Chapter 390 383. Mercy

"Oops, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude. This is the first time we meet. My name is Tong Mo. What a wonderful night. Please take care of me, beautiful lady~"

The ghost waved the stump in its hand to greet Kanae, with a carefree smile on its face, a kind face and a gentle tone.

But in Kanae's eyes, the appearance of this ghost at this moment was very eye-catching. His whole head seemed to have been watered with blood, and there were blood stains everywhere, especially the eyes with '上二' engraved on them, which made him look... Kanae's whole heart was lifted.

"Two Winding Strings...Tong Mo."

Kanae looked at the ghost in front of her nervously, holding her hand on the handle of the knife, ready to draw it at any time.


It seems that there are still people who are not dead among the pile of corpses on the ground.

The woman with despair in her eyes looked at Kanae who broke into the room and stretched out her hand in supplication.

" me!"

The desire to survive made her crawl out of the crowd desperately.

"Oops? Is there anything else I missed?"

Tong Mo looked at the woman crawling out of the crowd strangely, with a hint of apology on her face, "I'm sorry, I'll deal with it right now."

He said this to Kanae, seemingly apologizing for the sudden interruption in their conversation.

The iron fan made of metal in Tong Mo's hand slowly opened, and a wanton cold air began to spread towards the woman.

The flying ice slashed towards the woman like a blade.

However, several rays of sword light suddenly flashed past, and their flying trajectory was like falling flowers, cutting off the incoming ice.


Tong Mo watched in surprise as the woman in front of him was rescued.

"Wow, what a beautiful swordsmanship, what a fast speed, are you a pillar?" He asked with a smile, looking at Kanae who was holding the woman and retreating.

Ordinary swordsmen don't have the ability to save people from him.

But when faced with his question, Kanae didn't respond, but asked the rescued woman with soft eyes.

"Are you OK?"


The rescued woman showed a painful expression just as she was about to open her mouth.

There were no external injuries on her body, but her expression seemed to have been inhumanly tortured. It seemed as if something terrifying was torturing her body, and even the air she exhaled was cold.


Kanae noticed something strange and quickly evacuated from the woman.

After a while, the woman's body stopped struggling and died stiffly.

"What's this?"

"Ah la la, it's nothing. I originally wanted to give her a happy life, but you rescued her, so I had no choice but to use this method." Tong Mo said with a smile, "But don't worry, I won't waste it. Yes, I will definitely eat it after we finish talking."

With that said, Tong Mo slowly stood up and walked towards Kanae's direction.

"I am the leader of the 'Eternal Bliss Sect'. It is my duty to make the believers happy. Don't worry, I will eat them up for you and these children~"

"You call this happiness?" Kanae frowned and looked at the winding ghost in front of her, "She was obviously very scared just now and was asking me for help!"

"So haven't I already saved her?" Tong Mo still had a carefree smile on his face. "From now on, she will never feel the suffering in the world again. Everyone in this world is afraid of it. Death, so I will eat them so that they can live forever with me. I will bear all the pain on their behalf, accept all of their thoughts, flesh and blood, and lead them in eternity. Get the most noble salvation.”

"You... are hopeless." Kanae said as she distanced herself from the ghost in front of her.

She was originally a gentle and kind person, and she would feel pity even for ghosts, but...for the ghost in front of her, for some reason, she only felt angry.

Although she was smiling, she didn't see any human emotion in this ghost's eyes, as if he was born a ghost!

For a ghost like this who could hurt others with a smile on his face, Kanae couldn't feel any mercy at all.

But she was not carried away by anger.

This was the first time she faced the Winding Ghost, and she had no idea about the opponent's abilities, so she planned to keep a distance to observe the situation.

Currently, all that can be seen with the naked eye are the two sharp iron fans in the opponent's hands, and the strange method used to kill the woman just now.

Was that ghost blood magic just now? What kind of ghost blood magic? It can make people die painfully without any trauma...

Her eyes quietly fell on the corpse, and she found that the whole corpse seemed to be frozen, exuding a faint cold air.


"not good!?"

Kanae suddenly held her breath. From just now, she felt that the air she breathed was a little cold.

"Ah, you seem to have discovered it. Shouldn't I be called a pillar?"

Tong Mo looked a little disappointed when Kanae suddenly held her mouth and nose.

However, he soon regained the smile on his face and gently flapped the iron fan in his hand, causing a faint chill to spread throughout the room along the airflow.

This is the effect of his ghost blood technique.

His blood is highly toxic. He freezes his blood and makes it into invisible ice crystal powder, which is then spread through a fan. After humans inhale these ice crystal powder into their lungs, breathing will gradually become difficult and the alveoli will It gradually becomes necrotic and finally loses the ability to breathe and suffocates to death.

For the Demon Slayer Swordsmen, this is equivalent to being fundamentally restrained.

When breathing itself becomes extremely dangerous, how can you use breathing methods to fight against him?

Tong Mo's face was filled with a bright smile. What would happen even if the other party discovered his method? This itself is an ability that is difficult to deal with even if it is discovered.

"I can't let this cold air get close to me..."

Looking at the stiff corpse lying on the ground, Kanae instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

‘Flower Breath, Two Types, Mikage Plum. ’

Her knife slashed out in all directions, the arc-shaped slashing trajectory as gorgeous as the plum blossoms blooming in the cold winter, and the air currents raised dispersed the cold air around her.

"Huh... ha..."

Kanae breathed the air quickly before the cold air gathered again.

"Ah, what a beautiful swordsmanship." Tong Mo praised the female swordsman in front of him. This is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also beautiful in the way she wields the sword and breathes. Even when she is panting, she is beautiful. The appearance is also very attractive.

"I really want to become one with you as soon as possible..."


Just when he was sighing, Kanae's figure suddenly disappeared.

She knew she couldn't spend too long with the ghost in front of her. The more cold air she breathed in, the worse it would be for her.

Tong Mo subconsciously raised his head and found that the female swordsman had risen into the air.

"What a smart move. The cold air probably won't spread to the sky, right? But..."

Facing someone stronger than yourself, hanging in the air is very dangerous!

He waved with one hand, and the wind blade blown by the iron fan was instantly condensed into a sharp ice blade, flying towards the figure in mid-air.

‘Flower’s breath, six shapes, swirling peach. ’

Facing the oncoming ice blade, Kanae's voice flipped around in the air like a dance. The wind blade passed by her side dangerously, and the cold wind caused her hair to spread in the air like it was all over the sky. Petals scattered.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp slash fell from the sky, floating towards Tong Mo in front of him like falling cherry blossoms.

Tong Mo's eyes narrowed slightly. This knife seemed beautiful and weak, but it hid endless murderous intent.

He moved his feet to dodge.

But the trajectory of the flying petals is always unpredictable, and a breeze can change its flying trajectory.

As his footsteps moved, the knife followed him as if it had eyes, pointing at his neck with an extremely clear target.

"What a great swordsmanship."

Tong Mo smiled and praised, "He is stronger than any swordsman I have ever seen."

Kanae's movement of swinging the knife did not hesitate for a moment because of Tong Mo's words, but her eyes became more solemn.

Because this ghost can still laugh, it proves that her attack poses no threat to the opponent.

Sure enough, at the next moment Tong Mo closed the iron fan in front of his neck, and at the same time, gorgeous frost lotuses bloomed around him.

Ghost blood magic, lotus leaf ice.

In an instant, a strong chill almost enveloped Kanae's whole body.

"It's so cold!"

Kanae immediately realized something was wrong.


The friction between the Sun Blade and the iron fan made a squealing sound, but she could not continue to attack continuously.

Surrounded by the cold air, she was at an absolute disadvantage and could only quickly retreat and distance herself to regroup.

"Haha, what a pity."

Tong Mo stood among the lotuses formed by frost, gently waving the folding fan in his hand like a handsome young man, with a faint smile on his face. He didn't seem to be serious from beginning to end.

Kanae also realized this.

The gap in strength between them seems to be a bit too big. The Ghost of Shangxian is indeed not something that a pillar can defeat alone.

If this ghost gets serious, she might not last long.

Faced with such a weird ghost blood technique, unless she can cut off his neck with one blow without using the breathing method, there is no need for the opponent to take it seriously. If the battle continues, sooner or later she will collapse due to inhaling too much 'cold air'.

"We can't delay it any longer..."

Kanae began to feel anxious, because she knew that the longer she delayed, the smaller her chances of winning would be.

Thinking of this, she jumped into the air again.

Taking advantage of the time in the air, Kanae took a deep breath and repeated her old trick.

‘Flower’s breath, six shapes, swirling peach. ’

"Oh, haven't you given up yet?" Tong Mo looked puzzled at Kanae who used the same attack method.

In fact, he quite likes such a beautiful girl, and the night tonight is also very beautiful. It would be better if this girl could be more honest.

The Frost Lotus was still blooming, and the same attack posed no threat to Tong Mo. He even stood there with no intention of avoiding it.

And this is exactly what Kanae wants.

Cut off his neck in one breath!

After the attack failed, the trajectory of the Nichirin Sword in Kanae's hand suddenly changed. She did not retreat like the first attack without success.

Instead, he endured the cold air around him and continued to perform sword skills regardless of his body being frostbitten.

‘The breath of flowers, the shape of Wu, the illusion of separation from grass. ’

Erratic slashes enveloped Tong Mo from all directions, and nine sword lights lit up almost at the same time. It looked very complicated, but the result was very single. The target of each sword was concentrated on the neck!

"One, two, three, four... oh my, it's such a pleasing swordsmanship. It's both graceful and fast, just like dancing."

Tong Mo waved the iron fan in his hand with one hand, and the sound of metal collision echoed throughout the room.

There was no confusion in the steps under his feet. He stepped back unhurriedly, as if he was dancing beautifully to the rhythm of the slashes. He even had time in his mouth to count the number of the female swordsman in front of him. How many cuts were made.

"But this can't kill me." Tong Mo looked at the beautiful face so close to him with a bright smile on his face.

There seemed to be no fear of 'death' in the eyes of both parties. The difference was that Tong Mo did not understand the meaning of death at all, while Kanae had already ignored life and death.

At this moment, Kanae had only one thought in her mind, even if they died together, she would send this ghost to hell.

This is a very scary ghost, scarier than all the ghosts she has seen before. All ghosts are transformed by humans, and they all retain more or less human obsessions, but this ghost is different. , she could not feel anything human at all from this ghost.

He is a real ghost, a very evil ghost!

Such a ghost must not be allowed to remain in the world!

"Ghost Blood Technique, Snow Falling in the Dry Garden."

With a smile on his face, Tongmo suddenly changed his moves while blocking Kanae's attack.

The blooming petals of the Ice and Snow Lotus beside the two people instantly shattered and splashed into the air, shrouding Kanae like falling snow all over the sky.

Facing the suddenly falling snow, there was no hesitation in Kanae's eyes.

The Nichirin Sword cut out from his hand was instantly returned to his side.

‘Flower Breath, Two Types, Mikage Plum. ’

The slashes that enveloped him in all directions formed a perfect arc, and the wind blades he brought up perfectly defended against the falling snow.

However, the face of Kanae who blocked the attack became more and more ugly. She was suffering from hypoxia due to her continuous use of sword skills and not daring to breathe.

‘Type four, red-flowered clothes. ’

Kanae's moves were forced to change.

Two consecutive strikes from the bottom up bounced off the iron fan swung by Tong Mo. Then, she exerted force on her feet, and her whole figure jumped up and quickly distanced herself from it.


Kanae, who was finally able to breathe, coughed violently.

Her breathing was messed up for a moment.

Damn it, Kanae felt a little unwilling. She wanted to chop off the head of this ghost in one go, but she seemed to have underestimated the strength of this ghost.

The gap in strength between the two was too great. Her series of attacks had no effect at all, and even caused her breathing rhythm to become disordered.

Danger! Warning signs suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart, and Kanae subconsciously raised the Nichirin sword in front of her.

"Hey, hey, don't leave in a hurry, beautiful lady."

Tong Mo smiled and extended his hand, like a gentleman inviting a lady to dance.

He seemed to be very satisfied with the dance just now, and even had some unfinished thoughts.

Ghost Blood Technique, Lotus Flower.

The vines formed by the frost continued to extend along his outstretched hand, and the direction of the extension was to Kanae, who was still in the air and had not yet landed.

Kanae's eyes changed when she saw the rapidly extending vines, and she quickly adjusted her breathing to activate her sword skills.

Unfortunately, it seems to be a step too late.

Her body tumbled and twisted in the air, driving the blade to resist the entangled frost vines. However, she was too hasty to fully develop her sword skills, and the sharp thorns on the ice crystal vines still caused her to be covered in cuts and bruises instantly.

The butterfly-like feather fabric on his body was scratched, and blood stains appeared on his fair skin, which were instantly frozen at low temperatures.

Chill swept through her body in a moment.

Kanae fell to the ground weakly, feeling her body become a little stiff.

The frost vines stopped attacking and surrounded her.

"It's such a pity that you lost, beautiful lady."

Tong Mo smiled and fanned the iron fan in his hand as he slowly approached.

"This is the first time I've encountered such a beautiful sword skill. I really don't want it to disappear like this. How become a ghost too?"

He tilted his head and made suggestions to the female swordsman who fell on the ground.

"How can it be?"

Kanae's face showed a gloomy look for the first time.

As Hashira of the Demon Slayer Squad, how could he turn into a ghost? If she becomes a ghost, how should she face her parents who were killed by ghosts and her sister who respects her the most?

It was true that she would pity ghosts, but everyone seemed to have made a mistake...compassion and tenderness were always two different things.

Kanae's eyes suddenly became dangerous. She slowly climbed up from the ground, adjusting her breathing regardless of the danger.

"What a poor guy..."

"What?" Tong Mo had a puzzled smile on his face.

He was a little confused as to why this woman felt pitiful.

"You can't feel anything, can you?"

"?" The smile on Tong Mo's face gradually disappeared.

"People born in this world will smile because of natural happiness, and they will also tremble with sadness and anger. But you... are completely unable to understand these emotions. Am I right?" Kanae said with a smile on her face. With a gentle smile.

"..." Tong Mo remained silent, but the expression on his face became extremely gloomy, as if he had been hit in a painful spot.

"Although you have been cleverly hiding it with smiles and lies, pretending to be happy or sad at the right time in order to prevent others from discovering that you can't feel anything, you can't hide it from me with your acting skills."

Kanae's eyes became softer and softer, "Poor child, all the joys, anger, sorrows and joys in this world are meaningless to you, but you have to act for everyone to see. It's really pitiful."


"Are you...pitying me?"

Tong Mo closed the folding fan in his hand expressionlessly, and his eyes became extremely dangerous as he looked at the woman in front of him.

He couldn't figure out what was going on with this woman at all. The gentleness and smile on this woman's face were completely different from the ones he performed. They were all real, but... why would any human being truly pity ghosts? What does this woman mean?

"I originally thought humans and ghosts could coexist peacefully..."

Kanae seemed to see through Tong Mo's thoughts and answered his doubts with a smile.

"But after meeting you, I realized that I seemed to have made a mistake...because guys like you should be born as 'ghosts', right?"

Her hand holding the knife became firmer.

She will pity the ghosts who still have their humanity, but she will also kill them gently with a knife, because this is the best salvation for them.

And for the ghost in front of her, she will feel even more pity, because how sad and pitiable is a guy like this who can't understand emotions at all?

"Let me... help you end this meaningless life..."

Saying that, Kanae put away the smile on her face.

The next moment, her figure disappeared again.

And this time, she did not choose to jump into the air, there was no need.

She breathed the deadly 'icy air' and didn't seem to care, because there was no need to care anymore. There was already a gap in strength between the two sides, and she couldn't be the opponent of this ghost with her hands tied. Losing both sides might be the best outcome.

Tong Mo looked at the female swordsman rushing towards him expressionlessly.

"Ah...I changed my mind. It would be better for you to die."

His face became a little ferocious. Yes, just like what this woman said, he couldn't feel anything. No, it wasn't that he couldn't feel anything. To be precise... he couldn't understand it.

He has been a kind and smart child since he was a child. He not only saved many poor people, but also gave them happiness. Because this is the responsibility given to him by his parents.

His parents were hopelessly stupid in his eyes, otherwise they would not have created such a boring church. He was also tied to the position of leader.

The reason is simply his natural appearance, iridescent eyes, and oak-white hair.

Foolish parents thought this was a symbol of purity and that he was a special child who must be able to hear voices from the gods.

The truth is...he is indeed special!

But it's not that I can hear the voices of some bullshit gods, it's that I can't understand their stupidity from the beginning.

I just feel so pitiful about these people.

From the beginning, Tong Mo felt disgusted when a group of people gathered to worship and pray.

He couldn't feel any sympathy for these idiots who were kneeling in front of a child like him and still crying and complaining.

These people are still shamelessly praying for him to show them the way. It is simply that they are mentally ill, and the reward is not light.

After a long period of crying that would make him sleepy, these people would kneel down and worship him, hoping that he could take them to the Paradise.

So Tong Mo cried, how stupid and pitiful these people are. After all, there is no such thing as a paradise. It is just a fairy tale created by human beings through delusions.

There are neither gods nor Buddhas in this world, and even if there were, they would not pity human beings. Why don’t these people who have lived for decades understand such a simple truth?

Tong Mo couldn't understand it at all.

He only knows that once a person dies, he will return to nothingness and will never feel anything again. After the heart stops beating and the brain loses activity, the body will gradually decay and eventually return to the earth. As long as you are a living creature, you will definitely go through this process.

Why can't they even understand such a simple truth? Stupidity will indeed make him suffer!

So Tong Mo woke up and decided to make these poor people happy. This is why he came to the world.

"Since you want to go to the Paradise, then I will satisfy you."

After figuring out his goal, Tong Mo's smile returned to his face again.

He looked at the oncoming Kanae and opened his hands as if he wanted to hug her.

"Come on, human."


Kanae suddenly felt a warning sign.

For some reason, she suddenly felt that this ghost had become more dangerous than before.

He seems...serious!

The chill filled the entire room almost instantly.

Tong Mo expressionlessly raised the iron fan in the direction of Kanae.

Ghost blood technique, Bai Ji in the cold winter.

Frost-condensed lotuses bloomed in the direction where Kanae came from, and the face of a sleeping woman emerged from the unfolded petals, as cold and beautiful as a snow maiden in the dead of winter.

The snow girl opened her mouth lightly, and dense white mist came overwhelming.


Kanae felt goosebumps all over her body. The sudden drop in temperature made her tremble. If she hadn't held the Nichirin sword hard, she might have lost the courage to continue action in an instant.

Is this the true strength of this ghost? She frowned, her sprinting steps were forced to stop, and she retreated backwards.

This pale mist made her feel the threat of death.

Even from a distance, she could feel the desperate chill. It seemed that even if it was touched just once, the human body would be frozen to death in an instant.

The ice mist of the 'Snow Girl' gradually filled the air, making it impossible for her to get close to Tong Mo, and if this continued, the whole room would be frozen!

Leave this room first before fighting.

Kanae made a judgment immediately.

In such a closed room, she had no chance of winning.

At the same time as she made her judgment, she immediately turned around and ran towards the door.

But the ice spreading around seemed to have frozen the door.


The Nichirin Knife struck out fiercely, hitting the solidified wooden door. Fortunately, most of the doors in such old-fashioned Japanese buildings were made of very thin wood. Even if they were frozen by the ice, her strength could forcefully break through.

"Hey hey hey! Don't leave!"

With a bright smile on his face, Tong Mo waved his iron fan and stirred up ice mist all over the sky towards the door.

The white storm like an avalanche rushed out towards the door after Kanae's back.


A cry of pain came from Kanae's mouth. Although she tried her best to avoid the ice chasing behind her when she rushed out of the door, she was still a step too late. Even though she tried her best to get out of the ice envelope, The legs were still frostbitten, and the exposed skin turned purple from the cold wind passing by.

"Aren't you...going to kill me?"

Tong Mo walked out of the room with a smile on his face and a slightly mocking tone, "Why are you running further and further away? You can't cut off my neck like this. But it seems you can't run now~"

hateful! Kanae felt a little unwilling. She had obviously decided to kill this ghost, but she found that the gap between them was too obvious, and she could not hurt this evil ghost even if she tried her best.

Are you saying you're going to die?

A trace of regret arose in Kanae's heart.

That's right, not despair, but regret.

She has some regrets about her life.

She used to be just a girl from an ordinary family. She, her sister, her parents, and their family were happy. She thought she would always be so happy and continue on her original path.

But the attack of the evil ghost made everything that was originally happy and beautiful disappear overnight.

When they noticed it, the happiness shattered all over the floor like broken glass and could never be put back together again.

Fortunately, she and her sister were finally rescued by Mr. Mingyu Xingming who arrived.

From that moment on, the only thing they can do is to become stronger, and then use their own power to protect and protect the happiness that has not been destroyed by evil spirits.

She made an agreement with her sister that she would never let this pain happen to anyone else again.

The reason why she became powerful was to fulfill this agreement on behalf of her sister who was unable to fight.

"It looks like we're going to miss the date." Kanae smiled regretfully.

Even in the face of such a desperate situation, the smile on her face was still full of tenderness.

But such a smile was extremely dazzling in Tong Mo's eyes.

"Why can you still smile like this, human!"

Tong Mo's eyes became extremely gloomy, and even the folding fan in his hand made a creaking sound.

He slowly raised his hand and waved down the folding fan.

Just like an order, the overwhelming white fog condensed into sharp ice spikes in the air, exploding in the direction he pointed.

Looking at the countless ice picks coming towards her, Kanae raised the Nichirin Sword in her hand.

Her legs were frostbitten, and she could not avoid such a large-scale attack. She could only rely on the Sun Blade to block it.

However, she probably knew that she should be unstoppable.

This was Tong Mo's serious attack, stronger than the attacks of all the ghosts she had met. The ghosts she had met before were not even considered babies in front of this Shangxian ghost.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Ren, I can't fulfill our agreement..."

Kanae's hand holding the knife was slightly stronger, and the power of the breathing method was used to the extreme. Scarlet blood appeared in her eyes staring at the ice pick in the sky.

Some ugly veins popped up on his smiling face.

‘The breath of the flower, the shape of the end, the red eyes on the other side’.

The final form, which is the ultimate move, is also the most dangerous move.

The human eyeball is a very fragile organ. The nerves and blood vessels inside it are all very fine. It is very dangerous to allow them to bear excessive burden.

In an instant, a large amount of blood and oxygen filled her entire eyeballs with blood, and her dynamic vision was forcibly enhanced to the extreme, beyond the limits of human beings.

After using this move, her eyes will lose light, and of course she will lose her ability to fight.

After using this move, if the enemy cannot be killed, it will be over, so it will only be used when desperate.

And now, it was time for her to fight.

At this moment, she has surpassed humans and even ghosts.

After her dynamic vision was raised beyond the limit, everything in her field of vision began to become extremely slow, and these ice picks seemed to be stagnant in her eyes.

It seemed that she could dodge them all just by moving slightly, and she even felt that she could cut off the neck of the ghost in front of her.

But this is all an illusion.

Because even if she could see, her body couldn't keep up with the movements.

But even so... give it a try!


The ice on the ground was crushed by Kanae's steps.

Under Tong Mo's surprised gaze, the girl moved at an incredible speed with her severely frostbitten legs.

"Is she really human?"

Looking at the scarlet eyes and the girl's frostbitten legs, Tong Mo had such suspicion. Human beings should have completely lost their ability to resist at this moment. Why can they suddenly burst out with stronger power than before?

I can’t understand it, but——

"it's useless!"

There is an absolute strength gap between them.

Tong Mo waved his folding fan gently, and the ice lotus rose in front of him. The figure of the snow girl danced enchantingly in the blooming lotus. The biting cold wind blew towards the girl in front of him, as if it could freeze the girl's entire body.

Ice and snow came towards Kanae, condensing into extremely cold white frost on her body.


But her footsteps did not stop, and the white frost was forcibly broken the moment it condensed.

Her body has almost lost all consciousness, and her current actions are entirely based on her will to die.

Some strange things began to appear in her sight. In addition to the child in front of her, she seemed to also see her sister.

"Xiao Ren..."

Is this a revolving door? Kanae thought so in her heart.

It is said that when people die, they will see the person they most want to see.

What she wants to see is probably her own family, but it's so strange, why is it only Shinobu? A bitter smile appeared on Kanae's face.

She missed her dead parents a little.

But now I am dying, and I haven’t been able to see him again.

But this seems good, after all, she can go to her parents after she dies, and she hopes that she will never see her sister again after this moment.

The scene she saw when she finally left Butterfly House appeared in front of Kanae's eyes.

Xiao Ren and Shan Nahu were practicing swordsmanship in the yard, and the powerful man was sitting under the eaves, instructing them both.

"Both of them are my lovely sisters..."

A gentle smile appeared on Kanae's face, as if it could melt the frost covering her face. You have to live well! And...Mr. Xuanhao, I'll leave the two of them to you...

His eyes fell into darkness.

Kanae knew that she was not dead yet, but the time limit for the ‘Red Eyes of the Other Side’ had come.

There was nothing she could do.

Because of the frost covering her body, she couldn't even feel whether she was still holding the sword. The only thing she could do was to wait quietly for death.

But... is death such a warm thing?

Kanae felt a little confused.

Because she suddenly felt very warm.

Like the warmth of being held in one's arms.


"elder sister!"

Finally, anxious shouts reached her ears. Kanae was slightly stunned. She didn't understand why she heard her sister's voice.

"elder sister!"

The real voice reached her ears again, and a sense of fear filled Kanae's heart.

Shinobu-chan? She wanted to open her mouth in disbelief, but found that she couldn't make any sound because her whole body had been frozen, and she couldn't even do such a simple thing as opening her mouth. If it weren't for her strong will, she would have fainted by now. Let's get over it.

Shinobi! Shinobi! Run! Kanae was extremely anxious. At this moment, she felt a fear deeper than death.

Why does Shinobu appear here? She obviously didn't notify anyone when she left, but now she is facing the ghost of the second string! How could she possibly handle Shinobu? Aren't you going to die here? ?

"Okay, stop screaming. Your sister is not dead yet. If you scream again, you will be killed."

A somewhat helpless male voice came.

This voice seemed to be able to dispel the haze, making Kanae instantly feel at ease.

So that's it... She should have thought of it a long time ago. Why would her smart sister come here alone so recklessly?

It turns out that Mr. Xuan Hao is here too, but... is Mr. Xuan Hao really as powerful as the legend says?

It's a pity that she can't see it now and seems unable to witness it with her own eyes.

"Okay, leave your sister to me. I'm hiding. It's my job to take care of the wounded."

Xuanhao reluctantly pushed away the butterfly ninja who was holding Kanae, "Hurry up, get ready and go and repel that ghost for me!"


Kanae, who fell in Xuanhao's arms, wanted to struggle.

She heard something! ?

This man... actually asked his sister to deal with Tong Mo! ?

"Okay!" Butterfly Ninja's angry voice sounded.


Kanae struggled even harder. What did she hear? My sister actually agreed! ?

Anxious Kanae almost raised her frozen hands to grab her sister.

However, a strong hand pressed her hand back.

"Peace of mind."

Hearing the man's calm voice, Kanae felt really at ease for some reason.

It's just that she hasn't completely figured out how her sister can fight off Tong Mo?

She knew very well how strong her sister was. Due to the limitations of her talent, her sister did not even have the strength to cut off a ghost's neck.

Because the butterfly ninja's figure is too petite.

Regardless of whether the hands or feet are normal, the longer they grow, the more muscles are attached to them, which will be more advantageous in combat.

The butterfly ninja has no such advantage.

There was no way she could defeat Tong Mo.

How can I feel at ease when you tell me? Mr. Xuanhao... Kanae felt bitter, but she could do nothing at the moment.

"Ah, here comes another lovely lady."

There was no emotion in Tong Mo's voice, "Are you sisters?"

He looked at the two figures who suddenly appeared here.

One is the 'Hidden' of the Demon Slayer Squad. Judging from his figure, he looks like a man. Judging from his skillful bandaging movements, he is indeed a qualified medical staff.

The other one was a woman. This woman had a face that was very similar to the 'Zhu' who fell on the ground.

"Could it be that... you sisters are all pillars?"

There was some confusion in Tong Mo's tone.

To be honest, he didn't understand why this woman came with only one hidden person to support her. Was it because the others hadn't had time to come over?

But if this woman is also a pillar, then it makes sense to arrive early with a medical staff on her back.


Tong Mo found that he seemed to be unable to see the depth of this woman.

Because this woman looked at him expressionlessly, without any movement, without the slightest fear in her eyes, and she didn't even put her hand on the handle of the knife.

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