A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 427 420. Give face to the elderly

Chapter 427 420. Give face to the elderly

At this time, a full moon hung in the sky like a bright mirror, and the sea of ​​trees beside the track undulated with the night breeze.

The sky is hazy, and the skylight, clouds, moon and sea of ​​trees complement each other, adding a touch of coolness to the world.

Counting the time, dawn will come soon.

The figures on the top of the tree still had no intention of retreating.

They are ghosts, ghosts of the dead, but even so, they will still die if they are exposed to the dawn sun, but they have no other chance.

If they couldn't kill the target mentioned by the adult before dawn, they still wouldn't be able to survive.


The swaying train was still moving, but it looked a little shaky, as if it might run off the track at any time. But every time the train is about to run off the track, it is always stabilized by some powerful force.

Countless weird and thick limbs were rioting inside and outside the train, but they were unable to disturb the figure on top of the train at all.

"The night is nice and it's very lively tonight." Xuan Hao murmured.

He walked slowly towards the front of the car, and the limbs that were close to him were strangely annihilated.

As the train moved on, it got closer and closer to the ghosts whose auras were completely uncovered.

This was a premeditated ambush, but these ghosts probably didn't know that their companions had already taken a step ahead, leaving only a huge body that was unconscious and could not tell the difference between friend and foe. And what awaits them on this train is death.


Feeling the constant vibration of the car body, Tanjiro knew clearly that he must find the neck of the ghost that had completely integrated into the train as soon as possible and cut it off, otherwise the hundreds of passengers on the train would be hurt sooner or later.

Although we don’t know exactly what happened, the train probably won’t last long.

The car body is constantly deforming due to the pressure of some force, and sooner or later it will reach its limit.

But without this force to forcibly stabilize the car body, it is estimated that the train would have rushed off the track.

"Did that old man and that goldfish-eyed guy do it?"

Inosuke asked excitedly.

How strong does it take to use manpower to stabilize such a long train while protecting the passengers inside?


"Now is not the time to talk about this, we have to hurry up! Inosuke!"

Tanjiro reminded him when he saw Inosuke in a daze.

As he spoke, he swung his sword and slashed at the thick tentacles in front of him, heading towards the front of the car through thorns and obstacles.

"I know! Leave it to me!"

Watching Tanjiro charging forward, Inosuke waved his swords unconvinced.

Two knives opened a large hole in the ceiling of the train.

"What are you doing!?"

Tanjiro felt the movement behind him and turned around to ask with some confusion.

Isn't what they should do now to clean up these tentacles and protect the passengers while searching for the ghost's vitals?

"What are you doing? Of course I know what I'm doing!"

Inosuke cursed impatiently, "It's you! Didn't you hear what the old man said? Our mission is just to find the vital points of that ghost!!"

As he spoke, he knelt on one knee on the roof of the car, inserted his two knives into the car, and opened his hands to feel the flow of air.


Tanjiro suddenly woke up.

Although Inosuke is a little irritable, this one-celled guy always thinks in a very simple way.

Tanjiro's top priority at this time is of course the safety of the passengers. Even with the teacher's reminder, he still subconsciously wants to protect the passengers on this train, but this is wrong.

"Inosuke is right... Teacher and Mr. Purgatory will definitely be able to protect these passengers!"

Sure enough, right here, a stream of hot air penetrated all the eight carriages from the rear of the car, and the strange limbs in its path were shattered in an instant.

The breath of fire, the type of one, Shiranui.

The flaming haori flew in front of Tanjiro, "Kamado boy, what are you still doing here?"

Anjuro smiled and asked Tanjiro who was stunned on the spot. That hearty smile made Tanjiro feel extremely at ease.

"Don't worry! The last two carriages are protected by the yellow-haired boy and Kamado sister. I am fully capable of handling the rest. You just need to follow Mr. Xuanhao's instructions to complete your mission!"

Yes, Tanjiro reacted instantly.

There is only one thing they should do now, and that is to quickly find the key point of this ghost. As long as the fatal weakness is defeated, the train riot will naturally subside.

Breath of the beast, shape of seven, space perception!

A fierce smile appeared on Inosuke's beautiful face under the hood, "I found you!"

The train was moving quickly at this moment, and the air was flowing even faster. A slight movement would cause greater disturbance to the flowing air, allowing him to perceive the target's location more clearly.

At the front of this train!

"It's so disgusting! Watch me chop it to pieces!"


Inosuke pulled out the serrated swords from the car, and then he rushed towards the front of the car desperately.

"Is it really at the front of the car?"

Tanjiro poked his head out of the hole in the ceiling and confirmed the target's location while watching Inosuke's movements.

He could also smell the strong stench coming from the front, but the train kept moving and the wind was too strong, making it impossible for him to confirm the specific location through his sense of smell.

"That's right!"

After receiving Inosuke's response, Tanjiro also jumped on the roof of the car, quickly catching up with Inosuke and running towards the front of the car.

But just after running a few steps, the two of them saw an old figure walking slowly towards the front.

"Teacher...what are you doing?"

Tanjiro was a little confused.

Why is the teacher who is supposed to protect the safety of the passengers in the carriage here! Could it be that Mr. Purgatory, Nezuko and Zenitsu are the only ones in the carriage now? The three of them are capable of protecting all passengers! ?

Just when he was wondering, the train began to topple over again due to riots.

But at the same time, the old man's steps happened to hit the roof of the car again. The violent shaking seemed to be suppressed by a powerful force, and the metal of the car let out a painful scream.


Inosuke and Tanjiro looked at each other with shock on their faces.

Is this how you control the stability of the car body?

Seeing the old man in front of them walking on the roof of the car as if taking a leisurely stroll, the two people's understanding was refreshed once again.

"Don't worry, with Xingjulang's current strength, he can protect the safety of those passengers by himself,"

Xuanhao looked at Tanjiro who had not started to act until now, with a hint of helplessness on his old face.

Most of the decisions people make after careful consideration are based on weighing the pros and cons, and Tanjiro always subconsciously wants to protect the people around him. This boy is too gentle and kind.

"Go ahead, you've wasted a lot of time."


After realizing his mistake, Tanjiro hurriedly led Inosuke to continue sprinting forward, but...


Tanjiro, who had just taken a few steps, stopped and asked, "What's wrong with you? Inosuke?"

Inosuke, who had always been rampant, stopped.

He looked ahead warily, as if facing a formidable enemy.


"Coming, but...why hasn't that Nightmare guy sent a signal yet?"

Several figures on the top of the tree looked at each other in confusion at the approaching train in the distance.

"That guy doesn't want to take all the credit, does he?"

"Who knows?"

"No...I don't think so..."

A ghost frowned and looked at the approaching train.

The car body shook violently, and the iron wheel rubbed against the kneeling body, making sharp and harsh sounds from time to time.

"It seems like... the war has started?"

"I knew that guy was a loser. He could only hide and never dare to fight head-on. It would be normal if he was discovered."

"Okay! Get ready to take action. Nightmare is probably stuck and has no time to send us a signal."




Xuan Hao slowly raised his head and looked at the mirror-like full moon in the night sky.

"What's coming?"

Tanjiro was still a little confused.

Why does it feel like both the teacher and Inosuke noticed something, but he still has no idea what happened.

It wasn't until he followed Xuan Hao's line of sight that he saw several figures flying into the night sky.

The shadows were getting closer and closer, growing in the moonlight.


Violent friction sounded on the carriage.

The stench from the shop finally entered Tanjiro's nostrils, "Twelve Ghost Moons!?"

When he clearly saw the numbers in the ghost pupils in front of him, he became as vigilant as Inosuke.

These ghosts are all twelve ghost moons! Although they are all demons of the lower line, three of them actually appeared at the same time! No, there are already four including the original one in this car!

Except for the Xexian ghosts that he killed, this was almost all the Xixian ghosts.

"Xia 2, Xia 3, Xia 4..."

Looking at the numbers in the eyes of the three ghosts in front of him, Tanjiro secretly guessed.

The group of Xiaxian has been killed by him, and there should be no new ones appearing in a short time, so there are still one and six of Xiaxian left!

Is this just the end of the train? Is the ghost that hasn’t appeared yet still hiding somewhere at this moment? ?

"Is it them?"

Just as Tanjiro was thinking, one of the ghostly voices echoed on the roof of the car, seeming to confirm something to his companions on the side.

"That's right, the young man wearing flower earrings and... the old man wearing a navy blue feather fabric."

Another ghost pointed at Tanjiro and Xuanhao not far in front of him for confirmation. As for Inosuke, they were completely ignored.

They are all evil spirits.

The second string of the lower string is the windlass, the third string of the lower string is diseased leaves, and the fourth string of the lower string is a few leaves.

Their goal here is only these two humans, and the others are not important.

"Asshole! What do you mean!?"

Hearing the arrogant words of these ghosts, Inosuke became irritable.

Although these ghosts look quite strong, it would be too arrogant to ignore them like this!

"Uh...who is this guy?"

Looking at the grumpy guy wearing a boar hood, these ghosts looked at each other.

"I don't know, this unexpected guy is not our target anyway, but since it's here, let's kill it together. Anyway, all the humans on this train will die today."

"Hey! You guys! Don't be so arrogant!"

Inosuke said and wanted to rush forward.

He was a little wary just now because the opponent was hiding in the dark, but now the enemy was right in front of him, and there were no other potential enemies in his perception.

The most important thing is... the current situation is three versus three! Scared! What about the ghost of the lower string? He didn't believe that he couldn't even deal with a mere evil spirit.

"Wait a minute."

An old hand pressed on Inosuke's shoulder.


Being pressed by this hand, Inosuke screamed strangely, and the hairs all over his body stood up, like a frightened wild boar.

"Don't worry, do you remember what I said?"

Xuanhao's calm voice reached Inosuke's ears.

"Of course you remember... our mission is to find the vitals of the ghost hiding in the car."

Inosuke answered honestly.

"That's right, go ahead."

Xuanhao smiled and patted Inosuke on the shoulder.

But Inosuke still hesitated.

These ghosts in front of him made him very unhappy, and he really wanted to kill them! But...this is an opportunity to please this old man! Is it more important to be a disciple or to vent? Inosuke was struggling.

"But...teacher, you are alone..."

Tanjiro was also hesitant. Although he knew that the teacher was very strong, after all, the opponent was Twelve Demon Moons, and there were more than one!

An old man who looks like he is in his old age. Given his age, can he really have the physical strength to fight these ghosts?

In Tanjiro's consciousness, it would be difficult for even Hashira to deal with the siege of multiple Twelve Demons at the same time. Of course, this refers to the past. Today's Demon Slayer Pillars have completely changed because of Xuanhao, which Tanjiro doesn't know.

"rest assured."

Xuanhao gave Tanjiro a reassuring smile.

But such a smile angered these three ghosts.

"Hey, hey, hey! Now is not the time for you to chat! Prey should have the consciousness of prey!"

These humans seemed to be discussing who should stay to deal with the three of them! ? So who is being arrogant? They are arrogant because they are Twelve Ghost Moons, and the humans in this car are their prey, but why are these humans so arrogant! ? The ghosts of Xixian looked at the three chatting humans in front of them with annoyance.

"Okay, you guys go over there first."

Xuanhao motioned to Tanjiro and Inosuke calmly.

"Past?" Inosuke raised his Nichirin sword and pointed at the road in front of him, wondering.

These three ghosts were standing in front of them, and they didn't look like they would give way honestly.

"Don't worry, just leave when I tell you to."


After a moment of silence, Inosuke and Tanjiro looked at each other.

Tanjiro then took the lead, trusting his teacher's words absolutely.

"Let's go!"


The two teenagers took steps and started running again.

"Hey! Humans! What do you want to do!?"

Bingye and Lingyuzi frowned and stood in front of the two teenagers as they spoke.

But at this moment, two old hands were placed on their shoulders at the same time, patting them enthusiastically like old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

A long voice came from behind, "Don't be like this, give me a face and let the children go."

It sounded like a question, but it was a calm statement.

The two ghosts felt chills running down their spines at the same time.

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