A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 488 481. Xuan Hao: Don’t believe it, I really have a way

Chapter 488 481. Xuan Hao: Don’t believe it, I really have a way

Seeing the man in front of him gradually being covered by spiritual power, and his body gradually changing into the appearance of a wolf, he wondered if he would be able to make a scream of 'oow' when he completed the transformation.

Yes, Xuan Hao can clearly feel the spiritual power fluctuations emanating from these two people. Although he doesn't know how strong they are in this world, but simply comparing the two, the strength gap between the two is not an on-the-spot breakthrough. It can be made up for.

He stepped forward slowly, preparing to take over from Shiba Jinbei when he couldn't hold it any longer.

But as soon as he took a step, changes occurred again.

An even more terrifying spiritual pressure suppressed the two people confronting each other.


This is the sound of flesh being cut open.

As the blood bloomed, Vastod, who was releasing the virtual flash, stopped as if it was fragmented.


The mask was shattered, neatly chopped into pieces.

In Shiba Jinbei's dull eyes, the Vastod in front of him was instantly killed, and the power on his body also collapsed due to the sudden disappearance of pressure, and the spiritual pressure covering his body stopped changing.

"Ah, isn't this Captain Shiba?"

A female voice with a faint smile came from above.

Xuan Hao frowned and looked at the figure.

Looking at the woman with disheveled hair and licking the blood on the knife, he always felt like he had seen it before somewhere...

This is not the key point. The point is that this woman has done something bad. Ruining people's opportunities is like killing their parents.

But the strange thing is that neither of these two people seemed to notice this.

Shiba Jinbe looked awkwardly at Juran, who was standing in the void and condescending, "Hey... I thought I was dead, thank you ~ Captain Unohana."

The woman didn't seem to care about the man's thanks at all, and smiled softly.

"Okay, it's none of my business to treat your captain's injury. Bye~"

This sentence seemed to be said to Xuan Hao.

In this woman's eyes, it seemed like she just casually saved two people's lives.

After saying that, she held the knife and disappeared instantly, as if planning to find prey elsewhere.

In Unohana Yachiru's eyes, only fighting is everything, and other things are not important to her at all.


Looking at the place where the woman disappeared, Shiba Jinbei sighed.

"This crazy woman is really powerful!"

"Hey, Captain, do you know what happened to you just now?"

In order to confirm whether this man was a fool, Xuan Hao finally decided to ask.

"Nonsense, of course I know!"

Shiba Jinbei, who collapsed on the ground as if he had lost all strength, seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief, "I was almost dead..."


Xuan Hao covered his face and shook his head.

As expected, a child cannot be taught.

This guy doesn't seem to notice at all that there is still potential in him that has not yet been stimulated.

That's the 'Greedy Wolf'... Just by hearing the name, he knew that this Zanpakuto was definitely not simple, at least not to the extent that the man in front of him showed.

Perhaps there is no record related to it in Japanese legends, but in Xuanhao's hometown, "Ganlang" has another name - Shapolang.

‘Grean Wolf’ is named after Greedy Wolf Star, the star of Ziwei Doushu, and is also the legendary ‘Killing Star’. The nature of ‘kill’ is the same as that of Qisha, which means strong murderous intention and impulsive personality.

In Xuanhao's opinion, none of these characteristics seemed to be reflected in Shiba Jinbei.

Therefore, he judged that the man in front of him obviously did not realize his true talent.

Of course, the so-called 'killing star' can only grow through killing. Only endless battles can awaken the true 'nature'. However, Shiba Jinbei's performance at this moment was more like a husky whose edges had been smoothed, muddling along without any momentum, let alone the spirit of killing.

"What did you call that woman just now?"

Xuanhao seemed to remember something and suddenly asked Shiba Jinbei.

"Captain Unohana, captain of the 11th Division, Unohana Eight-Thousand-Ryu."

Shiba Jinbei dusted himself off and got up from the ground, and replied without interest, "You have just come to Soul Society not long ago, so it's normal that you don't know her, but I would like to remind you, it's best to stay away from her, this woman is joining The Gotei 13 were previously known as the greatest villains of all time in the Soul Society, and also had the title of 'Kenpachi', a madman who only knew how to fight."

"Kenpachi...Unohana Eight-Thousand-Ryu..."

Connecting these names, Xuanhao finally pieced together the shadow of a person from his vague memory.

The flower of Mao is strong.

Yes, it's this woman.

Perhaps because the contrast with his memory was too great, he failed to recognize this woman immediately. After all, when he was watching "Death" when he was a child, this woman appeared as Yamato Nadeshiko with a gentle personality, which was very confusing. Who can relate to the disheveled guy in front of him who goes around slashing people with a knife and the beautiful big sister in the original work?

"Damn, women are such horrible creatures."

Thinking of this, Xuan Hao couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, yes, it's terrible."

Shiba Jinbei on the side agreed very much.

Xuan Hao looked at the man beside him with some pity, everything seemed to be explained.

He thought he had found the reason why this man failed to use his talent.

Maybe it's all because of that crazy woman.

When a 'genius' who has not yet awakened meets a 'monster' who cheats from beginning to end, it is natural to be hit.

The Shiba Jinbei in front of him might have been left with some kind of psychological shadow by that woman.

Lost in love? Admire? Or was he beaten?

Well, none of this seemed important. What was important was that when he looked at people better than himself, he saw the gap that he could not cross no matter how hard he tried.

"Do you want to become stronger?"


"Do I want to...become stronger?"

Soul Society, Division 4 headquarters, infirmary.

Shiba Jinpei lay on the hospital bed, raised his trembling arms covered in gauze and murmured to himself.

Recalling the meaningful words Xuan Hao said to him before returning, he was now filled with doubts.

"Can I still become stronger? No, no, that's not the point. The point is, what ability does this kid have that can make me stronger?"

He lowered his arms slightly and sighed.


If it weren't for old man Yamamoto's instructions, he wouldn't even bother to recruit a guy who didn't even have spiritual pressure into the team. But it was precisely because the other party had no spiritual pressure that he thought it was reasonable to stay in the safest team, the fourth team.

But now he couldn't understand this little guy even more.

He could understand the saying that "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", but no matter how arrogant a person is, there should be a limit.

But in Hueco Mundo, when a guy of Vastod's level appeared in front of him, and when he was enveloped by such terrifying spiritual pressure, this kid didn't react at all! ?

At this moment, Shiha Jinbei, who began to reflect, realized this problem.

"But...this kid doesn't have strong spiritual pressure..."

He couldn't feel any spiritual pressure on Xuan Hao's body at all, and it looked no different from an ordinary soul.

Logically speaking, it would be impossible to be so calm when meeting a Daxu of that level. It should be a miracle that he was not frightened and fainted.

But this kid was lucky. Not only did he not run away, but he even thought about talking to him about becoming stronger?


Shiba Jinbei, who couldn't figure it out at all, smiled mockingly, "Old man Yamamoto, what do you want to do by letting this kid join my team? Don't tell me that this guy is also a monster like Unohana?"

No wonder he thinks this way, because the last person who was personally led into the Gotei 13 by old man Yamamoto was Unohana Yachi-ryu.

"Speaking of which, there are so many monsters in this world... Whether it's old man Yamamoto or that crazy woman, they have all gone beyond my reach. Is it possible that a boy without spiritual pressure can do the same in the future?"

"You're sighing, Captain."

Shiba Jinbei's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of complaints coming from the door.

He turned around and saw the figure of a young man chewing an apple.


Xuan Hao took a bite of the apple in his hand.

Well, the taste is no different from that in the real world. Soul Society seems to have all the things in this world, but it seems that only the Shinigami in the Seireitei are lucky enough to enjoy these 'luxury' things. If you can drink water in Rukongai, Not bad.

Although he won't be hungry even if he doesn't eat in Soul Society, he is considered a 'god of death' after all, so if he doesn't eat, he won't get anything.

"How's it going? How have you considered the question I asked you before?"

When he came to the hospital bed, he pulled up a chair and sat down, smiling lightly as he looked at the mummified guy in front of him.

It's natural that this guy was injured when he resisted Wang Xu's flash head-on. As for why he didn't use the return path to heal...who said Xuan Hao was the only one next to him?

He didn't know anything about the use of spiritual power at the moment, and he didn't know if wrapping it in gauze would be useful. Whatever, he just carried it back first.


Shiba Jinbei stood up helplessly and tore off the gauze on his body.

Now that his condition has almost recovered, he can already use the 'Return Path' to treat himself.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You don't even know how to reply, why are you talking to me like this?"

As he began to treat himself, he complained about the guy next to him who was chewing an apple.

That's right, this is the main reason why Shiba Jinbei doesn't believe that Xuanhao can make him stronger. This guy obviously doesn't know anything, but he still stands there talking without pain. Everyone will feel that he is a magic stick. .

"Don't believe it, I really have a way."

Xuan Hao said disapprovingly, "If you hadn't been the first friend I met in Soul Society, I wouldn't have bothered to help you."


This sounds more like a magic stick. It's just as unreliable as meeting a book-buying man on the roadside and telling you that we are destined to have good bones, and then tricking you into buying his martial arts secret books.

Shiba Jinbei shook his head helplessly, not taking it seriously at all.

"Oh, forget it if you don't believe me."

Xuan Hao shrugged indifferently and stood up to leave.

He was originally in need of a training partner, and it seems that this guy also needs to fight to become stronger, so it's like doing something win-win, but people don't like it.

Well, he admitted that he was indeed a little itchy. After all, he had been curious about how strong he was in his soul state since he came to Soul Society, but he could not find a suitable opponent. After all... he couldn't just catch him casually. It's not good to just beat someone up.

My friend, it’s easier to start.


Just when Xuanhao was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by Shiba Jinbei.


Xuan Hao frowned.

"Something's coming."



Shiba Jinbei frowned and closed his eyes as if he was feeling something.

Finally he opened his eyes in a certain direction.

"Over there, it's Hollow! Damn it, another Hollow has invaded Soul Society. What's going on recently?"

Sure enough, not long after he noticed it, an alarm sounded over the Seireitei.

He struggled to get up, but almost fell down because his injury was not yet intact.


Gently supporting the man who almost fell, Xuan Hao grinned.

"That direction... I just said what it is."

Of course he also felt the fluctuations in spiritual power, but it was too weak so he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, there were so many Shinigami in Soul Society, and there were spiritual pressures of different strengths everywhere. He was not very proficient in business and could not feel the difference in spiritual power fluctuations.

"Let's go?"


Shiba Jinbei looked confused.

Then he felt himself being carried.

"What are you doing!?"



Rukongai, on the broken ruins.

The little boy cried and shouted.

The sudden virtual flash destroyed everything here.

The dissipated souls turned into spiritual power and were swallowed up by the majestic black shadow.

Daxu roared and ran rampant in the streets. This place was like a canteen, full of delicious souls everywhere.


A heavy breath blew on the little boy's back, but the sad boy didn't seem to feel the giant creature approaching from behind.

That is not death, but something more terrifying than death.

Because the soul swallowed by the void will become the nourishment of the void, which means that the will of the past will never exist again.

"Hurry...run away...leave me alone..."

The voice of the old man who was crushed under the rubble was weak, and the look of despair could be seen in her dilated pupils.

It was a pale bone mask, and the pale teeth were stained with dripping blood.

The big mouth opened again, gradually approaching the boy like a black hole.

A little, a little, an inch, an inch.

"no, do not want……"

The old man opened his mouth slightly and shouted desperately.

Seeing that the child in front of her was about to be swallowed, she stretched out her hand helplessly.


Suddenly, the pale mask shattered.

A fist that was insignificant compared to the huge mask suddenly hit the mask's right face.

In an instant, the entire right side of the mask twisted and deformed, and finally shattered crisply.

And this sudden powerful force also blasted the entire body of the Daxu away.


As Daxu's huge body fell to the ground, smoke and dust enveloped the entire street.


The little boy was choked by the smoke and kept coughing, but he still kept pulling at the ruins in front of him with his hands, trying to rescue his relatives who were trapped under the rubble.

He didn't seem to know what was happening behind him, and he didn't care, because nothing was more important than grandma.

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