Chapter 434 427. Triumph


Purgatory Anjuro slowly raised the broken blade in his hand.

The world seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Anjuro didn't know why those images he had never experienced flashed through his mind.

But one thing was very clear to him.

That was the figure of the ancestors of the Purgatory clan fighting to the end and lighting up the light.

Under the desperate situation, the flame in Xingjulang's heart not only did not go out, but became stronger.

"I will not die because I swore an oath."

Xingshourou looked at the broken knife in his hand in silence. The enemy was no longer in his eyes, and he was completely silent in his own world.

A slightly forlorn figure was reflected on the broken blade.

That was his father, Purgatory Makijuro.

I don’t know since when, my father became decadent and drank as his companion all day long.

"It's useless, everything is in vain."

This is what my father always said.

"The breath of fire, the breath of water, the breath of thunder, the breath of wind, the breath of rock... it's all bullshit. It's useless no matter what. We can't reach that state no matter what, it's useless. Yes, hard work is useless. Just give up, Anjuro."

My father seemed to have doubts about his own practice and efforts.

But Anjuro still doesn't understand why he should give up?

He had seen his father's heroic appearance when he was still Yanzhu. He was obviously so powerful and he yearned for it.

Now, maybe he understands a little bit.

"Father, have you seen it too?"

Anjuro asked.

He wondered if his father had also seen the bloody battles of his ancestors in those scenes from bloodline memories.

"It's really shocking!"

Yes, looking at such a powerful figure, as dazzling as fire, no matter who you are, you will have doubts.

"Can we become like them?"


This is my father's judgment.

But... At this moment, Anjuro thinks this is wrong.

"I...maybe don't really want to shine like them."

Anjuro muttered to himself.

The vow he made was not to become as dazzling as his predecessors.

He just wanted to let his father cheer up after seeing him become the Flame Pillar Queen.

He just wanted to continue the flame of inheritance.

"The fire in my heart will never go out!"

The air became hot and the ground cracked.

Anjuro's entire body seemed to be on fire, and the flaming markings on the back of his hands seemed to be burning his hands.

The raging fire began to spread, and the flames spread along the arm towards the broken knife, as if to recast the broken knife.

"Father, just watch."

Anjuro held the handle of the knife with both hands, and sank down to face the incoming fist.

"I will bear the name of 'Flame Pillar'! Fulfill the obligations of the Pillar!"

"go to hell!"

Yiwozuo looked at Xingshoulang who still didn't give up with a ferocious expression.

He still couldn't figure out why, at this time, the eyes of the humans in front of him were still full of hope?

"No, I won't die!"

Anjuro's eyes reflected flames.

If he died, how could his father see him with his own eyes? How can I rekindle the flame in my father's heart! ?

This sword is destined to bring victory.

How about a broken blade? So what if the flame goes out?

If the fire is extinguished, it can be rekindled; if the sword is broken, it can be recast with fire.

Rekindle the fire of hope and reforge the blade of triumph.

Breath of Fire·Shape of Ten·Glory·Triumph!

Xingjuro took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. The dawn sky became brighter and brighter, and soon the sun would break through the clouds.

But the scorching heat caused thick fog to fill the air in the early morning.

This seems to block the arrival of sunlight, which is an advantage for Yiwo who are afraid of sunlight.

The battle between humans and ghosts is never fair.

Human beings with flesh and blood and irrecoverable injuries must fight bloody battles in the dark night, home of ghosts, against an absolute disadvantage.

But at this moment, all the advantages and disadvantages no longer matter.

How about flesh and blood?

So what if there is no sunshine?

As the name suggests, the ending of this sword can only be triumph.

The pillar of flames rose up, and the roaring wind of the fist was instantly swallowed up by the flames.

Under Yi Wo Zuo's puzzled gaze, the arm he used to punch out with all his strength was instantly burned by the flames.

Then, the broken knife came close to his neck.

The clearly broken blade seemed to be wrapped and extended by blazing flames.


Everything happens in a blink of an eye.

In the eyes of the three teenagers, they could only see tall and tall figures in the mist, holding high the brilliant fire.

Soon, the fog gradually dissipated.

"Did you make it?"

Tanjiro opened his mouth.

He saw two figures still standing after the fog cleared.

Those were the Infernal Anjojuro holding a broken sword, and the Yiwozao whose head disappeared without a trace.

The atmosphere became a little tense for a while.

Xingjuro looked fine at the moment. Although there were many scars on his body, they were all superficial injuries and were not fatal.

The head of the Shangxian Ghost on the opposite side has been chopped off.

Undoubtedly a success!

But why is no one happy?

Even Anjurou, who cut off the opponent's neck with his own hands, couldn't be happy.

He remained vigilant and stared at Yiwo Zuo, who only had his body left in front of him.

Not dissipated!

Although the towering rocks and the lingering mist prevented the sunlight from fully shining through, it was common sense that if a ghost had its neck cut off by the Nichirin Sword, it would be wiped out.

But now...the headless body shows no sign of dissipating!

Yiwozuo's head has been severed, but his body is still standing, and there are even squirming flesh buds on his neck, showing signs of recovery!

"How can it be?"

Everyone fell into a sluggish state.

In their impression, the only ghost who could survive after having his neck cut off was Muzan Onibatsuji for thousands of years!

But now this ghost...

Could it be said that after a thousand years, all the ghosts on the string have become so powerful?

When a ghost overcomes the weakness of its neck, the only thing that can kill it is sunlight.

If the Demon Slayers are so powerful, how should the Demon Slayers deal with them?

Xingshourou frowned.

The current situation is not good.

He has reached the limit of his physical ability.

My vision became narrow and I felt like I might faint at any moment.

The lack of oxygen in his brain made it almost impossible for him to hear the sounds around him, and he had no feeling at all in his right hand. Even if he could raise the Nichirin Sword again, he would not be able to cause any more harm to the ghost in front of him.

There is an upper limit to human physical ability. No matter what kind of exercise you do, there is an upper limit to the time you can go all out. For ordinary people, even sprinting at full strength for about 10 seconds is enough to make you out of breath.

Anjuro is still a human being. Although his upper limit is many times higher than that of ordinary people, he has still entered a state of 'exhaustion' at this moment.

In such a state, even if he grits his teeth and continues to fight, the strength he will exert will be nothing.

The limbs will become extremely heavy due to fatigue, and speed and strength will be greatly affected.

In contrast, ghosts have no such restrictions.

Fatigue and injury are completely meaningless to a ghost.

It is a miracle to be able to fight ghosts for a long time with flesh and blood. In the dark night, ghost hunters are fighting with the only hope of "the ghost will die if its neck is cut off". If the weakness of the neck is gone now, it is still possible. How to play?

If this ghost really won't die even if its head is cut off, then no one here can be an opponent.

All they can do now is pray that the sun will rise faster than Yiwo's head can recover.

"Hurry... hurry up!"

Tanjiro and Inosuke prayed.

I pray that the sun will rise quickly and the sunshine will shine through quickly.

They could see that Mr. Purgatory had reached his limit at this moment.

It was impossible to have the physical strength to continue fighting.

If this ghost's head really grows back, then all of them will definitely die.

Xingshourou raised his eyes and looked nervously at the brighter sky in the distance.

At the same time, he also tried his best to adjust his breathing, hoping to regain more strength in a short time.

Even a little more would be nice.

If this ghost can really grow a head, then every extra point of physical strength he recovers can last for one more second.

The sun will shine here soon. One more second will give you a little more hope of survival.

At least protect the three teenagers around you.


Pitch black.

Total darkness.

Yiwozuo couldn't feel anything at the moment.

His head had disappeared without a trace under the knife just now.

Now he himself doesn't know what kind of state he is in.

Because for thousands of years, no ghost has experienced the same situation as him, even if it is not miserable.

Wu Mei's method of overcoming the weakness of his neck is completely different from Yi Wo Zuo's current state.

Mu Ke physically overcomes the weakness of dying if his neck is cut off by growing multiple brains and hearts, while Yi Wo Zao is doing it because of some kind of obsession.

Yes, there is a strong obsession in his heart, an obsession that is so powerful that it transcends the physical body. Even if his head is cut off, his body still does not dissipate.

Yiwozuo felt as if his entire consciousness had fallen into endless chaos.

Vaguely, he felt his wrist being held by a gentle hand.

"who is it?"

"Let go, let go quickly!"

He couldn't hear any sounds, and he couldn't feel anyone's presence.

But no matter how he yelled for the other party to let go.

That firm yet gentle hand was always holding on to his wrist.

"Please stop, Koji-nii... let's go on the road together..."

A gentle voice sounded in Yiwozuo's heart, but he couldn't remember whose voice it was.

"No, I want to become stronger, I want to kill them with my own hands!"


"Because I must become stronger. Anyone who blocks me will be killed without mercy!"

"Why? Why are you so obsessed with becoming stronger?"

Her gentle voice was full of doubts. She seemed not to understand why the kind-hearted brother Komaji became like this.

It seems that he has forgotten his original name and everything he once was, leaving only the obsession to become stronger.

"that is because……"

Yiwozuo's tone became hesitant.

He seemed to have discovered at this time that he always wanted to become stronger.

But why?

There's always a reason, right?

"Why...can't you remember?"

In doubt, fragmented memories kept emerging in his consciousness.

That is……

Dojo with piles of corpses, blood-stained night.

A feast of... killing.


Bones shatter.


The internal organs are pulpy.

He only remembered that he kept pumping his fists, his body covered with blood, and he stabbed his hands into every enemy in front of him with an expressionless face, and then stirred the opponent's internal organs, causing them to die in pain.

"But...why kill them?"

"never mind."

"Anyway, I have nothing left."

When he left the dojo, all the corpses left at the scene were damaged beyond recognition and had severe limb loss.

The ceiling and walls of the dojo were covered with jaws, bones, eyeballs, severed limbs and internal organs of the deceased. It was a living hell.

It's like an evil spirit wreaking havoc. In short, no one dares to believe that this is the work of humans.

But Yiwozu clearly remembers... that he was still a human at that time.

After killing these people, Yiwozuo wandered aimlessly on the street, like a lonely ghost.

Letting the blood slip from his body, letting the people around him run away in fear, everything in the world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

At this time, the adult found him.

The adult admired him very much when he saw him for the first time.

"I heard that there was a big riot caused by ghosts in a place where ghosts were not arranged, so I came here specially."

Wu Kuai looked at the lost young man in front of him with a smile, "It's really surprising that the incident happened at the hands of humans."

"Get away or I'll kill you."

Yi Wozuo did not hesitate to swing his fist towards the ghost king.

However, with just one blow, his head was penetrated.

"I plan to create about twelve powerful ghosts," Wuhan smiled and looked at the human being whose head was penetrated by him, "then can you withstand the blood I give you?"


"So this is ah!"

Yiwozuo smiled crazily, "Become stronger, become stronger!"


Tanjiro and the others watched in horror as a new head grew on the squirming neck of Yiwozao.

That crazy laughter makes people shudder.

"As expected... I am the chosen one?"

Yiwozuo touched his newborn head and asked doubtfully.

He himself didn't know who he was asking.

But this is the only explanation.

He is the one chosen by that Lord.

Fighting for that adult and becoming stronger is his mission.

For this reason, he even broke through the 'boundaries' of ghosts and survived even having his head chopped off.

What does this mean? It means that the adult is very discerning and has chosen the right person?

But... why does he always have doubts in his heart?

"And what on earth is this...?"

Yiwozuo stroked his newborn face in confusion, because he felt warm liquid continuously pouring out of his eyes.

"Why? Will I cry?"

"Why? He..."

Tanjiro was also surprised to see the winding ghost in front of him restored to its original state.

They thought that after this ghost recovered, they would face a devastating blow, but why was the ghost in front of them crying inexplicably?

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