Chapter 642 635. Different fates

At the same time, almost the same scene as on the ground was taking place in the training ground deep underground under Shuangshou Hill.

They are also young men covered in bruises, and they are also almost invincible enemies. The long knives they hold tightly in their hands have long been shattered, but this does not prevent them from wanting to stand up and continue fighting.

"Do you still want to stand up and continue? Ichigo."

‘Zangetsu’ asked expressionlessly as he stood in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Even you still dare to clamor to save Rukia? Renji."

Byakuya Kuchiki stood in front of Renji Abarai with the same expressionless expression.



The blade paused next to the ears of the two people. Listening to the whistling sound of the knife that seemed to make people fear and give up, bright smiles appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Even breathing seemed difficult for their exhausted bodies, and the spiritual pressure seemed to be burning to turn them into ashes. Now... they couldn't even move a finger.

The despairing gap is so cruelly placed in front of us.

But even so, so what?

Do you still need to think about the answer to the question?


The young man answered almost in unison, and the burned out spiritual pressure began to boil again like Nirvana. This soul movement that seemed to be burning life was surprising.

"What?" Kuchiki Byakuya and 'Zangetsu' asked.

"I swore..."

The figures of the two teenagers seemed to overlap at this moment, and they screamed at the top of their lungs from their souls.

"We must rescue her...with our own hands..."

"You said...swear? To whom?"

"Not to anyone...but to my own soul!"


A shattering sound sounded, as if breaking free from restraints, and the spiritual pressure rising into the sky disappeared in a flash.

Kurosaki Ichigo stood up.

He slowly stroked the broken Zanpakuto blade in his hand, and there were countless blades stuck in the mountains and fields around him.

Zangetsu is one of them, and every one of them can be Zangetsu.

A smile appeared on the boy's face.


Kurosaki Ichigo roared and held the blade, his spiritual pressure rising in his palm, wrapping the entire blade and lengthening it.

When the light dissipated, a dark thin sword appeared in his hand.

Swastika solution·The sky lock cuts the moon.


His figure disappeared from the spot like a breeze, at a speed that even he himself could not imagine.


When Kurosaki Ichigo's figure reappeared, he and the 'Zangetsu' who appeared through the spiritual tool had already passed each other.

A faint smile appeared on the face of 'Zangetsu' who had his back to Ichigo Kurosaki. The dark shadow slowly dissipated in the wind, leaving only the severed puppet.

Renji Abarai stood up.

The lightsaber that restrained him was scattered by the surging spiritual pressure and turned into fragments all over the sky like petals stained with blood and withered.

The blood bloomed in the sun. Byakuya Kuchiki did not draw his sword, but the original wound on Renji Abarai's body burst open, just like the broken sword he touched the target. The outcome was determined from the beginning, and the scarred Men and scarred knives can't defeat anyone.

Kuchiki Byakuya stared silently at the broken knife that touched his chest but could not penetrate even a single inch.

This is a knife with no power, but it makes people feel extremely heavy.

Kuchiki Byakuya was slightly stunned.

It wasn't because of the other party's strength, it was just that he was shocked by the realization that penetrated his soul.

The blood-stained will is redder than roses and whiter than lilies.

I see... Do you really want to reach her?

This realization has indeed been received.

"I can not be reconciled……"

Abarai Renji finally lost his strength and fell down.

But Kuchiki Byakuya just watched this scene calmly.

He untied the white silk around his neck and covered the fallen boy, "It's amazing. Your fangs have indeed touched me."


"Love... times..."

Kuchiki Rukia, who was being escorted to Shuangshou Hill, suddenly felt a slight pause in the footsteps of the reiatsu who disappeared not far away.

"Isn't it? That idiot...didn't he promise not to mess around?"

She had not been able to identify who the unusually powerful spiritual pressure belonged to before, but when the spiritual pressure dissipated, she finally realized that it was Renji Abarai.

The movement of the soul not far away is slowly weakening, which is a sign that life is disappearing.

Kuchiki Rukia stopped and subconsciously wanted to move closer in that direction, but was held down by the person escorting her.

"You can't do this, Rukia."

A joking voice came from the front.

Kuchiki Rukia suddenly looked up when she heard the creepy voice.

Why is this man here? She doesn't quite understand.

"Good morning. How are you feeling today?"

The man said hello as if nothing had happened.

But in the eyes of Kuchiki Rukia at this moment, this attitude is more like irony.

Asking a prisoner about his mood, this guy can't figure it out?


"What Ichimaru Gin... I want to call him Captain Ichimaru."

Ichimaru Gin chuckled, "Your tone is still the same as usual, rude. If you keep doing this, be careful of being scolded by your eldest brother~"


Kuchiki Rukia frowned slightly, "I'm sorry, Ichimaru...Captain..."

"Haha, I'm joking, I won't complain to your brother." Ichimaru Gin couldn't help laughing when he saw Kuchiki Rukia admitting her mistake, "Don't take it to heart, it will affect our relationship."

Is the relationship between us... very good?

Kuchiki Rukia frowned more and more.

She doesn't like this man.

Shortly before she joined the Gotei 13, her eldest brother became the captain of the sixth division. At the same time, this man also became the captain of the third division.

When she and her eldest brother were walking together, for some reason, whenever she met this man, he would always come up to say hello.

In the eyes of others, this was just a casual chat between the captains, and the content of the conversation was very casual, but the way this man looked at him...

Yes, for some reason, she felt that this man was scary from the first day she saw him. His fingers, lips, and even the subtle changes in his eyes, everything looked like a poisonous snake to her. Conveying letters usually makes people feel intimidated. Although the person talking to this man is the eldest brother, she always feels like someone is holding her throat every time, and she doesn't even dare to blink.

In short, she just can't like this man.

The poisonous gas dissolved the small cracks in daily life, and unknowingly penetrated deep into it like a chronic poison. From this man, she felt such fear.

I don't know why, but from the beginning there was a force in her heart that rejected everything related to this man. This point has not changed at all and has even become more deeply rooted in her bones after talking to this man several times.

"Captain Ichimaru...why are you here?" Rukia Kuchiki asked cautiously.

"Huh? Actually, it's nothing. I just went out for a walk and teased you by the way."

Ichimaru Gin smiled, squinting his eyes slightly like a fox, looking a little penetrating.

"It's you, is everything okay? You seemed very nervous from just now? Did something happen? Oh, I see, are you worried about your companions who came to save you? What he seems like he still has breath. .What is his name...Abarai?"


Having seen through her thoughts, Kuchiki Rukia's pupils shrank sharply, "You..."

"But it seems that death is not far away," Ichimaru Gin teased with narrowed eyes, "It's so pitiful. He ended up like this just to save you. Do you need me to help him?"

"What...what exactly do you want to do?"

"Aren't I asking you?"

Ichimaru Gin approached slowly, stretched out his hand to touch Kuchiki Rukia's head, and said with a smile, "How about it? If I want, I can not only save him, but I can even rescue you from here right away."

"Ichi...Captain Ichimaru! You...what did you just say?"

The few people escorting Lucia looked panicked when they heard this.

The way the man in front of him spoke didn't look funny at all. If this guy really did something here... they wouldn't be able to stop him no matter what.

Kuchiki Rukia's eyes were also full of surprise.

What on earth is this man talking about? She was sure that this guy was definitely not on her side, so why did she say such a thing? Is there any benefit to the other person in saving yourself?


"Do not make jokes."

Kuchiki Rukia calmed down and her eyes became cold.

"I...we don't need you to rescue us."

Yes, there was no need for this man's charity at all. The outcome was doomed from the beginning.

"Is's really boring..."

Ichimaru Gin took his hand away without interest, "If you don't cooperate, I won't be able to tease you."

"Sure enough... you are playing tricks on me."

The expression on Kuchiki Rukia's face was extremely calm, and she did not look like a person who was about to die.

"Tsk, tsk, then say goodbye, Rukia."

Ichimaru Gin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the expression of the girl in front of him.

This is really interesting. Do you need to report to that guy Aizen? This girl... doesn't seem to be afraid at all, so where does such confidence come from?

Well~ forget it, this seems to be quite interesting.

"We...see you again."

With that said, Ichimaru Gin waved his hand, turned and left with a smile.


After Kuchiki Byakuya left, only the fallen Renji Abarai was left on the ground.

A figure suddenly appeared, and he looked down with some sigh at the bruised boy lying on the ground.

"Same boy, different fate."

Xuanhao squatted down gently and stretched out his hand. Under the influence of his power, the wounds on Renji Abarai's body were restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How can a struggling person lose to something as boring as fate?"

Compared to the cheating idiot Kurosaki Ichigo, the young man in front of him who worked hard all the way may need more help.

"Now that the will is enough, all that is missing is the matching strength."




Zaraki Kenpachi and Niryuuri turned their heads and looked into the distance with interest.

There was a powerful spiritual pressure there that burst out briefly and then disappeared.

"This spiritual pressure is very strange~" Nirvana smiled with interest.

"Yes, I don't know who it is, but it looks like the fighting was very tragic." Zaraki Kenpachi also had a trace of arc on his face.

"Yeah, is he dead? What a pity." The smile on Nie Shuli's face became more and more weird.

"Isn't this better?" Zaraki Kenpachi also smiled ferociously, "An exciting festival is about to be held, and something must be used to commemorate it, don't you think?"


What answered him was a sharp blade.

Tōsen Kaname's body arrived in front of Zaraki Kenpachi almost instantly, and the sharp blade in his hand cut him down mercilessly.


Kenpachi Zaraki resisted the slash with his sword in front of him, with a crazy smile on his face, "Is it just this little power? Is it already your full strength? It's really disappointing! Is it because you are scared? Are you so brave that you can’t work hard!? You’re a waste!”


The powerful force struck instantly, causing Dong Xian to fly backwards and smash through the wall behind him.


Zaraki Kenpachi stepped forward and followed closely, with a wanton smile on his face.

"Tsk, how barbaric."

Niryuuri looked at Zaraki Kenpachi, who was chasing Tosen to chop him down, and curled his lips with a look of disdain. Then he turned to look at the big man in front of him, "What are you looking at? Do you want to attack as savagely as they do?" Come here? You’re a shameless guy!”

"Are you trying to piss me off? Nirvana."

Komamura Zuozhen's tone was mixed with anger, "Then maybe you succeed. I'm not as easy to mess with as Tosen. Your arrogant attitude will make you pay a heavy price!"

"Swastika - Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King Ming!"

Huge spiritual pressure emerged from Komamura's left formation, and a huge figure slowly stood up behind him. It was a god-like figure, and a dark shadow enveloped Niryuri's entire body.

"Get ready to take the attack! Nirvana!" Komamura Zuozhen raised his arm and waved the blade in his hand, while the huge figure behind him did the same action as him, "I will use absolute power to crush you!"


Nirvana chuckled, "Then let's see who gets crushed first, right? Open your claws! Kill Ksitigarbha."

"Swastika - the golden scourge kills Ksitigarbha!"

An equally huge behemoth emerged behind Nirvana. It was a strange creature with a huge golden baby head and huge gray eyeballs. It had a ring like an angel's halo on its head, and several highly poisonous weapons protruding from the bottom of its neck. Below the deadly blade is a ferocious body like a centipede.

From the moment it appeared, the surroundings began to be filled with thick poisonous mist.

"Please, you have to crush me? Don't let me eat you first!"

An almost crazy and ferocious smile appeared on Nie Yuli's face.

The next moment, two mammoth figures collided violently. Poisonous mist spread around them. The sharp blades were entangled in a fight like the fangs of ferocious beasts. A huge roar almost resounded throughout the Seireitei. Everyone You can feel the faint vibrations coming from the ground, as if ancient giant beasts are fighting to the death.

On the other side, feeling that Komamura has been defeated, Tōsen Kaname also realizes that a quick victory is necessary.

He stopped and faced the crazy man in front of him. The long knife flipped in his hand, and his spiritual pressure began to increase.

"Zaraki are indeed a dangerous guy."

"Huh? Are you complimenting me? Hahahaha!" Zaraki Kenpachi smiled and twisted his neck, looking excited.

Of course he could feel the spiritual pressure rising on the opponent's body, which would be interesting!

Tosen Kaname did not answer Zaraki Kenpachi's question, but said to himself: "There are three ways to become the captain of the Gotei 13. The first way is to include the chief captain, Pass the team leader test under the witness of more than three captains. The second method is to be recommended by more than six captains and recognized by more than three of the remaining seven captains. The last method... is to pass the team leader test under the witness of more than two hundred team members. Alas, duel the current captain and defeat him.”

"Of course I know this, so what?" Zaraki Kenpachi was a little confused.

"I...ever since the day you killed the former captain of the 11th Squadron and took over, I have had a very uneasy premonition. 'This guy is a demon, devouring violence, sucking blood...very different from us, we cannot let him stay. Here, one day this guy will destroy the peace of the Gotei 13."

Tōsen Kaname twirled the Zanpakutō in his hand and said calmly, "This is indeed the case now. You betrayed us and went to help those traveling troublemakers, hoping to put the Seireitei into an even more unfavorable situation. In my opinion—— It's just because you want more fighting, right? Right, Zaraki Kenpachi."

"Haha, I didn't expect you to understand me quite well?"

Zaraki Kenpachi smiled with his Zanpakutō on his shoulder, "Then you should know that I am not very patient. If you want to deal with me, can the preparations go faster!? I don't care if you are self-righteous or not. You want to say that you are a messenger of justice, but this has nothing to do with me! Come on! No need to beat around the bush! Let go and fight with me! Use your 'Swastika' quickly! It would be great if you can get rid of me. !”

"As expected...I can't forgive a guy like you!"

There was finally a hint of anger in Tōsen Kaname's tone, and the spiritual pressure on his body finally climbed to its peak, "Your words and deeds destroyed the peace we built! You and I have no hatred, but... for the sake of peace, I must Get rid of you!"

"The solution to the swastika - the final form of clearing the insect, Yama Cricket."

Suddenly, a dark spherical barrier unfolded with Tosen Kaname and Zaraki Kenpachi as the center, completely covering the two of them.

The shrouded Zaraki Kenpachi didn't know why, but he suddenly stood there as if he was stupid.

"Are you surprised? This is my swastika. The whole space is..."

Tōsen Kaname walked slowly with his Zanpakutō in hand, and came to Zaraki Kenpachi as if nothing had happened, but Zaraki Kenpachi remained motionless as if he didn't feel anything.

"How's it going? Zaraki? Even you can't imagine it, right? Even though I said this... you shouldn't be able to hear anything, right?" Tōsen Kaname came up behind Zaraki Kenpachi and waved The knife stirs blood.


The moment the words fell, blood suddenly burst on Zaraki Kenpachi's body.

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