A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 45 39. For the sake of money

Chapter 45 39. For the sake of money

In this world, Xuanhao is very poor and does not even have the money to organize a funeral.

But fortunately, the emperor still had some conscience and was willing to pay for the burial of his master.

So far, no one has come to worship.

I have to say that Li Shuwen's popularity is really not very good.

There was really no one in the mansion, except for an old tree, Xuan Hao, and the dragon bones sealed in the coffin next to it.

Xuan Hao was dressed in white and sitting next to the old tree in the yard drinking tea.

He was keeping his filial piety. The master had no heirs, and he didn't even have anyone to die with. It was so pitiful.

But once he was a teacher, he was always a father. Xuanhao planned to keep his mourning here for three years.

When he was bored, he sat under the tree and took out the "secret book" left by his master.

There is no name, nor is it the peerless technique that Xuan Hao imagined. This is Li Shuwen's lifelong research on bloodline.

There are only a few thousand words, but it is very complicated.

Xuanhao looked at it for a long time, but still didn't quite understand the principle.

This is a secret book similar to that of Violent Blood. It can also be said to be a fragment of Violent Blood. It is not complete. It was discovered by the old man himself over decades. I have to say that he is really a talent.

"Use essence to control blood, use spirit to reach the extreme?"

Xuan Hao murmured the words in the book, his tone full of confusion: "The writing is more mysterious than cultivating immortals, how can I understand it? Can't I use a more scientific explanation?"

He shook his head: "Forget it, when the time comes, go ask the master..."

Then he remembered something again and looked at the yard with an empty mind.

Only the dead leaves on the old trees could not help but fall in the wind.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

Xuan Hao raised his head and frowned in confusion. Who would be visiting at this time? Could it be...

When he reached the door, he slowly opened it.

He glanced at it, then closed it with a snap.

"Hey, hey... don't be so disrespectful. After all, I was once an emperor. It's a serious crime for you to do this."

Xuan Hao opened the door again: "Oh, the emperor has arrived, but he was not welcomed from afar. What can I do? If nothing happens, please come back."

"Hey...can you let me go in and worship?" the man said.

"Okay, considering the money you paid."

Xuan Hao led the way. The emperor did not bring his personal guards. It should be said that he could no longer take them with him. The two of them walked all the way to the courtyard.

Passing through the courtyard gate and looking into the house, you can see a simple mourning hall.

The two of them knelt in front of the mourning hall and paid homage.

"Your Majesty, are you here today just to worship?" Xuan Hao asked.

"I came today to thank you." The man shook his head, "Your master is a meritorious official, and his achievements should not disappear because of his death, so you should accept this merit on your behalf."

"Does the emperor want to reward me with thousands of hectares of fertile land? Or ten thousand taels of gold?"

"Stop calling me that. As I said, I am no longer the emperor," the man sighed, "This world is ultimately the people's world... I just don't know whether it will be as your master wishes in the future." Let’s usher in a peaceful and prosperous age.”

"Don't worry, it will happen. Otherwise, wouldn't the old man's death be in vain?" Xuan Hao took a sip of tea, "If anyone dares to stop him, I will poke him into a hornet's nest."

"Isn't that enough..." Cold sweat ran down the man's forehead.

"So you should have more confidence in your country," Xuan Hao rolled his eyes at him, "If it had been destroyed for so many years, it would have been destroyed long ago. People will not give up easily."

"You are still so young, watch carefully. One day, the white gauze dyed red with blood will become a seven-foot red silk fluttering in the wind. The morning sun will tear through the night sky and hit the city. There will be a person standing at the red gate. Above, announcing the rise of a nation."

"What your master and disciple said...are really similar." The man looked at the young man in front of him, slightly stunned.

"By the way, you said you are no longer the emperor, does that mean you can't give rewards? Then what are you doing here?" Xuan Hao said with disgust.

"Although I am no longer the emperor, I still have some status after all. Don't worry, with us here, no matter what you do in the future, it will be smooth. Of course, you can't bring harm to the world." The confidence on the man's face does not look like Tell lies again.

"You? You mean, you still have some power?" Xuan Hao said scornfully, "Aren't you still a local emperor?"

"Hahaha, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse..." The man said with a smile, "If you don't mind, you can call me big brother from now on. We are a family. If anything happens to you in the future, I will take care of you."

"Okay, you protect me, but I don't know what you mean from now on?" Xuan Hao smiled slyly.

"That's natural." The man said confidently.

"Then don't regret it in the future!" Xuan Hao emphasized again.

"Of course! I always keep my promises."

Very good, your family is ready to work for me for generations! Xuanhao was in a good mood. Holding the man's shoulders, he felt like a brother he hadn't seen for many years.

Along the coastline, you can see a large number of densely packed camps. Each camp has flags of different colors. Judging from the size of the camp, there are about thousands of troops in each camp.

A not-so-tall but muscular horse stood in an open space outside the camp, shaking its head. On the horse's back was a uniformed Western cavalryman.

They are cavalry stationed nearby. During this period, they have been ordered to patrol outside. Although the superiors have the intention of letting them be on guard, except for them, the soldiers and horses of various countries have tightened their vigilance on the surface, and they are only one of them.

But even though they said this, most of the soldiers were dismissive and did not take the incoming army seriously.

In their opinion, the weak yellow-skinned monkeys on this continent have no power to fight them. What's more, there are groups of warships behind them.

Unfortunately, they don't understand that no matter how dead a lion is in its sleep, it is still a lion. Sometimes a lion doesn't show off its power just because it is not hungry yet.

The cavalryman on horseback suddenly seemed to see something. He frowned and looked in one direction, where a cloud of smoke and dust rolled up like a tornado on the ground. It was getting closer and closer in his field of vision, and a drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead.

Where is the smoke and dust here? This was a storm caused by the running cavalry. Looking at the formation, there were at least tens of thousands of troops.

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