A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 633 626. As we all know, medical troops are not to be messed with.

Chapter 633 Chapter 626. As we all know, medical troops are not to be messed with.

"Thank you for helping me out, Ishida."

Seeing that the troublesome Shinigami finally left, Inoue Orihime breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him.

"It's nothing, I'm just unhappy with that guy..."

Ishida Uryu shook his head slightly. If he didn't have time to deal with such low-class things now, he could turn this guy into a hedgehog.

"Hehe, anyway, it's going well so far."

Inoue Orihime chuckled and took out a small notebook from her arms. It recorded some information that they had interrogated when they were robbing the clothes of the two Shinigami. It was precisely because of this that they knew who the current Shinigami was. The Lingting is very dangerous and cannot be acted upon at will.

"According to what the two people just said, Miss Kuchiki is imprisoned in the highest tower."

As she spoke, Inoue Orihime raised her finger and pointed to the white tower high up.

"The Fourth Deep Prison of the Confession Palace." Uryū Ishida nodded slightly, "There were three terrifying waves of spiritual pressure coming from there just now. Two of them should be Kurosaki and Sadatari, and they have disappeared now... but the spiritual pressure Since the pressure difference was not big, since it was two against one, they should have won.”

"Well, Kurosaki must have arrived there safely!"

Inoue Orihime clenched her fists energetically, "Let's go there quickly!"

"Well... we really have to rush there quickly. After all, it should be one of the most heavily guarded places in Soul Society. If those two idiots break in first, we will probably mess things up..."

Ishida Uryu nodded slightly and followed the pace of Inoue Orihime.

"By the way, which division should we say we belong to? If we are asked such a question, it is better to be able to answer it immediately, right?"

"Hmm...it seems right..."

The two of them walked away while talking.

However, what they didn't know was that after they left here, the wall behind where they were standing suddenly bulged, and a strange figure emerged from it, and the pale wall dust fell off the figure.

If the Shinigami named Meiding was here, he would probably be scared to death when he saw this figure, because this is probably the most ruthless and perverted captain among the Thirteenth Gotei Team in the Seireitei, the captain of the Twelfth Team. ——Nirvana.

"Tsk, they are really a bunch of useless trash, they actually bother us captains to take action personally."

Nie Yuli looked gloomily at the direction where the two figures disappeared. He had seen the scene that just happened.


"Why? Why did you bring me back alone!?"

A roaring sound came from somewhere in a hidden underground space.

Kurosaki Ichigo pressed Yoruichi against the wall and asked with anger on his face.

"Of the people who stay there, I have the highest chance of survival! If you bring me back, isn't that guy Shiba dead?"


Facing Kurosaki Ichigo's questioning, Yoruichi slapped away the guy's arm holding his collar angrily.

"Idiot, you are too self-righteous, aren't you? Only you have the highest chance of surviving? No, only you are likely to die."

"What?" Kurosaki Ichigo was confused.


A muffled sound sounded.

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly felt his vision spinning, and when he reacted, he had been thrown to the ground.

"It seems like there is nothing to hide now."

Clapping his hands, Yoruichi sighed helplessly and explained: "Among the people there, Rukia Kuchiki is a prisoner. No one can touch her before execution. As for 'Shiba Iwajiu'? Are you worried about him? Completely redundant.”

"What's the meaning?"

Kurosaki Ichigo struggled to get up from the ground, but the wound on his abdomen suddenly felt a tearing pain. It seemed that his wound had opened due to the beating just now.

"Look, I'm telling you you're the one who's going to die. With such an injury, who do you think you can beat out there?"

Yoruichi looked down at the young man in front of him speechlessly, "Besides, idiot, the 'Shiba Iwajiu' you saw was not a Shiba Iwajiu at all, but the man named Xuanhao."


Kurosaki Ichigo looked confused.


Yoruichi shrugged helplessly, "I was surprised when I found out about this, but if I think about it carefully, it seems normal. That man treats Inoue Orihime as his own sister. How can he let this person rest assured?" The girl followed you idiots and came to Soul Society alone to die?"

"What you said... seems right?"

For some reason, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "Huh... If that's the case, then there's probably no need to worry, right?"


Yoruichi lectured angrily, "So do you know what you should do now? Take good treatment, and then I will make you strong in three days, strong enough to teach that self-righteous fool."

"Is it really possible?"

Kurosaki Ichigo slowly got up and asked in surprise.

"Strong enough to defeat that guy in three days?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Kurosaki Ichigo knew very well that what Yoruichi said was true. There was a gap between his strength and the two captains present at the time, but he couldn't figure out what the difference was. .

Obviously the difference in spiritual pressure is not exaggerated enough to determine the outcome, but why can't we win?

"Of course there is a way."

Yoruichi chuckled, "Boy, are you really stupid when I call you an idiot? Have you not discovered the difference between yourself and other Shinigami after going through so many battles in the Seireitei?"

"the difference?"

"For example, the form of the Zanpakutō."

Yoruichi pointed at the Zanpakutō behind his back.

"The shape of the sword...is that right!?"

At this mention, Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to react immediately.

Among the Shinigami he met who posed a threat to him, without exception, they were all those above the vice-captain level, including Renji Abarai, Kenpachi Zaraki and Byakuya Kuchiki.

Regardless of whether Zaraki Kenpachi is a pervert, the other two know the name of their Zanpakuto and can make it change its form when calling its name!

Kurosaki Ichigo slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō from his back and looked at it in a daze.

So why does my ‘Zangetsu’ look like this from beginning to end?

That's right, his Zangetsu has always looked like this since he first called out his name and awakened as a Shinigami. No matter how he called out his name, it would never change.

"Have you finally discovered it?"

Yoruichi said with some disdain, "The Zanpakutō usually carried by the Shinigami is in its original form. It will only be 'liberated' when its name is called. We call this 'initial release' , and your 'Zangetsu'... seems to have been in the state of 'initial release' when you awakened as a Shinigami. This is also the reason why you can still compete with Abarai Renji after his initial release, After all, your Zangetsu is originally on the same level as Shebimaru after he released his power."

"I see..." Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly looked like he had a sudden realization, "I thought my Zangetsu was simply different from others in form. So it turned out to be because he was in the 'first release' state all the time? But... ...If that's the case, why am I still a lot worse than my paralyzed face?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do next."

Yoruichi chuckled, "Actually, there is more than one stage to the liberation of the Zanpakutō. The first stage is called the first stage. Mastering the first stage is a necessary condition for becoming my deputy captain... But to become the captain, you must master the second stage. Liberation, we call it - Swastika."


Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned for a moment, but soon felt that something was wrong, "Wait! Then if it is a necessary condition... why is that guy Zaraki Kenpachi still the captain even though he doesn't even know the name of the Zanpakutō? ?”


Faced with this problem, Ye Yiyi was speechless for a while, "In short, you can understand that he is an exception."


"That's right, that guy is a perverted exception." Yoruichi explained with a headache, "In the thousands of years of Soul Society's long history, not only did he not learn the 'Swastika', he even came to use his own Zanpakutō. There are only two guys who don’t even know their names and can’t even do it, but still become the vice-captain or even the captain.”

"Which two?" Kurosaki Ichigo was a little curious.

"One is naturally Zaraki Kenpachi! As for the other..."

Yoruichi had an even worse headache.

Is there another one she can say?

The person who told her about the forgotten true history that her best friend Shiba Kuzuru told her was also the person who made her feel most powerless.

Speaking of which, these two guys seemed to know the guy in front of them.

"Anyway, I can only tell you that he is the vice-captain of the Fourth Division."

In the end, Yoruichi chose not to tell the fool in front of him. After all, knowing this history is not a good thing, just like himself...if he didn't know this kind of thing, he probably wouldn't be so afraid of that man, right?

"Team 4?" Ichigo Kurosaki was stunned, "Oh, you mean the medical unit where Hanataro is? That's okay. It seems that the entry threshold for the medical unit is quite low? Lian Shi explained Don’t need any?”


After hearing this, the corner of Yoruichi's mouth twitched.

Let’s leave aside the vice-captain for now. Because of someone, this position has been vacant since the millennium. No one in Seireitei except the captain knows the reason, and the thoughts of ordinary team members may be no different from Kurosaki Ichigo. It is just a medical unit and does not require a deputy captain. Even the captain only needs to be beautiful and beautiful.

But are the medical troops really that weak?

As beautiful as a flower? This word should not be used to describe the woman who was once dubbed 'Kenpachi' and 'the most evil person in Soul Society'.

The Fourth Division has never been a simple medical unit since a thousand years ago. Both the captain and the vice-captain are the most ruthless of ruthless people.

"Anyway... I advise you to go around when you meet people from Division 4..."

"Huh? Why? Hanataro is obviously a very nice person..." Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head in confusion.

But Yoruichi did not continue to explain: "Okay, let's continue talking about the 'Swastika'. Don't you want to settle the score with that facial paralysis?"

"Of course I do!"

When he mentioned this, Kurosaki Ichigo immediately threw all other questions behind him.

"Then try to master the 'Swastika' within three days." Ye Yiyi nodded, thinking that such a simple guy is so easy to fool, "The same Zanpakutō, in the 'Haiji' and 'Swastika' In this state, the difference in combat ability depends on personal qualifications and training levels... usually the difference is five to ten times."

"Ten... ten times?!"

Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to only pay attention to the maximum value, and the expression on his face became more and more excited.

"Yes, it's amazing, isn't it? That's why there is such a big gap between you and that guy. But this gap is not for nothing. Usually, from 'Shijie' to 'Swastika', except for some guys with incredible qualifications, In addition, even talented people need to spend more than ten years training to achieve this. During the training, as the spiritual pressure increases, the 'Hai Jie' will become stronger until it reaches the bottleneck of 'Swastika'. And break through it... Because of this, Kuchiki Byakuya, who has mastered the 'Swastika', will not be just a tiny bit different from you in the 'Hajikaku'."

"More than ten years..." Cold sweat broke out on Kurosaki Ichigo's forehead after hearing this, "But didn't you mean..."

"Yes, although it is very risky, I want you to master the 'Swastika' in three days."

As he spoke, Yoruichi's expression gradually became serious.


Ichigo Kurosaki looked at the other person's expression and swallowed.

He had an ominous premonition, oh no, this was probably not a premonition... In the next three days, he felt that he would be even harder than when he was training with Urahara Kisuke.


On the other side, Ishida Uryū and Inoue Orihime still didn't know what was going on with the others, and they were still moving cautiously towards the Palace of Confession.

Although Ishida Uryu thought that with the current strength of himself and Inoue, he probably didn't need to be so cautious, he still chose to cooperate with the girl next to him.

It is true that this girl may be stronger than herself, but she is just simply strong. The biggest problem is that this girl is not suitable for fighting.

This has nothing to do with strength, it is entirely due to character.

He understands why this is so.

Because unlike these men, this girl was obviously just an ordinary girl who was so kind that she couldn't bear to step on an ant not long ago. How could it be possible that she was suddenly asked to pick up a butcher's knife and actually fight with others?

If she is too strong, she may only hurt herself and her companions if she is allowed to fight.

"Everything is going well...if we continue to move forward cautiously..."

Orihime Inoue lowered her head and muttered this while running.


In this regard, Ishida Uryu just remained silent.

It was obvious that just as he thought, this girl was not really ready to embark on the battlefield.

He seemed to understand why the man would be willing to throw this girl into such a cruel battlefield.

If you are too kind, it will be difficult to survive in this cruel world.

She must change.

But would it be too cruel?

Ishida Uryu became more and more confused.

He understands, but the biggest problem is that considering the girl's mood, he can't think of any way to make this girl adapt to this cruel world without being hit. After much deliberation, it seems that he can only do everything first. Not anymore.

"Hello!? You two!"

Just as the two of them were running absentmindedly, a voice came from behind and stopped them.

"Are you going to be questioned again?"

The two stopped and looked at each other.

"Let's go as agreed..."

After confirming, they turned around and looked at the God of Death coming towards them.

This god of death was holding a wine flask in his hand and seemed to be swaying as he walked.

Seeing such a scene, Ishida Uryu frowned slightly.

Is there anyone secretly drinking in this level one alert state? Although this was indeed a good thing for intruders like them, it had to be said... these gods of death really made him angry.

"Which division are you from!? What are you doing here?"

This god of death walked unsteadily and looked drunk, but the questions he asked were unexpectedly sharp.

"We are...the 10th...11th Squadron..."

Inoue Orihime and Ishida Uryu answered hesitantly.

I feel ashamed to say that I have never considered this kind of thing before. When they tortured the two Shinigami whose clothes they took away, they forgot to ask which division they belonged to. In fact, the most correct way is to connect the names of the two people. Asked them all, and then when faced with the cross-examination, they could even use the excuse "we are newcomers and know these two seniors" to get close to each other.


The god of death had a puzzled expression on his face after hearing this, and he staggered closer.

He looked at their faces carefully, then pulled up the collar of Inoue Orihime's coat, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"It's really strange... I'm also from the 11th Division, but this is the first time I've seen someone in our 11th Division who is responsible for fighting being so idiotic that he doesn't even carry a Zanpakutō! And, you... The team insignia printed on the clothes seems to be from the 12th Division? How do you want to explain it? Who...are you?"



Ishida Uryu's forehead was covered with sweat.

The two of them made two fatal mistakes. First, they casually reported the names of each division without considering the characteristics of each division. Second, they did not know that there were actually team insignias on the uniforms! If I had known earlier, when I was snatching clothes, I should have asked those two guys which division they were from!

Facing the soul torture of the God of Death in front of them, the two of them became tense.

If you can't get through it...then you can only use violence to solve the problem. Anyway, there is only one person in this guy.

But just as the two were about to subdue the god of death in front of them, a bunch of god of death suddenly appeared.

what to do?

Inoue Orihime cast a questioning look at Ishida Uryu.

Ishida Uryu slowly stepped forward.

If you are facing so many Shinigami at the same time, it seems that simply subduing them may not be feasible.

Get ready to face the cruelty of this world...

He cast a helpless look at Inoue Orihime, and the hand hidden under his sleeve began to prepare to condense the spirit.

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