Chapter 64 58. Forever 18

The library was silent late at night, and the man opened the door. There was no moon and no light tonight, and he could only vaguely see the outline of the man's strong figure.

The infrared camera hidden in the corner was pointed at this person, and the man's calm eyes were watching it silently. These were Norma's eyes. They could identify people through infrared rays, and if they were intruders, they would sound the alarm. The alarm was raised, but the alarm was not sounded, even though the man had a paper bag on his head.

He came deep into the basement, into a dark room full of wires.

There was a lounge chair, a small table, and an unopened bottle of vodka on the table. It seemed that it had been prepared long ago to welcome guests whom I had not seen for a long time.


The bottle cap was lightly opened, and the man was lying lazily on the chair. A blue figure was projected in front of him.

"You're here." The ethereal female voice contained a little tenderness.

"Yeah." The man raised his head and looked at the illusive girl in front of him.

The girl seemed to be enveloped in light blue fluorescence, wearing a thin gauze dress, looking at him with a smile.

"What's the reason for coming here this time?"

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?" The man covered his chest, looking very hurt, "You know, I only have you in my eyes."

"I can only see your eyes now." EVA stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to take off the paper bag on the man's head, but couldn't touch anything. "If I couldn't still see your eyes, I wouldn't let go at all. Come in, you obviously don’t need to wear this.”

"Well~ I'm not doing this to keep my work confidential." The man stretched out his hand and comforted the girl's illusory palm.

"Oh... help me check someone's information." The man put down his arm helplessly.


"Xuanhao, he is a new student. He has just entered school." The man's expression became serious.


"Sorry, I didn't find his information. It should be said that he didn't leave any useful information. His past is blank and it should have been deleted deliberately." EVA shook his head.

"As expected..." The man nodded, "Then, help me call up the monitoring of his physical test and 3E exam."


Two projections appeared in front of him.

In the video, he saw Xuanhao's speed when sprinting 100 meters, his reaction when faced with shooting, and his blazing golden eyes during the 3E exam.

"What a pair of scary eyes. Whether it's speed, explosiveness, or control of body strength, he looks like a monster. And he is also an unruly person. Whether it is dodge tests or his effortless destruction It looks like the entrance door of the examination room."

The man said, took a sip of vodka, turned to EVA beside him and asked, "What is your evaluation of him?"

"Are you referring to the results of the pedigree test?" EVA asked calmly.

"Yeah." The man nodded.

"He is very good, and the physical abilities he showed in the physical test even surpassed all previous records. If you look at this one result alone, there is no doubt that he is S-level. However, according to the scoring standards, I did not give him a score for his other projects. High score. Overall rating is B+.”

"'s not that low, right?"

The vodka in the man's mouth almost spurted out. He never expected that Xuan Hao's final score would be so low.

"It's because of his excellent performance in the first test that I can give this rating." The girl said with a chuckle.

"Then let me take a look at the answer sheet he submitted for the 3E exam. What kind of score would he need to be so bad?" The man held his forehead.

"He only drew one picture, which means he only answered one question." EVA's illusory fingers passed through the air, and a photo appeared in front of the man's eyes.

"I see..." The man looked at the picture in front of him, and a smile appeared on his lips under the paper bag.

"What? Do you like this picture very much?" The girl suddenly chuckled and said, she could see the smile in the corner of the man's eyes.

"Of course, this is also the scene I have been looking forward to for a long time. That old guy in Angers really didn't fool me."

The man looked back at the girl, with a pair of golden eyes burning with fire that could burn everything.

"Encrypt his exam data, give him the highest authority, and change his final rating to S."

The man took out a crumpled cigarette from his arms and lit it.

"If you do this, won't anyone hold you accountable?" The girl tilted her head.

"Oh, I am following orders this time."

The man blew out a smoke ring and said calmly.

The afternoon sun shines through the window onto the tea leaves.

The person holding the cup and making tea was an old man in a black suit. Boiling water was poured into the cup, and pieces of tea leaves were swimming in the water. If there were duckweeds with no place to anchor, a stream of white smoke rose up, like a The white crane stood on the duckweed, nodded to the old man, and soared away.

In the principal's office, listening to nostalgic music and watching Ange leisurely making tea, the past time seemed to come back before my eyes.

But some people can't calm down at all. Isn't the afternoon the best time to take a nap? Why are you here watching an old man make tea? Xuanhao was puzzled.

As for the rumor that the principal’s afternoon tea is an honor? What does it have to do with him? Didn't he come to drink tea with the lonely old man because of his favor?

"Drinking tea is a state of mind. It can purify the body and mind, filter out impetuousness, and allow people to settle down and meditate, and recall the good memories of the past."

"You think we have a good past?"

The old man handed the teacup in front of him: "Drink, this is your Chinese Tieguanyin. Although I have not learned the Chinese tea ceremony, but we have reached the same goal by different routes, it should be good in general."

Xuan Hao raised the tea cup and smelled it: "The tea is good tea, but you ask me to drink it just after it is brewed? What are your intentions?"

"Hahahaha," Angers smiled faintly, "I thought that with your abilities, you wouldn't be able to trouble yourself."

"I have never exercised my tongue." Xuan Hao curled his lips, "Ah, a new weakness has been added."

"Maybe you should find a girl to help you exercise?"

"Do you want me to find a boyfriend to train you? Damn old man!" Xuan Hao's forehead darkened. He had known that this over 100-year-old man was very sexy. He was a gentleman on the outside but also a gentleman on the inside.

"That's wrong. You should be a few years younger than me."

"Go away, labor and management are always 18 years old, thank you." Xuan Hao put down the teacup.

Angers returned to his chair and sat down. The tea set in his hand had been placed on the storage table far away and had even been cleaned.

"It's such a convenient ability. It can save a lot of time. 1,200 hours a day?"

Xuan Hao could only see Ange's movement back to the chair. He had no idea what he had done during this period. It was as if a period of time had been cut off in the middle, and he didn't notice it at all. He was somewhat envious of this ability.


Just looking at it makes the reward useless.

book friends

book friends

Qingfeng Ruofan


Maoyan Lingxin Reward

Yinfeng mountain breeze

Hey, what shame did I see?


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