Chapter 448 441. Ah, yes, yes, yes

"The pigs are rushing forward! The pigs are rushing forward..."

Inosuke stopped his sudden advance.

"The winding ghost? That's it? Damn it! Kajiro! You cut her neck off without waiting for me!"

"Damn it! Ugly woman, I'm back! Uh..."

Zenitsu, who had settled several little girls, finally found the Nichirin Sword and rushed back.

But after seeing the scene in front of him clearly, his reaction was similar to that of Yu Sui Tianyuan.

"Did we miss something? Is this the end?"

Several people gathered around Fallen Princess with some doubts. Their movements of holding a knife in one hand and scratching their heads with the other were not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

"So what should I do with this ghost?"

Yusui Tianyuan asked Xuanhao.

Of course, he also saw that this ghost was not strong enough to threaten any of them, but it would be troublesome to cut off the neck and not die.

"Find something to tie up first?" Inosuke suggested.

"Can't be tied up, right?" Shanyi was speechless.


Tanjiro looked at the people who had already arrived here with some embarrassment.

A group of strong men holding knives surrounded a woman. Although this was a ghost, there was still an illusion that they were the bad guys.

Coupled with the increasingly aggrieved expression on Fallen Princess's face, this sense of déjà vu becomes even stronger.

Fallen Princess is very angry now.

These humans are so arrogant now, they are actually discussing how to deal with her in front of her!

"Are you kidding me! Are you looking down on me? I haven't lost yet! I'm very strong!"

"Then how come your neck was cut off so easily? It was my little brother who cut it off."

Yusui Tianyuan plucked his ears, nonchalantly.

"Don't believe it! Don't look at me like this, I'm a stringer! Don't look at me just ranking sixth, I'm quite powerful!"

"Ah, yes, yes."

" guys!"



Finally, the fallen girl who was surrounded in the middle burst into tears.

"Ale, are you crying?"

Several people looked at each other and felt a little headache.

Because if someone who didn't know this scene saw this scene, they might think they were bullying the little girl. In that case, all the members would really be evil. This is not good and will affect the reputation of the Demon Slayer Corps.

"It's better to deal with it quickly? The chirping is annoying."

Yusui Tianyuan's eyes were cold and he raised the sun blade in his hand.

He didn't have any sympathy for the crying ghost. After all, judging from the damage to the nearby buildings, he knew that this ghost was definitely not a good person.

Although his strength is indeed not very good, at least he has the words "Sixth of the Wind" engraved in his eyes. He must have killed countless people, and the "heinous" charge has been confirmed.

"I'm really the sixth one on the string!"

Facing the humans who were getting closer and closer, Fallen Princess didn't seem to care and still cried like a baby. It seemed that gaining the approval of others for her 'life and death' was more important to her.

"Yes, yes, okay, you are the sixth one on the string, you can go and die now."

Yusui Tianyuan stepped forward without hesitation and chopped off the Sun Lun Dao in his hand.


Seeing that the fallen Nichirin sword was about to split the Fallen Princess in half, she seemed to finally panic and started to scream.

"elder brother!!!!!"

"They bullied me!!!"

"The neck has been chopped off! Their neck has been chopped off!! Brother, let them die! Go die, die, die!!!!"



The falling Nichirin Sword encountered resistance.

For a moment, the surrounding atmosphere became tense again. Everyone around was holding their breath and staring, their hearts beating loudly.

Several teenagers clenched the Nichirin Swords in their hands and stared at the strange scene in front of them.

Fallen Princess's body fell limply to the ground, and her crying head also rolled to the ground.

What everyone found unbelievable was the skinny arm extending from Fallen Princess's body and the scarlet sickle held by the arm.

Yusui Tianyuan exerted great force in his hand, but it was difficult for the Sun Sword held by the sickle to move forward at all.

Immediately afterwards, not only the arms, but also the skinny human figure gradually split from the body of Fallen Princess. This human figure exuded a disgusting aura, making the surrounding teenagers feel as if the air had solidified.

"This...this is..." Tanjiro was a little surprised.

"This is the real ghost of winding."

Xuan Hao seemed to respond as expected, "Tianyuan, don't let him run away."

"Of course I know!"

After saying this, Yusui Tianyuan also raised his other hand, and slashed down the second hand violently, with the target being the humanoid's neck.


The figure that emerged from Fallen Girl's body made an unhappy smacking sound.


The sound of arguing echoed on the roof, and the trembling air spread around the two figures centered on the two figures. The explosive breath made the three teenagers around them feel nervous.

Was blocked.

Both of Yinzhu Yusui Tianyuan's attacks were blocked.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke were all in disbelief.

They knew that there was still a gap in strength between themselves and the pillar in front of them. If Yusui Tianyuan was serious, they would probably have to join forces to fight.

The ghost in front of her couldn't even defeat Tanjiro before, but now the other ghost that emerged from her body was powerful enough to withstand two murderous slashes from a pillar-level swordsman?

"Go away, human."

A violent voice came from the mouth of the hunched, withered figure.

He lowered his head slightly, his face covered by his messy long hair. Only a pair of cold eyes looked through the messy hair at the tall Yusui Tianyuan in front of him.

"What a disgusting face!"



Yusui Tianyuan instinctively retreated quickly.

The scarlet blade erupted strangely from the ghost in front of me. I didn't see any movement of the ghost's body, but it made such a strange slash, like a strange sharp blade made of blood, shooting out in all directions. Indiscriminate attack.

The entire roof was in a mess due to the sudden explosion.

Tanjiro and the others quickly retreated to the surroundings when they saw this scene, but they still formed a tacit understanding to surround Usui Tengen in the direction in which he was retreating.

"What's happening here?"

Soon the smoke dissipated and they saw the original situation.

This ghost didn't seem to be trying to escape, it was just forcing them back.

"Woo..." The sobbing continued.

"Okay, okay, stop crying. Crying won't make your head grow back."

The rickety figure that emerged from Fallen Girl's body squatted gently in front of her, held her head and comforted her gently.

The hoarse voice lost the violence it had when facing these humans just now, and even seemed extraordinarily gentle.

"If your head falls off, you should put it back on yourself. You kid is really stupid."

He wiped away the tears on Duo Ji's face and finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the wound on her neck was restored to its original state.

"Wipe your tears and stop crying. You have a rare beautiful face. It won't look good if you cry..."

"Are you brother and sister?" Xuan Hao asked calmly on the side, "So, you are the sixth one on the string, what is your name?"

"Prostitute Taro...uh..."

The rickety figure who was comforting his sister suddenly froze.

"Why should I answer this human question?"

After prostitute Taro blurted out his name, he realized it later, and an inexplicable feeling of fear arose in his heart.

He turned his head blankly and saw an old figure, "You..."

How can it be? He clearly remembered that he had just unleashed a slashing attack that was enough to tear apart everything around him and temporarily repel all the humans around him! ? When did this human come back...

"When did you get here?"

"Me?" Xuanhao pointed to himself inexplicably, "I've always been here."


The prostitute Taro felt more and more uncomfortable.

Always here, never moved? is it possible?

He was very confident that the power he had just exploded was enough to tear apart all flesh and blood. If this old man had been here all the time, he would not have been unscathed and even his clothes would still be intact!

Could it be possible that they all avoided it?

Danger, extremely dangerous, Taro the prostitute immediately classified the several human beings in front of him.

Those few boys are nothing to be afraid of, they can just bully Fou Ji. After all, Fou Ji's real strength is only stronger than the ghosts of the lower string. Compared with the real ghosts of the upper string, the gap is still very big.

That guy who was so handsome that he was jealous of was very dangerous. Although Taro, the prostitute, had heard from that adult that the Demon Slayer's Hashira were now strong enough to deal with the demons on their own, he was still a little surprised when they actually fought just now. , but it’s not completely impossible to fight.

If there were only these three boys and one pillar, this group of humans would definitely die.


Who can tell what is going on with this old guy in front of me! ? The prostitute Taro was very anxious at the moment.

Because this old guy is extremely dangerous.

He hadn't even figured out how this old guy managed to avoid his confident outburst just now and keep standing behind him.

He was as silent as a ghost. If the old guy hadn't suddenly made a sound, he would have thought there was no one behind him.


The prostitute Taro felt that this ambush might have failed. Although the adult was alert enough, he still seemed to have underestimated the current strength of the Demon Slayer Corps.

"Don't wait, come out and help me!"

He shouted angrily.

Facing such a super-standard enemy in front of him, he alone cannot handle it. No, maybe the other two guys here can't handle it either.

In the prostitute Taro's impression, the only people who could bring him such a great sense of oppression were Kamichi and that adult, but unfortunately, these two were not here tonight.

Maybe they really can't deal with this ignorant old guy in front of them.

"Hey hey hey...what? Whore Taro, didn't you say you are enough?"

"Stop being so verbose!"

A slender figure suddenly emerged from the window downstairs.

His body was twisted like a centipede, with countless short arms growing out of his sides and looking extremely ugly. Even the face on his head was completely different from that of a normal person.

There are two mouths where the eyes should be. When speaking, both mouths move, and the overlapping sounds sound very strange.

Where the mouth should have been was a huge eye, and the other eye stood vertically in the center of the forehead, with 'Wangxian Wu' engraved inside.

"Teacher, be careful behind you!"

Tanjiro looked worriedly at Xuanhao, who was still unmoved behind the ghost.

At this moment, Xuan Hao was still calmly less than one meter behind the prostitute Taro, neither attacking nor retreating.

He didn't even seem to notice that another winding ghost appeared behind him.

The ugly centipede-like ghost somehow leaned out of the window of this building and was slowly approaching Xuan Hao's back.

Tanjiro wanted to step forward to help, but before he could take a step, his whole body froze.

Because he felt a sudden breath behind him that sent chills down his spine.

"How many winding ghosts are here...?"

"No...don't quarrel..."

The voice from behind sounded timid, but Tanjiro knew that it was not meant for him.

But he happened to be standing in front of this ghost.

This ghost seemed to be trying to persuade the other two who were about to quarrel.

This ghost's ingenious way of hiding its scent really shocked him. Even he, who has such a sense of smell, didn't realize it until now.


Tanjiro gritted his teeth and turned around. He saw the face of this ghost.

This is an extremely ugly looking old man, with ugly tumors on his forehead, two sharp horns, and a ferocious face.

For some reason, there were always tears hanging from the corners of this ghost's eyes, but Tanjiro knew they were not tears of sadness.

Because apart from the stench, he couldn't smell any sadness from this ghost.

What troubled him the most was...the ghost couldn't see numbers in its eyes.

"Isn't it winding up? No...this frightening aura is even scarier than the other two ghosts!"

"Child, get out of the way, don't embarrass me, an old man..."

The strange thing is that this ghost doesn't seem to be planning to attack Tanjiro, but just wants to pass by.

"Stop talking nonsense! Yuhu, Hantengu! Hurry up and get rid of these little minions and then deal with this old guy together!"

Looking at the other two ghosts who were still confused, Taro the prostitute shouted angrily.

How long has it been and these two bastards are still making sarcastic remarks? Don’t you feel a sense of crisis?

"Why are you so anxious? Is it just your good-for-nothing sister who got her head chopped off? Why are you so angry?" Yu Hu leaned out of the window and propped his whole body on the eaves, with the hands closest to his head showing interest. Hold your head.

Seeing the anxious look on the prostitute Taro's face, he not only didn't rush to take action, but even started to mock him.

Yes, it seems that only Taro, the prostitute who was very close to Xuan Hao, felt the danger.

To be precise, Xuan Hao only showed his aura towards the prostitute Taro in front of him because he was very interested in the Sixth String in front of him.

"You haven't answered me yet, are you brother and sister?"


The prostitute Taro couldn't bear it any longer. He felt that if he continued to sit back and wait, only death would be waiting for him.

So, strike first to gain the upper hand!

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