Chapter 437 430. Coward


There were many guests in the living room of the mansion.

"What a smart and good boy~"

The richly dressed lady praised the master's child in a matter-of-fact manner.

After hearing the other party's compliment, the middle-aged male host smiled happily.

"Yes, yes, I have always been frustrated because I didn't have a child. After having this child, I finally let go of my heart. Even if we are not related by blood, we still have sympathy for our biological father and son. I have already thought about it. , this family business will be handed over to him to inherit in the future."

Seeing that his adopted son could be recognized by everyone made him very happy.

His family fortune is huge, but his only regret is that he has some health problems and has no children, so he has to adopt.

To his great satisfaction, the adopted child was very good, which made him very happy.

"It's just a pity that this child has a serious skin disease, so he can't go out during the day. It would be great if our company could develop a specific drug for this disease as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man showed a hint of helplessness again on his face.

"Oh my, these are all small problems. After all, how can there be such a perfect person in this world?" The lady covered her mouth and smiled, "Your child is already good enough. Is this because God is jealous of talents?"

There was a burst of flattering laughter in the living room, as if that was really what happened.


An impatient voice sounded in the study.

Candlelight flickered in the dim room, and books were stacked on the shelves.

The young man leaned on the gorgeous chair next to the desk and gulped through the information with photos.

These are books about various medicinal materials.

He's doing something important now.

But the sound in the living room was too noisy.

A group of ignorant humans chattering incessantly.

This made him feel extremely irritated, and he turned the pages of the book faster and faster.

Rustling sounds continued to echo in the room.


Suddenly, the originally closed window of the study was pushed open.

The pure white curtains were blown up by the breeze, and the wind blew down the young man's face, which relieved the irritable expression on his face.

"Come in."

A cold voice sounded from the young man's mouth.

Then, a figure flashed from the window into the house.

"My lord, this subordinate has come to report to you."

Yiwozuo lowered his head and knelt on one knee with a very respectful attitude.

The young man closed the book in his hand and turned around slowly, with a gloomy expression on his face.

If he can be called an lord by the eldest son of the third generation, he is naturally Kibutsuji Mukai.

But this time, he appeared as a teenage boy.

That's right, this guy is here to be someone's 'son' again.

In order to find clues about the 'Blue Flower of the Other Side', Wu Mei came to the home of a human boss this time.

The mansion was owned by the founder of what is now the country's largest pharmaceutical company.

Of course, normal humans would not know that there are such things as "ghosts" in this world. In the eyes of the owner, Wu Ke's condition is a "disease".

That seems to be correct, because he did become the 'monster' he is now because of a treatment a thousand years ago.

But humans are unreliable after all. After all, this guy can't even cure his own 'infertility'.

Whenever he hears the 'flattery' nonsense of those humans outside the house, Wu Mei feels insulted.

"Damn idiot, do you really think of me as your son?"

How could he have deigned to come here if he hadn't been looking for clues about the 'Blue Higanbana'! ?

"How's the situation?"

Wu Kuai turned his head and looked down at Yi Wo Zuo who was bowing his head with cold eyes, and asked.

His increasingly irritable mood made his voice sound a bit gritted, and the veins on his face were exposed. He finally revealed his true nature towards the ghost under him.

"Sorry, sir..."

Yiwozuo never raised his head, "I failed to complete the task you assigned me."

"so what?"

Wu Ke's words were full of anger.

"If you haven't completed your mission, who gave you the courage to come back to me!?"

"I'm sorry, sir, this time..."

Yiwozai paused in the middle of his words.

Because he lost control of his body.

Wuhan's face became a little ferocious, "Did I allow you to defend yourself?"


As the words fell, countless strange cracks appeared on Yiwozuo's strong body that had experienced hundreds of years of hard work.

Blood continued to seep out from under the cracked skin, and the whole body seemed to be about to collapse.

Enduring the unbearable pain, Yiwozuo remained silent.

Because he knows his current state.

This is the power that the adult in front of me controls over ghosts.

From the moment he came to this adult, he could not decide his own life or death.

As the 'King of Ghosts', Tsuji Muzan, if he wants to kill his ghosts, all he needs is a thought as long as they are within a certain distance.

Facing the punishment from the adult in front of him, Yiwozuo chose to remain silent.

He knew that the adult in front of him was angry at the moment, and speaking would only make the adult angrier.

And the most important thing is that this gentleman does not need him to explain at all. Facing this gentleman, all he needs is a loyal minister from the heart.

Yes, this is exactly what Wuhan wants to see.

Whether it is the ghost of the lower string or the so-called upper string, except for the special Tsukuni Iwakatsu, the rest of the guys are just 'tools' in his eyes. The most important thing about ‘tools’ is to be obedient.

He will decide for himself whether to give up the rest.

Just like now.

As long as Yiwozuo is in front of him, nothing in his heart can be hidden at all.

He could even see through his memory what this ghost had done before coming here.


But this look made his frown deepen.

"Yi Wo Zuo, have you... broken through the 'boundaries' of ghosts?"

Although he had already seen it, he still seemed to want to confirm it.

"Yes, my lord."

Seeing this adult asking questions, Yiwozuo spoke truthfully again.

"Is this so..."

Wu Kuan murmured to himself after hearing Yi Wo Zuo's affirmative reply. The books in his hands were thrown aside by him, and he began to pace around the room, seeming to be thinking about something.

Among the ghosts he created over the past thousand years, the Yi Wo Zuo in front of him was the first ghost to break through the 'boundaries'.

From this point of view, he really did not choose the wrong person. The potential of Yi Wo Zuo far exceeds that of the other ghosts except Hei Shimo.

This man was already a powerful boxer when he was still a human, and the way he became stronger after becoming a ghost was completely different from the other ghosts.

The way for a ghost to become stronger is very simple. He just needs to eat people and get more of the blood he rewards.

But Yi Wo Zuo is different. The realm he pursues is the ultimate in martial arts. He relies on his own training, so he doesn't eat many people except to maintain basic survival.

The 'material' of the 'tool' itself determines its upper limit. If you want to use a metaphor, Yiwozuo is a piece of 'fine iron' that has been tempered over time, and those ghosts who are timid and afraid of death, do not actively eat people and do not work hard to become stronger are ' Scrap metal'.

Wu Ke is not stupid, so of course he can see the essential difference between Yi Wo Zuo and other ghosts.

Normal ghosts that don't actively prey on humans would have been dealt with by him long ago, but his tolerance for ghosts like Yiwozao will be much higher.

Now it seems that Yiwozuo did not disappoint him.

A ghost that transcended the 'boundaries' was a great help to him.

This should have been a good thing. Normally he would even praise Yi Wo Zuo, but now he couldn't be happy.

Because what he saw in Yi Wo Zuo's memory just now gave him a headache.

Perhaps it was because his head was severely injured that Yiwozuo's head was now as chaotic as a ball of 'mush', but he didn't care at all about those inexplicable memories and only extracted the useful parts from them.

And this part of the picture gave him a warning sign.

Unexpectedly, those guys from the Demon Slayer Squad secretly became so powerful when he ignored them!

As the third member of the upper class, Yiwozao is powerful enough in its own right, and cannot be dealt with by the Demon Slayer Squad's "Pillars" alone.

You must know that the standard for becoming a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps is to be able to kill the "Omama of the Lower String". In the past few hundred years, except for a few geniuses, most Hashira were only a little better than the Demon of the Lower String.

Such a 'pillar' is nothing to be afraid of, which is why Muzan has no regard for the Demon Slayer Corps.

But what is the situation now?

How could the pillars of this term suddenly become so strong! ?

The 'Flame Pillar' that can cut off Yiwozuo's head by itself, and the 'Water Pillar' that can force Hei Simo back with one strike.

Watching the fragments flashing through Yiwozuo's mind, Wuhan's face became more and more gloomy.

"It seems like we need to make those guys calm down, right?"

He stopped pacing and looked down at Yiwo Zuo with a cold expression.

"Yi Wo Zuo, if you meet the Demon Slayer Squad's 'Flame Pillar' again, are you confident in killing him?"


Yiwozuo answered without hesitation.

Purgatory Anjuro is indeed very strong, but now he has no weaknesses other than sunlight. As long as he is in a place where sunlight does not shine, there is no possibility of losing.

"very good!"

A chilling smile appeared on Wuhan's face.

The Demon Slayers have always been a thorn in his side. For hundreds of years, he has wanted to destroy the Demon Slayers and torture them all to death so that they can never appear in his sight again.

But the Uyashiki clan is a bit too cunning. Since the attack five hundred years ago, he has never been able to discover the hiding place of these 'rats'.

After a long time, he gradually focused his work on finding the 'Blue Higanbana' and ignored it.

But the current situation made him understand that such a serious problem must be completely eliminated by all means.

Gradually, the smile on Wu Ke's face disappeared, and a bloody 'blueprint' began to appear in his mind.

Under the current situation, the 'Flame Pillar' that could single-handedly kill the former Yi Wo Zuo was no longer something to be afraid of.

As for the old man who can force Hei Simo back? Wu Mei didn't take it seriously at all.

Because he understands Hei Death Mou's character very well. After all, they have had a cooperative relationship for hundreds of years. If the matter is important, Hei Death Mou cannot remain silent until now.

Thinking about it this way, there was only one reason why Hei Death Mou didn't come to him to report the situation - this old man was not Hei Death Mou's opponent.

After all, how could a guy who was so old that he was about to die be a match for an evil spirit that had already broken through its ‘boundaries’? So what if you can repel it? How many more attacks can this old guy do like this?

I just don’t know how strong the other ‘pillars’ are. If you want to destroy the Demon Slayer Squad, you must first investigate the opponent's combat power.

"You go down first. Tell the rest to go up and be ready. I will need you soon."

Wu Kuai turned his back with an expressionless face and ignored Yi Wo Zuo.


Yiwozao, who was covered in scars, propped up his body and jumped out of the window.


The bright red blood kept dripping on the ground.

Yiwozuo leaned under a tree, waiting for his chapped body to slowly heal.

It was completely different from being killed by the Nichirin Sword. The way the master killed his demons was to directly cause the cells in their bodies to collapse.

Now it seems like he escaped death as he is now stronger and more useful.

But at this moment, Yiwozuo didn't feel any happiness about surviving the disaster. He raised his head and looked at the stars in the night sky in a daze.

The pictures in my mind were still flashing, and the originally cloudy memories gradually became clear.

These pictures, which were inexplicable and meaningless in Wu Ke's eyes, were extremely precious to him.

It was as if a gentle hand was constantly soothing him, making him feel no pain in his body.

"Why...why did I become a ghost?"



In the following time, Wu Mei didn't seem to be in a hurry to make any move, and the ghosts seemed to have become quiet.

This weird tranquility made everyone feel something was wrong. It was probably the so-called 'calm before the storm'.

But no matter how worried they were, there was nothing the Demon Slayers could do.

All they can do is to train harder and accumulate strength so that they have enough strength to face the coming storm.

Butterfly House.

In the courtyard, Tanjiro, who had recovered from his injuries, was waving the Nichirin sword in his hand.

After witnessing the battle between the real Hashira and Kamejo, Tanjiro once again understood his own weakness.

The gap between him and these people is like a chasm that cannot be surpassed no matter how hard you think about it.

Although I don't want to face it, the world seems really unfair. People's abilities seem to be determined at birth, and geniuses are only a handful. No matter how hard they try, the rest will never reach such an enviable state.

But even so, Tanjiro was still unwilling to give up.

The trajectory of the Nichirin Sword is constantly changing, tracing the memory, and the sword skills of each move seem to become more and more clear.

Xuanhao, who was watching Tanjiro's practice, looked a little surprised at this moment, because the sword skills Tanjiro was using now seemed more and more familiar to him.

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