A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 550 543. Urahara Kisuke gloating about misfortune

Chapter 550 543. Urahara Kisuke gloating about misfortune

When he was fighting other Hollows before, Kurosaki Ichigo noticed that the transformed soul was running towards him with this Hollow, but he didn't know why he suddenly turned around. This Hollow is obviously chasing after the transformed soul.

But what is going on now! ?

He and Rukia looked at each other in confusion as they looked at the boy who landed on the hollow corpse.

This man is a monster who came out of nowhere! ?

"Yo! Hello you guys!"

Hun noticed the arrival of the two men and waved his hands to greet them cheerfully.

"Who are you?"

Kuchiki Rukia asked with a frown.

Kurosaki Ichigo also grasped the hilt of the Zanpakuto behind his back, his eyes alert.

This guy seems to know them?

"Ale? Weren't you still chasing me before?"

Hun scratched his head, and then realized that his appearance seemed to have changed drastically. It was normal for the powerless Death God in front of him to still be half-assed and unable to recognize him.

"What the hell! Are you guys going to fight!?"

He looked excitedly at Kurosaki Ichigo's prepared movements, and the golden light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, eager to try.

Having just gained strength, beating up a Hollow is completely unsatisfactory! These two people just chased me for several streets, why don't they give me a beating?

"Are you the transformed soul from before?"

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned and drew his Zanpakutō.

His instinct told him that the guy in front of him was very dangerous, especially those scorching golden eyes that made his scalp tingle.

The atmosphere became a little anxious, as if another war was going to break out here next moment.


At this moment, a helpless voice came from above to break the deadlock.

The three of them were attracted by the sound and looked up.

Xuanhao was seen holding Kurosaki Ichigo's body and standing in mid-air looking down at them.

"Is this guy a reformed soul? Did you make him look like this?"

Kuchiki Rukia's combined soul answer and Xuan Hao's appearance quickly analyzed the situation in front of her.

Who is this man? What on earth did this guy do to transform the soul! ? She can't tell from the current soul that the other person is still the 'Yi Hun Pill'. No matter how you look at it, this is a living person!

Not only that, what exactly is this incredible fighting ability! ? It’s completely over the limit! She didn't remember that the modified souls developed by Soul Society were so powerful! It’s only been half a day since I last saw how this man created such a terrifying thing!

"This has nothing to do with you."

Xuanhao eliminated the condensed souls at his feet, fell from the sky, casually threw Kurosaki Ichigo's body to himself, and then waved to the soul beside him.

"Let's go, just leave the aftermath to them."

"Huh? Oh oh oh!"

When Hun heard this man calling him, he immediately nodded his head.

To be honest, he was still full of questions until now, and he didn't even know the name of the person in front of him who gave him new life.

But since he can hug such a thigh, of course he has to hug it tightly!

This person just said, ‘No one in this world can control your destiny except me’! Can ordinary people dare to say such domineering and revealing words? As long as he follows this person...the Death Gods in Soul Society won't be able to do anything to him! ?

"Hey, hey, hey! Do you think we are tools? We are also gods of death after all! Can you give me some face..."

Kuchiki Rukia was speechless as she looked at the backs of the two people who left without looking back, standing there in a mess.

The surrounding area was extremely damaged due to the battle just now, and it would be very difficult to repair it. The most important thing is... she has no money now! Restoring these places requires funds!

"Ale? I seem to be late, hahahaha..."

Not long after Xuan Hao left, the sly-eyed Urahara Kisuke arrived "late."

"Why are you here?" Rukia Kuchiki rolled her eyes.

Before she had time to find trouble with this unscrupulous merchant who was selling 'inferior products', the other party delivered the goods to her door.

"Now that I'm here, I'll leave it to you to deal with the aftermath! Just think of it as compensation for selling things indiscriminately to me!"

"Listen to my explanation, this is really an accident..."

Urahara Kisuke held up his hat in embarrassment, "I didn't expect things to develop like this..."

"Who is this person?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked a little surprised at the guy who suddenly appeared.

It's just that he didn't feel Xuan Hao's appearance just now. Even the appearance of this person was silent and he couldn't feel it at all. Rukia said that he is very talented as a Shinigami, even stronger than ordinary Shinigami, but why has he never met anyone weaker than him in this world except Rukia...

(Kuchiki Rukia: Are you polite?)

"Well, you asked me who I am..."

"He is an unscrupulous businessman who is only interested in profit."

Urahara Kisuke was stunned when he heard Kurosaki Ichigo's words, and before he could finish speaking, Kuchiki Rukia answered for him.

"No, no, no, don't listen to her nonsense, I am a serious person." Urahara Kisuke shook his head and said seriously.

"Um...so who should I trust?"

Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head, feeling that these two things in front of him were unreliable.

"Anyway...this is all a misunderstanding."

Urahara Kisuke explained with some embarrassment, "I really didn't expect that someone like that would get involved."

"Oh? It means you really sold that thing to me on purpose, right?"

Kuchiki Rukia clenched her fists, wishing to smash the man's head in front of her, but unfortunately she knew she couldn't.


Urahara Kisuke smiled awkwardly, "Didn't I rush to try to remedy this?"

As he spoke, he raised the crutch in his hand, as if he was fully armed and ready to fight.

"Oh? Then why don't you catch up?" Rukia Kuchiki mocked.


Urahara Kisuke couldn't answer immediately, "Actually, I got here before you guys. I originally planned to snatch the 'goods' back, but..."

As he spoke, he shook his head slightly.

"It means...you can't handle that man?"

Rukia Kuchiki got an important clue from Urahara Kisuke's words - this profit-seeking and unscrupulous businessman actually had nothing to do with that man!

This is not good news...

No one knows how strong the unscrupulous businessman in front of her is, but if he can open a black shop, he must not be afraid of trouble. No one will believe that a weak and weak boss with no fighting ability can come and go in Soul Society and the real world with ease. Ziru can even 'purchase' goods at will.

But even such a mysterious guy couldn't handle that man.

That guy is indeed a monster beyond the standard! ?

"If you saw what that man did, you would probably be afraid to do it like me. No, I think everyone would be the same as me..." Urahara Kisuke said helplessly.

He lowered the brim of his hat and sighed, but for some reason, an imperceptible smile appeared on his face.

"What did he do?" Rukia Kuchiki and Ichigo Kurosaki asked with frowns.

They were also curious about what this man had done to make a transformed soul suddenly become so powerful.


Urahara Kisuke stepped back and raised his index finger to indicate that the two of them needed to continue asking more questions.

"You guy, come on, speak up!" Rukia Kuchiki clenched her fists.

"You two, leave the aftermath work here to me," Urahara Kisuke said with a smile, "As for the rest, don't ask too much. Knowing too much will not do you any good."

He waved his hand, and a large and two young store clerks carrying equipment appeared behind him. It seemed that if these two people dared to continue asking, they would take action directly.


Kuchiki Rukia frowned upon seeing this, and finally left with Kurosaki Ichigo.


Looking at Rukia Kuchiki leaving here, Urahara Kisuke sighed.

"Store manager, is that person really that scary?"

Tessai behind him asked.


Urahara Kisuke just replied with two words, and then a dangerous smile appeared on his face.

"Store manager, you laugh so horribly..." Xiaoyu reminded timidly.

"Huh? Sorry, sorry! I'm just... so happy!"

Urahara Kisuke reached out and rubbed the girl's head with a smile on his face.

As for why he was so happy, it was of course because of the appearance of Xuan Hao, a guy who surprised everyone.

Although the appearance of this man disrupted his plan, it didn't matter, because for him, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. The person who really had a headache was not him, but the guy hiding in Soul Society.

Just now, he had witnessed that man's ability with his own eyes. It was not simply finding a body for the soul to lean over, but completely merging the soul with the body, completely 'resurrecting' it. . Such a method can be described as a 'miracle', and it is not something they can achieve at all.

Even as the first director of the Soul Society Technology Development Bureau, he never thought that he could do such a thing, because giving people new life is not a 'human' field at all. It is a power that is enough to disrupt the balance and order of the world.

"Tsk tsk, Aizen, I feel worried for you if you want to be an enemy of such a guy..."

Urahara Kisuke was in an extremely happy mood, whistling and retracting the interference techniques arranged around him.

That's right, after realizing that something was wrong, he not only stopped trying to take back the transformed soul from that man, but even helped set up the interference barrier. Only he and the two parties involved knew everything that had just happened here.

"Yes, we are swallowed up by ignorance and fear with no choice, and instead fall into the turbid current of destiny that is called destiny."


The pouring rain never stops, and the rushing river seems to have no end.

There were corpses parked on the blood-stained riverside. The young boy stood in the rain and stared at the scene in front of him with eyes blank. This moment seemed to last forever and would be forever engraved in his heart and could not be erased.

"That's why... I think so. As long as... I'm still alive, I will protect them."

In the early morning, Kurosaki Ichigo woke up from a nightmare with tears in his eyes for some reason.

He stood up and put on his clothes, and looked at the electronic watch on his wrist as usual, but the date that came into view made him stunned a little, and his mood became heavier.

"So...is this day coming soon again?"

"What's wrong, Ichigo?"

Rukia Kuchiki also arranged her clothes and got out of the cupboard. She looked at the expression on Kurosaki Ichigo's face that was different from usual and asked.

"No...it's nothing, let's go."

"It's really strange..."

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to answer, Kuchiki Rukia stopped asking questions, jumped out of the window and headed towards the school.

Kurosaki Ichigo also put on his backpack and quickly followed.

"Morning, Kurosaki!"

When Kurosaki Ichigo stepped into the classroom door, Inoue Orihime greeted him with a smile.


Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and responded with a bright smile on his face, "Good morning! Inoue!"

However, from this smile that was no different from usual, Inoue Orihime also noticed something unusual about Kurosaki Ichigo.

"What's wrong, Orihime?"

Xuan Hao looked at the smile gradually disappearing on his sister's face and asked with a frown.

"Hmm...it's nothing." Inoue Orihime shook her head, "Maybe it's my misunderstanding. I always feel that Kurosaki is a little too energetic today...as if he is trying to show off his strength?"

"Yes, today is really unprecedented." The classmates on the side also nodded and agreed, "Seeing Kurosaki's bright smile is scarier than watching a horror movie... After all, this guy usually looks fierce."


Arizawa Ryuki on the side seemed to realize something. He stood up and patted the table and asked, "What's today's date? Has anyone brought the time?"

"June 16th, what happened?"

"I see...no wonder."

When Ryuki Arizawa heard this date, the look on his face became sad.

"Orihime, if you have anything to do with Ichigo, do it today...that guy won't come to school tomorrow."

"What's going on? Tell me in detail."


Xuanhao pulled the chair closer and motioned Arizawa Ryuki to sit down and talk in detail.

Although he was not a psychiatrist so he was too lazy to take care of Kurosaki Ichigo's emotional problems, but for the sake of the smile on his sister's face, he still had to understand the situation a little bit.

"Ah...let me recall..."

Seeing this man's persistence, Arisawa Ryuki knew that he probably wouldn't be able to run away.

After all, this guy was the man who pinned Orihime against the wall on the first day he came here, and she didn't want to experience that feeling.

As for the karate you mentioned? Can that thing stand up to a ruthless man who held 'Kurosaki Ichigo''s head with one hand and dragged this school bully-like being up to the roof of the building?

"Let me think about it...when did he stop smiling-"

Arizawa Ryuki pondered and recalled.

As Kurosaki Ichigo's childhood friend, she, like Inoue Orihime, could detect the abnormality in the smile on Kurosaki Ichigo's face.

To be precise, she knew more clearly that that guy had stopped smiling from the bottom of his heart a long time ago.

The smile on his face on weekdays is all fake, but today, perhaps because of his mood, it was particularly obvious...

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