A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 500 493. From now on, I am your enemy

Chapter 500 493. From now on, I am your enemy

Mari Kuchiki knew that she could not leave here alive with her own strength.

Fortunately, in order to prevent any accidents during this operation, Captain Yamamoto was stationed at the boundary crossing gate above. All he needed to do was let him notice the movement here.

Therefore, Kuchiki Mari tried his best to release the spiritual pressure in himself.

"Let's scatter, Senbonzakura."


She didn't think that her Shijie could pose a threat to the man in front of her, so Shijie's purpose was just to ask for help.

Countless blades as small as cherry blossoms rose into the sky, which was her signal for help.

"A useless struggle."

Yhwach said indifferently, "Distress signal? Didn't you notice your surroundings?"


After hearing Yhwach's words, Mari Kuchiki subconsciously observed the surrounding environment.

Before, her attention was completely focused on the man in front of her. She had no choice but to concentrate on facing such a presence.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that the surroundings had been shrouded in dark shadows, and it seemed that this place was already another space.

Construct a spirit space and manipulate spirit particles to construct buildings and barriers.

This place has been shrouded in dark shadows and belongs to Yhwach's 'Realm of Shadows'.

"People outside our domain cannot sense the spiritual pressure here. After all, I don't want to be sensed by that guy Yamamoto when I come here."

Yhwach said as he threw the arrow in his hand.

"If you want to blame it, it's just your bad luck. You broke into my domain."

"Oops...can't escape!!"

Kuchiki Mari's face instantly turned pale.

Facing such an enemy, she had no chance of winning, not even a chance to escape!

Being penetrated by such an arrow will directly leave fatal wounds on the body no matter where it hits, and most of the body may be directly exploded by the violent spiritual power.

"What the hell! Why am I so unlucky? Every time I meet such a hard-to-beat guy!"

Mari Kuchiki's heart was full of unwillingness. She had obviously worked very hard to become stronger, reaching the level of vice-captain in a short period of time. Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to realizing her wish, she seemed to be teased by fate. , every time you encounter trouble that you can't handle.

But no matter how much she complained, everything before her eyes had become an established fact.

The arrows made of spirit sons were approaching, and the light that symbolized death was covering her whole body. She had no energy left to dodge such an attack.

"That's it..."

Yhwach looked at the girl who was about to be swallowed up by the light arrow with an expressionless face. He originally thought that this little girl who was not considered a trouble had no chance of surviving, and everything was over.

But the next second, he frowned.


The light arrow fell into the air, and the violent roar was deafening.

"There are quite a few surprises today, aren't they?"

Looking at the girl who suddenly disappeared in the path of the arrow, Yhwach moved his gaze to the side, and finally focused on a panting man.

"It was such a close call, something almost happened."

The figure of Shiba Jinbei appeared. Just now, he saved this girl with Shunpo at the critical moment.

"I've seen you with this spiritual pressure."

Yhwach looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him with cold eyes.

This was the spiritual pressure he sensed at the experimental site last time. He was a coward who cowered aside and didn't dare to show his head when he saw his appearance.

This time it seems that you are a little stronger than before. Did you work hard after being hit? But it has no effect.

"If you are talking about last time, then I should be right."

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Shiba Jinbe's forehead.

"How did you find this place?"

Yhwach's gaze became dangerous.

The spiritual pressure in the nearby area has been blocked by him. Even the old guy Yamamoto cannot easily sense his presence. How can the man in front of him accurately determine the location and save this girl?


Shiba Jinbei scratched his head, "To put it simply... it's the sense of smell?"

As he spoke, the spiritual pressure on his body began to surge.

A faint white light began to glow on the glove-like Zanpakuto. The light continued to spread from the arms to the whole body, and finally condensed into a pair of pale armor.

His entire body was covered in tough armor, resembling a standing wolf.

Swastika solution·Cang Yin Greedy Wolf.

"Wolf? So that's it. It's a rare Zanpakutō."

Yhwach looked at the man in front of him who was wearing armor and transformed into a wolf with great interest.

His gaze became more and more dangerous, "What? Aren't you going to hide and tremble like a dog this time?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand indifferently again, and a lightsaber made of spirit particles condensed in his hand.

"Well~ Look at what you said, you can't hide for the rest of your life, right?"

Shiba Jinbei's body couldn't help but tremble, and the fear in his heart was covered up by his fighting spirit.

He seemed to be under the influence of the Zanpakutō, and he became more and more bellicose.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that he was not panicked at all. Obviously, he could never be Yhwach's opponent, and he still knew this.

But he didn't feel too scared, because he just needed to delay for some time.

The real hunter is following behind. Although it is not appropriate to describe it this way, it is the fact. He is just playing the role of a 'hound' now.

"Then... just die here with her."

Yhwach's face was gloomy.

He could easily kill someone like this with just a few fingers. He didn't even bother to deprive the opponent of his 'Swastika' because he was too weak.

However, why are these two pitifully weak guys still willing to fight when faced with such a huge gap in strength?

What's even weirder is... not even the 'omnipotent' one can give him the answer to the question in front of him.

"Strangle. Must strangle, nip all unexpected elements in the bud."

Then Yhwach moved.

He took action for the first time, preparing to kill the two people in front of him at close range.

The next moment, his figure appeared next to Shiba Jinbei, and he raised the lightsaber in his hand when the other party barely responded.

The lightsaber whizzed down and slashed towards the back of Shiba Jinbei's neck. This one strike could decapitate him.

Shiba Jinbei was still in a daze.

Because of the influence of the Zanpakutō, he had almost wild instincts and intuition. He could clearly feel that danger was approaching, but his body could not react.

too fast.

Yhwach, who was showing his true self, was completely unmatched by him.

Even though he tried his best, he could only barely turn his head away.

Such a move is meaningless, it is nothing more than being able to see death approaching with your own eyes.

"Let's scatter, Senbonzakura."

At this moment, Mari Kuchiki on the side once again tried his best to free his Zanpakutō.

Yhwach dismissed this.

His eyes turned to the girl in front of him, and his pupils suddenly changed.


Mari Kuchiki looked into Yhwach's eyes and was stunned.

This man's eyes suddenly turned into 'double pupils', and endless pressure began to spread towards her.

"Do you still have the strength to solve it? But it's useless."

Yhwach stared blankly at the fine blades scattered around like cherry blossom petals.

"When I open my eyes, from this moment to the distant future, there is nothing that I cannot see through. Things that can be seen through can be 'known', and the 'power' of knowing can only help me, and cannot be defeated by those powers. I, that is to say, your abilities cannot hurt me at all. This is my power - 'omniscience and omnipotence'."

As he spoke, he ignored the 'petals' around him, and the lightsaber in his hand suddenly extended and continued to cut down.

It seemed that he planned to cut off the two people in front of him with one sword.

"Such an ability... doesn't it mean it's almost invincible?"

Despair spread in the eyes of Shiba Jinbei and Kuchiki Mari.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Move it!"

Shiba Jinbei roared in his heart, constantly forcing his body to react faster.

He seemed to have overestimated his own strength. In the face of such an existence, he was not even qualified to delay time.

If this continues, both of them will die here.

"You are old enough to die...but! At least you should do what you promised others, right!?"

Time seemed to be slowed down dozens of times. Shiba Jinbei's hand moved slowly, trying to block the sword that was about to fall.

He promised that man that he would protect this girl, and this girl is indeed very talented. In a short period of time, she has surpassed most of the Shinigami in Soul Society. She will be able to become the captain one day. No, maybe Not just the captain!

"How could such a genius let her perish here!?"

Suddenly, a roar sounded, and a ferocious wolf shadow appeared on Shiba Jinbei. At this moment, his speed suddenly accelerated as if he had broken through some shackles.


A hint of curiosity flashed in Yhwach's eyes.

He could tell that the man beside him broke through when he was on the verge of despair.


He saw the other party's ability at a glance.

This is the ability to live like a beast in nature, able to constantly adapt to the surrounding environment, whether in combat or otherwise, and grow slowly in accordance with the rules of natural selection.

"Not bad ability. It would be a waste to have such an ability buried with you."

As he spoke, Yhwach took off the star on his chest.

‘Star Seal Transformation’ can take away all the abilities of the Death God’s ‘Swastika’ through the Star Seal and seal them in the Star Seal. This is a technology he developed specifically for the Death God’s Swastika.

A Shinigami who has been deprived of his swastika will no longer be able to use his swastika, and the swastika sealed in the Star Seal can be manipulated by the Quincy at will.


The lightsaber slashed down, blood splattered everywhere, and Shiba Jinbei's arm wrapped in armor was severed.

A cruel smile appeared on Yhwach's face. He changed his mind and planned to first absorb the power of the Death God in front of him, 'Swastika', and then kill the two people in front of him.

After all, such growth ability is indeed rare.

After cutting off the opponent's arm, he stretched out his hand and pointed the star medal at the opponent.

Shiba Jinbei, who had lost an arm, fell to his knees in despair. He could just reattach his broken arm, which was not difficult for him.

But there is no point in getting the arm back now.

The difference in strength was too huge. He looked at the star medal pointed at him. Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to do, there was no doubt that he had no choice now.

Soon, he and the girl next to him would die under this man's sword, leaving no room for resistance.

"Accept reality, stupid Death."

Yhwach looked down at the God of Death in front of him with contempt, "I said that I can see through everything. In front of me, who is omniscient and omnipotent, there is no room for 'understanding' and 'countermeasures' to intervene. Everything I see is powerless in front of me." Yes, you have no chance of winning."

After taking away the 'Swastika' from the god of death in front of him, Yhwach looked at the star medal in his hand with a sneer, and waved the lightsaber again with his other hand.

"go to hell."

"The damn person is you."

A cold voice came from behind.

Yhwach was slightly startled.

He turned around in surprise, but still only saw the 'Sakura' surrounding him. This was the Zanpakutō of the girl just now, and it posed no threat to him.

"Omniscient and omnipotent?"

The sudden sound sounded again, still coming from behind.


Yhwach paused when he held the star's hand, because the star in his hand disappeared.

Gradually, he frowned.

A surge of anger surged through him, and he felt like he was being played.

Turning around again, he saw a pair of bright golden eyes looming among the drifting cherry blossoms.

"Then have you seen this scene now?"

After the cherry blossoms dispersed, Xuan Hao's figure emerged. His hand exerted slight force, and the star medal in his hand was crushed in an instant.

The dazzling golden eyes and the crimson double eyes looked at each other less than a sword's distance away. The golden eyes were full of indifference, but the double eyes revealed great surprise.

Yhwach looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him in disbelief.

It was as if there was some invisible force that separated this man from his own 'omniscience and omnipotence'. He could not see anything in this man. His spiritual pressure, abilities, future, everything was pitch black.

It is as deep as an abyss and makes people feel inexplicable fear.

"Who are you?"

"from now on--"

Glancing at the two people beside him who were seriously injured, Xuan Hao waved his fist expressionlessly.

"I am your enemy."


Under Yhwach's surprised gaze, the punch hit his abdomen.

As a result, his entire body flew backwards under the influence of powerful force.

"I...was beaten away?"

During the flight, Yhwach fell into a brief confusion.

No way, he really didn't expect that the man who suddenly appeared in front of him would attack him in such a simple and crude way.

His omniscience and omnipotence could not see through this man, and it seemed that even if he could see through him, it would have no effect.

Because the opponent's fighting style does not use any 'ability' at all.

"This is really... a headache..."

Thanks to: Book friend 20200103083329839, 42 neutron sources, and another reward

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