A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 505 498. Self-destruction force

Chapter 505 498. Self-destruction force

The moment the star seal shattered, terrifying spiritual pressure instantly enveloped the battlefield where the two of them were.

After a flash of pale light, the ferocious wolf shadow flashed away, and Shiba Jinbei's figure was shrouded in silver armor.

Swastika solution·Cang Yin Greedy Wolf.

"Come on, let's fight!"

Shiba Jinbei roared, turned around, and pounced on his enemy like a hungry wolf.

Because of the swastika, the gap in spiritual pressure between the two people was instantly narrowed. The armor transformed from the Zanpakutō on his body allowed him to use the capital to fight against the person in front of him.


The two figures collided violently, and the spread of the impact caused the ground where they were to crack. This was a clash of pure strength, fist against fist.

Whether it's a god of death or a Quincy, people like them who use fists as a means of attack are very rare, and now the two of them happened to meet on a narrow road.


Ferlando laughed wildly.

Shiba Jinbei's sudden counterattack made his eyes light up, "That's it! That's how it should be! So that's it, are you afraid that I will take away your swastika, right? Tell me earlier!"


He suddenly took off his pure white uniform top, indicating that there was nothing on him for the other party to be wary of, and all that was left was his extremely strong body!

The ferocious blood vessels exploded with the light blue spiritual energy flowing in them, causing these blood vessels to spread on the skin like cracks.

This is one of the Quincy's combat techniques - blood-driving equipment.

Directly injecting the spirit into the blood vessels, maximizing the damage exerted by the body, but when using the blood dynamic equipment, he cannot also use the defensive 'static blood equipment', which means that he has a strong sense of his own defense. Great confidence.

"Come on, I disdain to use such despicable means."

Ferlando showed off his proud physique, and strength was everything to him.

The spiritual pressure exploded from him again until it climbed to the extreme.

The two powerful spiritual pressures collided together, and the violent fluctuations caused the surrounding Shinigami and Quincy to hide away involuntarily.

"So strong!"

Shiba Jinbe admired the opponent's spiritual pressure.

Even though he had raised his spiritual pressure to the extreme with his swastika, he was still overwhelmed by the person in front of him.

But he didn't feel intimidated, instead a wild smile appeared on his lips.

"If you're not strong, there's no point in exercising!"


The figures of the two people kept intertwining.

Dense cracks began to appear on Shiba Jinbei's armor, and the blood seeping out of them made him look particularly embarrassed.

But his movements did not slow down at all. Instead, he became more and more courageous as he fought.

The wolf-shaped armor gradually began to change due to the blood infection, its defense continued to weaken, but its claws became sharper.

As the injuries became more and more serious, the fighting spirit gradually increased in him, but the injuries did not seem to have any impact on his combat prowess.

The reason is very simple. He is from the fourth team, and what he is best at is of course ‘replying’.

The pale silver light mixed with blood flashed, and the injuries on his body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye while fighting.

This is his swastika, the complete body of Cang Yin Greedy Wolf.

With the fighting instinct and adaptability of a beast, coupled with the resilience to fight for a long time, he can continue to fight until his will is burned out, and he will fight until death.


Ferlando smiled as he felt the fighting spirit exuding from the god of death in front of him.

This god of death is obviously weaker than him, but he seems to have regarded this battle as a kind of enjoyment.


His fist fell into the air again, and the destructive power was enough to cause any flesh and blood body to collapse in an instant, but the Death God in front of him reacted as if he had predicted it at the same time as he punched, and his terrifying intuition was simply It's like a real ferocious beast, and it's also a peerless ferocious beast that thirsts for battle and blood.

“Hahahahaha—very good!”

Suddenly, Ferlando stopped attacking and distanced himself from Shiba Jinbei.

Such a move made Shiba Jinbei, who was intoxicated in the battle, slightly stunned, and fell into a brief confusion like a wild wolf that suddenly lost its target.

"What? Don't you dare to continue?"

"Stop being so arrogant, Death."

A dangerous smile appeared on Ferlando's face, "But there are only two people in the Star Cross Knights who can fight with me to this extent. You can be proud."

"Oh? Thank you so much!"

Shiba Jinbe roared and stepped forward, trying to close the distance with the opponent again.


Ferlando's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, "I don't have extra time to spend here with you, so just be my nutrient and make me stronger!"


This is the ability of the Holy Word 'O' given to him by His Majesty. He can increase his strength by killing other objects. Whether they are enemies, companions or beasts, they are just moving 'experience points' in his eyes. The more he kills, the more he kills. The stronger he becomes, of course the amount of experience is also related to the strength of the object being killed.

And the Death in front of him is an excellent 'experience package' for him.

"go to hell."

As he spoke, Ferrando slowly raised his arm, unfolded the Annihilation Cross in his hand, and held a huge spiritual bow in his hand.

The spiritual pressure on his body rose to the extreme, and the surrounding spiritual beings became extremely violent. One after another, huge sacred arrows condensed on the spiritual bow and shot into the sky.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing the other party's unusual behavior, Shiba Jinbei stopped and frowned.

He was clearly right in front of this guy, so why was this guy aiming his sacred destroying arrow at the sky?

Soon, Ferlando gave him the answer.

Huge arrows pierced the sky like meteors flying backwards. When they reached the highest altitude, they suddenly split.

Countless arrows scattered like exploding fireworks, falling in all directions, covering almost the entire Seireitei.


Countless screams were heard continuously. This was an indiscriminate bombardment. It was not only the God of Death who screamed, but also the Quincy.

At this moment, Shiba Jinbe finally realized that the previous round of attacks might not be the arrows shot by the Quincys falling from the sky, but the first round of 'cleansing' carried out by the whole man after breaking through the defense.

"Asshole, what on earth are you doing?"

However, what he couldn't understand was why the other party wanted to kill his companions together this time?

"Ah...it's really refreshing!"

After the arrow rain stopped, Ferlando opened his arms as if feeling something.

Shiba Jinbei was surprised to find that compared to before, this guy's spiritual pressure seemed to have increased again?

"Okay, that's almost enough."

Finally, the spiritual pressure stopped rising. Ferlando looked at Shiba Jinbei in front of him with a sneer, "The character given to me by Your Majesty is 'O'. Kill a lot of people. Whether it is an enemy or a companion, the more I kill, the more powerful I will become." Strong, and now, the entire battlefield is my supply depot.”

"Are you saying...the Quincies you brought are all bait?"

A nameless anger ignited in Shiba Jinbei's heart.

He finally understood why the only person coming to attack this time was the person in front of him.

This was a trap from beginning to end, a trap used to weaken their Death God combat power.

This person broke through the Seireitei's defense barrier, and then shot the first arrow to weaken the first round of strength while they didn't react, and then used it to strengthen himself. These Quincy who followed him into the Seireitei were also decoys. It's to bring out more Death!

The main combat power is the man in front of me! And since the other party dared to attack Seireitei like this, they probably never thought about leaving alive. To put it simply - this is a complete self-destruction force!

"You bastards, aren't you afraid of death?"


Ferlando dismissed it, "As long as we can complete His Majesty's great deeds, what does death mean? You gods of death will not understand that the world His Majesty longs for is a perfect world without terror!"

The next moment, the sound of breaking through the air roared past.


Ferrando, who was intoxicated in his fantasy, was slightly stunned. He felt that his left forearm was empty.

When he raised his arm and took a look, he discovered that his left forearm had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a neat cut like a knife.

Suddenly, anger rushed to the top of his head, his eyes became gloomy, and he turned his head to stare at Shiba Jinbei who had arrived not far behind him.

"You're so good, Death!"

Shiba Jinbei remained unmoved.

He looked at the mess around him and remained silent.

He didn't understand the meaning of the existence of war. Just like the picture displayed in front of him at this moment, the war left only blood, loneliness, destroyed homes, and displaced people.

It is even more difficult to understand why these guys want to start a war because of their own selfish desires.

"What kind of bullshit perfect world? So many people are sacrificed to realize one person's wish, is this what you want?"

At this moment, Shiba Jinbei only had one thought left in his mind - to deal with the enemy in front of him!

He is not a murderous person, even Xuan Hao said that his compatibility with Zanpakutō is not high, but at this moment, he really wants to kill people.

Cang Yin's armor was dyed red with blood, and the overflowing spiritual pressure seemed to be dyed scarlet.

The violent killing intent was unleashed, and a high-pitched wolf howl sounded over the Seireitei.


Boom boom boom——

Countless arrows of light fell from the sky, leaving the Death Gods who were facing the enemy at a loss.

Judging from the terrifying spiritual pressure emanating from the falling arrow of light, most of the Shinigami and Quincy present were completely powerless, and a hit was equivalent to death.

But the strange thing is that the Quincy didn't seem to notice the light arrows falling in the sky, and they still continued to attack the Death Gods. They were like emotionless war machines, with only the enemy's throat in their eyes.

Facing such an enemy who was not afraid of death, the God of Death was at a disadvantage in an instant.

After all, they not only had to dodge the light arrows falling from high places, but also had to deal with the Quincy in front of them.

And these Quincy saw the cowardice shown by these Death Gods at this moment, and rushed forward one by one to hug the Death Gods and die together! They are just the vanguard of the Quincy army, with only one purpose - to consume the power in the Seireitei at all costs.

"Damn it! Find cover first and don't get entangled by these guys! These guys want to die with us!"

Someone saw their companions being pulled together by the Quincy and buried under the falling arrows of light, and they started shouting.

But his reminder seemed to be a little too late, as many people had already been killed by the meteor shower-like light arrows.

After death, these people turned into spiritual energy that strangely gathered in a certain direction.

And just when he was distracted and wanted to remind his teammates, a figure hugged him tightly from behind.

"Damn it! Bastard! Let go!"

This god of death kept struggling, but it was useless.

The dense rain of arrows falls very fast, and as long as you are delayed even a little bit, you will be killed by the arrows.

Just when he was desperate, a breeze came from the distance.

"Let's scatter, Senbonzakura."

Blades as dense as petals passed over the head, forming a barrier-like defense to deflect all the light arrows.

Kuchiki Mari's figure followed the wind, and when he passed the two entangled figures, it also blew with him.

The cherry blossoms gathered on the blade and re-condensed into the blade, while blood splattered behind her.

"Are you OK?"

Hearing the concerned inquiry, the God of Death who had survived the disaster turned his head in fear.

At this moment, the Quincy behind him who was holding him was lying on the ground covered in blood. He looked at himself again and found that he was unscathed.

"No...it's okay..."

He swallowed and looked at the girl in front of him in surprise. Is this the heir to the Kuchiki family? I heard that you just became the God of Death? Such fine control is simply unimaginable.

"If nothing happens, take action quickly!"

Mari Kuchiki frowned and scolded, "Don't mess up your position during the battle!"

"But... they..."

The man pointed hesitantly at the Quincy who were like mad dogs.

"It's so annoying!"

Mari Kuchiki shook her hair tied into a ponytail with an impatient look on her face.

"Do you still need me, a newcomer, to teach you? This is war! When we encounter fierce enemies on the battlefield, there is only one thing we can do -"

Before he finished speaking, Kuchiki Mari's figure had disappeared from the place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of a group of Quincy.

"Harder than them!"

She swung the Zanpakutō in her hand, why? Because she didn't unsheath the Zanpakutō at all.

If you always train with two reckless men, you will inevitably learn some bad habits, just like now.

After all, both Xuanhao and Shiba Jinbei have only taught him one way of fighting. If you can't win, run away. If you win - then use overwhelming power to break through from the front!

The scabbard hit a Quincy in the abdomen hard, and then like dominoes, one after another.

The huge impact knocked all the enemies in front of him away, and the direction they flew backwards was exactly where the arrow rain was about to fall.

"It's such a rough fighting style, it doesn't suit me at all."

After doing all this, Mari Kuchiki stood in the middle of the battlefield with a knife and complained.


The people around her who were looking at her, whether they were Shinigami or Quincy, subconsciously took a few steps back.

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