Chapter 493 486. Yohabach


Looking at the Hollow rushing towards her, Kuchiki Mari's eyes narrowed. Her forward movement suddenly stopped, and her rapidly moving figure stopped almost in an instant. The powerful force caused the ground to crack slightly.


She took a deep breath slowly, and the flow of time in the entire world seemed to slow down in her eyes. At this moment, the Xu in front of her eyes moved as slowly as a snail. Her hand was always caressing the handle on her waist. The Zanpakutō is as beautiful as a work of art.

There was no beginning, no unnecessary movements, just simply waiting for Xu to approach.


The approaching virtual body suddenly trembled, and it felt the sudden killing intent.

When the blade was unsheathed, the murderous intent completely broke out.

Mari Kuchiki passed by Xu, and when her figure appeared, Senbonzakura had already returned to the scabbard, but blood exploded from Xu behind her and he fell to the ground.

The Hollow was neatly cut in half with a knife. The cracks spread from the bone mask on the head, and blood spread all over the land.

It did not rely on the power of the Zanpakuto Hakkake, this was a pure and rapid sword, relying on the girl's own ability.

Almost everyone present was a little shocked when they saw this scene.

Because for a person who has not officially become a Shinigami, such strength is indeed too outrageous. Should he be said to be a genius that only appeared in the Kuchiki clan for a hundred years?

But Xuan Hao frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

Because he still couldn't feel the breath of the soul fragment from this girl again, this knife was obviously much stronger than the one that saved people before.

"Why? Is it because of Shijie?"

Thinking back carefully, if you want to compare the difference between this girl's two attacks, it is probably only the Zanpakutō's Haigakai.

It's just that he can't figure out the connection between the soul fragments and the beginning of the Zanpakutō.

It can't be that the soul fragment is lodged in the Zanpakutō, right?

This situation does not seem impossible, after all, the Zanpakutō itself is a manifestation of the soul.

It's just that... Xuanhao vaguely remembered that Senbonzakura's Zanpakutō had a name as beautiful as a cherry blossom, but in the original work, the physical appearance should be that of a samurai wearing a ferocious mask. Judging from the body shape, it should be a man. of.

No, that doesn’t seem right either…

The form of the Zanpakutō will change according to the soul essence carved into it by the owner. In other words, even the same Zanpakutō will not be exactly the same in the hands of different people. In that case, Senbonzakura seems to be able to do the same. Is it a woman?

"It seems like we're in trouble now..."

Xuan Hao scratched his head in confusion.

The soul fragments he met before were all lodged in people. He had experience, so it was easy to handle, but how to take them out now that they were lodged in the Zanpakutō?

"What trouble?"

Seeing Xuanhao talking to himself, Shiba Jinbei asked with some doubts.

"Haven't all the voids here been dealt with?"

He frowned and looked at the battlefield, somewhat confused as to what the trouble Xuan Hao was talking about.

Looking at the girl who looked like a battlefield Valkyrie, he even felt a little relieved.

It seems that a powerful god of death will appear in Soul Society soon. In any case, this will be a good thing for the current chaotic situation between Soul Society and the other two worlds.



Xuan Hao was about to shake his head, but his expression suddenly turned serious, "It seems like there is really trouble."


On the battlefield, Mari Kuchiki, who had eliminated all the Hollows and ended the battle, gently stroked the scabbard, raised his head and stared blankly at the sky.

"Dad, am I qualified to become the god of death and inherit the family?"

She looked in a certain direction and murmured questions, as if she was feeling emotional.


Before she could finish her emotion, a powerful wave of spiritual power suddenly approached rapidly from behind.


She tilted her head subconsciously, and a beam of light instantly flashed across her cheek, and blood suddenly appeared.

If she hadn't maintained the necessary vigilance on the battlefield, this beam of light would have penetrated her head at this moment.

"Haven't I already cleared away all the voids..."

Mari Kuchiki frowned.

She couldn't feel wrong, there was no longer any spiritual pressure here.

Soon, she understood what was going on.

Where the light beam stopped, an 'arrow' made of condensed spiritual power was inserted.

"This is……"

Although she has not yet become a Shinigami, so she has not seen it with her own eyes, but if she remembers correctly, according to the knowledge she has learned, the only people who are good at condensing such arrows to attack are the Quincies living in this world!

Before she could turn around and see the attacker clearly, a powerful spiritual pressure instantly enveloped her.

"The spiritual pressure is completely different from Hollow and Shinigami, he is a Quincy for sure!"

Mari Kuchiki didn't quite understand why the Quincy appeared in the actual combat test site and even attacked him secretly. If he remembered correctly, the Shinigami and the Quincy should still be in the cooperation stage at this stage...

Then she wanted to turn around and figure out the situation.


But before she could completely turn around, another light arrow instantly penetrated her abdomen.

This arrow was faster than the previous one, so fast that she had no way to dodge it.

"Sure enough, shooting in the head is easy to miss."

A slightly helpless voice came, "To be honest, I didn't expect you to be able to dodge the first arrow."

Finally, following the voice, Kuchiki Mari saw clearly the appearance of the person coming.

Wearing white clothing that contrasts with the attire of the God of Death, wearing a pitch-black cloak, and holding a weapon made of souls in his right arm, this is indeed a Quincy.

"You are...ahem..."

Kuchiki Mari held the wound and knelt on the ground, looking at the man who suddenly appeared with difficulty.

There was a faint light in her hands, as she was trying to recover from her injuries, and she seemed to want to continue fighting.

But the other party ignored her and just passed by her with a smile.

"I thought someone broke into my testing ground for no reason, but I didn't expect it to be a group of young kids?"

The man said with a chuckle.

Under Kuchiki Mari's surprised gaze, he raised his hand.

Something strange happened.

"What...what is this!?"

Mari Kuchiki looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The hollow that was split in half by her knife just now was strangely reborn under this man's unknown power!

"What is this guy doing!? As a Quincy, he resurrected a Hollow!?"

"My good boy, the rest will be left to you. Is it okay to deal with these kids?"

The man ignored Kuchiki Mari's shocked gaze and just turned around with a smile, the arrow in his hand condensing again.

Several more light arrows penetrated the girl's body, but each arrow avoided the fatal point.

Mari Kuchiki looked at the man in front of him with dull eyes, "What on going on?"

Powerful, she couldn't find any other words to describe the Quincy in front of her.

That terrifying spiritual pressure and weird power, even her father, the head of the Kuchiki clan and the current captain of the Gotei 13th Division 6th division, can only come close to it.

How could such a guy suddenly appear here and attack me again? Kuchiki Mari's brain was running wildly. etc! ? What did this guy just say? Proving ground...

"Go on, kid, remember to chew it well before eating."

The man looked at the girl kneeling on the ground indifferently, his dark cloak rising and falling with the surging spiritual pressure.


As his words fell, the resurrected Hollow roared.

The body began to expand continuously, and it seemed to be given more power than before it was killed, but it also felt pain as a result.

But even so, it still obeyed the man's order and walked slowly towards the girl.

At the same time, this man's figure disappeared from the place as if drifting away in the wind.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Mari Kuchiki shouted angrily.

She wanted to move her body, but the arrows condensed with spiritual power just now kept hurting her and sealed her spiritual pressure. She could no longer treat the injuries by herself.

Who is that person? Why does a Quincy have the power to control Hollows? What a testing ground! ?

Although her mind was full of doubts at the moment, she had no time to think at all, because the resurrected Xu was approaching her, the ferocious mask opened its huge mouth, as if he wanted to chew her up and swallow her at the man's words.


Mari Kuchiki gritted her teeth. The more critical the situation became, the more she kept reminding herself that she should calm down.

The resurrected Hollow seems to have evolved from an ordinary Hollow to a Great Hollow, but it must be very painful to see it struggling, and its movements are very slow.

But even so, it is more than enough to kill all of them students who are not even official Shinigami in the battlefield.

"I knew this actual combat test was not reliable at all..."

She began to complain. She had clearly promised that the captain and vice-captain of the Fourth Division were here so she wouldn't have to worry about dying. But now that the situation was like this, and those two unreliable guys didn't show up, it wouldn't have happened. Was he solved by that man just now?

"Sure enough... if you want to rely on others, something will happen sooner or later..."

As she spoke, her body moved.

Her spiritual pressure was sealed and her injuries could not be treated. Now she could only rely on her will to endure the pain and act.

"By the time that Captain of the Fourth Squadron arrives, the day lily will be cold... If we don't organize it... all the losers behind will die..."

Supporting his body with the handle of the knife, Mari Kuchiki finally stood up.

"If I can still move, I can still fight..."

She thought as her father's back flashed in her mind.

"Truth, if it is not strong enough to convince everyone, there is no way to succeed as the head of the Kuchiki clan."

Her father's voice echoed in her mind all the time.

Born into a noble family, the battle for the position of heir is already cruel. What's more, she is still a girl. It is even more difficult to gain everyone's recognition in the strict class system of Soul Society.

"This damn world is so terrible..." This is what she always thought.

"It sucks? Then change it, but before that, you need power, truth." She remembered her father saying this when he handed the Zanpakutō to her.

So she believes that power is everything, and only if she has power can she have the power to change everything.

Mari Kuchiki stared angrily at Daxu who was getting closer and closer.

In the final analysis, the position of the head of the family is not important at all.

"I just...have to become stronger, in order to change the status quo!"

As if feeling the master's strong obsession, Senbonzakura's blade began to glow faintly.


"Why are you stopping me?"

Xuanhao slapped away Shiba Jinbei's arm holding him with an unkind expression.

Just now, he felt the breath of the soul fragment, and the guy behind him hugged him tightly and pulled him back as if he didn't care about his life.


Shiba Jinbei's voice was trembling.

"You can't beat him! You can't beat that man!"

"I can't beat you?"

As if he heard some joke, Xuan Hao curled his lips, "Who is he? I can't beat him?"

"The ancestor of the Quincy - Yhwach!"

Shiba Jinpei's expression became very solemn.

"Damn it, why would a guy of this level just appear here?"


Xuan Hao couldn't help but frown when he heard the name.

Well, it does seem a bit uncertain to actually fight, after all, he still doesn't fully understand how to use soul power.

This is the big boss in the world of "Death". It seems impossible to defeat it with brute force alone.

"What the hell, isn't that guy gone? Save people first."

Soon, Xuan Hao realized that if he didn't go up to save people, the girl would be killed by the resurrected Xu.

Although he did not sense the breath of the soul fragment from the girl, if the soul fragment was really lodged in the girl's Zanpakutō, the girl could not be allowed to die.

After all, the Zanpakutō will change along with the owner's soul characteristics, and it will definitely be affected by the owner. If you want to know how to remove the fragments, you will probably have to start with the owner.

"Ah! Yes! Help!"

Shiba Jinbei also reacted quickly.

"Go ahead."

Xuanhao patted Shiba Jinbei on the shoulder.

"Huh? Why?"

"You should be able to catch up at this distance. Stop talking nonsense and go!"


Shiba Jinbei was kicked down from the height of the ruins.

"Yhwach, what a troublesome guy..."

Looking at Shiba Jinbei who got up and rushed to save people, Xuanhao sighed and sighed.

He didn't expect that he would meet the big boss so soon. This dungeon had just been opened.

Although I can no longer feel Yhwach's aura around here, who can guarantee whether the other party also has the ability to hide his aura? What if no one leaves?

Therefore, he decided not to expose himself to the other party's sight. Even if they are not officially enemies yet, it is always right to be cautious.

His current situation is very special. Most people can't feel his spiritual pressure at all. In other words, as long as he doesn't show up, even Yhwach can't find him.

This is an advantage. When faced with an enemy that is not sure whether it can be dealt with, a fool will voluntarily give up the advantage and take the initiative to confront the opponent.

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