Chapter 443 Chapter 436. Chase

"I didn't want to take action here, but you went too far."

Zenitsu's eyes were full of anger.

It would be a lie to say that I wasn't afraid, but the anger did overcome the fear.

He couldn't stand a girl being bullied in front of him.

So...what to do next?

Although he seemed as stable as an old dog, Shanyi was panicking inside now.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?"

He really wanted Tanjiro and the others to see how heroic he looked now, and they would probably be impressed, right? Because this seemed to be the first time that he was so brave and dared to confront the ghost like this without the Nichirin Sword in his hand.

But in the final analysis, I was still a little impulsive. I was just pretending, but I didn't have the Sun Blade in my hand. The power might be broken in the next second.

"Human, you seem so arrogant!?"

The expression on Fern Ji's face turned ferocious for a moment.

She looked at the boy holding her hands, filled with anger.

"This is the first time someone dares to hold my hand like this, you little girl! It seems I have to discipline you well today."


Zenitsu stopped talking. Unexpectedly, he didn't show his usual timid expression.

This made me feel very unhappy, because the female ghost in front of me even thought of him as a woman. If this guy knew that he was a man, would he be even more emotional?

Great, let’s do it!

Already paying attention, Zenitsu was ready to put it into practice immediately. After all, he couldn't be the only one unhappy here.

"I'm a man, you blind, stupid bitch."

Vicious words jumped out of Zenitsu's mouth.


It seemed to have an effect, and the female ghost in front of him was slightly stunned.


As expected, the female ghost was stunned for a moment and then ran away in a rage.

And this is exactly the effect Zenitsu wants.

He was scared now, but he knew there was someone here who was more scared than him.

Seeing that something was wrong in the atmosphere, the two girls hiding outside the door hid away in fear. However, the girl whose ears were lifted by Warabiji still covered her ears in pain and fell to her knees on the ground.

The girl cried and looked at the boy who was in a stalemate with Warabihime Oiran to save her, her eyes full of worry.

But the next second, the worry in her eyes turned into fear and despair.

In an instant, the clothes exploded.

This ghost showed his cards and stopped pretending.

‘Fern Princess’ is just her hiding here pretending to be an oiran.

Her true identity is the ‘Fallen Princess’ from the Sixth Sequel.

Originally, she did not intend to be exposed so early, because her purpose here was to attract the target that the adult wanted to get rid of.

An unknown person like this just needs to be dealt with secretly, there is no need to reveal his identity.

But the boy in front of her really angered her. At worst, she would just kill everyone here! As long as no one is alive, her identity will not be revealed!

"go to hell!"

The gorgeous kimono on Fallen Princess turned into rags in an instant, leaving only her underwear and the ferocious belt wrapped around her.

The next moment, countless belts centered on her and stabbed in all directions, seeming to cut into pieces all the people around her.

Her face showed anger and madness.

This was the first time someone dared to insult her like this, and it was a dirty and ugly man!

The room was pierced by countless tough belts, and the violent roar alarmed a large number of people around it.

Among them are Xuan Hao, Yusui Tianyuan and Inosuke who are coming here.


Tanjiro, who came out of the room just now, also heard the commotion coming from not far away.

The direction from which the sound came was the 'Kyogoku House'.

"Is it too late?" Tanjiro's expression became a little nervous.

Based on the clues provided by the Koi Natsu Oiran, Tanjiro deduced that the ghost was probably hiding in Kyogoku House. He originally planned to tell others this important news quickly, but now it seems that a battle has broken out.


Tanjiro disappeared on the roof in a flash, and sprinted towards Kyogoku House.

This battle obviously broke out unexpectedly, because they had agreed not to act rashly even if they found a ghost. After all, you couldn't hide the Nichirin Sword when you were disguised as a geisha.

Zenitsu may be in danger at this moment, and he must rush to rescue.

Everything happened very quickly, almost in an instant.

But in Zenitsu's eyes, it seemed like the whole world had slowed down.

Surprisingly, this time he did not fall into a deep sleep, but had many things on his mind.

For example, the meaning of the Demon Slayer's battle, the reason why he became stronger, and the dreams he often has.

The Demon Slayers fight to protect the people, he became stronger in response to his grandfather's expectations, and in the dream... he is a hero!

"It's time, Zenitsu, don't be afraid, let your dreams become reality!"

His heart was beating crazily, and Zenitsu kept shouting in his heart.

Accompanied by heavy breathing, a faint thunder exploded at this moment.

Countless tough belts slowly extended in his sight, tearing the air, and it seemed that everything it hit would be ruthlessly torn apart.

The narrow room will be pierced by countless belts in an instant, and the humans who stay here seem to be cut into pieces.

The girl who was kneeling on the ground was crying, her frozen face full of despair.

There is no Nichirin Sword in hand, so I can't resist these weird belts.

"Then just stay away."

In this large-scale attack that spread almost throughout the room, Zenitsu found his only way out.

A winding line of light refracted in the dense belt of stops, shone in from the exit of the room, was refracted several times and connected to the injured girl on the ground, and finally shone into Zenitsu's open eyes, as if lightning flashed.

The next moment, his entire figure disappeared.

Everything seemed to be in motion again.

In Fallen Girl's surprised gaze, she lost sight of the target in front of her.

Golden lightning flashed across the criss-crossing dense belt, and a few strands of blood lingered on the trajectory of the lightning flash.

After a violent roar, the entire room was pierced by the belt and completely destroyed, but what made Fallen Princess angry was that no one died!

The three little girls and the boy in front of me were all gone!

Her original intention was to instantly kill everyone within the room and then quickly leave here to lurk again, but the scene in front of her now did not satisfy her.

Zenitsu's figure appeared outside the attack range of the Fallen Princess as if teleporting, and in his arms he was still protecting the girls who should have been torn into pieces. Fortunately, these three little girls were still young, otherwise he would not have been able to The method is to take three people into action at the same time.

Even so, the blood seeping out of his torn clothes showed that it was not that easy to rescue the three girls just now.

But no matter what, he did successfully lead the people to escape from that fatal range attack.

There is no trick, just rely on the absolute speed to surpass the absolute speed of the ghost in front of you.

"Ugly bitch, you can't catch up with me."

Zenitsu made a face, turned his head and taunted Fallen Princess.

The ghost in front of him was very strong, maybe it was a winding ghost. Even if he had the Nichirin Sword in his hand, he was not sure he could kill it alone, but - if it was only about speed, this ghost would be extremely weak!

"You should be a coward if you are a coward. I am naturally timid. I admit it, but if you can't hit me, why can't you run away?"

Zenitsu hugged the girl tightly in his arms and exerted force on his feet. He planned to leave here first.

"Damn it, you brat, don't run away if you can!"

"Stop! Ugly bitch, if you have the ability, just wait here! See if I don't pick up the knife and hack you to death!"

Zenitsu taunted as he jumped out of the window and onto the roof at extremely fast speeds.

He was not pretending, but he really planned to settle the frightened girl in his arms, take the knife, and then come back and chop the ugly ghost to death.

Of course, he meant calling the master and then coming back.

If nothing else, the others should have been alerted by the movement here and were heading here.


Sure enough, as soon as he jumped onto the roof and ran a short distance, he met Tanjiro who came after hearing the sound.

"I'll take these children to a safe place first. The ghost is in the room below!"


After a brief exchange, two figures passed each other.

Tanjiro immediately understood what Zenitsu meant.

Without any pause in his steps, he rushed straight towards the direction Zenitsu came from.

Zenitsu meant that the ghost was inside, and in order to prevent it from escaping, he asked him to go in first and hold it back.

It's already late at night, but the movement just now woke up many people who were already sleeping soundly. Those who just woke up from their dreams are probably still confused and don't know what happened. If this ghost suddenly attacks, many people will die. It must be Someone restrain it first.

Sure enough, before Tanjiro arrived, he saw that the roof in front of him was pierced by countless belts and then torn apart.

In an instant, broken bricks and tiles scattered in all directions, affecting Tanjiro's progress.

"Damn you brat!"

A grumpy female voice came from above.

Tanjiro raised his head and spotted the ghost chasing Zenitsu.

The moonlight reflected a very beautiful face, but at this moment, the face looked a little ferocious because of anger.

Tanjiro was not distracted by the graceful figure and beautiful face of this ghost, because the stench that reached his nostrils made his scalp tingle.

Such a strong ghost energy is definitely not the ghost of Xixian.

And those strange belts floating in the night sky like wings made him feel dangerous.

"Tsk, who are you!?"

Falling Princess looked very unhappy when another boy suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Huh? That earring..."

She suddenly realized that this seemed to be one of the targets that the adult wanted to get rid of.

So she held out her hand.

Those strange belts seemed to be alive and swept along the direction of her fingers, targeting Tanjiro who was standing on the roof.


The sound of breaking through the air came roaring, Tanjiro quickly stopped his sprint, gritted his teeth and waved his sword to block.

He rushed a little too fast, and those belts came too quickly. He had no time to dodge as they were facing each other, so he was forced to take the blow forcefully.


The tiles on the roof continued to crumble.

Tanjiro held up the Nichirin Sword to resist the incoming force, and his whole body was pushed back by this force.

"What a powerful force..."

Ghosts are indeed ghosts, and they easily possess the power that they have to go through thousands of times to hone.

And the way of fighting is always so weird.

Looking at the belt that was twisting in front of him as if it was alive, Tanjiro probably understood that this was the weapon of this ghost.

I just don’t know if it has any other abilities besides being able to control it at will.

"How annoying!"

Fallen Ji looked at the boy who blocked her attack and frowned more and more.

Why are the brats who appear one after another so difficult to deal with! ?

Since when could a few random guys from the Demon Slayer Squad easily block her attack as a winding demon?

You know, she has killed as many as seven pillars in the past hundred years, and those pillars may not be as good as the young boy in front of her.

That adult was indeed right, we can no longer allow the people of the Demon Slayer Squad to develop.

"Go to hell!"

Two more belts protruded from the back of the fallen girl, snaking from both sides and piercing Tanjiro who was wrestling with the belts.


Tanjiro's eyes changed.

He didn't know how many belts the ghost in front of him had, so he had no choice but to temporarily distance himself.

She put away her resistance and lightly jumped from the roof.

In an instant, Tanjiro's body was thrust out by several belts pressed against him.

"You bastard! Do you only know how to run away?"

Fallen Princess landed on the roof, looking at Tanjiro who suddenly gave up the fight and stamped his feet angrily.

The several belts extending from her body could not reach Tanjiro who flew out even when they were stretched straight.

Tanjiro, who was flying upside down, twisted his body to adjust his posture and landed on the roof again. Apart from his arms being numb from the impact, he did not feel any discomfort.

"Sorry, Nezuko, this ghost is very strong. I'm probably no match for her carrying the box."

He gently put down the box on his back and told his sister, "Stay in the box and don't move. Unless your life is in danger, don't come out of the box!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tiles on the roof cracked instantly, and Tanjiro's figure flew out towards the Fallen Princess like a cannonball.

He sprinted forward, whipping up a gust of wind on the roof full of tiles. The Sun Blade whizzed past in the night sky, and arrived in front of Fallen Princess in an instant.


Fallen Princess's face became a little gloomy.

Looking at the blurry afterimage heading towards her, the flying sword light made her feel a sense of danger.

Why is everyone so fast? Could it be that I am too weak?

She couldn't help but start to doubt herself.

However, such an attack was not to the point where she could not react. The belt was wrapped around her body, forming a defensive shield.

When the tough belt blocked the blade, she finally saw clearly the young man's dark Nichirin sword.

The pitch-black blade seemed to blend into the darkness, making it almost impossible for her to distinguish the distance. Fortunately, she cleverly used a belt to surround herself tightly.

Blocked by the tough and powerful belt, the blade stopped just inches away from her neck.


This time it was Tanjiro's turn to change his expression.

He didn't expect that the belt had such strong toughness, and his Nichirin sword seemed unable to cut it off easily.


Fallen Princess looked at the surprised expression on Tanjiro's face and snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, fierce and rapid arguments came from the roof.

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