Chapter 491 484. Senbonzakura

"I see, are you worried about me?"

Xuan Hao chuckled and nodded.

He probably understood what the old man meant.

"Please excuse me……"

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni doesn’t mince words.

His figure standing in the center of the dojo looked extremely determined.

There is a reason why I chose to meet here.

The meaning of his existence is to protect the peace of Soul Society. The unknown strong man in front of him has not done anything to harm Soul Society, so he shows his kindness, but if the other party is unwilling to accept it, then he can only use thunderous means.

"I don't know the purpose of your coming here, and I don't want to be your enemy. Please understand."

"This is actually not your intention, is it?"

Xuan Hao asked.

Obviously, the old man in front of him didn't mean to look down upon him, but his actions were contrary to his attitude.

If you really respect a strong person, you won't want to restrict the other person's freedom.

It's easy to guess why the other party wants him to stay at Yuanzi School. It's just an academy and has no access to important events in the Soul Society. It's also easy for the Soul Society to control him.

"An act of desperation."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni shook his head and sighed, "Although I can feel that you have no ill intentions, and I am willing to believe you, after all, Soul Society is not decided by me alone."

"I see."

Xuan Hao nodded slowly, "Last question, Yuanzi School is your territory, right?"

"That's right."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni smiled and said, "I promise you as a person that as long as it does not endanger the peace of Soul Society, no one will be able to embarrass you."


Xuan Hao sighed, "I agree to this."

The other party's meaning is already very clear.

'This is just a desperate move to deal with superiors. ’ To put it more bluntly, it’s just a show for others to see.

Xuanhao guessed that maybe it was because the noise he made in Rukongai scared some people above him, so they put pressure on old man Yamamoto.

And old man Yamamoto was forced to come up with this kind of attention due to pressure and not wanting to offend him.

It probably means, "Look, I've already watched over the person you're afraid of. He's staying at my house and won't go anywhere. Don't worry~".

As long as the guy above who thinks he is dangerous knows that old man Yamamoto can control this dangerous person, even if it is only on the surface, it can save a lot of trouble.


Xuanhao, who had thought everything through, chuckled and turned around to leave.

That's fine, it saves you trouble.

Although he is not afraid of anyone and can even turn Soul Society upside down, there is absolutely no need. After all, his main purpose in coming to this world is to find soul fragments. It is always good to have less trouble.


Looking at the back of the man in front of him leaving the dojo, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's aura suddenly dropped.

"Fortunately we didn't start a fight."

Although the meeting place was chosen here just in case, if there was a fight, he had no chance of defeating the man in front of him.

At this moment, he couldn't even feel the other person's spiritual pressure. The last time he could feel the other person's specialness was just a coincidence during meditation.

Thinking of this, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni was a little scared.

If it hadn't been for that coincidence, perhaps no one would have known that such a being had come to Soul Society. If they were offended, the entire Soul Society would be destroyed.

After all, this is the legendary 'Transcendent'. The existence of transcending Death, Hollow and Quincy is the highest realm that people like him who pursue power dream of.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have even doubted that such an existence would exist in this world, because even he, the strongest 'God of Death', had stood at the pinnacle that the God of Death could reach and had been stagnant for hundreds of years, completely unable to find it. to ways to push boundaries.


In the Soul Society, there is a tall gate-style building with two towering square wooden piles in front of the door. This is the gate that the God of Death must pass through to reach the real world.

The World Gate is the means of transportation for the God of Death to come to the present world or for the God of Death to return to Soul Society from the present world. The Shinigami who want to pass through here must obtain approval and submit it to their superiors for approval. After approval, they can go to the real world through the world-transmitting gate, and the same is true when they come back. However, noble families generally have their own special world-transmitting gates.

"Is this the legendary gate through the world?"

The young Shinigami gathered in front of the door asked curiously.

To be precise, they are not considered Shinigami yet, because they have just graduated from Yuanzi School and have not been officially awarded Zanpakutō.

"It's amazing. Can we really go to this world?"

someone asked in surprise.

Everyone gathered here still has doubts in their hearts.

Because normally, they who have not officially become the God of Death are not qualified to go to the real world through the world-traveling gate.

Today's situation is very special. It is said that the content of the 'graduation assessment' this time has been changed, from the original 'strength test' to a 'practical test'.

The difference between one word and the content is a world of difference.

The strength test is a comprehensive assessment of personal ability before graduating from Yuanzi School. They need to fight against the seniors who have become Shinigami. Every Shinigami who graduates from here needs to pass such a test and be assigned to the appropriate unit based on their strength.

But actual combat is completely different. The so-called actual combat, for the God of Death, is of course a battle with the 'Void'. To conduct such actual combat, the present world, which is invaded more frequently by virtual beings, is of course the best testing ground.

Everyone knows that it is an extremely ridiculous idea to let a group of recently graduated children fight against the real Hollows. Of course, it is impossible for an ordinary Shinigami to come up with such a ridiculous test. Yes, Xuan Hao came up with such a bad idea.

The person who agreed to this ridiculous idea was naturally Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, who was "complicit" with him.

The reason is also very simple. At this moment, the corpse world is facing Hueco Mundo's attack and the Quincys who are eyeing them are extremely lacking in combat power. There is no time for these children to grow up slowly. Although it is cruel, this is the reality.

"Next, Soul Society may face unprecedented difficulties, and the battles will become more cruel. Not everyone is qualified to participate in such a battle. Instead of letting them feel the despair of death when facing battles later, it is better to start from Pick those who have the qualifications right from the start.”

This was Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's explanation to his superiors.

The content of the strength test is very simple, which is to give everyone Zanpakutō in advance and lead them to the real world to face the real Hollow. Those who shrink will be eliminated, those with insufficient strength will be eliminated, and only those who are qualified will be left.

And with strong leadership, they can keep casualties to a minimum. This can not only ensure the quality of the person who becomes the Grim Reaper, but also avoid necessary casualties.

"It's so slow. Has the approval been approved?"

In front of the open world-traveling door, a shallow sword that has not changed in any form is inserted in front of the door, blocking the path between Soul Society and the real world like a dividing line.

Xuan Hao stood there, tapping the handle of the knife rhythmically with his fingers, looking bored.

"Not yet~ It can't be that fast."

Shiba Jinbei shrugged, "Although old man Yamamoto said there is no problem, in actual operation, the guys above will not be so cooperative."

"It's really troublesome."

Xuan Hao frowned.

Well, he admitted that his purpose was not pure. In fact, his real purpose was that he wanted to live in this world.

He had been in Soul Society for a while and found no clues about the soul fragments, so he wanted to find a chance to visit the real world. As for the ‘practical test’, that’s all incidental.

Speaking of which, ever since Hueco Mundo's offensive weakened, in order to be wary of the Quincy in the real world, the chance for their Shinigami to go to the real world has become less and less. Shinigami like him who belong to the "Fourth Division" have almost no chance. Go to the present world. Not to mention that he is still the focus of the group of guys above. Of course, it is impossible for those guys to let a guy like him who is labeled as "dangerous" move around freely.

However, there are policies above and countermeasures below. This can't stop him and old man Yamamoto from "using public affairs for personal gain"...ah, they are doing this for the good of Soul Society.

It can not only satisfy a strong man's desire to find something in this world, but also use the power of this strong man to protect the new seedlings and select outstanding children to become the God of Death. How could such a cost-effective deal be possible for Yamamoto? Let it go? So he agreed to Xuan Hao's proposal without thinking.

Well, actually he would push his way into someone if they didn't agree to it.

In this way, with Captain Yamamoto as the guarantor, the guys above naturally have no choice. Moreover, it is said that Genji Juku was originally founded by Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni. If anything happens, he will be responsible for it. responsibility.

After everyone waited for a long time, finally, a god of death with the "approval result" came to tell everyone that they could start heading to the real world.


After receiving the approval, Xuan Hao finally showed a satisfied smile on his face. He waved his hand and motioned for everyone to follow him through the world-traversing gate to the present world.

A group of young people followed the two people leading the way hesitantly.

As for why there was some hesitation... of course it was because looking at these two people, they felt unreliable.

The captain of the Fourth Division in charge of medical supplies leads the team? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this arrangement. After all, the other party is a captain-level figure who can fight and milk, so it is perfect.

But... who can tell them what is going on?

"This captain of the Fourth Division looks really unreliable..."

"Yeah... How can a captain wag his tail behind the vice-captain..."

Yes, this time it was announced that Shiba Jinbei, the captain of the fourth team, would naturally lead the team. After all, the position was there. But in fact, Shiha Jinbei has Xuanhao as his main focus. There is no way, others may not see how strong Xuanhao is, and he has been 'educated' a lot recently.

"That vice-captain looks so weak, I can't even feel the spiritual pressure..."

"Nothing will happen..."

Shiba Jinbei's lips twitched when he heard the whispers from the little boys behind him. You bastards, you know nothing! ? You will have a better time in this world later...


With a helpless sigh, Shiba Jinbei stepped forward and handed the information in his hand to Xuanhao. Although according to the normal process, Xuanhao, as the vice-captain, should be the 'secretary' for him as the captain, but now it is completely reversed. , it’s no wonder that the kids behind you think it’s unreliable.

"Here~ here are the information of the people who participated in the actual combat test this time."


Xuan Hao, who was walking in front, took the information and responded with interest.

"Don't be like this~"

Seeing Xuanhao's indifferent attitude, Shiba Jinbei scratched his head awkwardly and added, "There are many people who look very interesting~"


Xuan Hao rolled his eyes.

"Ah ha ha……"

Shiba Jinbei smiled awkwardly, "That's right. You don't seem to be very interested in anything other than soul power training and finding your sister. By the way, do you have any clues about this trip to the present world?"

"I don't know," Xuan Hao replied perfunctorily, "I just want to see the real world. I have forgotten whether my sister is still alive."

Xuan Hao didn't take it to heart what the stupid man behind him said.

There was nothing to hide about his search for his 'sister', but he did not tell the other party the complete truth. Because no one can help him. He has no clues now. Soul fragments may exist anywhere in this world, including Soul Society, the present world, Hueco Mundo, and even deeper 'hell'.


Shiba Jinbei touched his head and said, "How can it be so easy to find..."

Shiba Jinbei always believed that Xuanhao was once a person living in the present world, and people in this world who are extradited to Soul Society after death do not necessarily retain all their memories, even if their relatives who died at the same time arrived in Soul Society. They may not necessarily be assigned to the same area after entering the boundary.

"Let's settle the matter in front of us first."

Xuanhao didn't want to continue talking about his own issues and started to change the topic.

"Tell me about the interesting person you mentioned."

"Gee, it's surprising that you work hard."

Shiba Jinbei laughed and said, "Then let me list some little guys that I think are worth paying attention to?"


"First, the eldest lady of the Kuchiki family."

Shiba Jinbei touched his chin and said, "Mari Kuchiki."

Xuanhao found information about this person based on the name given by Shiba Jinbei.

Mari Kuchiki, like this unreliable guy next to her, was born into one of the four noble families and was the eldest daughter of the Kuchiki family. However, the difference was that Shiba Jinbei was mediocre when he was studying at Genji School, but this eldest daughter was a real genius girl.

She graduated with first place in Yuanzi School and came to take part in this practical test. What is more noteworthy is that unlike the other students, she already has a Zanpakutō.

The name of this Zanpakutō felt familiar to Xuanhao - Senbonzakura.

It is said to be one of the Zanpakutō passed down from generation to generation by the noble Kuchiki clan.

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