted with tears streaming down her face, "Defeat the Twelve Ghost Moons, so that Mr. Purgatory can become a pillar!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" The hermits who came with medical kits desperately grabbed Kanroji Mitsuri's hand that was holding Purgatory Anjuro.

"Let go! If we don't treat him quickly, he will die!"

"I can't pull it away! I can't pull it away at all! What kind of strange power does this woman have!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Idiot, are you trying to strangle him?"

The irritable figure covered in explosion dust hurriedly rushed into the crowd, pulled away the crowd of hidden people, and then grabbed Ganluji Mili on the head with a strong hand, causing the girl to let go of Purgatory Apricot in pain. Shouro quickly hugged his head.

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