A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 441 434. Yo ho? Are you quite arrogant?

Chapter 441 434. Yo ho? Are you quite arrogant?

"Besides, from the looks of it, you should have wanted to make a scene, right?"

As he spoke, Xuanhao pointed to the two sharp blades that Yusui Tianyuan had already held in his hands.

If this guy really had no intention of causing trouble, why did he come up with a knife? Only a ghost would believe it!


Yusui Tianyuan looked embarrassed, "I really can't hide anything from you."

Yes, he really wanted to make a scene now, because he was the most anxious of all of them at the moment.

There is no way, there are no wives, and there are still three of them. Can you understand his mood at the moment?

Well, it seems that ordinary people really can’t understand it.

In short, Yusui Tianyuan is very anxious now, otherwise he would not have made such a wrong judgment by letting those boys sneak in to investigate.

Speaking of which, before Xuan Hao took the lead, he had never dared to cause such an unscrupulous act. What was the reason?

Only then did Yu Sui Tianyuan realize that he seemed to be escaping from something in his past life.

Escape death? Nonsense, who would be willing to die if he has three wives?

After thinking about it, he found that what he was really afraid of seemed to be the lingering past and the 'destiny' that was destined at birth.

Xuanhao was not mistaken. Yusui Tianyuan was indeed a ninja. He was born into a down-and-out ninja family.

In fact, "ninja" should have become extinct as early as the Edo period, but their family is indeed a ninja.

Facing the decline of his family, his father was distraught, so he began to train them as if possessed.

His family originally had nine brothers and sisters, but due to such devilish training and various dangerous missions, by the time he was fifteen, only two were left.

The only ones who survived were Yu Sui Tianyuan and his brother who were two years younger than him.

As time goes by, the younger brother gradually becomes his father's clone. He is exactly the same as his father in terms of thinking and other aspects - 'All his subordinates are chess pieces. As long as the heir is successfully delivered, the life and death of his wife is of no concern at all. There is a complete lack of respect for the will of others, and humanity has been lost. ’

And this is exactly what my father wants, because ninjas don't need emotions.

But Yusu Tianyuan doesn't want to be like that, he has his own will.

‘Will’ is the most precious thing for human beings. What’s the difference between living without will and dying?

So he chose a very difficult path, always escaping from the values ​​he had been instilled in since childhood, always wanting to change, and always desperately trying to start over. He took his three wives and joined the Demon Slayer Corps in search of change. With the conflicts and entanglements in his heart, he devoted himself to the battlefield to protect mankind.

He originally thought that this was a choice they made based on their own will, but in reality it was just because of his 'selfishness'.

Yes, it was his decision to join the Demon Slayer Corps, and his three wives had no room for objection.

However, he failed to protect them.

"What are you stunned for?"

Xuan Hao frowned as he looked at Yu Sui Tianyuan who was suddenly stunned on the spot.

"No...it's nothing." Yusui Tianyuan reacted, shook his head, and quickly followed. He couldn't go on like this, and he knew he had to act quickly, because every second he was delayed, his wives would be in more danger.

"Let's go, there are still 'Ogimoto House' and 'Kyogoku House' left, right?"


After the two troublemakers left, the chaotic house finally returned to calm.

But Tanjiro, who was lurking among them, realized that the plan had changed.

Xuan Hao will leave here with Yu Sui Tianyuan, which proves that the suspicion of this store has been eliminated.

Tanjiro knew that he had read correctly just now. The two men who broke into the room of the Oiran Lixia were indeed his teacher and Mr. Usui.

This was not the case in the original plan. Originally, Mr. Yuzui was supposed to stay outside and wait for the news from them before taking action. It must have been because the plan for the teacher's arrival was changed. So obviously, he had no reason to continue to stay. Here it is.

"Miss Lixia."

Late at night, Tanjiro changed into the uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps and came to the room of Koi Natsu Oiran.

He knelt down on one knee, holding the envelope containing the coins in his hand, and placed it on the tatami behind Lixia Oiran.

"I'm very sorry for bothering you late at night. I'm leaving the 'Tokyo House'. Could you please transfer the room and board expenses during this period to the boss on my behalf?"

"Xiao Tan?"

Li Xia heard the voice coming from behind and turned her head to look at the young man in front of her in surprise.

"Did something happen so suddenly?"

Noticing the surprise in the eyes of the Koi Natsu Oiran, Tanjiro looked at his own attire and realized that he was now wearing men's clothing.

"Before, I had no choice but to disguise myself as a woman, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sneak in here. In fact, I am a man."

"Ah? I know this. It's obvious at a glance... no matter it's the appearance or the voice." Lixia looked at Tanjiro who didn't answer the question with some doubts, "I can tell you are a boy from the beginning."

"Uh..." Tanjiro was stunned, not expecting that he was actually exposed from the beginning.

"I'm just curious about why you disguised yourself as a woman to work in a brothel, and now you're so anxious to leave overnight?"

"This..." Tanjiro hesitated.

Originally, he didn't intend to explain the situation to irrelevant people, but when he thought that this place might become very dangerous next, and the woman in front of him was so kind-hearted and looked so weak, he couldn't help it.

"Actually, I came here to investigate those who disappeared after 'escaping'. Miss Lixia, the reason why you don't let the girls discuss it is because you are worried, right?"


Hearing Tanjiro's words, Li Xia's eyes changed, from original confusion to worry, "But, you don't look like a policeman. This matter may be dangerous, you are still so young..."

"Don't worry, Miss Lixia." A reassuring smile appeared on Tanjiro's face, "I'm very strong!"

"Uh...hehe..." Lixia looked at the sunny smile on Tanjiro's face, and for some reason the fear in her heart seemed to be dispelled. She smiled softly, "Yes, he stood up to protect us during the day. Very brave~”

"This..." Tanjiro's face turned slightly red and he scratched his head in confusion.

"Then...I'll tell you everything I know." Li Xia put away her joking expression and frowned slightly.

"Did you find anything?" Tanjiro frowned. The oiran in front of him was indeed aware of this matter. This was a good breakthrough. Perhaps he could follow the clues to find the ghost hiding in Flower Street.

Although I don’t know what the current situation of the teacher and Mr. Yu Sui is, it seems that they are just looking for them like headless flies. This is not good. In Tanjiro's opinion, it is best to deal with the ghosts hiding in the dark without scaring ordinary people. Such terrifying things will leave a psychological shadow on ordinary people once they see them, right?

"Yes," Li Xia nodded solemnly, "I'm afraid any normal person can realize that what happened recently is very strange, right? There are so many people 'escaping' together for no reason. This has never happened before. Moreover, no trace of news came back after they escaped, and we don’t even know if they have successfully escaped. The most frightening thing is that the proprietress of the Kyogoku House next door suddenly jumped off the building two nights ago."

When Tanjiro heard this, he nodded slightly and signaled Koi Natsu to continue.

Lixia said with a somewhat sad and regretful expression on her face, "Although our stores are in competition, the proprietress of Kyogokuya...she doesn't look like the kind of person who would commit suicide suddenly, and ...I saw her dead look. Her face didn't look like the expression of someone who jumped off a building. It looked more like she was running away from something and feeling scared. So I thought...there might be something hidden in Kyogoku's house. Wearing something unclean."

"I understand, thank you for the clues you provided." Tanjiro nodded slightly, secretly locking the direction of the investigation in his heart.

At the same time, a fire of anger arose in his heart.

He could hear obvious fear from the words of Lixia Oiran. The girls here didn't know how long they had been enduring this fear.

The ghost hiding here seems to be particularly arrogant, so arrogant that the girls living here can clearly detect the strangeness and even feel fear.

It's too late, it's still too late for them to get here. So many innocent people have been harmed.

"With all due respect, Miss Lixia, this place may become more dangerous in the future. If possible... I hope you can leave and escape for a while." Tanjiro said seriously.


Hearing the word 'leave', Li Xia's eyes softened a lot, "Yes, in a short while, I will be able to leave from here. Even as a brothel girl, there are people who are willing to take me away from here. But... Not everyone is as lucky as me, they have no right to leave here at all, can you understand? Xiaotan."


Tanjiro fell silent.

It was him who thought of the problem too simply.

Most of the girls here are helpless and sold here. There is no need to say what the fate will be like if they are caught after escaping here before paying off their debts.

This world is very complicated, and not everyone is reasonable. Apart from them, there are very few people who know about creatures like ghosts. As long as the world is still running, the 'order' will not be chaotic, and the master here will not Because the girls were scared, he kindly let them go.

"Weak women like us can only accept it even if weird things happen around us." Li Xia's eyes revealed a trace of sadness.

"Don't worry, we will take care of those things," Tanjiro gently held the Nichirin sword at his waist, his eyes became firm, "What you are worried about will not happen. Please have a good rest these days, and then Leave with a smile on your face."

"...Although I don't know what happened, please be careful. I don't want you to disappear inexplicably, Xiao Tan." Li Xia was silent for a moment, looking at the young man with firm eyes in front of her. Her mood It seems less heavy.

"Don't worry, no one will disappear again."

Tanjiro, who was kneeling on the ground, bowed slightly, bowed his head and excused himself.

Looking at the boy's movements, Li Xia knew that it was probably time to say goodbye.

The boy in front of her was a gentle and kind-hearted boy. She recalled the boy's actions to protect them during the day.

Perhaps because of this, she didn't feel scared even if this boy now broke into her room late at night with a knife.

She knew that a knife like that was probably used to protect weak people like her.

Then a soft smile appeared on his face.

Although she didn't know the specific situation, facing a young man who would stand up and block others in times of danger, all she could do was bless him.

"I wish you good luck in martial arts."

He leaned slightly, and when he looked up again, the young man was no longer in front of him.

Li Xia looked at the empty tatami and closed windows in front of her, as if no one had ever appeared.


Deep inside the Ogimoto House.

No one was around.

The brothel should have been very lively, but this place was unusually quiet.

Even the geishas living there consciously avoid it, as if there is something unclean here.


The bright red blood fell drop by drop on the tatami.

In the dark room, the whole room was unusually scattered, with traces of being cut all over the floor.

Countless strange belts were spread throughout the room like spider webs. These belts were extremely sharp and seemed to be alive, tightly entangled with the woman in the middle of the room.

The woman's mouth was covered by a belt and she couldn't make a sound. Her body in the kimono had been cut everywhere, leaving shocking scratches on her fair skin.

"Okay, let's talk~"

From the depths of the darkness came a female voice that sent chills down the spine.

"Who are you reporting to?"

The female voice kept asking questions to the bound woman. Every time she asked a question, the belts would become tighter, and blood would continue to flow from the woman's body.

"What's your name?" The female voice was confused.

"Ah! I remembered, 'Shixu', right!? I was asking you something~ tell me the answer quickly?"

At this moment, Shixu, who was being questioned, only thought about mmp.

Is this ghost crazy? You know clearly that my mouth has been blocked, but you still talk so much nonsense. This is obviously just to fool me, right?

She tried her best to break free from the restraints of these belts, but no matter what, it would only get tighter and tighter.

"No, the difference in strength is too big. There is no way to escape from here..."

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Shixu's forehead.

The ghost in front of me is definitely no ordinary ghost, it is probably the legendary Shangxian!

There is a ghost hidden deep in the flower street.

This is very important information, but now Shixu doesn't know how to convey this news.

The other two sisters who sneaked into Flower Street with her were no longer contactable at this moment, and she even wondered if something had happened to them.

Just as she was thinking, there was a sudden commotion outside.

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