A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 555 548. Storm accompanied by awakening

Chapter 555 548. Storm accompanied by awakening

Everything began to become clear in Inoue Orihime's mind.

She finally began to understand the parts of Ichigo Kurosaki that she had wanted to touch before but could not understand no matter how hard she tried.

"So that's it... Kurosaki is really someone who can fight monsters... and I'm just an ordinary girl, can't I help?"

Inoue Orihime couldn't help sobbing, but she quickly wiped away her tears.

Because she remembered something more important.

If all this is true - then it is also true that Kurosaki is in danger now!

This is no longer a one in 10,000 possibility, but a confirmation of the fact that it is happening.

"Kurosaki is in danger!?"

Inoue Orihime looked around anxiously, as if she wanted to leave this inexplicable place.

"Don't worry, this place has no influence on the outside world. No matter how long it takes here, it will be the same time when you return outside."

Xuanhao signaled Inoue Orihime to calm down first, "And what Kurosaki Ichigo faced was not a monster, but a Hollow... To put it simply, it was the soul of a fallen human being. You should also have an impression, right? Your previous The appearance of my brother Inoue Hao."


Inoue Orihime nodded slightly. "So...what on earth do I do now?"

She recalled the previous scene. If the person in front of her was really the person who restored her brother to his original appearance at that time...

"Do you have any idea?"

"What do you think I brought you here for?"

Xuan Hao looked at the girl's helpless look and sighed slightly.

"Then what should I do now?" Inoue Orihime still seemed a little anxious.

"You kids... don't always think about asking others when you have questions, okay? And I've already answered this question for you from the beginning."

Xuan Hao's figure gradually faded away, and his voice became more and more distant.

The white surroundings seemed to be gradually dissipating like a thick fog.

Inoue Orihime stretched out her hand, trying to grab something, but found nothing.

The man suddenly appeared and disappeared, leaving only an ambiguous sentence echoing in her ears.

"It's not me telling you what to do now, but what you think you should do now. Be more determined, and my thoughts will become your weapon."


When Inoue Orihime reacted, she had already returned to the cliff edge of the mountain where she was before.

She looked around in confusion, but still couldn't see anything.

Behind her was Rukia Kuchiki's anxious shouting, which seemed to remind her of 'danger', but she had no idea where the so-called 'danger' was.


The Zanpakutō was blocked by the hard bone layer on Hollow's body.

"Hey, boy, is this your arrogance?"

Kyon grabbed Ichigo Kurosaki's Zanpakutō and taunted.

Although the god of death in front of me looks menacing, it is not impossible to deal with it as long as it takes it seriously.

"Stop blabbering and go to hell!"

Kurosaki Ichigo exerted force on his hand.

The anger in his heart acted as a catalyst, making his strength much higher than usual.

The blade sank into the opponent's hard skin bit by bit, and seemed to be able to cut him open very quickly.

"Stupid guy, this injury is nothing to me."

Xu looked at the Zanpakutō that was gradually sinking into his hard claws, and his eyes became more and more dangerous.

The god of death in front of him seemed to be blinded by anger, and he didn't understand the current situation at all!

"Do you know how many grim reapers like you have died at my hands?"


As he spoke, the claw that grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo's Zanpakutō suddenly extended and stabbed towards the opponent.

"Who cares about you!"

Kurosaki Ichigo roared angrily.

Although angry, he did not lose his mind.

Because at this moment, he just wanted to cut the guy in front of him into pieces.

Starting from the hands and feet, and then gradually dismembering, this is a revenge, a revenge that he has made up his mind from the moment he understands the truth!

So trying to distract him with words is a dream!


He flicked away the opponent's claws, and at the same time used the reaction force to distance himself to dodge. Several traces of blood appeared in the air. Kurosaki Ichigo narrowly avoided the thrust that could seriously injure him. Although there were some scratches, they did not reach the target. To the point where it can affect the battle.

Then, he suddenly moved forward again.

The huge Zanpakutō in his hand came through the air, making a fierce roar.


"Tsk." Xu looked at the exploding blade, his face full of displeasure.

This guy looks stupid and simple-minded, but I didn't expect that it's really hard to fool him. No... maybe it's not that it's not easy to fool, but the inexplicable hatred that makes it feel a little too intense, making the boy in front of him unable to listen to anything else except 'kill himself'.

But it really can't remember when it sinned against the god of death in front of it.

Do you remember how many pieces of bread you have eaten?

Dang Dang Dang——

The sound of rapid and intense hammering continued, and Xu's figure was forced to retreat continuously by the continuous violent slashes.

Kurosaki Ichigo used the simplest and purest way to suppress the Hollow in front of him.

Keep slashing! Slash hard!

No matter how hard the defense is, there will always be times when it cannot be stopped!

"Damn it!"

Kyon backed away while thinking about how to solve the situation at hand.

This God of Death is more difficult to deal with than the ones it has met before. The Gods of Death it has met in the past are either too weak and can be killed easily, or they are afraid of it and know how to retreat when difficulties are encountered. This is the first time I’ve met this annoying guy!

It will be very dangerous if you continue to be suppressed like this. You have to find a way to distract the other party!

Just when it was thinking, 'opportunity' came to the door.

Kurosaki Ichigo, who was only focused on fighting, did not notice the changes around him. There were more and more people. Just now there were only Yuuko and Natsuri, but now Soul, Kuchiki Rukia and Inoue Orihime are here.

He wasn't distracted by this, but Kyon did.

These humans who suddenly arrived here looked weaker than the last, they were simply perfect human shields!

What's even more coincidental is that among them there is a desperate human being running towards their direction inexplicably!

It's awesome! Xu's eyes became extremely dangerous, "Hey, Death, you haven't forgotten your job, right?"

"Of course, I will kill you!"

Kurosaki Ichigo brandished his sword with a ferocious expression.

The violent spiritual energy lingering on the long knife can be vaguely seen.


Xu looked in horror at the sudden burst of spiritual pressure and retreated violently.

This time it didn't dare to hit it hard like before.


Sure enough, the violent blade struck the ground, and the bursting spiritual power extended along the direction of the blade, leaving hideous traces on the ground.

This god of death seems to be getting stronger and stronger during the battle!

"Boy, I want to ask you - don't you care about the safety of those around you?"

Xu's voice was extremely gloomy, and his tone was full of threats.


After being reminded by the other party, Kurosaki Ichigo subconsciously noticed the surrounding situation.

He subconsciously turned around, and before he knew it, several people he knew had gathered around the fallen Youzi and Xia Li.

And among them, Orihime Inoue was running towards this direction for some reason, still calling his name.

He was so focused that he didn't hear it at all.


Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was distracted, a sound broke through the air.

He subconsciously turned his head again, holding the Zanpakutō tightly in his hand to resist the coming attack.

But to his surprise, Xu's figure passed him by, as if he didn't want to attack him at all!

"not good!"

"Hahahaha - stupid guy!"

Kurosaki Ichigo heard the wild laughter.

This Hollow did not take advantage of his distraction to attack, but chose an easier target!

There is no need to think about the choice between a madman holding a sharp knife in his hand and a defenseless woman looking around.


Dang Dang Dang——


Vaguely, Inoue Orihime seemed to hear such a sound, like the crisp sound of iron objects colliding with something.

Then, there was a violent roar.

"This is……"

Inoue Orihime turned her head sharply to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw a crack suddenly appeared on the empty ground there.

"Kurosaki, are you there!?"

Her eyes were fixed on the open space not far away, trying hard to see something.

But he still couldn't see anything, and he didn't even notice the danger approaching him.


There was a roar.

It was Kuchiki Rukia's anxious shout.

But Orihime Inoue, who was extremely focused, subconsciously ignored it.

At this moment, she just wanted to see everything in front of her clearly.

The sudden crack clearly reminded her that something was going on somewhere she couldn't see.

Xuan Hao's words seemed to be engraved in her mind, every word was clear and she could understand every word, but the connection was once again a bit confusing.

Strengthen your determination to protect someone and turn your thoughts into strength?

Is this something she can do just by thinking about it?

Although she is extremely confused, if this is the only way to solve the current dilemma, Inoue Orihime will do it!

Be firm, firm, and then firm.

Want to see, want to protect.

Inoue Orihime stared straight ahead.

Oncoming was a fierce wind, causing the orange hair to dance wildly in the air.

Her hair is a beautiful color, it's natural, like Kurosaki Ichigo's. If you think about it carefully, the two of them have a lot in common, such as having gotten into trouble because of their hair.

But the difference is that Kurosaki Ichigo has the ability to protect himself, but she... is always being protected.

"I've had enough of this..."

Suddenly, Inoue Orihime's eyes became fierce, and she was no longer as weak as a lamb. "Now, it's my turn to...protect!"

A glimmer of light that no one noticed shone in her hair.

It was a hair accessory given by her brother Inoue. At this moment, it looked like a blooming flower surrounded by dim light.

The next moment, the wind picked up.

More intense than the oncoming wind, the tornado-like wind spread around Inoue Orihime with the center at the center.

"Yes, that's it."

From a high place, Xuan Hao looked at the scene taking place and smiled happily.

Just now when he saw the sharp claws that were about to tear apart Inoue Orihime, he was already ready to rescue her. Fortunately, at the last moment, the girl woke up.

He didn't have high hopes at first. According to the original timeline, Inoue Orihime's awakening was definitely not now. But he still wanted to see if there was a chance, because all the conditions needed for awakening happened to be gathered at this moment.

The power hidden in Inoue Orihime is a power called 'Fushen Technique'.

Perfection Technique is the ability of 'love'. If you want to draw out such power, you need a 'carrier'. You must draw out the power of the object you love deeply as much as possible. You can extract the soul of the material and control it or change its form, or you can Understand it as the power of 'missing', turning imagination into reality through longing.

The 'carrier' held by Orihime Inoue is a relic from her brother, which is the first necessary condition.

Of course, having a carrier alone is not enough.

It is impossible for ordinary people to awaken and complete the art by their own power.

And Xuanhao didn't know enough about Wanxenju to be able to help.

According to common sense, he shouldn't gamble with Inoue Orihime's life, although he is sure that he can rescue her in time at the critical moment.

But people should always grow up on their own, and he can't protect this girl forever.

And now there is such a perfect opportunity.

The second condition that can help Inoue Orihime awaken the Complete Technique also happens to be here, and the distance is very close.

That is what is hidden in Kuchiki Rukia's body - 'Hengyu'.

Bengyu has self-awareness and can absorb and manifest the hearts of things that exist around itself, and can protect the host's body from death. When the host's ability reaches its limit or its life is threatened, Honkai can even destroy it. The quality evolves to the next level.

Although it sounds very tempting, Xuan Hao is not interested in Bengyu itself, but the parts that can be used can still be used a little bit.

For example, help the people he values ​​​​cross the threshold of the ‘real world’, and let them understand what the so-called ‘Complete Reality Technique’ is.

Although a little scary, everything seemed to go smoothly.



"This is……"

The sand and dust stirred up by the strong wind made it difficult for Rukia Kuchiki to open her eyes in the distance. She raised her hand to resist the wind and sand while trying to see clearly what happened.

Although her vision was blurry, she could clearly feel that Orihime Inoue was bursting with a wave of spiritual power that she had never seen before. The spiritual power was powerful and gentle, but it was difficult for her to understand.

"This is……"

Kurosaki Ichigo was forced back. When he saw Kyon attacking Orihime Inoue, he immediately raised his knife to rescue him, but his speed was still a moment too slow.

Just when he thought it was too late, the sudden strong wind forced him back.

Not just him, but the Hollow as well.

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