Chapter 454 447. Support

This is the ability of the Wrath Ghost: Accumulating Wrath, which releases a wide range of thunder and lightning through the scepter.

Those struck by lightning may be completely paralyzed, or may be killed directly.

Of course, Zenitsu and Inosuke would not be killed directly, but the continuous electric current still affected their actions.

Zenitsu was fine, but Inosuke couldn't bear it. His touch was already sensitive, and if he was continuously hit by such an electric current, it would feel very sour. If nothing else happened, he would probably turn into a roasted pig if he continued for a long time. Lost the ability to fight.


Zenitsu was too panicked.

I originally wanted to fish with two teammates, but who knew that one was more unreliable than the other.

Tanjiro was blown away by a gust of wind, and Inosuke, who was usually extremely brave, was now as horny as a pig in spring.

"Damn, it's like no one has ever been struck by lightning!"

As a result, Zenitsu gave up his struggle and was knocked unconscious.

Breath of Thunder·One Type·Thunderbolt Flash!

In an instant, a more harsh thunder sounded, and the thunder light spreading in this area seemed to be dominated by a stronger force, and it lost its power for an instant.

Went to control.

The golden blade came in an instant, and was in front of Ji Nu in the blink of an eye.

But what surprised Zenitsu was...this ghost didn't seem to want to hide?

Sure enough, the blade sliced ​​open the ghost's neck with almost no resistance.

Zenitsu didn't think he was powerful enough to make a stringed ghost completely unable to react, and he suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart.

"This ghost...can it be possible to clone itself again!?"

Zenitsu's answer was a slightly ferocious smile because of anger on Enrage's face.

That's right, he had no intention of dodging at all, and his neck was deliberately left for these humans to chop.

The limit of his ability to split is more than two clones.

The ability of the half-tengu is to split into different clones according to one's own emotions. Under normal conditions, there are four types of 'emotions, anger, sorrows and joys', namely 'accumulated anger', 'coke', 'empty joy' and 'sorrow', and there are four Different clones have different abilities.

In other words, he can split at least twice.

Once his neck is severed, he will split into new clones! Become younger and stronger at the same time!

At this moment, Ji Nu's neck was cut off, which meant that the situation was reversed again.

Zenitsu and Inosuke's original plan to resolve the battle quickly with two on one was ruined.

Seeing another evil ghost with wings on its back that split from Jinu's body, the expression on Zenitsu's face with his eyes tightly closed became a little ugly.

The ghost of joy: empty joy.

This ghost always had a hollow smile on his face. He was clearly smiling, but he couldn't feel any emotion at all.

"what to do?"

Zenitsu thought mmp, after all, the pig next to him couldn't think in a normal state. Faced with such a predicament, he could only think of a solution alone.

At this moment, he already understood the ability of the ghost in front of him without anyone explaining it. This ghost didn't seem to have the slightest fear of having its neck cut off. Who knows how many more times it could split apart?

Inosuke on the side had already recovered from his paralysis. Seeing him preparing to take revenge, Zenitsu quickly stopped him.

They just formed a two-on-two situation, but what if one of the ghosts' neck was cut off again?

It’s just that the number is getting bigger and bigger, and it’s getting stronger and stronger! How to play this?

Faced with such a strange twist of events, the battle between Zenitsu and Inosuke became helpless.

On the other side, Tanjiro's situation is equally dangerous.

Being blown into the air, he had no room to display his strength, but the situation was different for the Ghost of Le who was chasing after him.

Holding a cattail leaf fan that can stir up strong winds, this ghost has an absolute advantage.

“Hehehehe—Human, just go to hell for me like this!”

The cattail leaf fan was raised high, and a ferocious smile appeared on Coke's face.

As long as he gently waved the cattail leaf fan in his hand, the fierce wind would carry the boy in front of him straight to the ground. If he fell from such a height, and because the power of the wind could not complete the action of receiving the body, the human being would definitely die!


Tanjiro secretly thought something was wrong.

It would be nice if there was something around me that I could borrow strength from, even a leaf...

Unfortunately, things didn't go as he wished.

The limits of human beings are vividly displayed at this moment. Breathing of water? Breath of the Sun? No matter what kind of breathing method he uses at this moment, he can't change the situation of the battle. The reason is simple, because he can't fly.

Even if he wanted to fight back, there was no way he could use it. The ghost in front of him clearly understood Tanjiro's human weakness.

Unlike humans, Cola understands that he can use the strong wind caused by cattail fans to achieve the effect of staying in the air. As long as he keeps a safe distance from this boy, there is absolutely nothing the boy can do to him!

The result was exactly the same. At this moment, Tanjiro was in an unprecedented desperate situation.

He could only follow the gravity and continue to fall, getting further and further away from the evil ghost in front of him. As long as this ghost waved his cattail leaf fan, the bursting wind would slam him to the ground, and finally he would be shattered to pieces.


The air suddenly became violent again, and the wind pillar, which was almost solidified, pressed heavily on Tanjiro, deforming his face.

His body began to fall rapidly, and Tanjiro fell into a sluggish state. His body was unable to make any movements. Under the strong wind pressure, he could not even roll to change the direction in which he landed.

With his back to the ground, he couldn't feel how far away he was from the ground. For a short moment, time seemed to pass very slowly. He didn't know when he would hit the ground. He could only look at the endless night sky. It was an abyss that seemed to swallow him up in the next moment.

"It's over! It's over! We must catch up!"

Before Tanjiro could realize his despair, a reckless scream came from not far behind him.

Then, Tanjiro felt like he was falling into a soft place, as if he were falling on a cloud, which made people feel trance-like.

What caught his eye was a face that turned from anxious to smiling.

Kanroji Mitsuri happily looked at the safe boy in her arms and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay! That's great! Sure enough, the master was right to send us to support!"

This young man is a disciple of Mr. Xuan Hao, and all the pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad promised to take good care of him before receiving intensive training.

Landing gently on the ground, she put down Tanjiro who had not yet reacted, and then suddenly raised her head, her eyes instantly becoming fierce.

"Damn it, what are you doing at such a high place!?"

"I'll leave this to you..."

Tokitou Muichiro on the side also raised his head and glanced at the evil spirit slowly falling in the air, and then turned around and left without hesitation.

With just one glance, he saw the outcome of this battle. This ghost had only one outcome when facing Ganlu Temple - brutal killing.

He had to rush to the other side to help.


Perhaps Muichiro's voice was too soft and Kanroji didn't hear him.

There was an explosion, which was the sound of the ground cracking. Kanroji Mitsuri's voice had disappeared.

To say who has the strongest power among the Nine Pillars at this moment, besides Ming Ming Yu Xing Ming, it is probably her.

The original Kanroji Mitsuri had eight times the muscle density of an ordinary human being. Coupled with the hellish intensive training, she might be able to compete with powerful ghosts with her physical body at this moment.

The improvement in strength is comprehensive, including explosive speed and jumping ability.

In just a moment, Kanroji Mitsuri came not far in front of him under the stunned gaze of Le Zhigui.

"What the hell is this!?"

Le Zhigui, who had not yet figured out the situation, looked at the strange woman who suddenly appeared in front of him in horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

Do you know where this is? This is dozens of meters away in the sky! Is this a place that humans can reach with just one leap?

Without enough time to think, Le Zhigui subconsciously waved the cattail leaf fan in his hand, and the fierce wind roared towards the woman in front of him.

But what frightened him even more was that for some reason...his wind couldn't move this woman! Outrageous! Very outrageous! What kind of monsters are the current Demon Slayers! ?

At this moment, it was too late for him to escape.

The Breath of Love·The Type of One·The Trembling of First Love.

As far as human jumping ability is concerned, it is still insufficient to reach such a high place. Coupled with the influence of the strong wind, Kanroji Mitsuri was not able to reach that height after all.

But the height at this moment is enough, and the ghost in front of her has entered her attack range!

In order to match the Breath of Love, Kanroji Mitsuri's Nichirin Sword is unique. Both its length and flexibility are far beyond the comparison of ordinary Nichirin Swords. If you want to describe it, it is more like a soft and sharp whip.

Of course, the whip is not used to play any special games. Its function is only to cut off the neck of the ghost!

Kanroji Mitsuri's arm suddenly swelled, and she swung it suddenly, and the 'whip' with the ultimate strength and speed was suddenly drawn out.

In her calculations, the straight blade and wingspan just made up the distance between her and the evil spirit.

Almost instantly, Le Zhigui's neck was neatly cut off.

In just one face-to-face encounter, this ghost was instantly killed.

Of course it would be great if that were the case.

Mitsuri Kanroji's body fell rapidly after losing her upward momentum. However, she was different from Tanjiro. With her physical advantage, such a height was completely trivial to her.

But when she first came here, she didn't know the annoying abilities of this ghost, and she couldn't think about these problems in the air.

After one blow, the body began to fall.

And beside her, the 'corpse' that happened to be split into two was also falling.

Because her neck had been cut off, Kanroji Mitsuri didn't feel anything unusual, thinking that the ghost would dissipate into ashes before falling to the ground.

However, Tanjiro, who was watching the battle on the ground, quickly realized something was wrong.

And just as the body fell, the smell began to change. Originally he could only smell 'joy' on this ghost, but as the body split into two, the smell instantly became different.

To be precise, it’s like the split just now!

It went from one flavor to two.

"Miss Ganluji! Be careful!"


After being reminded by Tanjiro, the missing Kanroji Mitsuri turned around and looked around in confusion.

Then, instead of seeing the 'corpse' that she expected to gradually dissipate, she saw the two parts of the 'corpse' that had been split into two injured sections begin to squirm.

"What's going on? It's so disgusting!"

Ru's body began to take shape, and finally split into another clone. In addition to ‘Coke’, there is now another ghost of sorrow, Aijue.

He was dressed like a warrior, holding a cross-patterned gun that came from nowhere. The word 'mourning' was engraved on his tongue, his forehead was always frowning, and he was mumbling something.

"Sad, so sad...why does this happen?"

Ai Jue seemed to be confused about what was happening in front of him, because the situation seemed to be getting worse and worse, and there were two more ‘pillars’ from the Demon Slayer Squad!

Because there are fewer people and more ghosts, in order to maintain the stability of the night, in the past, the pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad guarded their own areas alone, and rarely acted together.

What on earth is going on tonight and why are we hugging each other? ?

You must know that there are reinforcements on the human side, but they don’t have any!

Sending out three Hashiras at the same time just to ambush the Demon Slayer Squad was already the limit of what the Lord could tolerate.

With that adult's pride, it is natural for ghosts to defeat humans. How could the current situation occur? If they do, it means they are just useless waste, and as for waste... they don't need to be recycled.

"Hey, Ai Jue, stop talking nonsense and kill this woman first!"

Even facing such a situation, Coke still has a smile on his face.

Then, he waved the cattail leaf fan in his hand, and the whirlwind blew him away from Ai Jue's body, putting some distance away from the woman between them.

Since they are clones, of course their thoughts are shared. Coke had experienced the brute force of this woman just now, and Ai Jue naturally did not want to experience it again, so the two ghosts distanced themselves in a tacit understanding.

You know, the attack methods of ghosts are much weirder than humans. After all, they have the blessing of vampire magic.

The wind seemed to have no effect on the woman in front of him, so Cola cooperated tacitly with Ai Jue in this attack.

The spear was accumulating power in Ai Jue's hand. His figure was getting farther and farther away from Kanroji Mitsuri due to the strong wind caused by the coke, but his attack did not require close range!

The four ghosts of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy each have different abilities. Jiuhuo can control thunder and lightning to paralyze or kill people, Coke can set off strong winds to destroy everything in front of him, and Kongxi has sharp claws like birds and can make deafening calls. .

And Aijue's ability is the simplest and crudest among the four ghosts, and it is also the most lethal to human flesh and blood!

As the spear was thrown, several wind blades capable of tearing flesh and blood were set off around the gun body, and the spear spun and pierced towards Kanroji Mitsuri not far away.

Such a spinning attack is extremely tearing. No matter how special Kanroji Mitsuri's body is, she is still a human being who cannot recover quickly from injuries. It is impossible to withstand such a sharp cut with her physical body.

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