Chapter 62 56.3E Exam

"Then, why are you staring at me so much? Classmate Chu." Xuan Hao looked at Chu Zihang helplessly.

"Although it's a bit unreasonable, I want to know what techniques you used when running before." Chu Zihang asked with serious eyes.

"Chinese Kung Fu, classmate, as a Chinese, you have never heard of it, right?" Xuan Hao looked at Chu Zihang strangely.

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, and said inexplicably: "...It feels...a bit unscientific. I always thought it was just a legend."

"No, no, no, classmate, this is not the point. The point is, what kind of science are you talking about with a mixed race?" Xuan Hao raised his forehead.

"Okay, indeed..." Chu Zihang thought carefully, "I hope I can ask you for advice if I have the opportunity in the future."

"OK, no problem, let's talk about it when we have the chance." Xuan Hao waved his hand, "Then take my leave."

Have the opportunity? Who knows when it will be, he doesn't want to be stuck with a man all day long, it will have such a bad impact.

The physical test caused quite a stir, and I don’t know who spread the news again. Not long after the test was completed, the news that Xuan Hao broke the college record spread almost throughout the entire college, causing him to quickly become a favorite of the college. Man of the hour.

But there are also rumors that this new student completely ignored the exam rules and actually used the school staff to stop bullets and damaged all the guns used for the test, without giving him any face. He was made to seem very violent and had a bad reputation, so few people came forward to talk to him.

But it also made him feel happy and quiet these days.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day of the 3E exam.

The classroom decorated in European style was almost full of students at this time, leaving only one seat in the back row by the window.

Xuanhao opened the classroom door and found that he seemed to be almost late.

On the podium, there was already an old man standing on it, preparing to hand out test papers.

The old man motioned for him to come in and sit down quickly.

Xuan Hao nodded, walked to the only seat and sat down.

This classroom is very special. Xuanhao noticed it when he came in just now. Special materials were used to reinforce the walls inside and outside, and it seemed that all the students in class around it had been cleared away. It seems that this exam is really serious.

"I am the examiner of this exam, Guderian. There are still five minutes left before the exam starts. I will now start handing out test papers. After you get the test papers, please wait quietly for the exam to start." Professor Guderian glanced at the paper in his hand said the watch.

He put the test papers and pencils in his hands on the desks of each freshmen one after another, saying that he was an examiner. In fact, there was no need to invigilate the exam at all, because every test paper was a blank piece of paper, and it was impossible to have the same answer. He came here , just to cope with and deal with emergencies. After handing out the test papers, I will wait outside the classroom.

Xuanhao was not surprised when he got the test paper, but the other freshmen looked at Guderian with some doubts because they all got blank paper.

"You will naturally understand when the exam starts. The test papers have been distributed, and it is time for you to perform. During the exam, there are no other requirements except that you cannot leave the classroom." Professor Guderian said, opened the door and left Got out.

"Click." The door was locked.

A strange atmosphere began to permeate the classroom, and the freshmen looked at each other in confusion.

Xuan Hao raised his head and glanced at the wall clock on the wall behind the podium.

The minute hand jumped to the 12 position, and a burst of beautiful music began to play. Xuanhao didn't know much about music and couldn't hear what the music was, but as a mixed race, he could hear the spirit mixed in it.

"Oh, Emperor Yan Ling? That's it?"

The spirit tried to invade his mind and influence his thinking, but he didn't feel any pressure at all.

"'s really troublesome."

Xuan Hao shook his head. He had already expected that Emperor Yan Ling would not work on him. So the question is, he can't just sit in the classroom and be in a daze, right? Although he felt that with Fingel's guarantee and Angers' protection, he could pass the exam even if he handed in a blank paper.

But he looked around at the situation around him, and an inexplicable feeling of shame arose spontaneously. I often seem to be incompatible with everyone because I am not stupid enough. I am really ashamed.

The freshmen who were looking at the blank paper in confusion now have any confusion on their faces now? They all started convulsing like a bunch of lunatics and were still confused.

A pair of golden eyes lit up unconsciously, and they danced like crazy. The whole classroom was now like a madhouse.

Chen Motong stared at Bai Juan and wrote and drew on the white paper expressionlessly, but his shoulders really couldn't stop twitching and tears shed inexplicably from the corners of his eyes.

Even Chu Zihang, who usually had a paralyzed face, was now holding the test paper and slashing at it with a ferocious expression.

Seeing how excited these children were, Xuan Hao shook his head helplessly.

"Aren't you going to join them? I think it's quite interesting." A familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"Alas... Why did you, such a bastard, show up again? You are still haunted. It seems that nothing happened to you this time, right?" Xuan Hao's face turned cold and he turned his head expressionlessly.

At this time, a figure had already put his head to his ear, as if whispering in his ear.

Still can't see clearly.

"Do you dare to show your true face?" Xuan Hao said disdainfully.

"No, no, no, I have never hidden my face. In everyone's eyes, I have a different face. If you can't see clearly, it only means that you don't want to see anything." The man spread his hands helplessly , indicating that he is innocent.

"What do you want to do this time? If nothing happens, please leave. I don't want to see you." Xuan Hao's face was expressionless.

"It's so cold. I gave you eternity and strength, but you treat me like this." The man wiped the corners of his eyes, like a woman who was abandoned in the end.

"Hmph, if you don't accept it, you can take it back. I'm not begging you." Xuan Hao snorted coldly.

"Haha, that's so boring. I still want to continue watching you bring me pleasure." The man smiled, "Just like now..."

Xuan Hao's golden eyes lit up involuntarily, and it was not under his control at all.

In the monitoring room, Angers and several professors were staring at the situation in the classroom through the monitoring screen, but what he cared about most was only the one person on the screen.

"Should I say that he is worthy of being the student you personally selected?" Schneider stared at Angers dangerously. "Those eyes, even among the stars, can hardly cover up his brilliance."

Schneider glanced at the picture on the surveillance camera. The golden lights were like stars shining in the darkness, and at the end of the sea of ​​stars was the blazing sun. As the head of the executive department, of course he understood what such eyes meant.

It seems I finally got recommended? I thought this book was a waste... 嘤嘤嘤

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