Chapter 397 390. Fist

Although he had been mentally prepared for it, Qiantu was still slightly frightened when the actual confrontation came.

He knew how fast he was, and he clearly saw how Tanjiro in front of him blocked his attack.

The sword in Tanjiro's hand came first and last! The speed brought by his extraordinary physical fitness gave Tanjiro an absolute advantage.


Two crisp cracking sounds sounded at the same time.

The battered blades in Tanjiro and Souto's hands shattered the moment they touched each other.

"I lost."

It was Qiu Tu who admitted defeat.

The battle between humans can only go so far. The moment the swords came into contact, he felt as if he had hit an immovable mountain, and power surged into him like an overwhelming force.

Although he did not use his full strength, and the result of a real fight is still unknown, Tanjiro now has already surpassed him in both strength and speed.

Next, all Tanjiro needs is to hone his sword skills and maintain breathing techniques at all times to hone himself. He is no longer qualified to continue teaching Tanjiro.

"So, I can go down the mountain?"

After hearing Souto admit defeat, Tanjiro asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, you have already learned the breathing techniques and sword skills. We have nothing left to guide you."

Qiang Tu packed up his things and motioned to Zhen Xiang on the side.

"As for the next arrangements, you can go down the mountain and ask the teacher yourself. We are the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps. We have been delayed here for a year and it is time to return to our posts."

"Is that so?"

Tanjiro looked at the two people who were packing their things and preparing to leave with some emotion. He had been getting along with Qiu Usagi and Masaki for a year, and during this year, these two people had taken good care of him.

"Thank you, senior brother and sister, for your teaching!"

Looking at the two figures leaving Yamashita, Tanjiro bowed and thanked them.

"Come on."

Qiantu waved his hand.

Masaki on the side turned back and smiled at Tanjiro.

The figures of the two people quickly disappeared into the thick fog in the mountains.

After seeing the two people leaving, Tanjiro was stopped by a figure that suddenly appeared just as he was about to go down the mountain.


Tanjiro said excitedly towards the figure that suddenly appeared, "I have completed the training mission you gave me!"

"Ok, I know."

Xuan Hao nodded slightly.

Almost every day, he would secretly go up the mountain to take a look. Firstly, he wanted to learn this breathing method when Tanjiro was taught the 'Water Breathing' by Qiu Usagi and Masaki, and secondly, he wanted to observe Tanjiro's progress.

"not bad."

He threw a Nichirin sword to Tanjiro.

"But don't get too happy too early. If you want to go down the mountain to participate in the 'final selection', you still have to pass the final level."

Tanjiro was stunned after catching the Nichirin Sword. Didn't he say that it would be done after completing the training? Why is there still...

"Draw your sword and let me see your growth this year. Don't hold anything back. Swing the sword with the mentality of killing me. Remember the knowledge I taught you. The devil's key lies here."

Xuanhao tapped his neck with his fingers to signal to Tanjiro.

"Uh... got it!"

After a moment of hesitation, Tanjiro pulled out the Nichirin sword in his hand with a firm look.

If someone asked him to cut his neck, he might hesitate, but... Teacher, he is a pervert!

Tanjiro looked at Xuanhao in front of him with a solemn expression. A year ago, he already felt that this man was as strong as a pervert, and today his feeling became even more profound.

Because Tanjiro knows that he has become stronger. He is countless times stronger than he was a year ago, but now when he faces this man again... he still can't see through it at all!

The man stood there without moving at all, as deep as an abyss.


Tanjiro held the Nichirin sword in his hand tightly and took a stance.

The ghost's vital point is the neck, and he has never tried to cut anyone's neck.

It's not enough to just learn breathing techniques and sword skills. You have to experience actual combat, and now is the best opportunity.

Of course, Tanjiro doesn't think he can really beat his teacher. This is just a trial. What the teacher wants to see is his growth, growth beyond expectations.

He thought that even if it was just a scratch, as long as he could hurt the teacher, it would be considered a success. After all, in the past year, his knife had never touched the teacher's body...


Tanjiro looked at the man in front of him with bated breath.

Soon a thread in his thread that only he could see connected from his knife to the other person's neck.

This is the ‘broken line’.

His sense of smell is naturally different from ordinary people. This is a very special talent. After tempering, he has gradually figured out the smell of the 'thread of flaw'.

In the process of fighting people, once he smells this smell, he can see the 'line'.

As long as the opponent reveals a flaw, the thread will tighten in his field of vision, pulling the knife in his hand towards that flaw like an attraction.

At this moment, in Tanjiro's eyes, the line connecting Xuanhao's neck was completely tightened.

But Tanjiro still didn't take any action, because he clearly understood that this flaw was deliberately exposed to him by the teacher.

Being able to see flaws and being able to hit them are always two different things.

"What's wrong? Don't you do anything?"

Xuanhao looked confused at Tanjiro who was still standing there without taking any action.


Tanjiro's breathing rhythm suddenly changed, "Teacher, be careful!"

He himself doesn't know how strong he is now, because the competition with Qiang Rabbit has only been completed, so he is a little curious now.

Maybe the battle with the teacher can help him figure out his true strength.

Water Breath, One Type, Water Slash.

Tanjiro stepped forward and quickly swung the sword in his hand to slash horizontally, targeting Xuanhao's neck very accurately.

His speed was extremely fast, even faster than when he faced Qiantu before, but he still didn't use his full strength.

The teacher said there was no need to hold back, and he also knew that attacking without the determination to truly kill the opponent would not hurt the man in front of him.

But when I actually started taking action, I still felt a little hesitant in my heart.

Because the person in front of me is my teacher after all! Really use all your strength, what should you do if something unexpected happens?

Seeing the blade approaching, Xuan Hao's mouth hidden under the mask showed an imperceptible smile. Sure enough, the training he gave this boy was not in vain.

This was the first time Xuan Hao tried this cruel exercise method on someone else, because he felt that this boy was very similar to him and might be able to survive it.

The final result did not disappoint him.

With a strong body as the foundation and the breathing method, Tanjiro is now stronger than most swordsmen.


Or are you a little too immature, and you dare to face him with enough strength? The smile under Xuan Hao's mask gradually faded, and he gently raised his left hand.

He didn't raise his hand very quickly, but in Tanjiro's eyes, the movement of this hand was like teleportation, suddenly appearing in the path of the slash.

Tanjiro's eyes changed, and the 'thread of flaw' in his eyes was instantly disturbed by this raised hand.


The blade of the sword was trembling, and the clear sound echoed in the forest.

Tanjiro felt that his hand holding the knife could no longer hold the handle.

Although he didn't know what happened at that moment, but through the vibration coming from the blade, he could probably guess that the teacher's hand flicked on his blade.

And the power of this blow was grasped just right. The fragile Nichirin Sword did not break due to the strong force, but the power was smoothly transmitted to his palm.

Tanjiro took a few steps back to distance himself, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, both of which were already numb from the shock.


Xuanhao's faint voice reached Tanjiro's ears through the Tengu mask.

"Do you know who the enemy you will face in the future is? What you are going to face is not an ordinary ghost. The one who hurt your sister is the strongest ghost king in the world, Oni Wu Tsuji Muzan."

"What?" Tanjiro was slightly surprised.

This is the first time he has heard the teacher mention this matter. So, is that why the teacher has such high requirements for him?

"If you are really only as good as you were just now, not only will I be worried about entrusting Nezuko to your protection, but you will be worried too, right?"

"I understand...Teacher, please give me another chance!"

Tanjiro's goal became firmer.

He once again grasped the blade in his hand, and this time he was ready to go all out!

The breath of water, the ten shapes, flows from generation to generation.

Tanjiro flashed and rushed into the woods on the side, meandering between the trees, using the terrain in the mountains and forests to interfere with Xuanhao's sight.

The dragon-like sword light meandered through the trees.

This sword skill is like its name, "flowing around". The more times it is struck, the stronger the superimposed power will be. But the disadvantages are also obvious. In real battles, there won't be many opportunities for him to stack up his power.

Although this was just a test, Xuanhao did not give Tanjiro a chance to take any chances.

If the effect of a real battle is not simulated, then the test is meaningless. He controlled his strength and speed, and rushed in after Tanjiro rushed into the woods about a second later.

"What you have to face is the Ghost King."

Tanjiro, who was moving at high speed, suddenly heard a voice coming from his ears and his eyes froze.

"Ghosts can recover immediately even if they are injured. They are destined to be stronger than humans. The battle between humans and ghosts is never fair. So do you understand what you want to do?"


Tanjiro shouted back.

"very good."

A vague figure appeared in front of Tanjiro, blocking his way.

Tanjiro raised his head and his eyes changed.

Looking at the sudden appearance, his hand holding the knife became harder and harder.

Human beings are naturally at a disadvantage when facing ghosts, but humans must defeat ghosts.

So he knew exactly what he had to do - defeat the strong with the weak!

Seeing Tanjiro's suddenly unblinking eyes and focused expression, Xuanhao's movements were slightly delayed.

He noticed that Tanjiro seemed to be in some special state at this moment, because at this moment, the only thing reflected in the young man's eyes was the blade and the target.

The erratic 'thread of flaw' lingered on the tip of Tanjiro's knife. At this moment, all his attention was focused on the target in front of him, and everything else seemed to be downplayed.

Xuanhao stretched out his hand and prepared to snatch the blade from Tanjiro's hand.

But just when his hand was about to touch Tanjiro, Tanjiro moved like a conditioned reflex.

Tanjiro's eyes were still focused on the blade and Xuanhao's neck, and he almost didn't think about the rest, but his body did move on its own.

Just when the oncoming hand was about to touch him.

The ‘thread of vulnerability’ is tightened.

"It's now!"

The thin thread pulled the blade, and Tanjiro's originally stiff movements became smooth in an instant, and his movements were natural and flowing.

The sharp blade slashed towards Xuan Hao's neck naturally, as if the knife was meant to land there.


Seeing Tanjiro in front of him inexplicably avoid his attack and then slash towards his neck with a knife, Xuanhao's eyes became a little surprised.

Although he was suppressing his strength to test Tanjiro, Tanjiro's performance at this moment was somewhat beyond his expectation.

This sword seemed to blend into nature, making him feel dazed for a moment. At that moment, he almost couldn't feel Tanjiro's presence, but Tanjiro was clearly standing in front of him.

For some reason, Xuan Hao felt like he saw a familiar figure in this knife.

Following the country's fate.

He had only seen Ji Guoyuan achieve this state of being in harmony with nature.

Unfortunately, Tanjiro's vision quickly returned to normal, and the aura on his body appeared again. For a short moment, it seemed like an illusion.

Is it really an illusion? Xuan Hao raised his hand to block with some confusion.


The sound of metal clanking sounded.

Tanjiro came back to his senses from the previous state.

"Did you hit it?"

It was indeed a hit. He just followed the guidance of the 'line of flaw' and successfully executed the knife.


What was struck was not the neck, but the raised finger of the man in front of him.

With the sharp blade, he tried his best to slash, but it was actually blocked by two fingers!

Tanjiro stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

Teacher... what kind of monster is he? Tanjiro's heart was full of doubts. His nose could clearly distinguish between humans and ghosts. The teacher in front of him was obviously not a ghost, but could humans really do this?


Xuan Hao gently flicked away the blade that struck his finger.

Looking at the marks left on the surface of his fingers, he nodded with satisfaction.

"This knife is okay."

"Just... okay?"

Tanjiro took back the Nichirin sword with some embarrassment.

He placed the knife in front of himself and looked at the blade carefully, as if he had some doubts about the authenticity of the knife.

"Okay, stop looking."

Xuanhao knocked Tanjiro on the head helplessly.

"The knife is real."

" awesome!"

After reacting, Tanjiro suddenly opened his mouth wide and his eyes shone.

"Teacher, how did you do that!?"

"Don't think about it, you can't do it."

Xuanhao poured a basin of cold water on Tanjiro without mercy.


Tanjiro's expression became a little disappointed.



Hearing what the teacher said seemed to have a twist, Tanjiro became energetic again, raised his head and cast a longing look at Xuanhao.

"Alas...this boy."

Xuanhao looked helpless at Tanjiro's innocent look.

Even though he has been reborn, he is still just a teenager.

After two years, he probably has a complete understanding of what kind of person Tanjiro is.

He has a simple and honest personality, and remains kind and gentle even after going through desperate situations. Sometimes he is a little clumsy and a little stubborn.

He attaches great importance to his only family member, Nezuko. I also have great respect for him as a teacher. He is a simple and kind-hearted boy, but he has a rough fate.

Unknowingly, he almost regarded this child with a similar fate as himself as his younger brother.

Xuanhao stretched out his hand to touch Tanjiro's head but hesitated. Finally, he placed his hand on Tanjiro's shoulder and patted him, "Follow me."

"Okay... okay, teacher."

Tanjiro was stunned when he saw the hesitant hand that finally landed on his shoulder, and quickly followed after he realized what was happening.

Xuanhao walked in front, and Tanjiro followed obediently. They walked a long way through the mountains and forests. When they finally walked out of the woods, the front suddenly became clear.

A rushing waterfall appeared in front of them.

"Teacher, why did you bring me here?"

Tanjiro asked curiously.

"See clearly, I will only teach you once."

Xuanhao did not answer Tanjiro's question, and disappeared from the place after speaking.

Tanjiro stared blankly at the figure standing on the stone in the middle of the rushing stream.

He was a little confused about what the teacher was trying to teach him by standing there with bare hands.

Because in the past two years, the teacher had not taught him anything other than exercising his body, and he had never even seen the teacher hold a knife.


Xuanhao called Tanjiro's name, slowly raised his hand and made a fist into a posture.


Tanjiro responded loudly after being called.

Tanjiro watched the movements of the figure in the stream seriously. For some reason, he always felt that what the teacher was going to teach him next was very important, and he had to engrav this scene deeply in his mind.

"For hundreds of years, the war between humans and ghosts has been cruel and unfair. It is very dangerous, but you have a reason not to lose. You can't die no matter what. Even if the knife in your hand is broken, even if your hands and feet are broken, as long as you can still move You just have to keep fighting."

"You have to know your situation. You can't die because you still have a sister."

"...I understand, teacher."

Tanjiro looked at that figure with some gratitude. He finally understood what the devilish training was for.

In order for him to still be able to fight in the face of desperate situations.


In an instant, the boulder in the middle of the stream cracked under Xuan Hao's feet.

Tanjiro stared at the scene in front of him.

Time seemed to have stood still at this moment. The figure's movements seemed to be very slow, and every frame was deeply engraved in his mind.

It's just two simple movements, stepping and punching.

This is the simplest action and the most effective. The rapid waterfall is shattered in an instant.

It was like a curtain of rain falling from the sky, and the water splashed on Tanjiro.

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